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Learning from data that are too big to fit into memory poses great challenges to currently available learning approaches. Averaged n-Dependence Estimators (AnDE) allows for a flexible learning from out-of-core data, by varying the value of n (number of super parents). Hence, AnDE is especially appropriate for learning from large quantities of data. Memory requirement in AnDE, however, increases combinatorially with the number of attributes and the parameter n. In large data learning, number of attributes is often large and we also expect high n to achieve low-bias classification. In order to achieve the lower bias of AnDE with higher n but with less memory requirement, we propose a memory constrained selective AnDE algorithm, in which two passes of learning through training examples are involved. The first pass performs attribute selection on super parents according to available memory, whereas the second one learns an AnDE model with parents only on the selected attributes. Extensive experiments show that the new selective AnDE has considerably lower bias and prediction error relative to A\(n'\)DE, where \(n' = n-1\), while maintaining the same space complexity and similar time complexity. The proposed algorithm works well on categorical data. Numerical data sets need to be discretized first.  相似文献   

Learning from imbalanced data is a challenging task in a wide range of applications, which attracts significant research efforts from machine learning and data mining community. As a natural approach to this issue, oversampling balances the training samples through replicating existing samples or synthesizing new samples. In general, synthesization outperforms replication by supplying additional information on the minority class. However, the additional information needs to follow the same normal distribution of the training set, which further constrains the new samples within the predefined range of training set. In this paper, we present the Wiener process oversampling (WPO) technique that brings the physics phenomena into sample synthesization. WPO constructs a robust decision region by expanding the attribute ranges in training set while keeping the same normal distribution. The satisfactory performance of WPO can be achieved with much lower computing complexity. In addition, by integrating WPO with ensemble learning, the WPOBoost algorithm outperformsmany prevalent imbalance learning solutions.  相似文献   

Directed model checking is a well-established approach for detecting error states in concurrent systems. A popular variant to find shortest error traces is to apply the A\(^*\) search algorithm with distance heuristics that never overestimate the real error distance. An important class of such distance heuristics is the class of pattern database heuristics. Pattern database heuristics are built on abstractions of the system under consideration. In this paper, we propose downward pattern refinement, a systematic approach for the construction of pattern database heuristics for concurrent systems of timed automata. First, we propose a general framework for pattern databases in the context of timed automata and show that desirable theoretical properties hold for the resulting pattern database. Afterward, we formally define a concept to measure the accuracy of abstractions. Based on this concept, we propose an algorithm for computing succinct abstractions that are still accurate to produce informed pattern databases. We evaluate our approach on large and complex industrial problems. The experiments show the practical potential of the resulting pattern database heuristic.  相似文献   

Cellular Learning Automata (CLAs) are hybrid models obtained from combination of Cellular Automata (CAs) and Learning Automata (LAs). These models can be either open or closed. In closed CLAs, the states of neighboring cells of each cell called local environment affect on the action selection process of the LA of that cell whereas in open CLAs, each cell, in addition to its local environment has an exclusive environment which is observed by the cell only and the global environment which can be observed by all the cells in CLA. In dynamic models of CLAs, one of their aspects such as structure, local rule or neighborhood radius may change during the evolution of the CLA. CLAs can also be classified as synchronous CLAs or asynchronous CLAs. In a synchronous CLA, all LAs in different cells are activated synchronously whereas in an asynchronous CLA, the LAs in different cells are activated asynchronously. In this paper, a new closed asynchronous dynamic model of CLA whose structure and the number of LAs in each cell may vary with time has been introduced. To show the potential of the proposed model, a landmark clustering algorithm for solving topology mismatch problem in unstructured peer-to-peer networks has been proposed. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, computer simulations have been conducted and then the results are compared with the results obtained for two existing algorithms for solving topology mismatch problem. It has been shown that the proposed algorithm is superior to the existing algorithms with respect to communication delay and average round-trip time between peers within clusters.  相似文献   

