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归纳了从软件无线电到认知无线电功能的演进。认知无线电是在软件无线电的基础上提出的智能化的无线通信技术,它着力解决频谱资源的有效利用问题;认知无线电概念的提出将对现行的频谱管理体制提出挑战,并给无线通信带来新的发展空间。软件无线电在其系统硬件无需变更的情况下,可以在不同的时候根据需要通过软件加载来完成不同的功能。认知无线电可以感知周围电磁环境,通过无线电知识描述语言(RKRL)与通信网络进行智能交流,并实时调整传输参数,以达到无论何时何地都能达到通信系统的高可靠性和频谱利用的高效性。文中在此基础上探讨了认知无线电技术未来发展值得关注的热点问题。 相似文献
文章首先分别介绍了无线通信网络中的蜂窝网络及Ad Hoc网络的概念、发展及特点,分析了两者的不同及联系.之后又讨论了这两种网络中的信道分配问题:对于蜂窝网络介绍了基本的信道分配策略;对于Adhoc网络介绍了单频、双频和多频各自的频率分配特点.最后展望无线通信网络的发展方向和未来. 相似文献
Ad Hoc 技术在未来无线通信中的角色 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在未来的移动接入网中,Ad Hoc可以独立组网也可以与其他网络融合组网,大规模的独立Ad Hoc网由于其面临安全、成本、传输性能等问题,不具有商业价值。小规模的Ad Hoc网可以作为接入网并通过网关与因特网和蜂窝网络融合,能够充分利用 Ad Hoc网简单灵活等优势。[编者按] 相似文献
Ad Hoc网络是一种独立于固定的基础设施并且采用分布式管理的网络,是一种自创造、自组织、自管理的网络。它为军事通讯、灾难救助、·临时通信提供了有效的解决方案。文章在介绍Ad Hoc网络结构与特点的基础上,重点讨论了该技术在家庭控制中的网络体系结构,并简单地介绍了移动Ad Hoc网络在海上移动通信系统和救灾应急通信系统中的应用。 相似文献
从软件无线电到认知无线电的无线通信发展现状 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文归纳了从软件无线电到认知无线电功能的演进。认知无线电又是在软件无线电的基础上提出的智能化的无线通信技术,它着力解决频谱资源的有效利用问题:认知无线电概念的提出将对现行的频谱管理体制提出挑战,并给无线通信带来新的发展空间。在此基础上探讨了认知无线电技术未来发展值得关注的热点问题。 相似文献
无线传感器网络组织结构研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
无线通信、嵌入式计算以及传感器技术的不断发展为传感器网络开辟了广阔的发展空间,无线传感器网络技术已成为当前研究热点。在描述了传感器网络的特点和两种典型组织结构的基础上,针对特定的局部现场应用,结合Agent相关技术理论,提出了AWSN(Agented Wireless Sensor Network)新型传感器网络结构。 相似文献
针对单兵便携式战术Ad Hoc电台在一维场景下网络的连通性,分别研究随机均匀分布网络的链路连通概率和全连通概率,并通过蒙特卡罗方法和网络仿真平台,对网络部署和业务运行情况进行了仿真模拟。分析和实验结果表明,典型战术Ad Hoc电台一维组网时,全网连通概率在l/τ附近取得最小值;大规模Ad Hoc网络中,网络全连通概率与节点通信范围之间存在0~1突变现象;与实现全连通相比,实现网络高概率连通所需节点数要少得多。 相似文献
海上超短波通信网络协议研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
为了探索我国未来海上超短波通信发展方向,文章讨论了两种比较成熟的通信体制——无线自组织网络和数字集群通信系统,并对涉及其核心技术的网络协议进行了介绍和分析。以供未来海上超短波通信网的发展所借鉴。 相似文献
超宽带无线通信及其关键技术 总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17
从超宽带(UWB)的特点出发,分析了它的应用潜力、国内外发展现状以及关键技术;同时指出,许多课题有待于我们去进一步研究、解决,包括规则标准、信号选择、抗干扰问题、发送接收技术、集成电路开发等;最后展望了UWB的发展前景。 相似文献
随着道路拥堵等交通问题的日益严峻,智能交通系统成为解决当前交通问题的有效途径.车载自组织网络及车辆作为智能交通的重要组成部分也成为了当前的研究热点.首先介绍了车联网在国内外的发展历史和现状,然后分别从端系统、管系统、云系统3个方面对车联网进行了分析研究,着重介绍了管系统中的V2V (vehicle to vehicle)和V2R (vehicle to roadside)两种通信技术.此外,对于面向车联网的交通云和大数据技术进行了概括介绍.最后,探讨了车载自组织网络的应用场景和未来发展趋势. 相似文献
在Ad Hoc网络中,采用多跳传输来提高数据传输的质量以及速率。传统的单中继节点已经不能适应迅速增大的数据量以及节点的移动造成的信道衰落情况,所以本文提出了基于智能天线实现多点中继的MAC协议,该协议采用了智能天线实现了菱形握手机制,使数据实现同步传输。其次采用空时编码的协作机制,通过估计源信号来防止中继节点与目的节点信道衰落的情况。最后利用Busy Tones解决了隐藏终端和暴露终端的问题。通过仿真与比较证明MRDMAC协议在数据延时和通过率等各个方面都有很大的优越性。 相似文献
Harri Paloheimo Sudhir Dixit Antti Ylä-Jääski 《Wireless Personal Communications》2006,37(3-4):291-303
