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We have found that the expression of some genes in Drosophila melanogaster changes during the life of the adult fly. These changes can be illustrated by the use of enhancer trap lines which mark the expression of particular genes in the adult fly. Although the fly is considered able to perform most necessary adult functions within the first 72 h after eclosion from the pupal case, we find changes in expression over the first 10 days of life in the antennae of several of the genes we have examined. Some genes change by increasing from an initially low level of expression of the marked gene, while other lines, which we have termed 'late-onset' genes, show no expression of the marked gene until 4-5 days following eclosion. In contrast, some genes decrease their expression during the first 10 days of life. The changes in gene expression seen over the first 10 days of the fly's adult life provides molecular evidence of the many maturational changes occurring during the early life of the adult fly.  相似文献   

The interaction of recombinant ascorbate peroxidase (APX) with its physiological substrate, ascorbate, has been studied by electronic and NMR spectroscopies, and by phenylhydrazine-modification experiments. The binding interaction for the cyanide-bound derivative (APX-CN) is consistent with a 1:1 stoichiometry and is characterised by an equilibrium dissociation binding constant. Kd, of 11.6 +/- 0.4 microM (pH 7.002, mu = 0.10 M, 25.0 degrees C). Individual distances between the non-exchangeable substrate protons of APX-CN and the haem iron were determined by paramagnetic-relaxation NMR measurements, and the data indicate that the ascorbate binds 0.90-1.12 nm from the haem iron. The reaction of ferric APX with the suicide substrate phenylhydrazine yields predominantly (60%) a covalent haem adduct which is modified at the C20 carbon, indicating that substrate binding and oxidation is close to the exposed C20 position of the haem, as observed for other classical peroxidases. Molecular-modelling studies, using the NNM-derived distance restraints in conjunction with the crystal structure of the enzyme [Patterson, W. R. & Poulos, T. L. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 4331-4341], are consistent with binding of the substrate close to the C20 position and a possible functional role for alanine 134 (proline in other class-III peroxidases) is implicated.  相似文献   

A disturbance in the balance between cell proliferation and cell loss, or apoptosis, may underlie neoplastic development. Therefore, we determined spontaneous apoptotic and proliferative rates in normal, hyperplastic, adenomatous, and malignant colorectal epithelia. In paired sections, DNA strand breaks were detected using the terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling assay, and apoptotic cells were also identified in H&E-stained slides by morphological criteria. Cell proliferation, bcl-2, and p53 expression were analyzed using specific monoclonal antibodies. In normal mucosa, luminal epithelial cells demonstrated higher rates of apoptosis compared to cells in the proliferative zone. Neoplastic transformation was associated with a significant increase in rates of apoptosis and proliferation. However, apoptosis, but not proliferation, decreased at the adenoma-to-carcinoma transition coincident with expression of mutant p53. In carcinomas, both mutant p53 and bcl-2 protein levels were associated with attenuated apoptotic rates. In conclusion, apoptosis is an important regulator of growth in normal and neoplastic colorectal epithelia. Increased apoptosis and proliferation accompany neoplastic transformation, suggesting that an alteration in apoptotic rates is an important event in colorectal carcinogenesis. Furthermore, the imbalance in these processes found in carcinomas may facilitate tumor growth and progression.  相似文献   

The discovery of the superantigens (SAgs) offered new insights on the interaction between microorganisms and the host immune system. Associated to Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class II molecules, SAgs bind to the variable domain of the beta chain (V beta) of the TCR alpha beta engaged in the family specificity of lymphocytes. Therefore, these molecules are able to activate a high number of T lymphocytes as well as surface MHC class II bearing cells, leading to an overriding release of cytokines and inflammatory mediators, which have been related to their toxic effects. Endogenous SAgs are encoded by murine tumor proviruses (Mtv) which are integrated in the genome of mice. Bacteria and viruses produce exogenous SAgs and those related to food poisoning have been widely studied. The presence of parasite SAgs is still unclear and further studies are required to establish their existence and effects on the corresponding infections.  相似文献   

