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通过苯磺隆除草剂的模拟实验,研究了除草剂对土壤动物的影响。本实验共获得土壤动物1031个,隶属3门、5纲、9目。其中弹尾目和甲螨亚目为优势类群,其余为常见类群。本实验结果表明,随着苯磺隆除草剂处理浓度的提高,土壤动物种类和数量呈递减趋势。弹尾目和甲螨亚目可作为农药污染的重要指示生物。  相似文献   

近些年来随着对生态学的深入研究,人们认识到土壤动物的群落结构、功能以及在生态过程中积极的不可替代的作用,土壤动物逐渐成为生态学研究的热点之一。本文分析评价了国内关于土壤动物的研究进展。同时对国外土壤动物在土壤环境评价、凋落物分解、土壤健康的指示作用、与污染环境的关系、二氧化碳浓度对其的影响、在农业生态系统中的作用、在城市生态系统研究中的作用、在废弃物处理及土壤改良中的应用、在N循环中的作用、湿地土壤动物研究等10个方面的研究动态进行了综述。并提出了对土壤动物研究工作的几点建议。  相似文献   

用百草清除草剂对农田生态系统土壤动物进行染毒模拟实验,共获得土壤动物967个,隶属3门,6纲,10目。其中弹尾目、甲螨亚目为优势类群,其余为常见类群和稀有类群。实验结果表明,百草清除草剂处理组的动物种类和数量与对照组相比较明显减少,动物种类的减少主要取决于常见种类和稀有种类,动物数量的变化则主要是优势类群的数量消长。并且随着百草清溶液处理浓度的增加,土壤动物的种类和数量显著减少,但上、下层动物随染毒历时递减规律有所不同。  相似文献   

通过对衡南县紫色土5种生境中的土壤动物进行调查研究,共获得土壤动物1657只,隶属于4门9纲37目,其中优势类群2类,常见类群11类。探讨了5种生境中土壤动物群落结构特征,并进行了多样性、均匀性及相似性分析。  相似文献   

重金属污染正日益受到人们的关注.利用指示生物监测和评价重金属污染是一种简单可行的方法,但是却能提供具有重要价值的信息,特别是在反映生态系统功能变化方面具有独特的优势.在指示生物和生物监测研究领域,软体动物可以被用来获取陆地、海洋和淡水生态系统的环境质量信息.本文综述了腹足纲土壤动物应用于重金属污染监测和评价中的研究进展.  相似文献   

在阐述了土壤质量的内涵基础上,分析了土壤质量和土壤健康、土地质量及土壤服务功能的联系。重点对我国土壤质量的评价研究进行了回顾和概述,从指标体系的选取和评价方法入手,探讨了评价的发展过程,分析了我国土壤评价指标体系因子选择的范围,在论述了国际土壤质量最新进展的基础上,指出了生物学指标研究是需要加强的方向;同时着重分析了我国土壤质量评价方法研究的进展,对我国土壤质量评价的方法进行了概括,指出了空间化,过程化,应用化和综合化的发展方向,并讨论了我国土壤评价研究的方向和趋势。  相似文献   

土地质量评价指标体系成为当前的研究热点,而土地污染是影响土地质量的重要因素。为了对土地质量全面客观地进行评价,提出了土壤动物指标可以作为土地污染的一个间接指标。文章认为土壤动物与土地污染之间存在着密切的关系,并表现在土壤动物各个生物组织层次中:在土壤动物体内累积污染物,在个体层次上表现为毒理学影响,在种群和群落层次上表现为生态学影响。通过对比被污染土地中土壤动物各项指数与未污染土地中土壤动物各项指数,综合得出土壤动物指标,并以此指标作为土地污染的替代指标。  相似文献   

