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On-chip coupled interconnect lines are modelled using measured S-parameters. The physical consistency between single and coupled line model parameters are maintained in the proposed methodology. The SPICE compatible model is validated in both the frequency and the time domain using copper and ultra low-kappa coupled interconnects.  相似文献   

On-chip interconnect delay and crosstalk noise have become significant bottlenecks in the performance and signal integrity of deep submicrometer VLSI circuits. A crosstalk noise model for both identical and nonidentical coupled resistance-inductance-capacitance (RLC) interconnects is developed based on a decoupling technique exhibiting an average error of 6.8% as compared to SPICE. The crosstalk noise model, together with a proposed concept of effective mutual inductance, is applied to evaluate the effectiveness of the shielding technique.  相似文献   

The performance of high density chips operating in the GHz range is mostly affected by on-chip interconnects. The interconnect delay depends on many factors, a few of them are inputs toggling patterns, line & coupling parasitics, input rise/fall time and source/load characteristics. The transition time of the input is of prime importance in high speed circuits. This paper addresses the FDTD based analysis of transition time effects on functional and dynamic crosstalk. The analysis is carried out for equal and unequal transition times of coupled inputs. The analysis of the effects of unequal rise time is equally important because practically, it is quite common to have mismatching in the rise time of the signals transmitting through different length wires. To demonstrate the effects, two distributed RLC lines coupled inductively and capacitively are taken into consideration. The FDTD technique is used because it gives accurate results and carries time domain analysis of coupled lines. The number of lumps in SPICE simulations is considered the same as those of spatial segments. To validate the FDTD computed results, SPICE simulations are run and results are compared. A good agreement of the computed results has been observed with respect to SPICE simulated results. An average error of less than 3.2% is observed in the computation of the performance parameters using the proposed method.  相似文献   

目前,片上系统(SOC)的制造技术已经进入了深亚米时代,然而片上系统内部信号传输线发生串扰而导致系统功能失效的可能性却大大增加了.在这种情况下,对串扰进行估计就显得十分重要.本文针对已有Devgan串扰模型的不足,提出了一种简单有效的串扰估计模型,并对该模型的估计效果和HSPICE的仿真结果进行了比较.  相似文献   

A time-domain full-wave method for the extraction of broadband equivalent circuit parameters of symmetrical coupled interconnection lines on chips is presented. This method is based on the two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method. After determination of the even and odd mode propagation constant γ and characteristic impedance Z c of the lines, the RLGC matrices per unit length can be obtained. Many techniques are proposed and used during the time-domain analysis to improve the efficiency. The circuit parameters extracted can be inserted into circuit simulation software to investigate the time-domain responses of high-speed integrated circuits on chips. The reliability of this method is verified by its applications to typical problems.  相似文献   

With the continuous advancement of semiconductor technology,the interconnects crosstalk has had a great influence on the performances of VLSI circuits.To date,most of the research about the interconnects of VLSI circuits focus on the voltage-mode signaling (VMS) scheme while the current-mode signaling (CMS) scheme is rarely analyzed.First of all,an equivalent circuit model of two-line coupled interconnects is presented in this paper, which is applicable to both the CMS and VMS schemes.The coupling capacitive and mutual inductive are taken into account in the equivalent circuit model.Secondly,the output noise of CMS and VMS schemes are investigated in the paper according to the decoupling technique andABCD parameter matrix approach at local level,intermediate level and global level,respectively.Moreover,the experimental results show that the CMS interconnects have lesser noise peak,noise width and noise amplitude than the VMS interconnects in the same cases,and the CMS scheme is especially suitable for the global interconnects communication of VLSI circuits.It is found that the results obtained by ABCD parameter matrix approach are in good accordance with the simulation results of the advanced design system.  相似文献   