Reinforcement learning (RL) is an area of machine learning that is concerned with how an agent learns to make decisions sequentially in order to optimize a particular performance measure. For achieving such a goal, the agent has to choose either 1) exploiting previously known knowledge that might end up at local optimality or 2) exploring to gather new knowledge that expects to improve the current performance. Among other RL algorithms, Bayesian model-based RL (BRL) is well-known to be able to trade-off between exploitation and exploration optimally via belief planning, i.e. partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). However, solving that POMDP often suffers from curse of dimensionality and curse of history. In this paper, we make two major contributions which are: 1) an integration framework of temporal abstraction into BRL that eventually results in a hierarchical POMDP formulation, which can be solved online using a hierarchical sample-based planning solver; 2) a subgoal discovery method for hierarchical BRL that automatically discovers useful macro actions to accelerate learning. In the experiment section, we demonstrate that the proposed approach can scale up to much larger problems. On the other hand, the agent is able to discover useful subgoals for speeding up Bayesian reinforcement learning.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a machine learning technique for real-time robot path planning for an autonomous robot in a planar environment with obstacles where the robot possess no a priori map of its environment. Our main insight in this paper is that a robot’s path planning times can be significantly reduced if it can refer to previous maneuvers it used to avoid obstacles during earlier missions, and adapt that information to avoid obstacles during its current navigation. We propose an online path planning algorithm called LearnerRRT that utilizes a pattern matching technique called Sample Consensus Initial Alignment (SAC-IA) in combination with an experience-based learning technique to adapt obstacle boundary patterns encountered in previous environments to the current scenario followed by corresponding adaptations in the obstacle-avoidance paths. Our proposed algorithm LearnerRRT works as a learning-based reactive path planning technique which enables robots to improve their overall path planning performance by locally improving maneuvers around commonly encountered obstacle patterns by accessing previously accumulated environmental information. We have conducted several experiments in simulations and hardware to verify the performance of the LearnerRRT algorithm and compared it with a state-of-the-art sampling-based planner. LearnerRRT on average takes approximately 10% of the planning time and 14% of the total time taken by the sampling-based planner to solve the same navigation task based on simulation results and takes only 33% of the planning time, 46% of total time and 95% of total distance compared to the sampling-based planner based on our hardware results.  相似文献   

In several real-world node label prediction problems on graphs, in fields ranging from computational biology to World Wide Web analysis, nodes can be partitioned into categories different from the classes to be predicted, on the basis of their characteristics or their common properties. Such partitions may provide further information about node classification that classical machine learning algorithms do not take into account. We introduce a novel family of parametric Hopfield networks (m-category Hopfield networks) and a novel algorithm (Hopfield multi-categoryHoMCat), designed to appropriately exploit the presence of property-based partitions of nodes into multiple categories. Moreover, the proposed model adopts a cost-sensitive learning strategy to prevent the remarkable decay in performance usually observed when instance labels are unbalanced, that is, when one class of labels is highly underrepresented than the other one. We validate the proposed model on both synthetic and real-world data, in the context of multi-species function prediction, where the classes to be predicted are the Gene Ontology terms and the categories the different species in the multi-species protein network. We carried out an intensive experimental validation, which on the one hand compares HoMCat with several state-of-the-art graph-based algorithms, and on the other hand reveals that exploiting meaningful prior partitions of input data can substantially improve classification performances.  相似文献   

We consider coalition formation among players in an n-player finite strategic game over infinite horizon. At each time a randomly formed coalition makes a joint deviation from a current action profile such that at new action profile all the players from the coalition are strictly benefited. Such deviations define a coalitional better-response (CBR) dynamics that is in general stochastic. The CBR dynamics either converges to a K-stable equilibrium or becomes stuck in a closed cycle. We also assume that at each time a selected coalition makes mistake in deviation with small probability that add mutations (perturbations) into CBR dynamics. We prove that all K-stable equilibria and all action profiles from closed cycles, that have minimum stochastic potential, are stochastically stable. Similar statement holds for strict K-stable equilibrium. We apply the CBR dynamics to study the dynamic formation of the networks in the presence of mutations. Under the CBR dynamics all strongly stable networks and closed cycles of networks are stochastically stable.  相似文献   

Continuous visible nearest neighbor query processing in spatial databases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we identify and solve a new type of spatial queries, called continuous visible nearest neighbor (CVNN) search. Given a data set P, an obstacle set O, and a query line segment q in a two-dimensional space, a CVNN query returns a set of \({\langle p, R\rangle}\) tuples such that \({p \in P}\) is the nearest neighbor to every point r along the interval \({R \subseteq q}\) as well as p is visible to r. Note that p may be NULL, meaning that all points in P are invisible to all points in R due to the obstruction of some obstacles in O. In contrast to existing continuous nearest neighbor query, CVNN retrieval considers the impact of obstacles on visibility between objects, which is ignored by most of spatial queries. We formulate the problem, analyze its unique characteristics, and develop efficient algorithms for exact CVNN query processing. Our methods (1) utilize conventional data-partitioning indices (e.g., R-trees) on both P and O, (2) tackle the CVNN search by performing a single query for the entire query line segment, and (3) only access the data points and obstacles relevant to the final query result by employing a suite of effective pruning heuristics. In addition, several interesting variations of CVNN queries have been introduced, and they can be supported by our techniques, which further demonstrates the flexibility of the proposed algorithms. A comprehensive experimental evaluation using both real and synthetic data sets has been conducted to verify the effectiveness of our proposed pruning heuristics and the performance of our proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