The discovery and development of information surrounding the retinoic acid receptors (RAR and RXR) has ushered in a new era in understanding the molecular mechanism of action of vitamin A in embryonic development and cellular differentiation. The mechanisms involved in the regulation of gene expression by the retinoids is at least partially known and involves binding of the RAR and RXR to retinoic acid response elements. Additional factors, including coregulatory proteins, associated regulatory elements, and cell-specific factors, may also be involved in determining the specificity of retinoid-regulation of gene expression during development. During embryogenesis, retinoids are required for the development of the posterior hindbrain and its associated structures, as well as for the survival and differentiation of certain classes of neurons and neural crest cell derivatives. At least some of the effects of retinoid on hindbrain development are related to the regulation of Hox gene expression. Additional retinoid-regulated genes have been implicated in nervous system development, and the manner in which they lead to phenotypic changes during embryogenesis remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The phantom array was used to probe the time course of the shift in retinal local signs that accompanies a saccadic eye movement. The phantom array materializes when one saccades in the dark across a point light source blinking 120 times per second. One sees a stationary array of flashes--the first materializes discretely near the intended endpoint of the saccade, and subsequent flashes materialize progressively closer to the actual position of the blinking light. Four trained observers indicated the perceived location, relative to the phantom array, of a 1-msec marker flash (M) produced by two LEDs (light-emitting diodes) that vertically bracketed the blinking light. The marker was seen as spatially coincident with the first flash when it flashed 80 to 0 msec before the saccade, and was seen as spatially coincident with either the first flash or the actual position of the blinking light when it flashed more than 80 msec before the saccade, indicating, respectively, that the shift is presaccadic and rather abrupt.  相似文献   

Risk adjustment is intended to minimize selection of patients or enrollees in health plans. Current efforts generally are recognized as inadequate, but improvement is difficult. The greatest short-term gain will come from introducing diagnostic information, though outpatient diagnosis data are unreliable. Initial efforts may use inpatient data, but this creates incentives to hospitalize people. Even exploiting diagnosis information leaves substantial imperfections. Partial capitation, common in behavioral health, reduces incentives to select patients and stent on services, but current policy resists it, perhaps because policymakers misinterpret the lesson of the Prospective Payment System. Theoretically, not paying plans more for providing additional services is optimal only if consumers are well informed.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), expressed in a population of periglomerular neurons intrinsic to the olfactory bulb, displays dramatic down-regulation in response to odor deprivation. To begin to elucidate the importance of immediate early genes (IEG) in TH gene regulation, the present study examined expression of IEGs in the olfactory bulb in response to odor deprivation. In addition, the composition of TH AP-1 and CRE binding complexes was investigated in control and odor-deprived mice. Immunocytochemical studies showed that c-Fos, Fos-B, Jun-D, CRE-binding protein (CREB), and phosphorylated CREB (pCREB) are colocalized with TH in the dopaminergic periglomerular neurons. Unilateral naris closure resulted in down-regulation of c-Fos and Fos-B, but not Jun-D, CREB, or pCREB, in the glomerular layer of the ipsilateral olfactory bulb. Gel shift assays demonstrated a significant decrease (32%) in TH AP-1, but not CRE, binding activity in the odor-deprived bulb. Fos-B was found to be the exclusive member of the Fos family present in the TH AP-1 complex. CREB, CRE modulator protein (CREM), Fos-B, and Jun-D, but not c-Fos, all contributed to the CRE DNA-protein complex. These results indicated that Fos-B, acting through both AP-1 and CRE motifs, may be implicated in the regulation of TH expression in the olfactory bulb dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

