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A three-dimensional structure model of the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) domain of the bifunctional DHFR-thymidylate synthase of Plasmodium falciparum was used as a basis for computational screening of commercially available compounds for candidate inhibitors. Compounds which can stably dock to the model with strong ionic hydrogen bonds via protonation by an aspartic acid residue at the bottom of the active site were identified through docking simulation. Among compounds thus identified, 21 were assayed for inhibitory activity towards the recombinant DHFR domain. Two compounds, 2-amino-1,4-dihydro-4,4,7,8-tetramethyl-s-triazino(1,2-a)benzimida zole and Trp-P-2, inhibited the recombinant P. falciparum DHFR domain with Ki values of 0.54 and 8.7 microM, respectively. Kinetic analysis showed that these compounds competitively inhibited the enzyme with respect to the substrate dihydrofolate. These findings support the validity of both the modeled structure and the docking results. Furthermore, these compounds serve as leads for developing new DHFR inhibitors, since their skeletal structures are different from any of known DHFR inhibitors. This paper also reveals a new biological activity of Trp-P-2, a potent mutagen.  相似文献   

The kinetic folding mechanism for Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase postulates two distinct types of transient intermediates. The first forms within 5 ms and has substantial secondary structure but little stability. The second is a set of four species that appear over the course of several hundred milliseconds and have secondary structure, specific tertiary structure, and significant stability (Jennings PA, Finn BE, Jones BE, Matthews CR, 1993, Biochemistry 32:3783-3789). Pulse labeling hydrogen exchange experiments were performed to determine the specific amide hydrogens in alpha-helices and beta-strands that become protected from exchange through the formation of stable hydrogen bonds during this time period. A significant degree of protection was observed for two subsets of the amide hydrogens within the dead time of this experiment (6 ms). The side chains of one subset form a continuous nonpolar strip linking six of the eight strands in the beta-sheet. The other subset corresponds to a nonpolar cluster on the opposite face of the sheet and links three of the strands and two alpha-helices. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the complex strand topology of this eight-stranded sheet can be formed correctly within 6 ms. Measurement of the protection factors at three different folding times (13 ms, 141 ms, and 500 ms) indicates that, of the 13 amide hydrogens displaying significant protection within 6 ms, 8 exhibit an increase in their protection factors from approximately 5 to approximately 50 over this time range; the remaining five exhibit protection factors > 100 at 13 ms. Only approximately half of the population of molecules form this set of stable hydrogen bonds. Thirteen additional hydrogens in the beta-sheet become protected from exchange as the set of native conformers appear, suggesting that the stabilization of this network reflects the global cooperativity of the folding reaction.  相似文献   

We present a computer model to predict the patterns expected for the replication intermediates (RIs) of DNA fragments analyzed by neutral/neutral two-dimensional (2D) agarose gel electrophoresis. The model relies on the mode of replication (uni- or bi-directional), the electrophoretic mobility of linear DNA fragments and the retardation caused by the three-dimensional shape of non-linear molecules. The utility of this model is demonstrated with two examples: replication analysis of the plasmids pBR322 and pHH5.8 in Escherichia coli after digestions with EcoRI and HindIII, respectively.  相似文献   

Mammalian replication origins appear paradoxical. While some studies conclude that initiation occurs bidirectionally from specific loci, others conclude that initiation occurs at many sites distributed throughout large DNA regions. To clarify this issue, the relative number of early replication bubbles was determined at 26 sites in a 110-kb locus containing the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR)-encoding gene in CHO cells; 19 sites were located within an 11-kb sequence containing ori-beta. The ratio of approximately 0.8-kb nascent DNA strands to nonreplicated DNA at each site was quantified by competitive PCR. Nascent DNA was defined either as DNA that was labeled by incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine in vivo or as RNA-primed DNA that was resistant to lambda-exonuclease. Two primary initiation sites were identified within the 12-kb region, where two-dimensional gel electrophoresis previously detected a high frequency of replication bubbles. A sharp peak of nascent DNA occurred at the ori-beta origin of bidirectional replication where initiation events were 12 times more frequent than at distal sequences. A second peak occurred 5 kb downstream at a previously unrecognized origin (ori-beta'). Thus, the DHFR gene initiation zone contains at least three primary initiation sites (ori-beta, ori-beta', and ori-gamma), suggesting that initiation zones in mammals, like those in fission yeast, consist of multiple replication origins.  相似文献   