Rapid advances in image acquisition and storage technology underline the need for real-time algorithms that are capable of solving large-scale image processing and computer-vision problems. The minimum st cut problem, which is a classical combinatorial optimization problem, is a prominent building block in many vision and imaging algorithms such as video segmentation, co-segmentation, stereo vision, multi-view reconstruction, and surface fitting to name a few. That is why finding a real-time algorithm which optimally solves this problem is of great importance. In this paper, we introduce to computer vision the Hochbaum’s pseudoflow (HPF) algorithm, which optimally solves the minimum st cut problem. We compare the performance of HPF, in terms of execution times and memory utilization, with three leading published algorithms: (1) Goldberg’s and Tarjan’s Push-Relabel; (2) Boykov’s and Kolmogorov’s augmenting paths; and (3) Goldberg’s partial augment-relabel. While the common practice in computer-vision is to use either BK or PRF algorithms for solving the problem, our results demonstrate that, in general, HPF algorithm is more efficient and utilizes less memory than these three algorithms. This strongly suggests that HPF is a great option for many real-time computer-vision problems that require solving the minimum st cut problem.  相似文献   

We obtain the conditions for the emergence of the swarm intelligence effect in an interactive game of restless multi-armed bandit (rMAB). A player competes with multiple agents. Each bandit has a payoff that changes with a probability p c per round. The agents and player choose one of three options: (1) Exploit (a good bandit), (2) Innovate (asocial learning for a good bandit among n I randomly chosen bandits), and (3) Observe (social learning for a good bandit). Each agent has two parameters (c, p obs ) to specify the decision: (i) c, the threshold value for Exploit, and (ii) p obs , the probability for Observe in learning. The parameters (c, p obs ) are uniformly distributed. We determine the optimal strategies for the player using complete knowledge about the rMAB. We show whether or not social or asocial learning is more optimal in the (p c , n I ) space and define the swarm intelligence effect. We conduct a laboratory experiment (67 subjects) and observe the swarm intelligence effect only if (p c , n I ) are chosen so that social learning is far more optimal than asocial learning.  相似文献   

We study two natural extensions of Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). Balance-Max-CSP requires that in any feasible assignment each element in the domain is used an equal number of times. An instance of Hard-Max-CSP consists of soft constraints and hard constraints, and the goal is to maximize the weight of satisfied soft constraints while satisfying all the hard constraints. These two extensions contain many fundamental problems not captured by CSPs, and challenge traditional theories about CSPs in a more general framework. Max-2-SAT and Max-Horn-SAT are the only two nontrivial classes of Boolean CSPs that admit a robust satisfibiality algorithm, i.e., an algorithm that finds an assignment satisfying at least (1 ? g(ε)) fraction of constraints given a (1 ? ε)-satisfiable instance, where g(ε) → 0 as ε → 0, and g(0) = 0. We prove the inapproximability of these problems with balance or hard constraints, showing that each variant changes the nature of the problems significantly (in different ways). For instance, deciding whether an instance of 2-SAT admits a balanced assignment is NP-hard, and for Max-2-SAT with hard constraints, it is hard to find a constant-factor approximation even on (1 ? ε)-satisfiable instances (in particular, the version with hard constraints does not admit a robust satisfiability algorithm). We also study hardness results for a certain CSP over a larger domain capturing ordering constraints: we show that hard constraints rule out constant-factor approximation algorithms. All our hardness results are almost optimal — they completely rule out algorithms with certain properties, or can be matched by simple extensions to existing algorithms.  相似文献   