对大兴安岭北部塔河县7个森林群落的土壤动物进行研究,将该区土壤动物划分为腐食性、植食性和捕食性动物=三个功能类群,无论个体数量还是生物量,腐食性动物所占比例都最大,而植食性和捕食件动物所占比例较小.土壤动物各功能类群在组成、个体数量和生物量等方面均具有相对稳定性,并在一定程度上反映了环境质量.土壤环境条件优越的群落,腐食性动物的个体数量及生物量所占比例相应较大.与小兴安岭森林土壤动物相比,大兴安岭地区腐食性动物所占比例减小.植食性和捕食性动物所占比例相应增加.各地区的共有类群反映了大环境的相似程度,而特有类群则反映出各自局地环境的特殊性,它们对生态系统具有指示作用.  相似文献   

通过对土壤有机磷形态测定及其与土壤有效磷、小麦幼苗吸磷量、黑麦幼苗吸磷量、幼苗试验土壤有机磷矿化量的相关分析,研究了土壤有机磷形态的生物有效性。结果表明:反映土壤供磷状况及植物磷素营养状况的一些相关指标,如有效磷、黑麦草幼苗吸磷量与有机磷组分无明显直线相关关系,不能说明土壤有机磷形态的有效性。而幼苗试验土壤有机磷的矿化量、小麦幼苗吸磷量可以从一个侧面反映土壤有机磷形态的有效性。总的趋势是活性有机磷和中等活性有机磷表现出较高的有效性,高稳性有机磷有效性最低。  相似文献   

本文通过访问德国前土壤学会主席以及有关文献的查对、研究,介绍了德国土壤科学的主要研究进展,包括德国土壤科学的起源、国家与国际合作、土壤发生学研究、土壤制图与分类、土壤化学与矿物学、土壤物理和生态系统研究等方面的代表性人物与主要研究进展,希望能对我国同行有些启发和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

In relation to mobile health (mHealth) initiatives, early engagement by potential end users has been established to have a positive impact both in the medium- to long-term adoption of the solution. However, there remains a paucity of research which focuses on participant recruitment for mHealth initiatives in developing countries. The objective of this paper, therefore, is to examine community health workers’ (CHWs’) intentions to participate in a mHealth pilot study in Malawi, Africa. A conceptual model with three characteristics is derived from the existing literature which may influence a CHW’s intentions: namely, (1) participant, (2) pilot study, and (3) social and contextual characteristics. A paper-based survey of CHWs was employed to examine the model, analysed using the partial least squares method of structural equation modelling. This study reveals that participant and pilot study characteristics primarily influence the decision-making process of CHWs when considering their participation in pilot studies. Health policy-makers and professionals should focus on reducing uncertainty by promoting the importance of the study at individual and societal levels and ensuring that potential end users are competent interacting and using mHealth.  相似文献   

This study investigates how differences in the use of online health information and social media affect the use of online health services. We attempt to predict the extent to which the use of social media and online health information prompt individuals to use online health services. We draw upon a combination of sociology and communication studies and integrate relational maintenance assumptions regarding the quality of online social relationships to promote the importance of health empowerment factors–socio-demographic characteristics, internet attitudes and health status models to predict the likelihood of using online health services. The study’s sample consists of 1406 individuals using the Internet, including 633 individuals using the Internet and social media to look for health information. The study’s results provide evidence that (a) online health information empowers most of the examined individuals to use online health services; (b) among all social media only those that offer consulting have a significant effect on the likelihood of using online health services. The implications of these findings support that a conceptual integration of CMC and social media use theories along with health empowerment assumptions, is a promising theoretical framework to test the effectiveness of social media use in prompting use of online health services. The practical applications for health management are highlighted as well. Finding practical and affordable ways to support the use of social media and encourage access to online health information and use of online health services could improve health literacy and self-management of health at the individual level and increase the efficiency in the provision of health services at the institutional level.  相似文献   

