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Cadmium ferrite, CdFe2O4, is synthesized by urea combustion method followed by calcination at 900°C and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) techniques. The Li-storage and cycling behaviour are examined by galvanostatic cycling, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and impedance spectroscopy in the voltage range, 0·005–3·0 V vs Li at room temperature. CdFe2O4 shows a first cycle reversible capacity of 870 (± 10) mAhg−1 at 0·07C-rate, but the capacity degrades at 4 mAhg−1 per cycle and retains only 680 (± 10) mAhg−1 after 50 cycles. Heat-treated electrode of CdFe2O4 (300°C; 12 h, Ar) shows a significantly improved cycling performance under the above cycling conditions and a stable capacity of 810 (± 10) mAhg−1 corresponding to 8·7 moles of Li per mole of CdFe2O4 (vs theoretical, 9·0 moles of Li) is maintained up to 60 cycles, with a coulombic efficiency, 96–98%. Rate capability of heat-treated CdFe2O4 is also good: reversible capacities of 650 (± 10) and 450 (± 10) mAhg−1 at 0·5 C and 1·4 C (1 C = 840 mAg−1) are observed, respectively. The reasons for the improved cycling performance are discussed. From the CV data in 2–15 cycles, the average discharge potential is measured to be ∼0·9 V, whereas the charge potential is ∼2·1 V. Based on the galvanostatic and CV data, ex situ-XRD, -TEM and -SAED studies, a reaction mechanism is proposed. The impedance parameters as a function of voltage during the 1st cycle have been evaluated and interpreted. Dedicated to Prof. C N R Rao on his 75th birthday, and his contributions to science for the past 56 years  相似文献   

In the present study, we report the synthesis, characterization and application of nanostructured oxide materials. The oxide materials (Cu2O and ZnO) have been synthesized by electrolysis based oxidation and thermal oxidation methods. Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) nanostructures have been synthesized by anodic oxidation of copper through a simple electrolysis process employing plain water (with ionic conductivity, ~6 μS/m) as electrolyte. In this method no special electrolytes, chemicals and surfactants are needed. The method is based on anodization pursuant to the simple electrolysis of water at different voltages. Two different types of Cu2O nanostructures have been found. One type got delaminated from copper anode and was collected from the bottom of the electrochemical cell and the other was located on the copper anode itself. The nanostructures collected from the bottom of the cell are either nanothreads embodying beads of different diameters, ~ 10–40 nm or nanowires (length, ~ 600–1000 nm and diameter, ~ 10–25 nm). Those present on the copper anode were nanoblocks with preponderance of nanocubes (nanocube edge, ~ 400 nm). The copper electrode served as a sacrificial anode for the synthesis of different nanostructures. Aligned ZnO nanorod array has been successfully synthesized by simple thermal evaporation catalyst free method. Detailed structural characterizations revealed that the as synthesized aligned ZnO nanorods are single crystalline, with a hexagonal phase, and with growth along the [0001] direction. The room-temperature photoluminescence spectra showed a weak ultraviolet emission at 380 nm, a broad blue band at 435 nm and a strong orange-red emission at 630 nm. Structural/microstructural characterization of these nanomaterials have been carried out employing scanning (XL-20) and transmission electron microscopic (Philips EM, CM-12 and Technai 20G2) techniques and X-ray diffraction techniques having graphite monochromater with CuKα radiation (λ =1.54439 Å) (X’Pert PRO PAN analytical). The UV-visible absorption spectra were recorded on Model-VARIAN, Cary 100, and Bio UV-visible spectrophotometer. The photoluminescence (PL) measurement was carried out at room temperature with a He-Cd, a laser excited at 325 nm.  相似文献   

In recent years, the fluorite-structured solid solutions with the general formula, (MF2)1-x(RF3)x (M = Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb and R is a rare-earth element or Y), have been the subject of numerous experimental studies focussed on their superionic properties. The overall cubic crystal symmetry (space group Fm3m) is conserved up to x ≶ xmax, where xmax ⊁ 0.4-0.5 depending on M and R. The zone centre phonons and phonon dispersion along three symmetry directions of the mixed superionic compound (BaF2)1-x(LaF3)x have been investigated by applying de Launey angular force model for x ≶ xmax. The calculated results are compared and explained with available experimental results.  相似文献   

