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The twisted cube TQn is an alternative to the popular hypercube network. Recently, some interesting properties of TQn were investigated. In this paper, we study the pancycle problem on faulty twisted cubes. Let fe and fv be the numbers of faulty edges and faulty vertices in TQn, respectively. We show that, with fe + fv ? n − 2, a faulty TQn still contains a cycle of length l for every 4 ? l ? ∣V(TQn)∣ − fv and odd integer n ? 3.  相似文献   

The crossed cube is an important variant of the most popular hypercube network for parallel computing. In this paper, we consider the problem of embedding a long fault-free cycle in a crossed cube with more faulty nodes. We prove that for n?5 and f?2n−7, a fault-free cycle of length at least n2f−(n−5) can be embedded in an n-dimensional crossed cube with f faulty nodes. Our work extends some previously known results in the sense of the maximum number of faulty nodes tolerable in a crossed cube.  相似文献   

Crossed cubes are popular variants of hypercubes. In this paper, we study path embeddings between any two distinct nodes in crossed cubes. We prove two important results in the n-dimensional crossed cube: (a) for any two nodes, all paths whose lengths are greater than or equal to the distance between the two nodes plus 2 can be embedded between the two nodes with dilation 1; (b) for any two integers n ? 2 and l with , there always exist two nodes x and y whose distance is l, such that no path of length l + 1 can be embedded between x and y with dilation 1. The obtained results are optimal in the sense that the dilations of path embeddings are all 1. The results are also complete, because the embeddings of paths of all possible lengths between any two nodes are considered.  相似文献   

The crossed cube, which is a variation of the hypercube, possesses some properties superior to the hypercube. In this paper, assuming that each node is incident with at least two fault-free links, we show that an n-dimensional crossed cube contains a fault-free Hamiltonian cycle, even if there are up to 2n − 5 link faults. The result is optimal with respect to the number of link faults tolerated. We also verify that the assumption is practically meaningful by evaluating its occurrence probability, which is very close to 1.  相似文献   

Crossed cubes are important variants of the hypercubes. It has been proven that crossed cubes have attractive properties in Hamiltonian connectivity and pancyclicity. In this paper, we study two stronger features of crossed cubes. We prove that the n-dimensional crossed cube is not only node-pancyclic but also edge-pancyclic for n?2. We also show that the similar property holds for hypercubes.  相似文献   

Crossed cubes are important variants of hypercubes. In this paper, we consider embeddings of meshes in crossed cubes. The major research findings in this paper are: (1) For any integer n ? 1, a 2 × 2n−1 mesh can be embedded in the n-dimensional crossed cube with dilation 1 and expansion 1. (2) For any integer n ? 4, two node-disjoint 4 × 2n−3 meshes can be embedded in the n-dimensional crossed cube with dilation 1 and expansion 2. The obtained results are optimal in the sense that the dilations of the embeddings are 1. The embedding of the 2 × 2n−1 mesh is also optimal in terms of expansion because it has the smallest expansion 1.  相似文献   

Twisted cubes are an important class of hypercube-variant interconnection networks for parallel computing. In this paper, we evaluate the fault-tolerant mesh/torus embedding abilities of twisted cubes. By reducing the fault-tolerant mesh/torus embedding problem to the fault-tolerant pancyclicity, we propose several schemes for embedding meshes/tori in faulty twisted cubes. The obtained results reveal another appealing fault-tolerant feature of twisted cubes.  相似文献   

A graph G is panconnected if, for any two distinct vertices x and y of G, it contains an [x, y]-path of length l for each integer l satisfying dG(xy) ? l ? ∣V(G)∣ − 1, where dG(xy) denotes the distance between vertices x and y in G, and V(G) denotes the vertex set of G. For insight into the concept of panconnectedness, we propose a more refined property, namely panpositionable panconnectedness. Let x, y, and z be any three distinct vertices in a graph G. Then G is said to be panpositionably panconnected if for any dG(xz) ? l1 ? ∣V(G)∣ − dG(yz) − 1, it contains a path P such that x is the beginning vertex of P, z is the (l1 + 1)th vertex of P, and y is the (l1 + l2 + 1)th vertex of P for any integer l2 satisfying dG(yz) ? l2 ? ∣V(G)∣ − l1 − 1. The augmented cube, proposed by Choudum and Sunitha [6] to be an enhancement of the n-cube Qn, not only retains some attractive characteristics of Qn but also possesses many distinguishing properties of which Qn lacks. In this paper, we investigate the panpositionable panconnectedness with respect to the class of augmented cubes. As a consequence, many topological properties related to cycle and path embedding in augmented cubes, such as pancyclicity, panconnectedness, and panpositionable Hamiltonicity, can be drawn from our results.  相似文献   

