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唐钢是河北钢铁集团的骨干企业,全国特大型钢铁企业,现有在册职工3.8万人。钢铁主业具有1800万吨/年的配套生产能力,主要产品涵盖板、棒、线、型4大类、140多个品种,精品板材占产品总量的40%,是我国重要的精品板材和建材生产基地。"九五"、"十五"以来,唐钢实施铁、钢、轧三大系统技术改造,实现一系列重大进步,取得突飞猛进的发展,主要装备实现了大型化和现代化,跻身国际先进行列,工艺技术达到行业较高水平。进入"十二五"时期,唐钢确立了"做精主业、做大  相似文献   

唐钢成功开发S500MC、DP600汽车用钢近日,河北钢铁集团唐钢不锈钢公司成功冶炼并轧制了S500MC冷成型用高屈服强度钢和DP600级高强度双相钢两种汽车用钢,唐钢汽车用钢再添了两名"新丁"。  相似文献   

介绍了唐钢设计院在近两年的唐钢基建技改工程中,坚持“服务唐钢、确保唐钢”的宗旨所做的大量设计研究工作。  相似文献   

目前,唐钢钢铁主业具有1800万吨的年生产能力。在全球金融危机的挑战面前,唐钢以科学发展观为指导,结合企业生产建设实际,积极转变思路、提高标准,加快转变发展方式。坚持走"低碳经济、绿色转型"的新型工业化道路,在逆境中实现了稳步发展,在科学发展示范企业建设中迈出了坚实步伐。  相似文献   

河钢坚决贯彻落实创新发展理念,依照打造"品牌化"工厂的高端定位,运用最新的钢厂动态精准设计、集成理论和流程界面技术,采用230余项前沿新工艺、130多项钢铁绿色制造技术和现代化大型化的装备,全面建设了河钢唐钢新区。从河钢唐钢新区品牌化的建设理念与高端产品定位、先进装备与特色工艺技术等方面,论述了项目建设的智能化、绿色化及高效化。同时,也从一贯制质量管控、科技创新、产销研协同及国际化合作方面,全面介绍了河钢唐钢新区以"品牌化"建设为目标,打造钢铁工业技术高地、创新高地、产品高地典范的愿景及举措。  相似文献   

李景 《冶金动力》2014,(5):86-86
正唐山钢铁集团是钢铁行业绿色转型中的佼佼者,通过几年时间,曾经的"傻大黑粗"、"灰头土脸"变成了如今"世界上最清洁的钢厂",曾经的污染源变成了今天的风景线。不过,绿色转型也绝非易事,首先必须彻底转变经营理念。随着污染问题的凸显,唐钢曾经面临着前所未有的发展压力,但好在企业及时确立了"将环境视为生命线"的发展方向,以实现清洁生产和绿色制造的循环经济为目标,通过完善的能源管理手段和先进的技术集成应用,不断提高能源资源利用水平,实现了转型。所以,唐钢很清楚污染问题的根源是能源问题,提高能源利用效率不仅是钢企破解环保投入与生产发展矛盾的有效途径,同时也能为企业带来可观的经济效益因此,唐钢积极推进生产工艺流程再造,主要工序全  相似文献   

<正>按照中国制造2025规划要求,河钢唐钢信息自动化部在河钢唐钢领导下,以国家智能制造标准为指导,积极开展智能制造技术理论与应用方面的大胆探索与实践,进行面向智能制造的钢铁企业信息化架构设计及实施。河钢唐钢信息自动化部在工厂数据库设计与应用、全流程质量管理、订单设计、计划排程及生产一贯制等方面做了大量工作;天车无人化系统在钢卷库管理上的实施,更是目前国内钢厂率先实现。2016年河钢唐钢"钢铁企业智能工厂  相似文献   

唐钢在产品结构调整中,针对华北地区板材资源稀缺,准备将其建成板材精品基地。实际上,从90年代初期的淘汰化铁炼钢,到近年来铁前、炼钢系统改造,唐钢在结构调整中已经硕果累累。那么,唐钢在结构调整中有什么好的经验?唐钢目前的板材建设前景如何?为此,本刊记者专程采访了唐钢老总王天义。  相似文献   