Porous Si3N4 ceramics were successfully synthesized using cheaper talc and clay as sintering additives by pressureless sintering technology and the microstructure and mechanical properties of the ceramics were also investigated. The results indicated that the ceramics consisted of elongated β-Si3N4 and small Si2N2O grains. Fibrous β-Si3N4 grains developed in the porous microstructure, and the grain morphology and size were affected by different sintering conditions. Adding 20% talc and clay sintered at 1700°C for 2 h, the porous Si3N4 ceramics were obtained with excellent properties. The final mechanical properties of the Si3N4 ceramics were as follows: porosity, P 0 = 45·39%; density, ρ = 1·663·g·cm−3; flexural strength, σ b (average) = 131·59 MPa; Weibull modulus, m = 16·20.  相似文献   

Nano particle of Fe3O4 (nFe3O4) up to 6 at% were doped in the superconducting MgB2 samples. Despite the strong ferromagnetic nature of Fe3O4, both the ac susceptibility and the resistivity measurements show that up to 4 at% of Fe3O4, T c =38 K is not changed, whereas for 6% T c decreases by 6 K. This indicates that a low concentration of Fe does not substitute either the Mg or B sites and probably occupies the intergrain spaces. For 0.5% doped Fe3O4, an increase in J c with respect to the pure MgB2 samples is observed in the lower field and temperature regions (H<2 T and 20 K) indicating an enhanced flux pinning and the magnetic activation, i.e., the interaction between the magnetic dipole of Fe ion and the vortices is weak in comparison to the effective pinning potential. Whereas, at H>2 T, J c of the doped samples is always less than that of MgB2, and the activation is dominant in comparison with the effective pinning potential provided by the doping. Flux jumps are observed in lower T and H regions for the samples doped up to 1% nFe3O4 only. Magnetization plots of higher Fe content samples exhibited clear paramagnetic background. Mossbauer measurements for the higher (4, 6 at%) nFe3O4 doped MgB2 samples show that at RT, the hyperfine field for both samples is ∼100 kOe and ∼120 kOe at 90 K. This means that the nFe3O4 particles decompose and form possibly an intermetallic Fe-B phase in the matrix.  相似文献   

A simple coprecipitation technique is described for the preparation of tin substituted zirconium titanate ceramic powders.  相似文献   

Ga–As–Fe composite films prepared by molecular beam epitaxy at 600°C on GaAs(100) substrates with the stacking sequence of [100-nm GaAs/50-nm Fe3Ga2− x As x /100-nm GaAs] exhibit the distinct photo-enhanced magnetization at room temperature. Transmission electron microscopy reveals the formation of metamagnetic Fe3Ga4 grains on the sample surface. Illumination power dependence of the enhanced magnetization has been carefully compared with the antiferromagnetic-type magnetization–temperature (M–T) curve (Neel temperature of T N = 340–390 K), from which we have discussed the existence of photon-mode photo-enhanced magnetization of some sort in addition with the enhancement due to the light-induced heating.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline sample of Pb2Sb3LaTi5O18, a member of tungsten- bronze (TB family, was prepared using a high temperature solid- state reaction technique. XRD analysis indicated the formation of a single-phase orthorhombic structure. The dielectric studies revealed the diffuse phase transition and the transition temperature was found to be at 52° C. Impedance plots were used as tools to analyse the sample behaviour as a function of frequency. Cole-Cole plots showed Debye relaxation. The activation energy was estimated to be 0·634 eV from the temperature variation of d.c. conductivity. The nature of variation of d.c. conductivity with temperature suggested NTCR behaviour.  相似文献   

The superconducting properties of iodine-intercalated high-temperature superconducting Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+x phase (Bi-2223) were systematically studied. It was found that for samples containing a significant amount of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x , iodine intercalation results in the dramatic decrease of the inter-granular critical current density, as well as a significant decrease of the critical temperature (T c), the critical current density in the grains (J cg), and of the amount of Bi-2223. For samples with a large amount of Bi-2223, T c changes insignificantly, whereas J cg can even increase. We argue that the different behavior of the superconducting parameters is the result of various oxygen concentrations, and we explain the effect of iodine intercalation based on the parabolic dependence between T c and the number of holes per CuO2 layer. The H(T) curves (determined from the peak position in the loss signal of ac susceptibility) for intercalated samples deviate significantly from the quasi 2D-like behavior, pointing toward an enhancement of the 3D fluctuations of vortices. For the change in the values and dimensionality of the flux pinning in the process of the intercalation, we attempted a qualitative explanation based on the models proposed in literature.  相似文献   

