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非线性系统的神经网络鲁棒自适应跟踪控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对一类具有未知非线性函数和未知虚拟系数非线性函数的二阶非线性系统,提出了一种神经网络鲁棒自适应输出跟踪控制方法.用李雅普诺夫稳定性分析方法证明了本文的神经网络自适应控制器能够使受控系统内的所有信号均为有界.选择的神经网络权值调整规律可以防止自适应控制中的参数漂移.  相似文献   

一类非线性时变系统的鲁棒输出跟踪控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究一类具有非匹配不确定性的非线性时变系统的鲁棒状态反馈输出跟踪控制器设计问题。通过引入非线性时变系统的相对阶将系统输入输出线性化,然后设计出一种基于标称系统和不确定性上界的连接型鲁棒输出跟踪控制器,利用该方案设计的控制器可保证整个闭环系统是一致有界稳定的,且闭环输出可以渐近跟踪期望的轨迹。  相似文献   

提出一种非线性系统的自适应神经跟踪控制方案。通过利用RBF神经网络对未知非线性系统建模,并用一个滑模控制项消除网络建模误差和外部干扰的影响,从而能够保证闭环系统的全局稳定性和输出跟踪误差渐近收敛于零。  相似文献   

本文针对一类非线性系统,给出了非线性不同情况下此类非线性连续时间自适应控制方案及神经网络控制方案,由于在这种方案中控制法律的选择都是基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,都能够解决这类非线性系统的跟踪问题,并使整个环控制系统具有渐近稳定和参数渐近收敛特性,克服了许多神经网络控制系统中存在的稳定性问题,文中最后对两各发进行讨论及仿真。  相似文献   

研究一类具有相似结构的非线性不确定组合系统的分散输出跟踪控制问题,利用的相似结构,提出一种设计具有相似结构的分散滑模控制器的方法,所设计的控制器,对于所有允许的不确定性,均使系统输出渐近跟踪所给定的参考输出。  相似文献   

针对多输入多输出非线性多时滞系统,提出了一种直接自适应模糊跟踪控制方案.该方案有机综合了自适应控制和H∞ 控制,构建了一种自适应时滞模糊逻辑系统用来逼近有多重时滞的未知函数;设计了H∞ 补偿器来抵消模糊逼近误差和外部扰动.根据跟踪误差给出了参数调节规律,构造了包含时滞的李亚普诺夫函数,从而证明了误差闭环系统满足期望的H∞ 跟踪性能.仿真结果表明了该方案的可行性.  相似文献   

非线性增益递归滑模动态面自适应NN控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘希  孙秀霞  刘树光  徐嵩  程志浩 《自动化学报》2014,40(10):2193-2202
针对一类严反馈非线性不确定系统的跟踪控制问题,提出一种非线性增益递归滑模动态面 (Dynamic surface control, DSC)自适应控制方法. 通过设计一个新的非线性增益函数,并构造递归滑模动态面的控制策略和新的Lyapunov函数,同时利用神经网络在线逼近系统不确定项, 该方法有效解决了具有输入饱和约束条件下系统控制精度与动态品质间的矛盾,增强了控制器对其自身参数摄动的非脆弱性. 理论证明了闭环系统所有状态是半全局一致最终有界的,且跟踪误差可收敛至任意小.  相似文献   

机器人轨迹跟踪的一种自适应神经鲁棒控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对不稳定机器人轨迹跟踪问题,提出了一种基于神经网络的自适应鲁棒控制。该控制方案由一个PD反馈和一个神经动态补偿器组成,其特点是不需要系统不确定性上界的先验知识,而且避免了求解惯性矩阵逆,通过利用一个RBF神经网络自适应学习系统不稳定性的未知上界,从而可以有效克服系统不确定性的影响,保证机器人系统的输出跟踪误差渐近收敛于0。  相似文献   

针对一类含有未知控制方向和时变不确定性的本质非线性系统,应用Nussbaum-type增益技术和Adding a power integrator递推设计方法,设计了一种鲁棒自适应状态反馈拉制器.所设计的控制器能保证闭环系统所有信号全局一致有界,特别是通过适当调整控制器设计参数,可使输出跟踪误差在有限时间后变得适当小.最后通过仿真实例对算法进行验证.  相似文献   

A performance oriented multi-loop approach to the adaptive robust tracking control of one-degree-of-freedom mechanical systems with input saturation, state constraints, parametric uncertainties and input disturbances is presented. The control system contains three loops. In the outer loop, constrained optimization algorithms are developed to generate a replanned trajectory on-line at a low sampling rate so that the converging speed of the overall system response to the desired target is maximized while not causing input saturation and the violation of state constraints. In the inner loop, a constrained adaptive robust control (ARC) law is synthesized and implemented at high sampling rate to achieve the required robust tracking performances with respect to the replanned trajectory even with various types of uncertainties and input saturation. In the middle loop, a set-membership identification (SMI) algorithm is implemented to obtain a tighter estimate of the upper bound of the inertia so that more aggressive replanned trajectory could be used to further improve the overall system response speed. Interaction of the three loops is explicitly characterized by a set of inequalities that the design variables of each loop have to satisfy. It is theoretically shown that the resulting closed-loop system can track feasible desired trajectories with a guaranteed converging time and steady-state tracking accuracy without violating the state constraints. Experiments have been carried out on a linear motor driven industrial positioning system to compare the proposed multi-loop constrained ARC algorithm with some of the traditional control algorithms. Comparative experimental results obtained confirm the superior performance of the proposed algorithm over existing ones.  相似文献   