5-Acetoxyacetylimino-4-methyl-delta2-1,3,4,-thiadiazoline -2-sulfonamide (compound (1)) is an ester prodrug that lowered intraocular pressure (IOP) in albino New Zealand rabbits, but was found to be inactive in pigmented Dutch Belt rabbits. In order to explain the differences in pharmacological activity for the two rabbit species, metabolism and melanin binding were studied. Depending on the initial concentration, the binding of compound (1) to natural melanin (Sepia officinalis) was 20-60%. The binding constant, K, at 37 degrees C was 4.32 x 10(5) M(-1) and the maximum moles bound to melanin, r(max), was 4.5 x 10(-7) mol/mg of melanin. From a determination of binding at temperatures between 25 degrees C and 47 degrees C, a van't Hoff plot was constructed to determine enthalpy and entropy changes accompanying the binding process, deltaH and deltaS, respectively. Values calculated from the plot were -12.7 and -15.4 kcal/(mol deg), respectively. Negative values for these parameters are consistent with charge transfer interactions and therefore suggest that this may be an operative mechanism between compound (1) and melanin. The in vitro incubation of compound (1) was also studied with various ocular tissues from both albino and pigmented rabbits which were iris-ciliary body, intact cornea, stroma/endothelium and aqueous humor. A major metabolite, MET 1, was identified and also observed from in vivo analyses of the same tissues following topical application. The metabolite was isolated and subjected to mass spectroscopy and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis. From these analyses, it was hypothesized that the formation of MET 1 involved a GSH conjugation mechanism which displaced the sufonamide (-SO2NH2) group. The metabolism was found to be less extensive in the pigmented rabbit than in the albino rabbit and suggested that the binding affinity of compound (1) for melanin was a better explanation for the lack of IOP activity in the pigmented rabbit than differences in metabolism.  相似文献   

In this study, a 498-bp dhfrXII gene coding for trimethoprim resistance was found inserted in a cassette-like manner in the recombinationally active locus, the integron, borne on a transposon Tn21-like element. The dhfrXII cassette is distinct from those cassettes earlier observed in integrons and was found here upstream of two similarly inserted cassettes. The second one carried the new unidentified orfF, which is 85% identical to the orfD cassette in R46. The third cassette contained the aadA2 gene mediating spectinomycin resistance. The plasmid carrying this Tn21-like element was originally isolated from a trimethoprim-resistant urinary tract pathogen, Escherichia coli, from Turku City Hospital, Turku, Finland. By colony hybridization and polymerase chain reaction, this group of three cassettes, including dhfrXII, was detected in four additional E. coli strains of similar origin and in four Shigella strains isolated in Finland but originating from Asia. The dihydrofolate reductase produced from dhfrXII showed an unusual drug resistance in that 50% of the enzymatic activity remained at a trimethoprim concentration of 1 mM.  相似文献   

In the present work ecto-phosphatase activity in Herpetomonas muscarum muscarum has been characterized using live parasites. This enzyme hydrolyzed p-nitrophenylphosphate at a rate of 4.27 nmol Pi/mg of protein.min. A pH curve was generated, in which these intact flagellates showed the highest phosphatase activity at pH 6.5. Classical inhibitors for acid phosphatase, such as sodium orthovanadate, sodium tartrate, and ammonium molybdate, were used in the experiments and showed different patterns of inhibition. Lithium fluoride, aluminum chloride, and fluoroaluminate complexes were also tested. Although lithium fluoride and fluoroaluminate complexes were capable of inhibiting the phosphatase activity, aluminum chloride stimulated this enzyme. Cytochemical analysis showed the localization of this enzyme on the parasite surface. This ecto-phosphatase activity was also significantly diminished when the parasites were treated with 10(-6) M platelet-activating factor (PAF), a potent phospholipid mediator that promoted cellular differentiation in this parasite.  相似文献   