The spectral parameters of Er3+ in Yb3+/Er3+:KY(WO4)2 crystal with space group C2/c have been investigated based on Judd-Ofelt theory. The spectral parameters were obtained: the intensity parameters are: 2 = 6.33 × 10–20 cm2, 4 = 1.35 × 10–20 cm2, 6 = 1.90 × 10–20 cm2. The radiative lifetime and the fluorescence branch ratios were calculated. The emission cross section e (at 1536 nm) is 2.0 × 10–21 cm2.  相似文献   

Chemical solution deposition is a promising technique for fabrication of high-temperature superconducting films and oxide buffer layers due to its reproducibility and low cost. In this work, Y2O3 buffer layers were prepared on (100) LaAlO3 substrates by mental organic deposition method using trifluoroacetate. The resulting Y2O3 films crystallized as a single phase at 900°C and showed a low degree ofc-axis orientation. The scanning electron micrography showed that the surface of the films was smooth with a uniform grain size of approximately 10 nm.  相似文献   

A new solid polymer electrolyte, (PEG)xLiClO4, consisting of poly(ethylene)glycol of molecular weight 2000 and LiClO4 was prepared and characterized using XRD, IR, SEM, DSC, NMR and impedance spectroscopy techniques. XRD and IR results show the formation of the polymer-salt complex. The samples with higher salt concentration are softer, less opaque and less smooth compared to the low salt concentration samples. DSC studies show an increase in the glass transition temperature and a decrease in the degree of crystallinity with increase in the salt concentration. Melting temperature of SPEs is lower than the pure PEG 2000. Room temperature1H and7Li NMR studies were also carried out for the (PEG)xLiClO4 system. The1H linewidth decreases as salt concentration increases in a similar way to the decrease in the crystalline fraction and reaches a minimum at aroundx = 46 and then increases.7Li linewidth was found to decrease first and then to slightly increase after reaching a minimum atx = 46 signifying the highest mobility of Li ions for this composition. Room temperature conductivity first increases with salt concentration and reaches a maximum value (σ = 7.3 × 10−7 S/cm) atx = 46 and subsequently decreases. The temperature dependence of the conductivity can be fitted to the Arrhenius and the VTF equations in different temperature ranges. The ionic conductivity reaches a high value of ∼10 −4S/cm close to the melting temperature.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic study of Nd3+ in Sr6NdSc(BO3)6 crystal had been performed. Based on the Judd-Ofelt theory to analyze the optical strengths measured in absorption spectra, the following spectral parameters were obtained: intensity parameters are 2 = 1.108 × 10–20 cm2, 4 = 2.884 × 10–20 cm2, 6 = 3.085 × 10–20 cm2, the radiative lifetime is 385 s, the quantum efficiency is 12.5%. The fluorescence branch ratios were calculated: 1 = 0.423, 2 = 0.482, 3 = 0.092, 4 = 0.005.  相似文献   

Single domain GdBa2Cu7-δ (Gd123) bulk superconductors were fabricated in air by top-seeding melt-texture growth. Performance of the air-processed Gd123 was successfully enhanced by addition of both BaCO3 and BaCuO2−x , which suppress the formation of Gd1+x Ba2−x Cu3O7-δ solid solutions. The optimum doping amount ranges from 0.05 to 0.15, M BaCO3 and 0.05 to 0.1, M BaCuO2−x per molar Gd123. The distribution of the second phase particles was observed by scanning electron microscopy. A narrow band formed by Gd2BaCuO5 particle concentration appeared around the seeding zone in both ab plane and c-growth sector in Gd123 single grain. Trapped magnetic field density reached 0.67, T for sample with 24 mm in diameter and 8, mm in thickness and a high critical current density J c up to 91,200, A/cm2 was achieved at 77, K under self-field.  相似文献   

Synthesis and optical transmission of MgB2 thin films on optically transparent glass are reported. In the 400–1000 nm regime as deposited films show high metallic reflectivity and very little transmission. After deposition, the films were annealedex situ and rendered superconducting withT c of 38 K, approaching that of the bulk material. The reaction conditions where quite soft ∼ 10 min at 550°C. The optical absorption coefficient,α and photon energy,E followed a Tauc-type behavior, (αE)1/2=β T(EE g). The band gap (E g) was observed to peak at 2.5 eV; but, the slope parameterβ Tbehaved monotonically with reaction temperature. Our results indicate that an intermediate semiconducting phase is produced before the formation of the superconducting phase; also optical measurements provide valuable information in monitoring the synthesis of MgB2 from its metallic constituents. In addition these films have interesting optical properties that may be integrated into optoelectronics.  相似文献   