The requirements for telecommunication at 2012 are estimated to be on such demanding level that the 3G technologies will not be sufficient. It is unlikely that the 3G Radio Access Network (RAN) would scale up i.e., Fourth Generation (4G) RAN will need to be developed. The requirements for 4G are demanding and the level of uncertainty is high. The novel ad hoc networking technologies could provide flexible solutions for the 4G RAN and extend the operator radio coverage. Combining these differing communication technologies provides insight for the 4G RAN design. This paper analyses the Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) requirements against the 4G requirements in terms of energy conservation. We find that there is mismatch between these two sets of requirements. Nevertheless, we demonstrate how these two approaches could co-exist in a mutually beneficial way. Finally, we propose interoperability requirements for MANET and 4G routing from the perspective of energy conservation.
Harri Paloheimo is a researcher in Networking Technologies Laboratory at Nokia Research Center, Helsinki. In addition, he is a post graduate student in Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology. He received M.Sc. degree majoring in space technology from Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology in 2000. He currently works on next generation wireless networks with special interest in hybrid and relay networking solutions.
Sudhir Dixit is currently a Nokia Research Fellow and works on next generation wireless networks. From 1996 to 2003 he was a Senior Research Manager, focusing on IP/ATM, wireless, content networks, and optical networks. Prior to that he worked at NYNEX Science & Technology (now Verizon), GTE (now Verizon), Codex Motorola, Wang, Harris, and STL (now Nortel Europe Labs). He has published or presented over 150 papers, published three books, and holds 14 patents. He is on the Editorial Board of the IEEE Communications Magazine, Springer's Wireless Personal Communications Journal, and KIC's Journal of Communications and Networks. He received a B.E. degree from MANIT, Bhopal, India, an M.E. degree from BITS, Pilani, India, a Ph.D. degree from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, and an M.B.A. degree from Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne. He is a Fellow of IEE (UK) and IETE (India). He represents Nokia on the Steering Board of the Wireless World Research Forum, and is also Vice Chair of the SIG on Self-Organization of Wireless World Systems.
Dr.Tech. Antti Ylä-Jääski is a Professor of Telecommunications Software, Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology. He is also a Research Fellow in Network Technologies Laboratory, Nokia Research Center, Helsinki. Prof Dr.Tech. Antti Ylä-Jääski received his PhD in ETH Zuerich 1993. Antti has worked with Nokia 1994–2004 in several research management positions with focus on future Internet technologies, mobile networks, applications, services, service management and service architectures. He has published about 30 articles and he holds several approved patents. Antti's current research interests include mobile networking, heterogeneous network environments, services, service architectures, service management and security issues. 相似文献