Local cerebral serotonin synthesis capacity was measured with alpha-[C-11]methyl-L-tryptophan ([C-11]AMT) in normal adult human brain (n = 10; five males, five females; age range, 18-38 years, mean 28.3 years) by using positron emission tomography (PET). [C-11]AMT is an analog of tryptophan, the precursor for serotonin synthesis, and is converted to alpha-[C-11]methyl-serotonin ([C-11]AM-5HT), which is trapped in serotonergic neurons because [C-11]AM-5HT is not degraded by monoamine oxidase. Kinetic analysis of [C-11] activity in brain after injection of [C-11]AMT confirmed the presence of a compartment with unidirectional uptake that represented approximately 40% of the activity in the brain at 50 min after tracer administration. The undirectional rate constant K, which represents the uptake of [C-11]AMT from the plasma to brain tissue followed by the synthesis and physiologic trapping of [C-11]AM-5HT, was calculated using the Patlak graphic approach on a pixel-by-pixel basis, thus creating parametric images. The rank order of K values for different brain regions corresponded well to the regional concentrations of serotonin in human brain (P < .0001). High serotonin synthesis capacity values were measured in putamen, caudate, thalamus, and hippocampus. Among cortical regions, the highest values were measured in the rectal gyrus of the inferior frontal lobe, followed by transverse temporal gyrus; anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus; middle, superior, and inferior temporal gyri; parietal cortex; occipital cortex, in descending order. Values in women were 10-20% higher (P < .05, MANOVA) throughout the brain than those measured in men. Differences in the serotonin synthesis capacity between men and women measured in this study may reflect gender differences of importance to both normal and pathologic behavior. This study demonstrates the suitability of [C-11]AMT as a tracer for PET scanning of serotonin synthesis capacity in human brain and provides normal adult values for future comparison with patient groups.  相似文献   

Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) from Escherichia coli does not interact with the molecular chaperonin GroEL regardless of whether the interaction is initiated from the native or the unfolded state. In contrast, murine DHFR shows a strong interaction with GroEL. Using the structure of human DHFR as a model for the murine protein, a superimposition of the two structures shows that there are three distinct external loops in the eukaryotic DHFR that are not present in the E. coli protein. Removal of one loop (residues 99-108) from the eukaryotic murine DHFR has no effect on the interaction with GroEL. On the basis of the differences in structures, we inserted either of two surface loops of murine DHFR into the corresponding regions of E. coli DHFR. In the first mutant (EcDHFR-i(9)36), residues 36 and 37 (L-N) of E. coli DHFR were replaced with the nine amino acid sequence T-T-S-S-V-E-G-K-Q. In the second mutant (EcDHFR-i(7)136), residues 136-139 (V-F-S-E) of E. coli DHFR were replaced with the seven amino acid sequence L-P-E-Y-P-G-V. Both E. coli DHFR mutants formed a complex with GroEL starting from either the native or the unfolded states of DHFR. The binding was specific since the presence of MgATP caused the release of the proteins from GroEL. As with murine DHFR, nonnative conformations of EcDHFR-i(9)36 and EcDHFR-i(7)136 are bound to GroEL. Fluorescence titration techniques were used to quantitate the interaction between GroEL and these proteins. A simple chromatographic procedure was developed to remove contaminating tryptophan containing peptides from GroEL samples. The mutant EcDHFR-i(7)136 binds to GroEL with a stoichiometry of 4-5 mol of DHFR per mol of GroEL tetradecamer, while murine DHFR binds to GroEL with a stoichiometry of 2 mol of DHFR per mol of GroEL tetradecamer. Both murine DHFR and EcDHFR-i(7)136 bind to GroEL very tightly, with equilibrium dissociation constants of less than 85 nM.  相似文献   

A plot of absorbance vs 1/time (the "1/time domain") is a more useful representation of the primary data in capillary electrophoresis than traditional plots of absorbance vs time (the "time domain") in a wide set of circumstances, especially when comparing electropherograms in which the rate of electroosmotic flow is not precisely the same. The quantity that is of fundamental interest in capillary electrophoresis (CE) is the electrophoretic mobility of an analyte. The electrophoretic mobility of a species is nonlinearly proportional to time and, therefore, not linearly represented in the time domain: that is, the distance between two peaks along the time axis is not linearly related to the difference in their electrophoretic mobilities. In contrast, the electrophoretic mobility is linearly proportional to 1/time, and the distance between two peaks along the 1/time axis is linearly related to the difference in electrophoretic mobilities. Plots in the 1/time domain are similar to the familiar plots in the time domain (each analyte is represented by a peak, and the order of peaks corresponds to the order in which these analytes reach the detector), but the spacing between the peaks corresponds linearly to differences in mobility. This article derives this useful, visually appealing, and broadly applicable plotting strategy and illustrates common situations in which these plots are more useful than plots in the time domain.  相似文献   