The recently introduced interconnection network, the Möbius cube, is an important variant of the hypercube. This network has several attractive properties compared with the hypercube. In this paper, we show that the n-dimensional Möbius cube Mn is Hamilton-connected when n?3. Then, by using the Hamilton-connectivity of Mn, we also show that any cycle of length l (4?l?2n) can be embedded into Mn with dilation 1 (n?2). It is a fact that the n-dimensional hypercube Qn does not possess these two properties.  相似文献   

As an enhancement on the hypercube Qn, the augmented cube AQn, prosed by Choudum and Sunitha [S.A. Choudum, V. Sunitha, Augmented cubes, Networks 40 (2) (2002) 71-84], not only retains some favorable properties of Qn but also possesses some embedding properties that Qn does not. For example, AQn is pancyclic, that is, AQn contains cycles of arbitrary length for n?2. This paper shows that AQn remains pancyclic provided faulty vertices and/or edges do not exceed 2n−3 and n?4.  相似文献   

The conditional connectivity and the conditional fault diameter of a crossed cube are studied in this work. The conditional connectivity is the connectivity of an interconnection network with conditional faults, where each node has at least one fault-free neighbor. Based on this requirement, the conditional connectivity of a crossed cube is shown to be 2n−22n2. Extending this result, the conditional fault diameter of a crossed cube is also shown to be D(CQn)+3D(CQn)+3 as a set of 2n−32n3 node failures. This indicates that the conditional fault diameter of a crossed cube is increased by three compared to the fault-free diameter of a crossed cube. The conditional fault diameter of a crossed cube is approximately half that of the hypercube. In this respect, the crossed cube is superior to the hypercube.  相似文献   

A graph G is panconnected if each pair of distinct vertices u,vV(G) are joined by a path of length l for all dG(u,v)?l?|V(G)|-1, where dG(u,v) is the length of a shortest path joining u and v in G. Recently, Fan et. al. [J. Fan, X. Lin, X. Jia, Optimal path embedding in crossed cubes, IEEE Trans. Parall. Distrib. Syst. 16 (2) (2005) 1190-1200, J. Fan, X. Jia, X. Lin, Complete path embeddings in crossed cubes, Inform. Sci. 176 (22) (2006) 3332-3346] and Xu et. al. [J.M. Xu, M.J. Ma, M. Lu, Paths in Möbius cubes and crossed cubes, Inform. Proc. Lett. 97 (3) (2006) 94-97] both proved that n-dimensional crossed cube, CQn, is almost panconnected except the path of length dCQn(u,v)+1 for any two distinct vertices u,vV(CQn). In this paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition to check for the existence of paths of length dCQn(u,v)+1, called the nearly shortest paths, for any two distinct vertices u,v in CQn. Moreover, we observe that only some pair of vertices have no nearly shortest path and we give a construction scheme for the nearly shortest path if it exists.  相似文献   

Crossed cubes are an important class of hypercube variants. This paper addresses how to embed a family of disjoint multi-dimensional meshes into a crossed cube. We prove that for n?4 and 1?m?⌊n/2⌋−1, a family of m2 disjoint k-dimensional meshes of size t12×t22×?×tk2 each can be embedded in an n-dimensional crossed cube with unit dilation, where and max1?i?k{ti}?n−2m−1. This result means that a family of mesh-structured parallel algorithms can be executed on a same crossed cube efficiently and in parallel. Our work extends some recently obtained results.  相似文献   

It is known that every hypercube Qn is a bipartite graph. Assume that n?2 and F is a subset of edges with |F|?n−2. We prove that there exists a hamiltonian path in QnF between any two vertices of different partite sets. Moreover, there exists a path of length 2n−2 between any two vertices of the same partite set. Assume that n?3 and F is a subset of edges with |F|?n−3. We prove that there exists a hamiltonian path in Qn−{v}−F between any two vertices in the partite set without v. Furthermore, all bounds are tight.  相似文献   

