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目前,针对移动目标防御最优策略研究大多采用经典单/多阶段博弈和Markov博弈模型,无法在连续实时网络攻防对抗中进行灵活决策.为实现实时选取最优移动目标防御策略,在研究节点级传染病模型与微分博弈理论的基础上,提出了一种移动目标防御微分博弈模型,对网络空间重要节点构造安全状态演化方程与攻防收益目标函数,并设计开环纳什均衡求解算法以得出最优防御策略.仿真结果表明,该方法可有效对网络攻击进行实时防御,并且可针对网络关键节点制定相应移动目标防御策略.  相似文献   

Most of the literature on oligopoly deals with profit-maximizing firms engaging in “static” repetitive games. As the number of firms increases, the Nash-equilibrium strategy for each Cournot oligopolist converges to the competitive solution. In a two-person, zero-sum differential game model of duopoly [1] we introduced dynamic elements and explored alternative entrepreneurial goals. The duopolists endeavor to outsell each other subject to a no-loss constraint; the saturation of present markets by past sales and the impact on future goodwill by current advertisement are handled through “state variables.” The differential game formulation [1, 2] offers two advantages: (a) near perfect information leads to frequent existence of pure strategy equilibria and (b) the use of optimal control theory facilitates the characterization of the time structure of an equilibrium. However, the two-person, zero-sum framework is too restrictive while a general theory for solving n-person, non-zero sum differential games has still not been developed [3, 4].  相似文献   

The integrated game theory based guidance law with nonlinear autopilot (GGNA) system is presented in this paper. The guidance law is designed based on linear differential game theory while considering the motion of the target in 3‐D space such that the distance between the missile and the target is minimized faster than before. The autopilot system based on quaternion representation is developed using sliding mode control method to generate the attitude command. The stability of the integrated guidance and nonlinear autopilot system is analyzed with Lyapunov stability theory. In addition, this research assumes wingless missiles in our context in order to reduce the nonlinear effect from the aerodynamics. Furthermore, in order to extend the operation range of missiles from endo‐atmosphere to exo‐atmosphere, the missiles are equipped with Thrust Vector Control (TVC) mechanisms and Divert Control System (DCS). Finally, extensive simulations incorporating aerodynamic models are demonstrated to verify the validity of the proposed integrated guidance/autopilot systems. Moreover, the simulation results reveal that the mission of intercepting a maneuvering target is successfully accomplished.  相似文献   

针对微分对策在实际应用上的困难,引入粗糙控制这一新颖的人工智能方法。粗糙集理论能刻画和处理不完整、不精确信息。在简略介绍了粗糙集、粗糙逻辑和粗糙控制大致思想的基础上,尝试将粗糙逻辑和粗糙控制引入微分对策,以追逃问题为例,初步探索了粗糙微分对策模型的建立方法。该对策模型体现了控制算法简单、迅速和易于实现的优点,也降低了微分对策要求精确数学模型和完备信息的困难。同时也将粗糙控制和模糊控制做了简单的比较。  相似文献   

许阳  王晓璇 《计算机测量与控制》2009,17(5):986-987,1009
针对辐射源数量多、运动速度差异大、信息处理时效性要求高等特点,提出一类双门限辐射源目标识别方法;该方法首先构造信号与目标的相似度度量,通过双门限检测得到辐射源信号不属于任何目标、信号属于某个目标、模糊三类判定结论,对于模糊判定结果,构造差值门限进一步减小不确定性,提高目标识别能力;仿真结果表明所提出的方法能够快速有效地实现目标识别,便于工程化应用。  相似文献   

This work presents a collision avoidance control strategy that solves the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) equation for an agent to quickly take action assuming a worst-case scenario. By doing so, the agent can develop a control strategy that is robust to the strategies of other agents with whom collision is possible. Consequently, if the governing dynamics of the agent are sufficient, then a collision can be avoided. We build on the idea of finding control solutions by using a differential game theoretic approach (Mettenheim and Breitner, 2009). This is beneficial because the opposing agent’s strategy is incorporated into the control by assuming it plays the worst-case actions. The approach in this work solves the zero-sum aspects of the control on-line using a fast solution method that operates over partitions in the state space (Goode et al., ASME J Dyn Syst Meas Control, 2011). We form the solution to the Homicidal Chauffeur game which is used to provide the control for an evader attempting to avoid a pursuer, an agent that deviates from its normal path and into that of the evader. Furthermore, the evader is constrained to remain within defined boundaries of its assigned travel area, such as a road lane, water channel, etc. The control strategy consists of three parts: (1) a zero-sum approximation of collision avoidance, (2) high-level path planning, and (3) low-level vehicle control. Each component is explained, and an example is given using a real robotic vehicle control system. Here, we show how the control can be implemented using a simple processor located on a vehicle that seeks to avoid a collision with another oncoming vehicle, making a left turn.  相似文献   

For pt.I see ibid., vol. 5, no.1, p.67-69 (2007). This article discusses about stealthy software-that is, software that manipulates a computer in some way to avoid some aspect of its operation. The stealth is divided up into roughly three categories: passive, hooking, and hypervisor-based stealth detection. Most stealth malware hides by hooking and redirecting system calls, either at the kernel or the operating system (OS) level.  相似文献   