为克服现有近似最优跟踪控制方法只能跟踪连续可微参考输入的局限,本文针对一类具有未知动态的连续时间非线性时不变仿射系统,提出了一种新的基于自适应动态规划的鲁棒近似最优跟踪控制方法.首先采用递归神经网络建立系统模型,然后建立评价神经网络对最优性能指标进行估计,从而得到最优性能指标偏导数的估计值,进而得到近似最优跟踪控制器,最后利用系统输出与参考输入之间的跟踪误差设计鲁棒项对神经网络建模误差进行补偿.分别针对两个非线性系统进行仿真实验,仿真结果表明了所提方法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

Nonlinear adaptive trajectory tracking using dynamic neuralnetworks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper the adaptive nonlinear identification and trajectory tracking are discussed via dynamic neural networks. By means of a Lyapunov-like analysis we determine stability conditions for the identification error. Then we analyze the trajectory tracking error by a local optimal controller. An algebraic Riccati equation and a differential one are used for the identification and the tracking error analysis. As our main original contributions, we establish two theorems: the first one gives a bound for the identification error, and the second one establishes a bound for the tracking error. We illustrate the effectiveness of these results by two examples: the second-order relay system with multiple isolated equilibrium points and the chaotic system given by Duffing equation.  相似文献   

The use of discontinuous control in adaptive model-following continuous control systems with nonlinear time-varying plant is described. The first approach is based on the theory of variable structure systems. Hyperstability theory is the basis of the second scheme; the third one results by combining the previous approaches. The link among the three approaches is explored by studying the error dynamics. Practical implementation and applications are discussed.  相似文献   

An asymptotically stable decentralized adaptive control scheme is presented to enable accurate trajectory tracking without requiring specific knowledge about the robot dynamics. The scheme is based on expressing the robot dynamics as the product of individual joint quantities, and bounds on certain robot parameters. Parameter adaptation laws are derived using the Lyapunov theory, and asymptotic stability of tracking errors, and boundedness of parameter estimates are established. The control system is shown to be robust to torque disturbances affecting the system and to a class of unmodeled dynamics. The structure of the controller and the performance of the closed-loop system are analyzed. Simulations results using the complete dynamic model of a six degree of freedom industrial robot are presented to demonstrate the excellent tracking performance of the proposed adaptive control scheme. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article presents two new adaptive schemes for the motion control of robot manipulators. The proposed controllers are very general and computationally efficient because they do not require knowledge of either the mathematical model or the parameter values of the manipulator dynamics, and are implemented without calculation of the robot inverse dynamics or inverse kinematic transformation. It is shown that the control strategies are globally stable in the presence of bounded disturbances, and that in the absence of disturbances the ultimate bound on the size of the tracking errors can be made arbitrarily small. Computer simulation results are given for a PUMA 560 manipulator, and demonstrate that accurate and robust trajectory tracking can be achieved by using the proposed controllers. Experimental results are presented for an IMI Zebra Zero manipulator and confirm that the control schemes provide a simple and effective means of obtaining high-performance trajectory tracking. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

针对一类具有不确定参数的复杂非线性系统,提出了一种自适应积分滑模控制方法。控制器的设计分两步进行:首先,基于被控对象模型构造一个简化子系统,设计出该子系统的一个全局渐近稳定控制律;然后构造一个积分滑模面,设计自适应积分滑模补偿器以处理系统中含有不确定参数的部分,保证了滑模面的可达性和原系统的闭环稳定性。补偿后,系统的完整自适应控制律由简化子系统的控制律加补偿控制器两部分组成。所提设计方法简单,便于工程实现。最后,通过仿真结果验证了设计方案的有效性。  相似文献   

The synergetic approach to the problem of synthesis of nonlinear adaptive control for electric power generation based on the introduction of invariant manifolds into the state space of studied systems is developed. The problem of adaptive control of the power supply system operating with high power buses is considered. A fundamentally new adaptive controller ensuring the flexibility of the turbogenerator to the variation of the load parameters is synthesized on the basis of the presented method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a solution to the problem of global, output feedback, tracking control of uncertain robot manipulators, specifically, a desired compensation adaptation law plus a nonlinear feedback term coupled to a dynamic nonlinear filter is designed to produce global asymptotic link position tracking while compensating for parametric uncertainty and requiring only link position measurements  相似文献   

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