Conservation of the Notch signalling pathway in mammalian neurogenesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PURPOSE: To determine whether there is an association between epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) and stimulation of wound closure in rabbit corneal epithelial cells. METHODS: Immortalized rabbit corneal epithelial cells were cultured in 24-well plates until they became confluent. Circular wounds were created in confluent cultures by cell denudation and then incubated in the absence and presence of EGF for varying intervals. Wound closure was monitored by staining the cells with Giemsa and quantifying the wound area with SigmaS can computer program. Cell proliferation during wound repair was estimated by measuring the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into nuclear DNA. Changes in PI 3-kinase activity were assessed by measuring the production of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate [PI(3,4,5)P3] in 32P-labeled cells as well as by immunoprecipitating and assaying PI 3-kinase activity with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and [gamma-32P]ATP as substrates. The enzyme product, PIP3, was analyzed by a combination of thin-layer and high-pressure liquid chromatography. RESULTS: Addition of 10 ng/ml EGF to the wounded corneal epithelial cells stimulated wound closure in a time-dependent manner, and the wound closed completely within 48 hours. The effect of EGF was dose dependent, and maximal wound closure occurred at 10 ng/ml EGF. As the epithelial cells were undergoing EGF-stimulated wound closure, there was a time-dependent increase in PI 3-kinase activity. The enzyme activity increased maximally at 24 hours and then decreased gradually as the incubation was continued to 48 hours. When the cells were treated with wortmannin, a PI 3-kinase inhibitor, the EGF-stimulated PIP3 formation as well as the wound closure were inhibited significantly. Treatment of the cells with genistein or tyrphostin B42 also decreased both EGF-stimulated PIP3 formation and wound closure in a dose-dependent manner. Concomitant with stimulation of wound repair, the growth factor increased [3H]thymidine incorporation into nuclear DNA, and this effect was inhibited by pretreatment of the cell with wortmannin. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest a close correlation between EGF-stimulated wound closure and activation of PI 3-kinase in corneal epithelial cells. It can be concluded that PI 3-kinase might be an important component in signal transduction cascade initiated by EGF-receptor interaction, which leads to mitosis and cell proliferation during wound closure in corneal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Tissue transglutaminase (tTgase) catalyzes the posttranslational modification of proteins by forming Ca2(+)-dependent intermolecular epsilon (gamma-glutamyl) lysine crosslinks; however, its physiological function is unclear despite increasing evidence for its involvement in the extracellular environment. To define where the enzyme is active and characterizes targets of crosslinking we have modulated tTgase expression in stably transformed Swiss 3T3 cell lines, generated by transfecting tTgase cDNA under the control of a tetracycline-regulated inducible promoter. Induced expression of tTgase enabled the detection of two pools of transglutaminase antigen, one intracellular and the other extracellular, which has a cellular distribution comparable to fibronectin. Incubation of cells with the fluorescent tTgase substrate fluorescein cadaverine indicated incorporation only in the extracellular matrix of healthy cells even though the amine was freely permeable to cells. Incorporation paralleled the deposition of fibronectin during fibril assembly when monitored by immunofluorescence. Fibronectin polymerization was confirmed by Western blotting. Cell surface-related tTgase was further demonstrated by preincubation of cells with tTgase antibody which led to inhibition of activity and cell attachment. Activation of the intracellular tTgase by increasing cytosolic Ca2+ using ionomycin resulted in cell death accompanied by extensive crosslinking in the cytoplasm, nucleus, and cell substratum contacts of induced cells. These dead cells were not typical of those undergoing apoptosis or necrosis since they remained adherent, preserved their microtubule network, and showed little DNA fragmentation. Modulation of expression of tTgase has indicated a possible physiological function for the enzyme in cell attachment, the crosslinking of fibronectin during fibril assembly, and the maintenance of cellular integrity in a novel form of cell death.  相似文献   

The cycle of events which leads to an impairment of the immune response in the malnourished child includes poverty, food deprivation and frequent infections. It is of great significance, however, that the marked suppression of the immune response can be repaired reasonably promptly, if the disease commences after the child has attained 1 year of age. Prenatal infection not only generates growth retardation but also a higher maternal to foetal IgG ratio, higher IgM in the neonate and a sustained immune depression. Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis measurements in the baboon skin and specific IgE determinations reveal that the elevated IgE in PEM is due to parasitic infestation and common allergens and has little or no relationship with decreased T-cell function.  相似文献   