The nature of mammalian origins of DNA replication remains controversial and this is primarily because two-dimensional gel replicon mapping techniques have identified broad zones of replication initiation whereas several other techniques, such as quantitative PCR, have disclosed more discrete sites of initiation at the same chromosomal loci. In this report we analyze the replication of an amplified genomic region encompassing the 3'-end of the GNAI3 gene, the entire GNAT2 gene and the intergenic region between them in exponentially growing Chinese hamster fibroblasts. These cells express GNAI3 but not GNAT2 . The replication pattern was first analyzed by two-dimensional neutral-alkaline gel electrophoresis. Surprisingly, the results revealed a small preferential zone of replication initiation, of at most 1.7 kb, located in a limited part of the GNAI3 - GNAT2 intergenic region. Mapping of this initiation zone was then confirmed by quantitative PCR. The agreement between the two techniques exploited here strengthens the hypothesis that preferred sites of replication initiation do exist in mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase, is cleaved in isolated membrane fractions enriched for endoplasmic reticulum. Importantly, the cleavage rate is accelerated when the membranes are prepared from cells that have been pretreated with mevalonate or sterols, physiological regulators of the degradation process in vivo (McGee, T. P., Cheng, H. H., Kumagai, H., Omura, S., and Simoni, R. D. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 25630-25638). In the current study, we further characterize this in vitro cleavage of HMG-CoA reductase. E64, a specific inhibitor of cysteine-proteases, inhibits HMG-CoA reductase cleavage in vitro. In contrast, lactacystin, an inhibitor of the proteasome, inhibits HMG-CoA reductase degradation in vivo but does not inhibit the in vitro cleavage. Purified ER fractions contain lactacystin-sensitive and E64-insensitive proteasome activity as measured by succinyl-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin hydrolysis. We removed the proteasome from purified ER fractions by solubilization with heptylthioglucoside and observed that the detergent extracted, proteasome-depleted membrane fractions retain regulated cleavage of HMG-CoA reductase. This indicates that ER-associated proteasome is not involved in degradation of HMG-CoA reductase in vitro. In order to determine the site(s) of proteolysis of HMG-CoA reductase in vitro, four antisera were prepared against peptide sequences representing various domains of HMG-CoA reductase and used for detection of proteolytic intermediates. The sizes and antibody reactivity of the intermediates suggest that HMG-CoA reductase is cleaved in the in vitro degradation system near the span 8 membrane region, which links the N-terminal membrane domain to the C-terminal catalytic domain of the protein. We conclude that HMG-CoA reductase can be cleaved in the membrane-span 8 region by a cysteine protease(s) tightly associated with ER membranes.  相似文献   

By screening of a Leishmania infantum expression library with the serum from a dog affected with visceral leishmaniasis, a cDNA clone with sequence homology to the Hsp83 gene family was isolated. From analysis of the genomic distribution of the cDNA sequence, it was estimated that the L. infantum genome contains 7 Hsp83 genes tandemly organized. The full-length coding region of the Hsp83 gene located at the 5'-end of the cluster was determined. The deduced amino acid sequence of the L. infantum Hsp83 shows a high level of sequence identity with members of the Hsp83's protein family from other eukaryotic organisms. The complete protein (LiHsp83) and 4 subfragments (LiA1, LiB1, LiC1 and LiD1) were expressed in Escherichia coli as recombinant proteins and used as target antigens in FAST-ELISA assays against a collection of sera from dogs with visceral leishmaniasis. Ninety percent of the sera recognized the recombinant LiHsp83, indicating that L. infantum Hsp83 is a potent immunogen during canine leishmaniasis. Serological analysis of the recombinant subfragments identified the LiB1 subfragment, from amino acid 156 to 283, as the immunodominant region of the protein. This region, which is the less evolutionary conserved region of the protein, was recognized by 88% of the visceral leishmaniasis sera. The results suggest that L. infantum Hsp83 and particular protein subfragments may be useful in serodiagnostic assays for canine leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) DNA replication intermediates exist in a complex nonlinear structure that does not migrate into a pulsed-field gel. Genetic evidence suggests that the product of the UL12 gene, termed alkaline nuclease, plays a role in processing replication intermediates (R. Martinez, R. T. Sarisky, P. C. Weber, and S. K. Weller, J. Virol. 70:2075-2085, 1996). In this study we have tested the hypothesis that alkaline nuclease acts as a structure-specific resolvase. Cruciform structures generated with oligonucleotides were treated with purified alkaline nuclease; however, instead of being resolved into linear duplexes as would be expected of a resolvase activity, the artificial cruciforms were degraded. DNA replication intermediates were isolated from the well of a pulsed-field gel ("well DNA") and treated with purified HSV-1 alkaline nuclease. Although alkaline nuclease can degrade virion DNA to completion, digestion of well DNA results in a smaller-than-unit-length product that migrates as a heterogeneous smear; this product is resistant to further digestion by alkaline nuclease. The smaller-than-unit-length products are representative of the entire HSV genome, indicating that alkaline nuclease is not inhibited at specific sequences. To further probe the structure of replicating DNA, well DNA was treated with various known nucleases; our results indicate that replicating DNA apparently contains no accessible double-stranded ends but does contain nicks and gaps. Our data suggest that UL12 functions at nicks and gaps in replicating DNA to correctly repair or process the replicating genome into a form suitable for encapsidation.  相似文献   