X-ray absorption spectra of PbMoO4 (LMO) crystals have been investigated for the first time in literature. The measurements have been carried out at Mo absorption edge at the dispersive EXAFS beamline (BL-8) of INDUS-2 Synchrotron facility at Indore, India. The optics of the beamline was set to obtain a band of 2000 eV at 20,000 eV and the channels of the CCD detector were calibrated by recording the absorption edges of standard Mo and Nb foils in the same setting. The absorption spectra have been measured for three LMO samples prepared under different conditions viz. (i) grown in air from stoichiometric starting charge, (ii) grown in argon from stoichiometric starting charge and (iii) grown in air from PbO-rich starting charge. The results have been explained on the basis of the defect structure analysed in LMO crystals prepared under different conditions. The Mo absorption edge is significantly influenced by the deviations in crystal stoichiometry.  相似文献   

The characterization and ethanol gas sensing properties of pure and doped ZnO thick films were investigated. Thick films of pure zinc oxide were prepared by the screen printing technique. Pure zinc oxide was almost insensitive to ethanol. Thick films of Al2O3 (1 wt%) doped ZnO were observed to be highly sensitive to ethanol vapours at 300°C. Aluminium oxide grains dispersed around ZnO grains would result into the barrier height among the grains. Upon exposure of ethanol vapours, the barrier height would decrease greatly leading to drastic increase in conductance. It is reported that the surface misfits, calcination temperature and operating temperature can affect the microstructure and gas sensing performance of the sensor. The efforts are, therefore, made to create surface misfits by doping Al2O3 into zinc oxide and to study the sensing performance. The quick response and fast recovery are the main features of this sensor. The effects of microstructure and additive concentration on the gas response, selectivity, response time and recovery time of the sensor in the presence of ethanol vapours were studied and discussed.  相似文献   

Optical absorption and fluorescence spectra of Eu3+ ions in Al(NO3)3-SiO2 sol-gel glass have been investigated using the Judd- Ofelt theory. JO intensity parameters (ω λ ) and subsequent radiative properties for5 D 07 F 1,2,4,6 transitions are determined. The lifetime (τr) of5 D 0 state is computed and along with JO parameters are compared with their corresponding values in other glasses prepared by conventional technique. A structural analysis, using IR and XRD spectra and non- linear parametrization of the silica gel glass is carried out. The study reveals the glass to be a very good third order non- linear amorphous optical material.  相似文献   

The magnetic properties of ball-milled TbFe2 and TbFe2B were studied by magnetization measurements. X-ray diffraction studies on TbFe2B showed that boron occupied interstitial position in the crystal structure, just as hydrogen did. The value of the saturation magnetization of TbFe2B was found to be smaller than that of TbFe2. This is explained on the basis of a charge transfer between the boron atoms and the 3d band of Fe. The anisotropy of TbFe2B was found to be large compared to that of TbFe2. X-ray diffractograms for the ball milled samples showed that after 80 h of milling, a predominantly amorphous phase was obtained. TbFe2B was found to undergo easy amorphization compared to TbFe2. Magnetization of TbFe2 was found to decrease rapidly with initial milling hours and was found to be constant with further hours of milling. TbFe2B exhibited an anomalous behaviour with an increase in moment with milling hours and this may be due to the segregation of α-Fe.  相似文献   

The nano particles of phase pure rare earth titanates, synthesized by the SHS technique, get well sintered at lower temperatures compared to the compounds formed by the solid-state method. These dielectrics are highly stable and can be used in the microwave frequency range. We report here a modified SHS method to synthesize phase pure monoclinic RE2Ti2O7 at 350°C through the oxide/nitrate precursors using an inorganic compound, ammonium acetate, in place of the general type of organic activators such as urea, alanine etc. The nanopowders of La2Ti2O7, Pr2Ti2O7 and Nd2Ti2O7 on heating exhibit an exothermic behaviour with a broad maxima in the range 267–284°C and become endothermic with maxima in the range 1043–1220°C; interestingly, the phase pure crystalline material is formed at the temperature of exothermic maxima, as confirmed by XRD.  相似文献   

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