通过对唐钢压力管道普查摸底,加强了唐钢压力管道安全技术管理,正确评价了唐钢压力管道安全状况,提高了管理水平。  相似文献   

本文通过唐钢二炼钢厂和济钢一炼钢厂部分指标对比,结合唐钢具体情况,提出了唐钢二炼钢厂技术改造思路。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to determine the occurrence of low back pain and its relationship to back strength and physical activity in children. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The study included 53 boys and 43 girls aged 10 to 19 years from a group of 116 children who had undergone isometric strength testing 4 years previously. No intervention was performed. Each child was asked five questions concerning low back pain. A questionnaire to quantify participation in athletic activities and manual labor was used as the basis for calculation of each child's activity level. Isometric back flexor and extensor strength were measured with the same method used 4 years previously. Statistical analyses were performed with appropriate correction for confounding factors. RESULTS: The frequency of low back pain and the relationship between low back pain and age, between low back pain and back strength, and between low back pain and physical activity were determined. There was a history of low back pain in 51%, and the frequency of low back pain in the past year was 35%. Eight percent of the children had been limited by low back pain, and 7% had seen a doctor for the pain. The first incident of low back pain occurred at a mean age of 12.3 years. The frequencies of a history of low back pain and of low back pain in the past year increased significantly with age (p = 0.02 and 0.01 respectively). Increased physical activity was significantly associated with a history of low back pain (p = 0.03), and increased back flexor strength was significantly associated with a history of low back pain and of low back pain in the past year (p = 0.03 and 0.008, respectively). The rate of low back flexor or strength over 4 years had a significantly positive association with the occurrence of low back pain in the past year (p = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Low back pain is common in children, and, in contrast to adults, low back pain in these children was more common with increased physical activity and stronger back flexors. We believe the main causes of low back pain in children are musculotendinous strains and ligamentous sprains.  相似文献   

The relations of shyness and low sociability (i.e., the nonfearful preference to be alone) to measures of regulation and emotionality were examined. College students and (for some variables) friends reported on their relevant dispositional characteristics. In general, shyness was associated with low regulation and high negative emotionality (including intensity, negative affectivity, and personal distress), low positive affect, and low constructive coping. In contrast, low sociability was unrelated to negative emotionality; associated with low positive emotional intensity, low physiological reactivity, and high inhibition control; and correlated with low seeking of social support as a means of coping. The findings are considered within a heuristic model in which emotional reactivity and regulation are proposed as predictors of social responding. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), malate dehydrogenase, and alpha-esterase were studied electrophoretically in a total of 99 semen samples obtained from normal, vasectomized, oligospermic, and infertile males. The enzymatic patterns were compared with total sperm count and percentage sperm motility. Lactate dehydrogenase X was absent in semen samples from oligospermic as well as vasectomized males. An extra LDH band (between the second and third LDH bands) was detectable in samples which had a low sperm count but higher motility (80 to 90%). This extra band was absent in samples with higher sperm count regardless of the level of percentage motility, suggesting that the extra band possibly may be related to motility factors of low sperm count but not normal sperm count. The fastest moving alpha-esterase bands were absent in samples from oligospermic or vasectomized males. These bands were also absent in samples from infertile patients having a very low sperm count. It is not clear whether the fast-moving esterase bands are related to sperm count or possible differences in hormonal levels of individuals with low or zero sperm count samples. The patterns of malate dehydrogenase did not differ in individuals with zero, low, or normal sperm count.  相似文献   

The relationship between job performance and voluntary employee turnover was investigated for 5,143 exempt employees in a single firm. As hypothesized, support was found for E. F. Jackofsky's (see record 1987-09010-001) curvilinear hypothesis, as turnover was higher for low and high performers than it was for average performers. Two potential moderators of the curvilinearity were examined in an attempt to explain conflicting results in the performance-turnover literature. As predicted, low salary growth and high promotions each produced a more pronounced curvilinear performance-turnover relationship. Most notably, salary growth effects on turnover were greatest for high performers, with high salary growth predicting rather low turnover for these employees, whereas low salary growth predicted extremely high turnover. Additionally, once salary growth was controlled, promotions positively predicted turnover, with poor performer turnover most strongly affected. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In an experiment using a large set of verbal and spatial tasks requiring low or high degrees of executive control, 3 distinct age-related effects were found. The smallest effect (no slowing was tied to lexical tasks with low executive involvement, the largest deficit (age-related slowing factor of 2.2) was tied to visuospatial tasks with high executive involvement, an intermediate level of deficit (slowing factor of 1.7) was found for visuospatial tasks with low executive load and verbal tasks with high executive load. These age-related dissociations were incompatible with any "common cause" formulation. The mechanism responsible for the dissociation between verbal and visual tasks, and between low and high executive load remains to be determined. The latter may reflect capacity limits. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

