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韩思音 《通信世界》2001,(20):52-52
ISO9000标准起源于制造业,其标准结构、质量体系特点都与制造业非常吻合。随着市场经济的发展和市场竞争的激烈,除了机械、电子、汽车、建筑等传统产业的企业认为ISO9000质量体系认证必不可少外,其他行业,如IT、通信、服务业等(酒店、物业管理、车站、上海大剧院、上海书城、中共一大展览馆)也在如火如荼地推行ISO9000认证,软件企业的ISO9001贯标也开始热门。软件企业贯标同其他行业的企业一样,都是对顾客提供一种信任,从设计到服务的全过程中防止出现不合格,证明企业提供合格产品的能力,使顾客满意。ISO9001质量管理体系对规范软件开发过程、保证软件开发质量具有重要作用,提供了有力的保证。  相似文献   

软件企业质量管理体系的建立与实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述软件企业在认证准备阶段如何按ISO9000:2000版标准要求,结合行业特点建立与实施质量管理体系。以便顺利通过质量管理体系认证。  相似文献   

此文进行基于ISO9000质量管理体系的照明电器企业质量管理信息系统的研究。在对照明电器企业质量信息管理的现状分析的基础上,试图探讨照明电器企业如何进一步地完善和整合ISO9000质量管理体系,并开发面向照明电器企业的具有实用性的质量管理系统,帮助企业提高质量水平,提升企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

伴随印制板成为汽车生产件的配套产品,印制板企业为满足和超越顾客对质量管理体系更严格的要求,不少企业通过了QS9000(1998版)质量体系的认证。ISO/TS16949(2002)标准,就是按照ISO9001(2000)的要求和格式,补充了汽车工业的特殊要求(标准中方框之外的补充内容)。截止2006年12月中旬,QS9000标准将完全废止执行。在此之前,相关企业需要按IATF(国际汽车特别工作组)认可规则完成转版认证。满足汽车商对印制板供应商质量管理体系的要求。根据本人对ISO/TS16949标准的解读,提供以下资料供大家参考。  相似文献   

【认证领域】ISO9000质量管理体系;ISO14000环境管理体系;OHSAS18000职业健康与安全管理体系;TL9000电信行业质量管理体系。【业务范围】可提供包括电子、计算机、通讯、机械制造、出版印刷在内的18个大类的认证服务。体系认证中心成立于1994年。中心在成立之前就利用四所标准化的优势,在充分跟踪ISO9000标准的同时,着手中心的认可准备工作。1994年,在原电子工业部及原国家进出口商品检验检疫局共同支持下成立了电子行业质量体系认证委员会,并取得了原CNAB(中国国家进出口企业认证机构认可委员会)的认可,率先在电子行业内进行了IS…  相似文献   

ISO9000族标准和ISO14000族标准发布实施以来,引起了全世界各行各业的高度重视。一些企业和组织花费了一定的时间、精力和资金通过了认证,获得了ISO9000或ISO14000认证证书。他们希望通过广告、宣传资料(包括录像带)及其他方法,让市场了解他们管理着一个已通过ISO9000族标准认证的质量管理体系或ISO14000族标准认证的环境管理体系。近来,国际标准化组织(以下简称ISO)及其成员经常收到来自公司的咨询,这些公司希望允许在他们宣传ISO9000认证的资料中使用ISO标识;其次是ISO发现在一些印刷广告中,把ISO9000认证理解为…  相似文献   

系统集成企业质量管理体系的建立与实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述系统集成企业在认证准备阶段如何按ISO 9000:2000版标准要求,结合行业特点建立与实施质量管理体系,以通过体系认证。介绍了系统集成企业建立质量管理体系的基本要求和实施方法。  相似文献   

进入90年代以来,越来越多的企业为适应“顾客要求”、“国际市场通行证”、“管理规范”等需要,不惜花费大量人力、财力和物力,建立起质量保证体系,并力争获取ISO9000质量体系认证证书。应该看到,很多企业在通过认证后,产品实物质量水平提高了,废品率也降低了,企业的经营也得以改善了。但还应看到,一部分企业在通过认证后产品质量提高不明显,企业经营依然不见改善,少数企业在通过认证后经营每况愈下,甚至破产。究其原因是多方面的,其中最为主要的是,一些企业的管理者对ISO9000族标准缺乏全面的认识,不能正确对待,误认为…  相似文献   

国际标准化组织所公布质量管理与质量保证的标准便是ISO9000质量体系,这一套体系主要是针对于领导作用与顾客满意度开展测量监控工作。现今,我国的ISO9000标准已经正在三万多家企业当中充分应用,这种状况下,完善健全企业管理体系逐渐变成企业向世界迈步的基础条件。  相似文献   