The solution of intractable problems implies the use of heuristics. Quantum computers may find use for optimization problems, but have yet to solve any NP-hard problems. This paper demonstrates results in game theory for domain transference and the reuse of problem-solving knowledge through the application of learned heuristics. It goes on to explore the possibilities for the acquisition of heuristics for the solution of the NP-hard TSP problem. Here, it is found that simple heuristics (e.g., pairwise exchange) often work best in the context of more or less sophisticated experimental designs. Often, these problems are not amenable to exclusive logic solutions; but rather, require the application of hybrid approaches predicated on search. In general, such approaches are based on randomization and supported by parallel processing. This means that heuristic solutions emerge from attempts to randomize the search space. The paper goes on to present a constructive proof of the unbounded density of knowledge in support of the Semantic Randomization Theorem (SRT). It highlights this result and its potential impact upon the community of machine learning researchers.  相似文献   

We design a fast implicit real QZ algorithm for eigenvalue computation of structured companion pencils arising from linearizations of polynomial rootfinding problems. The modified QZ algorithm computes the generalized eigenvalues of an \(N\times N\) structured matrix pencil using O(N) flops per iteration and O(N) memory storage. Numerical experiments and comparisons confirm the effectiveness and the stability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper we study multi-label learning with weakly labeled data, i.e., labels of training examples are incomplete, which commonly occurs in real applications, e.g., image classification, document categorization. This setting includes, e.g., (i) semi-supervised multi-label learning where completely labeled examples are partially known; (ii) weak label learning where relevant labels of examples are partially known; (iii) extended weak label learning where relevant and irrelevant labels of examples are partially known. Previous studies often expect that the learning method with the use of weakly labeled data will improve the performance, as more data are employed. This, however, is not always the cases in reality, i.e., weakly labeled data may sometimes degenerate the learning performance. It is desirable to learn safe multi-label prediction that will not hurt performance when weakly labeled data is involved in the learning procedure. In this work we optimize multi-label evaluation metrics (\(\hbox {F}_1\) score and Top-k precision) given that the ground-truth label assignment is realized by a convex combination of base multi-label learners. To cope with the infinite number of possible ground-truth label assignments, cutting-plane strategy is adopted to iteratively generate the most helpful label assignments. The whole optimization is cast as a series of simple linear programs in an efficient manner. Extensive experiments on three weakly labeled learning tasks, namely, (i) semi-supervised multi-label learning; (ii) weak label learning and (iii) extended weak label learning, clearly show that our proposal improves the safeness of using weakly labeled data compared with many state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Nowadays, many real-world problems are encoded into SAT instances and efficiently solved by modern SAT solvers. These solvers, usually known as Conflict-Driven Clause Learning (CDCL) SAT solvers, include a variety of sophisticated techniques, such as clause learning, lazy data structures, conflict-based adaptive branching heuristics, or random restarts, among others. However, the reasons of their efficiency in solving real-world, or industrial, SAT instances are still unknown. The common wisdom in the SAT community is that these technique exploit some hidden structure of real-world problems.In this thesis, we characterize some important features of the underlying structure of industrial SAT instances. Namely, they are the community structure and the self-similar structure. We observe that most industrial SAT formulas, viewed as graphs, have these two properties. This means that (i) in a graph with a clear community structure, i.e. having high modularity, we can find a partition of its nodes into communities such that most edges connect nodes of the same community; and (ii) in a graph with a self-similar pattern, i.e. being fractal, its shape is kept after re-scalings, i.e., grouping sets of nodes into a single node. We also analyze how these structures are affected by the effects of CDCL techniques during the search.Using the previous structural studies, we propose three applications. First, we face the problem of generating pseudo-industrial random SAT instances using the notion of modularity. Our model generates instances similar to (classical) random SAT formulas when the modularity is low, but when this value is high, our model is also adequate to model realistic pseudo-industrial problems. Second, we propose a method based on the community structure of the instance to detect relevant learnt clauses. Our technique augments the original instance with this set of relevant clauses, and this results into an overall improvement of the efficiency of several state-of-the-art CDCL SAT solvers. Finally, we analyze the classification of industrial SAT instances into families using the previously analyzed structure features, and we compare them to other classifiers commonly used in portfolio SAT approaches.In summary, this dissertation extends the understandings of the structure of SAT instances, with the aim of better explaining the success of CDCL techniques and possibly improve them, and propose a number of applications based on this analysis of the underlying structure of SAT formulas.  相似文献   