介绍了一种测量电感的新方法,以RLC串联谐振电路为基础,将待测电感与电阻、电容串联起来组成RLC振荡电路;当电路达到谐振状态时,当电容已知,可得待测电感的值。此方法测量原理简单,操作方便,测量结果精确度较高,值得推广。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a compact on-chip interconnect model for full-chip simulation. The model consists of two components, a quasi-three-dimensional (3-D) capacitance model and an effective loop inductance model. In the capacitance model, we propose a novel concept of effective width (W/sub eff/) for a 3-D wire, which is derived from an analytical two-dimensional (2-D) model combined with a new analytical "wall-to-wall" model. The effective width provides a physics-based approach to decompose any 3-D structure into a series of 2-D segments, resulting in an efficient and accurate capacitance extraction. In the inductance model, we use an effective loop inductance approach for an analytic and hierarchical model construction. In particular, we show empirically that high-frequency signals (above multi-GHz) propagating through random signal lines can be approximated by a quasi-TEM mode relationship, leading to a simple way to extract the high-frequency inductance from the capacitance of the wire. Finally, the capacitance and inductance models are combined into a unified frequency-dependent RLC model, describing successfully the wide-band characteristics of on-chip interconnects up to 100 GHz. Non-orthogonal wire architecture is also investigated and included in the proposed model.  相似文献   

本文建立了一种考虑电感耦合效应的两相邻耦合互连模型,基于传输函数直接截断的方法给出了其互连串扰的解析表达式.讨论了该解析公式在局部互连和全局互连两种情况下的应用,其结果相对于HSPICE的误差小于10%.它可以用于考虑串扰效应的版图优化.  相似文献   

An efficient extraction and modeling methodology for self and mutual inductances within multiconductors for on-chip interconnects is investigated. The method is based on physical layout considerations and current distribution on multiple return paths, leading to loop inductance and resistance. It provides a lumped circuit model suitable for timing analysis in any circuit simulator, which can represent frequency-dependent characteristics. This novel modeling methodology accurately provides the mutual inductance and resistance as well as self terms within a wide frequency range without using any fitting algorithm. Measurement results for single and coupled wires within a multiconductor system, fabricated using 0.13 and 0.18 /spl mu/m CMOS technologies, confirm the validity of the proposed method. Our methodology can be applicable to high-speed global interconnects for post-layout as well as prelayout extraction and modeling.  相似文献   

A highly accurate closed-form approximation of frequency-dependent mutual impedance per unit length of a lossy silicon substrate coplanar-strip IC interconnects is developed. The derivation is based on a quasi-stationary full-wave analysis and Fourier integral transformation. The derivation shows the mathematical approximations which are needed in obtaining the desired expressions. As a result, for the first time, we present a new simple, yet surprisingly accurate closed-form expression which yield accurate estimates of frequency-dependent mutual resistance and inductance per unit length of coupled interconnects for a wide range of geometrical and technological parameters. The developed formulas describe the mutual line impedance behaviour over the whole frequency range ( i.e. also in the transition region between the skin effect, slow wave, and dielectric quasi-TEM modes). The results have been compared with the reported data obtained by the modified quasi-static spectral domain approach and new CAD-oriented equivalent-circuit model procedure.  相似文献   

Compact physical models are presented for on-chip double-sided shielded transmission lines, which are mainly used for long global interconnects where inductance effects should not be ignored. The models are then used to optimize the width and spacing of long global interconnects with repeater insertion. The impacts of increasing line width and spacing on various performance parameters such as delay, data-flux density, power dissipation and total repeater area are analysed. The product of data-flux density and reciprocal delay per unit length are defined as a figure of merit (FOM). By maximizing the FOM, the optimal width and spacing of shielded RLC global interconnects are obtained for various international technology roadmap for semiconductors (ITRS) technology nodes.  相似文献   

As very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit speeds and density continue to increase, the need to accurately model the effects of three-dimensional (3-D) interconnects has become essential for reliable chip and system design and verification. Since such models are commonly used inside standard circuit simulators for time or frequency domain computations, it is imperative that they be kept compact without compromising accuracy, and also retain relevant physical properties of the original system, such as passivity. In this paper, we describe an approach to generate accurate, compact, and guaranteed passive models of RLC interconnects and packaging structures. The procedure is based on a partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC)-like approach to modeling the impedance of interconnect structures accounting for both the charge accumulation on the surface of conductors and the current traveling in their interior. The resulting formulation, based on nodal or mixed nodal and mesh analysis, enables the application of existing model order reduction techniques. Compactness and passivity of the model are then ensured with a two-step reduction procedure where Krylov-subspace moment-matching methods are followed by a recently proposed, nearly optimal, passive truncated balanced realization-like algorithm. The proposed approach was used for extracting passive models for several industrial examples, whose accuracy was validated both in the frequency domain as well as against measured time-domain data.  相似文献   

