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A homogeneous set is a non-trivial module of a graph, i.e., a non-unitary, proper subset H of a graph's vertices such that all vertices in H have the same neighbors outside H. Given two graphs G1(V,E1), G2(V,E2), the Homogeneous Set Sandwich Problem asks whether there exists a sandwich graph GS(V,ES), E1ESE2, which has a homogeneous set. Recently, Tang et al. [Inform. Process. Lett. 77 (2001) 17-22] proposed an interesting O(?1n2) algorithm for this problem, which has been considered its most efficient algorithm since. We show the incorrectness of their algorithm by presenting three counterexamples.  相似文献   

Let G=(V,E) be a simple graph without isolated vertices. A vertex set SV is a paired-dominating set if every vertex in VS has at least one neighbor in S and the induced subgraph G[S] has a perfect matching. In this paper, we present a linear-time algorithm to find a minimum paired-dominating set in strongly chordal graphs if the strong (elimination) ordering of the graph is given in advance.  相似文献   

Given an arbitrary graph G=(V,E) and a proper interval graph H=(V,F) with EF we say that H is a proper interval completion of G. The graph H is called a minimal proper interval completion of G if, for any sandwich graph H=(V,F) with EFF, H is not a proper interval graph. In this paper we give a O(n+m) time algorithm computing a minimal proper interval completion of an arbitrary graph. The output is a proper interval model of the completion.  相似文献   

Bang Ye Wu 《Algorithmica》2013,65(2):467-479
Given an undirected graph G=(V,E) with positive edge lengths and two vertices s and t, the next-to-shortest path problem is to find an st-path which length is minimum amongst all st-paths strictly longer than the shortest path length. In this paper we show that the problem can be solved in linear time if the distances from s and t to all other vertices are given. Particularly our new algorithm runs in O(|V|log|V|+|E|) time for general graphs, which improves the previous result of O(|V|2) time and takes only linear time for unweighted graphs, planar graphs, and graphs with positive integer edge lengths.  相似文献   

Given a class C of graphs, a graph G=(V,E) is said to be a C-probe graph if there exists a stable (i.e., independent) set of vertices XV and a set F of pairs of vertices of X such that the graph G=(V,EF) is in the class C. Recently, there has been increasing interest and research on a variety of C-probe graph classes, such as interval probe graphs, chordal probe graphs and chain probe graphs.In this paper we focus on chordal-bipartite probe graphs. We prove a structural result that if B is a bipartite graph with no chordless cycle of length strictly greater than 6, then B is chordal-bipartite probe if and only if a certain “enhanced” graph B is a chordal-bipartite graph. This theorem is analogous to a result on interval probe graphs in Zhang (1994) [18] and to one on chordal probe graphs in Golumbic and Lipshteyn (2004) [11].  相似文献   

A vertex coloring c:V→{1,2,…,t} of a graph G=(V,E) is a vertex t-ranking if for any two vertices of the same color every path between them contains a vertex of larger color. The vertex ranking number χr(G) is the smallest value of t such that G has a vertex t-ranking. A χr(G)-ranking of G is said to be an optimal vertex ranking. In this paper, we present an O(|V|+|E|) time algorithm for finding an optimal vertex ranking of a starlike graph G=(V,E). Our result implies that an optimal vertex ranking of a split graph can be computed in linear time.  相似文献   

A homogeneous set is a non-trivial module of a graph, i.e., a non-empty, non-unitary, proper vertex subset such that all its elements present the same outer neighborhood. Given two graphs G1(V,E1) and G2(V,E2), the Homogeneous Set Sandwich Problem (HSSP) asks whether there exists a graph GS(V,ES), E1ESE2, which has a homogeneous set. This paper presents an algorithm that uses the concept of bias graph [S. Tang, F. Yeh, Y. Wang, An efficient algorithm for solving the homogeneous set sandwich problem, Inform. Process. Lett. 77 (2001) 17-22] to solve the problem in time, thus outperforming the other known HSSP deterministic algorithms for inputs where .  相似文献   