Increased expression of critical components of the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway occurs in any muscle wasting condition so far studied in rodents where proteolysis rises. We have recently reported similar adaptations in head trauma patients [Mansoor et al. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 2714-2718]. We demonstrate here that the increased muscle protein breakdown seen in mdx mice only correlated with enhanced expression of m-calpain, a Ca(2+)-activated proteinase. By contrast, no change in mRNA levels for components of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic process was seen in muscles from both mdx mice and Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients. Thus, gene expression of components of this pathway is not regulated in the chronic wasting that characterizes muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Leptin, the protein encoded by the obese (ob) gene, is synthesized and released in response to increased energy storage in adipose tissue. However, it is still not known how incoming energy is sensed and transduced into increased expression of the ob gene. The hexosamine biosynthetic pathway is a cellular 'sensor' of energy availability and mediates the effects of glucose on the expression of several gene products. Here we provide evidence for rapid activation of ob gene expression in skeletal muscle by glucosamine. Increased tissue concentrations of the end product of the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway, UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc), result in rapid and marked increases in leptin messenger RNA and protein levels (although these levels were much lower than those in fat). Plasma leptin levels and leptin mRNA and protein levels in adipose tissue also increase. Most important, stimulation of leptin synthesis is reproduced by either hyperglycaemia or hyperlipidaemia, which also increase tissue levels of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine in conscious rodents. Finally, incubation of 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes and L6 myocytes with glucosamine rapidly induces ob gene expression. Our findings are the first evidence of inducible leptin expression in skeletal muscle and unveil an important biochemical link between increased availability of nutrients and leptin expression.  相似文献   

To develop a nonviral gene delivery system for treatment of diseases, our strategy is to construct DNA complexes with short synthetic peptides that mimic the functions of viral proteins. We have designed and synthesized two peptides which emulate viral functions - a DNA condensing agent, YKAK(8)WK, and an amphipathic, pH-dependent endosomal releasing agent, GLFEALLELLESLWELLLEA. The active gene delivery complex was constructed step-wise through a spontaneous self-assembly process involving oppositely charged, electrostatic interactions. To assemble DNA-peptide complexes with different overall net charges, only the negative charges of DNA phosphate, the positive charges of the 10 epsilon-amino groups of YKAK(8)WK and the negative charges of the 5 gamma-carboxyl groups of GLFEALLELLESLWELLLEA were considered. In the first step, negatively charged DNA was rapidly-mixed with an excess of YKAK(8)WK to form positively charged DNA-YKAK(8)WK complexes, which gave little gene transfer. In the second step and to form the active complex,the cationic DNA complex was rapidly mixed with spontaneously incorporated through electrostatic interactions. Transfection using these complexes of CMV-luc, YKAK(8)WK and GLFEALLELLESLWELLLEA gave high-levels of gene expression in a variety of cell lines. These simple DNA complexes, which contain only three molecularly defined components, have general utility for gene delivery and can replace viral vectors and cationic lipids for some applications in gene therapy.  相似文献   

The electrical activity resulting from stimulation by motor neurons regulates gene expression in skeletal muscle fibres. A recent study has suggested a mechanism by which distinct patterns of electrical stimulus might be integrated to control the contractile properties of these fibres.  相似文献   

PHAS-I is the prototype of a group of eIF4E-binding proteins that can regulate mRNA translation in response to hormones and growth factors. To investigate the importance of PHAS-I in the physiology of the intact animal, we disrupted the PHAS-I gene in mice. Tissues and cells derived from the knockout mice contained no detectable PHAS-I protein. A related protein, PHAS-II, and eIF4E were readily detectable in tissues from these animals, but neither appeared to be changed in a compensatory manner. Mice lacking PHAS-I appeared normal at birth. However, male knockout mice weighed approximately 10% less than controls at all ages, whereas female weights were similar to those of controls. Both males and females were fertile. Tissues from adult animals appeared to be normal by routine histological staining techniques, as were routine blood cell counts and chemistries. Fibroblasts derived from PHAS-I-deficient mouse embryos exhibited normal rates of growth and overall protein synthesis, responded normally to serum stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase activity and cell growth, and rapamycin inhibition of cell growth. Under these experimental conditions, PHAS-I is apparently not required for the normal development and reproductive behavior of female mice, but is required for normal body weight in male mice; the mechanisms responsible for this phenotype remain to be determined.  相似文献   

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