王利 《工业炉》2012,34(2):31-33
介绍了蓄热式燃烧排烟系统低温腐蚀的机理,分析了燃料成分、烟气露点、烟气温度、环境温度、系统壁温对低温腐蚀的影响,提出了防止低温腐蚀的对策.通过对管道、设备采用外包扎保温材料,可有效解决低温腐蚀问题.  相似文献   

采用硝酸、氢氟酸和高氯酸冒烟溶解样品,选取Nb 322.548nm、V 310.230nm和Zr 319.418nm为分析谱线,采用基体匹配法配制标准溶液系列并绘制校准曲线消除基体效应的影响;使用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)同时测定铌、钒和锆,从而建立低碳低钛硅铁中铌、钒和锆的测定方法。共存元素的干扰校正试验表明,样品中共存元素对待测元素无干扰影响。各待测元素校准曲线的线性相关系数均大于0.9995;各元素的检出限分别为0.0006%,0.0005%和0.0005%。实验方法应用于低碳低钛硅实际样品中铌、钒、锆的测定,结果的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=10)为1.2%~4.7%,回收率为98%~104%。按实验方法测定低碳低钛硅铁样品中铌、钒、锆,测定结果与YB/T 4395—2014、GB/T 223.14—2000和GB/T 223.30—1994测定值相符。  相似文献   

勾新勇 《中国冶金》2018,28(3):46-49
针对低磷低钛低硫钢生产的控制难点,通过研究熔氧结合快速脱磷去钛技术、高效快速脱硫技术的研究与应用、精炼过程控钛脱氧技术开发与应用等多项新技术,集成应用,形成了一套成熟的低磷、低钛、低硫钢的冶炼工艺,解决了电炉脱磷去钛困难、石灰消耗高、合金化低磷合金消耗高、精炼过程增钛量大、脱硫难度大(出现换渣)、精炼周期波动大、冶炼成本高等问题,获得了钢水中极低的磷、钛、硫质量分数,电炉终点磷质量分数可达到0.004%以下,钛质量分数达到0.000 6%以下,成品磷质量分数不高于0.010%、钛质量分数不高于0.003%、硫质量分数不高于0.003%,钢水氢质量分数不高于0.000 15%、氧质量分数集中于0.001 1%~0.001 4%,实现了低磷、低钛、低硫高洁净钢的批量稳定生产,产品质量满足中高端用户要求。  相似文献   

JD Cassidy  LJ Carroll  P C?té 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,23(17):1860-6; discussion 1867
STUDY DESIGN: Population-based, cross-sectional, mailed survey. OBJECTIVES: To determine the lifetime, 6-month period, and point prevalence of low back pain and its related disability among Saskatchewan adults and to investigate the presence and strength of selective response bias. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: There have been many reports of the prevalence of low back pain in different populations, and the estimates vary widely depending on case definition. However, most studies fail to differentiate between trivial and disabling back pain, which raises the issue of the usefulness of these estimates. No studies have yet documented the prevalence of graded low back pain severity and its related disability in a North American, general, population-based survey. METHODS: The Saskatchewan Health and Back Pain Survey was mailed to a probability sample of 2184 Saskatchewan adults between 20 and 69 years of age. Fifty-five percent of the eligible population responded to the survey. Respondents were compared with nonrespondents, and the presence of selective response bias by back pain status was investigated by wave analysis. The point and lifetime prevalence of low back pain was determined by simple questions, and the 6-month period prevalence of low back pain was determined by the Chronic Pain Questionnaire. All estimates were age standardized to the Saskatchewan population. RESULTS: The authors estimate that at the time of the survey 28.4% (95% confidence interval, 25.6-31.1) of the Saskatchewan adult population were experiencing low back pain, and 84.1% (95% confidence interval, 81.9-86.3) had experienced it during their lifetime. Overall, 48.9% (95% confidence interval, 45.9-52.0) of the population had experienced low intensity/low-disability low back pain in the previous 6 months, 12.3% (95% confidence interval, 10.3-14.4) had experienced high-intensity/low-disability low back pain, and an additional 10.7% (95% confidence interval, 8.8-12.5) had experienced high-disability low back pain in the previous 6 months. There was little variation in the estimates over age groups, but women experienced more high-disability back pain than men. There was no evidence of selective response bias by low back pain status in the survey. CONCLUSION: Low-intensity/low-disability low back pain is a common problem in the general population. Approximately 11% of the adult population studied had been disabled by low back pain in the previous 6 months.  相似文献   

对转炉炼钢实现低铁耗和高碳低磷工艺进行了分析,介绍了南钢公司转炉炼钢实践低铁耗条件下高碳低磷工艺的具体应用措施。  相似文献   

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