Proposes two practical approaches for on-chip inductance extraction to obtain a highly sparsified and accurate inverse inductance matrix K. Both approaches differ from previous methods in that they use circuit characteristics to obtain a sparse, stable and symmetric K, using the concept of resistance-dominant and inductance-dominant lines. Specifically, they begin by finding inductance-dominant lines and forming initial clusters, followed by heuristically enlarging and/or combining these clusters, with the goal of including only the important inductance terms in the sparsified K matrix. Algorithm 1 permits the influence of the magnetic field of aggressor lines to reach the edge of the chip, while Algorithm 2 works under the simplified assumptions that the supply lines have zero /spl Sigma//sub j/L/sub ij/(dI/sub j//dt) drops (but have nonzero parasitic Rs and Cs) and that currents cannot return through supply lines beyond a user-defined distance. For reasonable designs, Algorithm 1 delivers a sparsification of 97% for delay and oscillation magnitude errors of 10% and 15%, respectively, as compared to Algorithm 2 where the sparsification can reach 99% for the same delay error.  相似文献   

To analyze at which rise/fall times the inductance effect appears in DSM interconnects, the author develops a methodology versus the input line transition time to be technology-independent. These lines are modeled as RC and RLC distributed lines, and the two models are compared to define the effects caused by neglecting inductance. The goal of this study is, based upon the discrepancy between RC and RLC models, to define when inductance must be included in the modeling of interconnects. A simple rule permits the choice of the simplest model (RC or RLC) for a given accuracy. The length range concerned by the inductive effect is calculated from the complex propagation factor value. The theoretical limits are illustrated on several interconnection configurations, on a 0.18-/spl mu/m technology.  相似文献   

Interconnect plays an increasingly important role in deep-submicrometer very large scale integrated technologies. Multiple design criteria are considered in interconnect design, such as delay, power, and bandwidth. In this paper, a repeater insertion methodology is presented for achieving the minimum power in an RC interconnect while satisfying delay and bandwidth constraints. These constraints determine a design space for the number and size of the repeaters. The minimum power is shown to occur at the edge of the design space. With delay constraints, closed form solutions for the minimum power are developed, where the average error is 7% as compared with SPICE. With bandwidth constraints, the minimum power can be achieved with minimum-sized repeaters. The effects of inductance on the delay, bandwidth, and power of an RLC interconnect with repeaters are also analyzed. By including inductance, the minimum interconnect power under a delay or bandwidth constraint decreases as compared with an RC interconnect.  相似文献   

Timing uncertainty caused by inductive and capacitive coupling is one of the major bottlenecks in timing analysis. In this paper, we propose an effective loop RLC modeling technique to efficiently decouple lines with both inductive and capacitive coupling. We generalize the RLC decoupling problem based on the theory of distributed RLC lines and a switch-factor, which is the voltage ratio between two nets. This switch-factor is also known as the Miller factor, and is widely used to model capacitive coupling. The proposed modeling technique can be directly applied to partial RLC netlists extracted using existing parasitic extraction tools without advance knowledge of the return path. The new model captures the impact of neighboring switching activity as it significantly affects the current return path. As demonstrated in our experiments, the new model accurately predicts both upper and lower delay bounds as a function of neighboring switching patterns. Therefore, this approach can be easily implemented into existing timing analysis flows such as max-timing and min-timing analysis. Finally, we apply the new modeling approach to a range of activities across the design process including timing optimization, static timing analysis, high frequency clock design, and data-bus wire planning.  相似文献   

In this work, the frequency-dependent RLGC parameters of high-speed coupled high Tc superconductor (HTS) interconnects are extracted with a two-dimensional (2-D) FDTD algorithm. The response signals of an HTS interconnect circuit and a normal Al interconnect circuit are simulated and compared, showing that not only the signal dispersion, delay, and magnitude decay of HTS interconnects are smaller than that of Al interconnects, the crosstalk of HTS interconnects is much smaller, too  相似文献   

The application of the incremental inductance rule is described for the computation of losses in quasi-TEM coupled transmission lines. It is shown that the well-known formula valid for the single-line case can be extended to the case of normal modes travelling in general coupled structures providing one uses the power-current modal characteristic impedance definition. Numerical results are shown for several coupled lines systems  相似文献   

The capacitance and inductance matrices of a system of coupled lines are calculated from the modal powers. Knowledge of the propagation constants of the different modes, the eigencurrent matrix [M I], and the modal powers uniquely specify the two matrices. The present approach is tested both analytically and numerically  相似文献   

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