Independent spanning trees on twisted cubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multiple independent spanning trees have applications to fault tolerance and data broadcasting in distributed networks. There are two versions of the n independent spanning trees conjecture. The vertex (edge) conjecture is that any n-connected (n-edge-connected) graph has n vertex-independent spanning trees (edge-independent spanning trees) rooted at an arbitrary vertex. Note that the vertex conjecture implies the edge conjecture. The vertex and edge conjectures have been confirmed only for n-connected graphs with n≤4, and they are still open for arbitrary n-connected graph when n≥5. In this paper, we confirm the vertex conjecture (and hence also the edge conjecture) for the n-dimensional twisted cube TQn by providing an O(NlogN) algorithm to construct n vertex-independent spanning trees rooted at any vertex, where N denotes the number of vertices in TQn. Moreover, all independent spanning trees rooted at an arbitrary vertex constructed by our construction method are isomorphic and the height of each tree is n+1 for any integer n≥2.  相似文献   

The Möbius cube MQn and the crossed cube CQn are two important variants of the hypercube Qn. This paper shows that for any two different vertices u and v in G∈{MQn,CQn} with n?3, there exists a uv-path of every length from dG(u,v)+2 to n2−1 except for a shortest uv-path, where dG(u,v) is the distance between u and v in G. This result improves some known results.  相似文献   

Crossed cubes are an important class of hypercube variants. This paper addresses how to embed a family of disjoint 3D meshes into a crossed cube. Two major contributions of this paper are: (1) for n?4, a family of two disjoint 3D meshes of size 2×2×2n-3 can be embedded in an n-D crossed cube with unit dilation and unit expansion, and (2) for n?6, a family of four disjoint 3D meshes of size 4×2×2n-5 can be embedded in an n-D crossed cube with unit dilation and unit expansion. These results mean that a family of two or four 3D-mesh-structured parallel algorithms can be executed on a same crossed cube efficiently and in parallel. Our work extends the results recently obtained by Fan and Jia [J. Fan, X. Jia, Embedding meshes into crossed cubes, Information Sciences 177(15) (2007) 3151-3160].  相似文献   

The topology of interconnection networks plays an important role in the performance of parallel and distributed computing systems. In this paper, we propose a new interconnection network called twisted crossed cube (TCQn) and investigate its basic network properties in terms of the regularity, connectivity, fault tolerance, recursiveness, hamiltonicity and ability to simulate other architectures, and so on. Then, we develop an effective routing algorithm Route (u, v) for TCQn that takes no more than d(u, v) + 1 steps for any two nodes (u, v) to communicate with each other, and the routing process shows that the diameter, wide diameter, and fault‐tolerant diameter of TCQn are about half of the corresponding diameters of the equivalent hypercube with the same dimension. In the end, by combining TCQn with crossed cube (CQn), we propose a preferable dynamic network structure, that is, the dynamic crossed cube, which has the same network diameter as TCQn/CQn and better properties in other respects, for example, its connection complexity is half of that of TCQn/CQn when the network scale is large enough, and the number of its average routing steps is also much smaller than that in TCQn/CQn. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The n-dimensional locally twisted cube LTQn is a promising alternative to the hypercube because of its great properties. Not only is LTQn n-connected, but also meshes, torus, and edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles can embed in it. Ma and Xu [Panconnectivity of locally twisted cubes, Appl. Math. Lett. 19 (2006), pp. 681–685] investigated the panconnectivity of LTQn for flexible routing. In this paper, we combine panconnectivity with Hamiltonian connectedness to define Hamiltonian r-panconnectedness: a graph G of m vertices, m≥3, is Hamiltonian r-panconnected if for any three distinct vertices x, y, and z of G there exists a Hamiltonian path P of G such that P(1)=x, P(l+1)=y, and P(m)=z for every rlm?1?r, where P(i) denotes the ith vertex of P for 1≤im. Then, we show that LTQn is Hamiltonian n-panconnected for n≥5. This property admits the path embedding via an intermediate node at any prescribed position, and our result achieves an improvement over that of Ma and Xu.  相似文献   

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