Let G=(V,E) be a simple graph with vertex set V and edge set E. A subset WVE is a mixed dominating set if every element x∈(VE)?W is either adjacent or incident to an element of W. The mixed domination problem is to find a minimum mixed dominating set of G. In this paper we first prove that a connected graph is a tree if and only if its total graph is strongly chordal, and thus we obtain a polynomial-time algorithm for this problem in trees. Further we design another linear-time labeling algorithm for this problem in trees. At the end of the paper, we show that the mixed domination problem is NP-complete even when restricted to split graphs, a subclass of chordal graphs.  相似文献   

In a graph G=(V,E), a subset FV(G) is a feedback vertex set of G if the subgraph induced by V(G)?F is acyclic. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for finding a small feedback vertex set of a star graph. Indeed, our algorithm can derive an upper bound to the size of the feedback vertex set for star graphs. Also by applying the properties of regular graphs, a lower bound can easily be achieved for star graphs.  相似文献   

Let G=(V,E) be a graph. A global secure set SDV is a dominating set which also satisfies a condition that |N[X]∩SD|≥|N[X]−SD| for every subset XSD. The minimum cardinality of the global secure set in the graph G is denoted by γs(G). In this paper, we introduce the notion of γs-monotone graphs. The graph G is γs-monotone if, for every k∈{γs(G),γs(G)+1,…,n}, it has a global secure set of cardinality k. We will also present the results concerning the minimum cardinality of the global secure sets in the class of cographs.  相似文献   

Given a bipartite graph G=(V,W,E) with a bipartition {V,W} of a vertex set and an edge set E, a 2-layered drawing of G in the plane means that the vertices of V and W are respectively drawn as distinct points on two parallel lines and the edges as straight line segments. We consider the problem of counting the number of edge crossings. In this paper, we design two algorithms to this problem based on the dynamic programming and divide-and-conquer approaches. These algorithms run in O(n1n2) time and O(m) space and in O(min{n1n2,|E|log(min{|V|,|W|})}) time and O(m) space, respectively. Our algorithms outperform the previously fastest Θ(|E|log(min{|V|,|W|})) time algorithm for dense graphs.  相似文献   

For a graph G=(V,E), a subset DV is an r-hop dominating set if every vertex uVD is at most r-hops away from D. It is a 2-connected r-hop dominating set if the subgraph of G induced by D is 2-connected. In this paper, we present two approximation algorithms to compute minimum 2-connected r-hop dominating set. The first one is a greedy algorithm using ear decomposition of 2-connected graphs. This algorithm is applicable to any 2-connected general graph. The second one is a three-phase algorithm which is only applicable to unit disk graphs. For both algorithms, performance ratios are given.  相似文献   

In a graph, a vertex is simplicial if its neighborhood is a clique. For an integer k≥1, a graph G=(VG,EG) is the k-simplicial power of a graph H=(VH,EH) (H a root graph of G) if VG is the set of all simplicial vertices of H, and for all distinct vertices x and y in VG, xyEG if and only if the distance in H between x and y is at most k. This concept generalizes k-leaf powers introduced by Nishimura, Ragde and Thilikos which were motivated by the search for underlying phylogenetic trees; k-leaf powers are the k-simplicial powers of trees. Recently, a lot of work has been done on k-leaf powers and their roots as well as on their variants phylogenetic roots and Steiner roots. For k≤5, k-leaf powers can be recognized in linear time, and for k≤4, structural characterizations are known. For k≥6, the recognition and characterization problems of k-leaf powers are still open. Since trees and block graphs (i.e., connected graphs whose blocks are cliques) have very similar metric properties, it is natural to study k-simplicial powers of block graphs. We show that leaf powers of trees and simplicial powers of block graphs are closely related, and we study simplicial powers of other graph classes containing all trees such as ptolemaic graphs and strongly chordal graphs.  相似文献   

We consider the following NP-hard problem: given a connected graph G=(V,E) and a link set E on V disjoint to E, find a minimum size subset of edges FE such that (V,EF) is 2-edge-connected. In G. Even et al. (2005) [2] we presented a 1.8-approximation for the problem. In this paper we improve the ratio to 1.5.  相似文献   

