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新型炉体结构是指炉体侧板为薄钢板弯曲成型,板块式组合结构,而原结构为整体钢结构构架,内外侧用钢板覆盖。另外,加热系统均分为几个加热单元,加热腔嵌在炉体内。而原结构为一个加热单元放置在炉顶中部,统一加热。新型结构对比旧式结构最大的优点就是节省钢材、加热均匀、降低噪音。 相似文献
Ohm Tae-In Chae Jong-Seong Lim Jae-Ho Moon Sung-Hyun 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2012,26(4):1299-1303
Coal is the most abundant fuel on earth, and low-rank coal (LRC) such as sub-bituminous coal and lignite makes up about half
of all coal deposits. LRC is inconvenient to use due to its low caloric value and high content of moisture together with the
strong tendency of spontaneous combustion due to these oxygen rich coals, etc. Solving these problems would substantially
improve the efficiency of LRC usage. In this study, we describe a drying technique utilizing hot oil immersion. This upgrading
process may be executed easily under relatively low temperature condition due to the difference of heat capacity and thereby
pressure gradient between coal and heating oil. This results in greatly reducing its energy cost. Drying tests of Indonesian
lignite were performed with refined waste oil and B-C heavy oil, which were heated to 120°C, 130°C or 140°C. Following 10
min of treatment, the moisture content of the upgraded coal was improved from 32% to 2.0–3.2%, and its high heating value
from 3,000 kcal/kg to 6,000 kcal/kg. 相似文献
S. Serajzadeh 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2008,35(9-10):859-866
Temperature variations of work-rolls in the process of hot rolling of slabs were analyzed by solving heat conduction equation with time-dependent boundary conditions. The Raylieght-Ritz and the finite-element methods were employed to solve the governing equation. To improve the accuracy, the thermal relationship between rolling metal and work-rolls was taken into account as well as the effects of different parameters such as interface heat transfer coefficient, rolling speed, and slab initial temperature were considered in the calculations. To verify the employed model, a comparison was made between the predicted and the recorded time-temperature history and good agreement was observed. Modelling results show that the interface heat transfer coefficient and rolling speed are important factors that vary effectively the temperature field within the work-roll. In addition, the interface heat transfer coefficient is affected by the other parameters and factors such as flow stress behavior of the metal being rolled and initial temperature of metal. Therefore, in order to determine an accurate temperature field within the work-rolls, flow behavior and temperature distribution in the rolling metal should also be calculated at the same time. 相似文献
大型港口机械工作于码头前沿或近岸海域,风的影响不容忽视.传统港口机械的设计过程中风载按静载处理,忽略了风的脉动效应.因此在有限元建模的基础上,结合根据Shinozuka方法模拟的脉动风载荷,预测大型港口机械在工作状态和非工作状态的动态响应,并与传统将风载处理成静载的方法进行对比.研究结果表明:工作状态下,风的脉动效应对结构最大应力的幅值影响不大,其主要影响体现在最大应力点的空间分布,对最大应力数值影响不大,对支座反力的影响亦不明显;非工作状态下,风的脉动效应将引起支反力的大幅波动,此时平均值已不能充分衡量结构的安全性,必须同时关注其标准差与时间历程. 相似文献
Kiseop Yoon Doo Young Gwak Yeolwan Seong Seunghoon Lee Jiyoung Hong Soogab Lee 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2016,30(10):4503-4509
Wind turbine noise is considered to be easily detectable and highly annoying at relatively lower sound levels than other noise sources. Many previous studies attributed this characteristic to amplitude modulation. However, it is unclear whether amplitude modulation is the main cause of these properties of wind turbine noise. Therefore, the aim of the current study is to identify the relationship between amplitude modulation and these two properties of wind turbine noise. For this investigation, two experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, 12 participants determined the detection thresholds of six target sounds in the presence of background noise. In the second experiment, 12 participants matched the loudness of modified sounds without amplitude modulation to that of target sounds with amplitude modulation. The results showed that the detection threshold was lowered as the modulation depth increased; additionally, sounds with amplitude modulation had higher subjective loudness than those without amplitude modulation. 相似文献
用流式细胞仪研究秋茄叶柄薄壁细胞大小及叶绿素含量与海水盐度的关系 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用快速离析方法和流式细胞仪研究了红树植物秋茄成熟叶柄薄壁细胞的大小和叶绿素含量与海水盐度之间的关系。结果表明 ,海水盐度为 0 .8%~ 2 .0 %时 ,随着盐度的升高 ,叶柄薄壁细胞大小和单位体积叶绿素含量的变化趋势与叶肉细胞一致。海水盐度为 0 .8%~ 1.0 %时 ,随着盐度升高 ,向有利于提高光合作用强度的方向发展 ;海水盐度在 1.0 %~ 2 .0 %之间时 ,随着盐度的升高 ,向加强生理干旱适应性方向发展。海水盐度高于2 .0 %时 ,叶柄薄壁细胞的大小和单位体积薄壁组织叶绿素含量随盐度的变化趋势与叶肉细胞不同 ,原因尚待进一步研究。实验结果表明 ,借助快速离析方法 ,使用流式细胞仪研究器官细胞相关特性是可行的 ,为从形态学角度研究红树植物耐盐机理提供了可能 ,扩大了流式细胞仪的应用领域 相似文献
水分测定仪是目前实现食品、药品、谷物水分含量快速检测的唯一测量仪器。砝码是其必备的测量设备之一。根据水分测定仪的显示方式和衡量装置的不同,目前市场上的烘干法水分测定仪分为模拟显示水分测定仪和数字显示水分测定仪。本文详细阐述砝码在烘干法水分测定仪运用,进一步阐述烘干法水分测定仪测量结果不确定度评定。 相似文献
低空风切变是航空器起飞、着陆阶段威胁飞行安全的危险因素。文章根据首都机场风廓线探测资料,按照雷雨型、锋面型、逆温型、低空急流型和其他型,对产生的低空风切变过程进行了分类和统计;并利用风廓线探测资料,个例分析了几种产生低空风切变的风场特点。 相似文献