Learning Automata (LA) can be reckoned to be the founding algorithms on which the field of Reinforcement Learning has been built. Among the families of LA, Estimator Algorithms (EAs) are certainly the fastest, and of these, the family of discretized algorithms are proven to converge even faster than their continuous counterparts. However, it has recently been reported that the previous proofs for ??-optimality for all the reported algorithms for the past three decades have been flawed. We applaud the researchers who discovered this flaw, and who further proceeded to rectify the proof for the Continuous Pursuit Algorithm (CPA). The latter proof examines the monotonicity property of the probability of selecting the optimal action, and requires the learning parameter to be continuously changing. In this paper, we provide a new method to prove the ??-optimality of the Discretized Pursuit Algorithm (DPA) which does not require this constraint, by virtue of the fact that the DPA has, in and of itself, absorbing barriers to which the LA can jump in a discretized manner. Unlike the proof given (Zhang et al., Appl Intell 41:974–985, 3) for an absorbing version of the CPA, which utilizes the single-action Hoeffding’s inequality, the current proof invokes what we shall refer to as the “multi-action” version of the Hoeffding’s inequality. We believe that our proof is both unique and pioneering. It can also form the basis for formally showing the ??-optimality of the other EAs that possess absorbing states.  相似文献   

Effective parsing of video through the spatial and temporal domains is vital to many computer vision problems because it is helpful to automatically label objects in video instead of manual fashion, which is tedious. Some literatures propose to parse the semantic information on individual 2D images or individual video frames, however, these approaches only take use of the spatial information, ignore the temporal continuity information and fail to consider the relevance of frames. On the other hand, some approaches which only consider the spatial information attempt to propagate labels in the temporal domain for parsing the semantic information of the whole video, yet the non-injective and non-surjective natures can cause the black hole effect. In this paper, inspirited by some annotated image datasets (e.g., Stanford Background Dataset, LabelMe, and SIFT-FLOW), we propose to transfer or propagate such labels from images to videos. The proposed approach consists of three main stages: I) the posterior category probability density function (PDF) is learned by an algorithm which combines frame relevance and label propagation from images. II) the prior contextual constraint PDF on the map of pixel categories through whole video is learned by the Markov Random Fields (MRF). III) finally, based on both learned PDFs, the final parsing results are yielded up to the maximum a posterior (MAP) process which is computed via a very efficient graph-cut based integer optimization algorithm. The experiments show that the black hole effect can be effectively handled by the proposed approach.  相似文献   

An optimal probabilistic-planning algorithm solves a problem, usually modeled by a Markov decision process, by finding an optimal policy. In this paper, we study the k best policies problem. The problem is to find the k best policies of a discrete Markov decision process. The k best policies, k?>?1, cannot be found directly using dynamic programming. Naïvely, finding the k-th best policy can be Turing reduced to the optimal planning problem, but the number of problems queried in the naïve algorithm is exponential in k. We show empirically that solving k best policies problem by using this reduction requires unreasonable amounts of time even when k?=?3. We then provide two new algorithms. The first is a complete algorithm, based on our theoretical contribution that the k-th best policy differs from the i-th policy, for some i?k, on exactly one state. The second is an approximate algorithm that skips many less useful policies. We show that both algorithms have good scalability. We also show that the approximate algorithms runs much faster and finds interesting, high-quality policies.  相似文献   

To solve structural optimization problems, it is necessary to integrate a structural analysis package and an optimization package. Since most structural analysis packages suffer from closeness of system, it is very difficult to integrate it with an optimization package. To overcome the difficulty, we propose a possible alternative, DAMDO, which integrate Design, Analysis, Modeling, Definition, and Optimization phases into an integration environment as follows. (1) Design first generate many possible structural design alternatives. Each design alternative consists of many design variables X. (2) Analysis employ the structural analysis software to analyze all structural design alternatives to obtain their internal forces and displacements. They are the response variables Y. (3) Modeling employ artificial neural networks to build model Y = f(X) to obtain the relationship functions between the design variables X and the response variables Y. (4) Definition employ the design variables X and the response variables Y to define the objective function and constraint functions. (5) Optimization employ the optimization software to solve the optimization problem consisting of the objective function and the constraint functions to produce the optimum design variables X*. Optimization of truss structures was used to validate the DAMDO approach. The empirical results show that the truss optimization problems can be solved by the DAMDO approach, which employ neural networks to integrate the structural analysis package and optimization package without requiring direct integration of the two packages. This approach is promising in many engineering optimization domains which need to couple an analysis package and an optimization one to obtain the optimum solutions.  相似文献   

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