对于协商问题,为避免非线性问题带来求解上的困难并且使其能够处理不确定信息,基于T-S模糊微分对策的思想,构造出协商微分对策的模糊线性化模型.进一步探讨了在模糊线性协商微分对策系统下相应于折中解的控制器的设计方法.对一个2∶2对策问题做了仿真,其效果说明了解决问题方法的可行性.  相似文献   

基于Stackelberg对策的多人有关联的两层决策方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

陈子涵  程光 《计算机学报》2020,43(3):512-525
易攻难守是当前网络安全面临的核心问题之一.移动目标防御技术对被保护系统的攻击面实施动态持续性变换,从而降低攻击者成功的概率.随着移动目标防御领域的研究进展,如何优化动态防御策略,实现成本和收益均衡的智能防御已经成为关键的研究点.移动目标防御的现有优化模型往往存在对目的性较强的实际攻守场景描述不当、无法预测参与者后续策略、缺乏对系统用户的考虑等问题.针对这些问题,本文创新性的将用户作为移动目标防御博弈中的第三方参与者,结合Stackelberg博弈和Markov模型来构建非对等三方博弈,以确定移动目标防御的最优策略.数学分析和仿真实验表明,本文提出的模型能够兼顾防御者和用户的成本和收益,避免过度的防御和不适宜的防御,有效的实现防御策略智能决策.  相似文献   

将有限元法与最优化设计方法有机地结合起来,对二维差动电容式传感器的输出特性进行理论分析,并对传感器的结构参数进行最优化设计,给工程应用提供可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

Cui  Lei  Qu  Youyang  Nosouhi  Mohammad Reza  Yu  Shui  Niu  Jian-Wei  Xie  Gang 《计算机科学技术学报》2019,34(2):272-286
Journal of Computer Science and Technology - Due to dramatically increasing information published in social networks, privacy issues have given rise to public concerns. Although the presence of...  相似文献   

利用状态空间法描述八数码问题,将其抽象成为一个从起始状态搜索到达目标状态的路径的问题,并在Visual C++6.0环境下,用C++语言实现了其盲目搜索和启发式搜索算法。其中,盲目搜索采用的是宽度搜索和深度搜索,启发式搜索策略采用的是有序搜索。通过比较两种搜索策略的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,在搜索步骤较多的情况下,启发式搜索具有明显的优势,并在此结论的基础上分析了启发式搜索具有优势的原因。  相似文献   

探索计算机评卷系统的实现,为林业相同项目提供了有益的参考.  相似文献   

基于差分盒子维数提出了一种针对空间目标的图像分割算法.首先根据空间环境目标自然背景与空间目标人造结构的特点差异,从分形理论的相似性上对星空背景进行分析,利用像素邻域灰度方法得到目标和背景的边界.其次,在对给定阈值及该阈值下图像的差分盒维数关系进行分析的基础上,提出基于灰度方差的阈值选择方法.最后给出空间目标图像分割算法的流程,通过诸多仿真空间图像处理验证该分割算法是有效的.  相似文献   

双基地声纳两坐标目标三维定位算法精度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
T/R—R型双基地声纳系统采用两坐标声纳对目标定位时,同时获得二个观测量。就可以对目标进行三维定位。如利用发射站方位角信息以及接收站距离和与方位角信息观测目标实现三维定位的算法,分别研究各观测量(双站角度测量误差,时间测量误差,站址测量误差等)、系统参数(基线长度等)以及环境参数(卢速波动)等因素对算法的定位精度的影响,通过数值仿真,做出各因素的误差几何分布图。仿真结果最示,系统的定位精度受双站角度测量误差的影响非常大,提高角度测量精度是提高系统定位精度的非常有效的方法。  相似文献   

线性二次微分对策鞍点策略的小波分析法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究线性二次微分对策鞍点策略的数值求解问题,基于小波多尺度多分辨逼近特性,提出一种求解新方法。该方法将原问题转化为代数问题,算法简捷明了,适合于计算机求解。数值例子表明该方法是合理而可行的。  相似文献   

A differential game‐based guidance law design is proposed for a class of accelerating exoatmospheric missiles. By analyzing the nonlinear dynamic equations, a class of motions that does not require maneuver effort is derived for the missile. Using this property, a two phase guidance scheme can be derived that permits a perfect interception. In Phase 1, the missile is put in collision course with the target, which means in Phase 2 the missile should intercept the target with a straight line flight course, at a specified terminal body angle. Differential game based guidance laws are derived respectively for the two phases to guarantee the implementation of the guidance scheme. Simulation results show that the methodology provides robust interception performance.  相似文献   

Automation and Remote Control - A linear-quadratic positional differential game of three persons is considered. Coefficient criteria are established under which there is no Nash equilibrium...  相似文献   

徐自祥  周德云  徐济东 《控制工程》2007,14(1):37-41,48
鉴于协商微分对策多具有强非线性和不确定性特点,为避免非线性问题等带来求解上的困难和能处理不确定信息,基于T-S模糊微分对策的思想,对非线性的基于Utilitarian解(简称U解)的协商微分对策的状态方程和性能分别进行了模糊化和二次型化,构造出面向U解的协商微分对策的模糊线性化模型,研究了协商U解模型中加权系数的确定,并进一步探讨了在模糊线性协商微分对策系统下相应于U解的控制器的设计方法.研究工作和仿真结果可以说明,相对于Nash协商解,协商理论的U解更能反映整体效果,更易于推广.  相似文献   

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