我国水质重金属污染问题突出,便携式水质重金属电化学检测仪具有体积小、灵敏度高、检测速度快、便于携带等特点,特别适用于水质现场快速测定。本文介绍了便携式水质重金属电化学检测仪的主要工作原理,根据电化学分析方法不同,对现有便携式水质重金属电化学检测仪进行分类,并分别对其国内外研究发展近况进行总结和概述,最后探讨并分析了便携式水质重金属电化学检测仪的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Occupational health and safety is one of the most important topics of ergonomics. In many countries the practical issues are addressed in worker protection laws or rules and most companies have some sort of occupational health and safety system. As with many other ergonomics approaches, such activities are often necessary because of legal requirements. Such efforts are often viewed by management as primarily cost intensive. To change this image, it would be helpful to have a more positive, management-oriented approach. Corporate health management as a module of an integrated management system can fulfil this goal.  相似文献   

In home health care (HHC) operations, nurses are scheduled and routed to perform various services at clients' homes. As this often requires a combination of vehicle routing and scheduling approaches, resulting optimization problems are complex and, hence, of high interest to stakeholders such as researchers, practitioners and policy-makers. With demand for HHC expected to increase substantially, future work is essential to decrease costs and to guarantee service quality. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of current work in the field of HHC routing and scheduling with a focus on considered problem settings. Recent advances in HHC optimization are highlighted and future research directions discussed.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal disorders are one of leading causes of work related ill health and sickness absence. Those drive as part of their job may be at particular risk, with evidence suggesting that prolonged exposure to driving is associated with increased absence from work due to low back pain. Business drivers often work away from a traditional office environment. Such mobile working may pose greater risks to occupational health due to increased ergonomic risks, for example working from the car, longer working hours and a lack of concern amongst drivers about health and safety. It has been suggested that occupational health practices have not adapted to meet the needs of peripatetic workers. The current study explored how occupational health services are delivered to business drivers. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with a sample of 31 stakeholders in 4 organisations. Respondents included, health and safety professionals, occupational health nurses, fleet managers and high mileage business drivers. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using ‘Template Analysis’. The data revealed that, within these organisations, the provision of occupational health services was often fragmented and drivers and other key stakeholders were often unaware of the existing systems within their organisations. The peripatetic nature of business drivers meant that they were difficult for occupational health teams to reach. The paper concludes by presenting recommendations for occupational health professionals and researchers engaged with improving the health of peripatetic workers, namely that occupational health policies should be integrated in company strategy and widely disseminated to drivers and those with responsibility for managing their occupational health provision.  相似文献   

土壤含水量和土壤温度值对土壤要素起着举足轻重的作用,是农业、水利等生产科研的一个重要指标,因此准确地测量这两个要素值显得尤为重要。选用LPC1766为核心控制器,设计了一种便携式测量系统,可随时随地检测土壤含水量和土壤温度值并实时显示。该系统采用ARM Cortex-M3嵌入式系统,具有功耗低、操作简单、携带方便等特点。  相似文献   

冻土与未冻土中的介电常数和温度物理参数有一定的差异,且差异在数值上较明显。基于这一特性,提出了利用空气、固态土、水和冰物理特性存在差异的原理检测冻土的方法,设计了一种电容式冻土测量传感器,实现了土壤水分、地温及冻土深度多参数融合测量。通过与人工测量的冻土深度进行对比分析,结果表明:其相关系数达到了0.99,平均绝对误差小于2.5 cm,满足冻土自动测量技术要求,可应用于冻土观测站,代替人工观测。  相似文献   

石墨烯具有非凡的物理及电学性质,如高比表面积、高导电性、高机械强度、易于修饰及大规模生产等.2004年石墨烯的成功剥离,使石墨烯成为形成纳米尺寸晶体管和电路的"后硅时代"的新潜力材料,其产品研发和应用目前正在全球范围内急剧增加,本文通过对石墨烯特性、制备方法、国内外研究及应用现状、未来发展展望几方面进行了综述,希望对石...  相似文献   

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