中电会展成为国内首家通过ISO9000认证的组展机构中电会展与信息传播有限公司日前率先获得ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证证书,成为国内首家通过质量管理体系认证的会展组展公司。1月25日,中电会展获得国家专业体系认证中心CESI颁发的质量管理体系认证证书:CNAB011-Q,证书证明中  相似文献   

介绍了信息产业部北京邮电设计院贯彻和执行ISO9000标准、加强质量管理的扼要情况,以及该院在取得质量体系认证证书后,建立自我完善机制,保持质量体系有效运行情况。  相似文献   

The classical quality management theory suggests that different quality improvement practices have a similar positive effect on overall operational efficiency, leading to customer satisfaction. Based on a study of 225 organizations in the electronics industry in Hong Kong, we find that individual quality improvement practice has a specific effect on operational performance, rather than equally improving the overall operational efficiency. Our investigations indicate that customer orientation practices primarily affect time-based efficiency, while process improvement efforts help cost-related performance. On the other hand, emphasizing process-control systems leads to customer satisfaction directly without necessarily improving operations. While supporting the basic assertions of the classical quality management theory, these findings reveal that several problems exist in the practice of quality management in industry, and suggest that a re-direction of several quality management practices seems necessary. This research refines the understanding of quality management by explicating the specific effect of customer orientation and process management on organizational performance.  相似文献   

ISO 9000 is a management standard that provides customers with assurance that their registered suppliers have a consistent quality system to which they adhere. This paper draws on four sources to show how ISO 9000 can lead to performance improvement: 1) theories of induced innovation and improvisation; 2) the literature on ISO 9000; 3) a case study of a telecom company; and 4) a survey of 1,150 North American companies. We find that the extent to which ISO 9000 is associated with performance improvement depends on the level of its assimilation, and the degree to which an organization goes beyond the minimal requirements of the standard.  相似文献   

万进 《电子质量》2002,(11):69-70,77
本文通过分析企业取得ISO9000国际标准认证后出现的某些自满、松懈现象,针地性对指出企业取证之后,更应按照程序文件要求,不断提高企业质量体系的适宜性和有效性,把眼光瞄向更高的质量管理目标,不断取得质量创新进步的新成就。  相似文献   

讲述了一个军工产品承制单位基于ISO9000体系,建立质量管理信息系统的概况。  相似文献   

Customer relationship management systems are gaining importance in today's business environment since customer satisfaction is crucial to the success of an enterprise, and especially so in e-business environment where customers can find substitute suppliers quite easily. In CRM, the quality of customer information is very important, and the address information even more so. It is because the address information plays a major role for customer contact channel and for timely and effective marketing service. Furthermore, it gives the basic source of geographic information for the offline delivery, the terminal activity of the e-commerce. In this study, we analyze various standards and proposals for the address information, and propose data models for the management of the information focusing on address components, and proto-type systems for management and service.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand the influence of relational benefits of Facebook brand/fan page towards relationship commitment among Generation Y. Additionally, this study also investigates the mediating effect of customer satisfaction on the relationship between relational benefits and relationship commitment. A total of 195 sets of online questionnaire were collected using snowball sampling method for the statistical data requirement of SmartPLS. The analysis found significant positive relationships between relational benefits and relationship commitment, however, only on social, functional, and special treatment benefits. Surprisingly, the findings also showed an insignificant mediation effect of customer satisfaction on the relationship between relational benefits and relationship commitment. The research findings are valuable to both the theoretical and businesses adopting social media as a marketing strategy. Marketers employing the Facebook or other social media in catering and reacting to the Generation Y needs will benefit the most; securing their confidence and loyalty towards purchasing a certain brand.  相似文献   

《IEE Review》1994,40(5):207-209
ISO9000 is a quality management system derived from BS5750, 1979:Quality Systems. The two standards are identical but BS5750 is a UK standard, whereas IS09000 is an international standard, which is already recognised by over 70 different countries. ISO9000 is not designed with small companies in mind. Here, the author examines exactly what this standard has to offer the small business  相似文献   

黄申 《电子质量》2003,(11):37-38
为使企业建立的质量体系既符合ISO9000标准的要求又符合“强制性产品认证工厂质量保证能力要求”的要求。根据我们对“标准”和“要求”的理解,结合工厂审核的实际经验,特写此文,希望能对企业质量体系的建立提供帮助。  相似文献   

戴晨 《长江信息通信》2021,34(3):167-168,171
进入5G移动互联网时代,家宽重要性不言而喻。在实际的工作中,家宽端到端的长流程、多样业务形态与不透明的用户侧组网导致家客用户满意度影响因素众多,在提升家宽业务用户满意度过程中遇到了"时效低、定位难、缺抓手、无闭环"四大难题,给运维支撑与满意度提升工作带来较大压力。基于此,文章从客户属性、业务质量、服务质量等三个方面建立家宽业务满意度分析模型,实现对用户满意度问题的精确识别、支撑前移与闭环跟踪。  相似文献   

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