For a graph G=(V,E) and a color set C, let f:EC be an edge-coloring of G in which two adjacent edges may have the same color. Then, the graph G edge-colored by f is rainbow connected if every two vertices of G have a path in which all edges are assigned distinct colors. Chakraborty et al. defined the problem of determining whether the graph colored by a given edge-coloring is rainbow connected. Chen et al. introduced the vertex-coloring version of the problem as a variant, and we introduce the total-coloring version in this paper. We settle the precise computational complexities of all the three problems with regards to graph diameters, and also characterize these with regards to certain graph classes: cacti, outer planer and series-parallel graphs. We then give FPT algorithms for the three problems on general graphs when parameterized by the number of colors in C; our FPT algorithms imply that all the three problems can be solved in polynomial time for any graph with n vertices if |C|=O(logn).  相似文献   

A set S?V is a power dominating set (PDS) of a graph G=(V,E) if every vertex and every edge in G can be observed based on the observation rules of power system monitoring. The power domination problem involves minimizing the cardinality of a PDS of a graph. We consider this combinatorial optimization problem and present a linear time algorithm for finding the minimum PDS of an interval graph if the interval ordering of the graph is provided. In addition, we show that the algorithm, which runs in Θ(nlogn) time, where n is the number of intervals, is asymptotically optimal if the interval ordering is not given. We also show that the results hold for the class of circular-arc graphs.  相似文献   

A set QV is a hub set of a graph G=(V,E) if, for every pair of vertices u,vVQ, there exists a path from u to v such that all intermediate vertices are in Q. The hub number of G is the minimum size of a hub set in G. This paper derives the hub numbers of Sierpiński-like graphs including: Sierpiński graphs, extended Sierpiński graphs, and Sierpiński gasket graphs. Meanwhile, the corresponding minimum hub sets are also obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of generating all maximal cliques in a sparse graph in polynomial delay. Given a graph G=(V,E) with n vertices and m edges, the latest and fastest polynomial delay algorithm for sparse graphs enumerates all maximal cliques in O(Δ 4) time delay, where Δ is the maximum degree of vertices. However, it requires an O(n?m) preprocessing time. We improve it in two aspects. First, our algorithm does not need preprocessing. Therefore, our algorithm is a truly polynomial delay algorithm. Second, our algorithm enumerates all maximal cliques in O(Δ?H 3) time delay, where H is the so called H-value of a graph or equivalently it is the smallest integer satisfying |{vVδ(v)≥H}|≤H given δ(v) as the degree of a vertex. In real-world network data, H usually is a small value and much smaller than Δ.  相似文献   

A strong alliance in a graph G=(V,E) is a set of vertices S?V satisfying the condition that, for each vS, the number of its neighbors, including itself, in S is greater than the number of those neighbors not in S. A strong alliance S is global if S forms a dominating set of G. In this paper, we shall propose a way for finding a minimum global strong alliance for each of those Sierpiński-like graphs. Furthermore, we also derive the exact values of those global strong alliance numbers.  相似文献   

Given an edge-capacitated undirected graph G=(V,E,C) with edge capacity , n=|V|, an st edge cut C of G is a minimal subset of edges whose removal from G will separate s from t in the resulting graph, and the capacity sum of the edges in C is the cut value of C. A minimum st edge cut is an st edge cut with the minimum cut value among all st edge cuts. A theorem given by Gomory and Hu states that there are only n−1 distinct values among the n(n−1)/2 minimum edge cuts in an edge-capacitated undirected graph G, and these distinct cuts can be compactly represented by a tree with the same node set as G, which is referred to the flow equivalent tree. In this paper we generalize their result to the node-edge cuts in a node-edge-capacitated undirected planar graph. We show that there is a flow equivalent tree for node-edge-capacitated undirected planar graphs, which represents the minimum node-edge cut for any pair of nodes in the graph through a novel transformation.  相似文献   

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