Hereditary methaemoglobinaemia, caused by deficiency of NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase (b5R), has been classified into two types, an erythrocyte (type I) and a generalized (type II). We analysed the b5R gene of two Thai patients and found two novel mutations. The patient with type II was homozygous for a C-to-T substitution in codon 8 3 that changes Arg (CGA) to a stop codon (TGA), resulting in a truncated b5R without the catalytic portion. The patient with type I was homozygous for a C-to-T substitution in codon 178 causing replacement of Ala (GCG) with Val (GTG). To characterize effects of this missense mutation, we investigated enzymatic properties of mutant b5R (Ala 178 Val). Although the mutant enzyme showed normal catalytic activity, less stability and different spectra were observed. These results suggest that this substitution influenced enzyme stability due to the slight change of structure. In conclusion, the nonsense mutation led to type II because of malfunction of the truncated protein. On the other hand, the missense mutation caused type I, due to degradation of the unstable mutant enzyme with normal activities in patient's erythrocytes, because of the lack of compensation by new protein synthesis during the long life-span of erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase of Neurospora crassa is a complex multi-redox protein composed of two identical subunits, each of which contains three distinct domains, an amino-terminal domain that contains a molybdopterin cofactor, a central heme-containing domain, and a carboxy-terminal domain which binds a flavin and a pyridine nucleotide cofactor. The flavin domain of nitrate reductase appears to have structural and functional similarity to ferredoxin NADPH reductase (FNR). Using the crystal structure of FNR and amino acid identities in numerous nitrate reductases as guides, site-directed mutagenesis was used to replace specific amino acids suspected to be involved in the binding of the flavin or pyridine nucleotide cofactors and thus important for the catalytic function of the flavin domain. Each mutant flavin domain protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and analyzed for NADPH: ferricyanide reductase activity. The effect of each amino acid substitution upon the activity of the complete nitrate reductase reaction was also examined by transforming each manipulated gene into a nit-3- null mutant of N. crassa. Our results identify amino acid residues which are critical for function of the flavin domain of nitrate reductase and appear to be important for the binding of the flavin or the pyridine nucleotide cofactors.  相似文献   

Compared the effectiveness of 4 behavioral techniques in the treatment of 59 male undergraduate volunteers who reported minimal dating behavior. The techniques differed in type and amount of feedback which S received. Ss were divided into 2 control conditions; 2 intermediate treatment conditions which permitted either observation only or observation and rehearsal; and 2 conditions which permitted videotape self-observation of just-completed behavior. Those Ss receiving videotape self-observation were judged significantly higher on the basis of posttreatment changes on a simulated dating task than the control and intermediate-treatment groups. Results indicate that a realistic clinical problem can be modified by behavioral feedback techniques. Interactions between target behavior and choice of treatment are discussed. (18 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is a modular enzyme which consists of a flavin-containing reductase domain and a heme-containing oxygenase domain, linked by a stretch of amino acids which contains a calmodulin (CaM) binding site. CaM binding to nNOS facilitates the transfer of NADPH-derived electrons from the reductase domain to the oxygenase domain, resulting in the conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline with the concomitant formation of a guanylate cyclase activating factor, putatively nitric oxide. Numerous studies have established that peroxynitrite-derived nitrogen oxides are present following nNOS turnover. Since peroxynitrite is formed by the diffusion-limited reaction between the two radical species, nitric oxide and O2.-, we employed the adrenochrome assay to examine whether nNOS was capable of producing O2.- during catalytic turnover in the presence of L-arginine. To differentiate between the role played by the reductase domain and that of the oxygenase domain in O2.- production, we compared its production by nNOS against that of a nNOS mutant (CYS-331), which was unable to transfer NADPH-derived electrons efficiently to the heme iron under special conditions, and against that of a flavoprotein module construct of nNOS. We report that O2.- production by nNOS and the CYS-331 mutant is CaM-dependent and that O2.- production can be modulated by substrates and inhibitors of nNOS. O2.- was also produced by the reductase domain of nNOS; however, it did not display the same CaM dependency. We conclude that both the reductase and oxygenase domains of nNOS produce O2.-, but that the reductase domain is both necessary and sufficient for O2.- production.  相似文献   

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