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Shunt active power filters (APF) are used in power systems for the compensation of harmonic currents generated for non linear loads. A new digital reference current estimation method for control of APF using a Kalman digital algorithm is presented. Its capability of prediction avoids the effects of computational lags derived from the digital signal processing. The characteristics of the proposed technique are: the harmonic current compensation in a global or a selective way, the fast dynamical response and its independence from disturbances in the line voltage waveform. Simulation and experimental results under distorted supply voltages demonstrate the usefulness of the presented technique to improve the filtering performance.  相似文献   

All-metal high-isolation series and series/shunt MEMS switches   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a novel all-metal series switch with several different pull-down electrode geometries. The switch results in an up-state capacitance of 5-9 fF and an isolation of -25 to -30 d8 at 10 GHz. The fabrication process is completely compatible with the standard capacitive (or dc-contact) shunt switch, A dc-30 GHz series/shunt switch is also presented with an isolation of -60 dB at 5 GHz and -42 dB at 10 GHz. This is the highest isolation switch available to-date. The performance is limited by radiation in the CPW lines and not by the series/shunt switch characteristics. The application areas are in high-isolation switches for basestations and satellite systems  相似文献   

文章分析了各种并联混合型有源滤波器的结构,进行建模,得出统一模型,分析4种控制策略的滤波原理、优缺点、稳定性。  相似文献   

This article presents a fully digital controller for a three-phase shunt active filter. The harmonic isolator and the current controller both have been implemented in only one Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). This article discusses the design and implementation of digital hybrid modulated hysteresis current controller and multi-variable filters for shunt active filter controlling. Simulation and experimental results based on ‘FPGA in the loop’ prototyping demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed fully digital controller.  相似文献   

This letter characterizes, in terms of the bandwidth and limit cycle frequency of its constituent subsystems, the sequential switching shunt series regulator -S/sup 4/R, a high-efficiency, low-mass and volume power cell devised to power the next generation of regulated power buses in telecommunication spacecrafts. Transconductance power source modeling is used to obtain linear and nonlinear models. These are used to establish a design control strategy which involves the dynamic response in large load requirements or at the end of the satellite life. Simulations and experimental results are also given to demonstrate the validity of the model.  相似文献   

It is shown that the equivalent circuits used by van der Graaf, while giving perfectly correct results for the problems to which he applied them, lack general validity, even within the conditions assumed by him. In particular they appear to demonstrate that it is possible to obtain a constant input resistance (i.e. constant with respect to time) in a series or shunt modulator, whereas clearly such a result is impossible in reality. An alternative system of equivalent circuits is shown to avoid the difficulty. An explanation is given.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new adaptive infinite impulse response (IIR) line enhancer (LE) comb filter configuration for the purpose of power system harmonic signal estimation and retrieval. The approximate maximum likelihood (AML) algorithm is employed for the parameter update. The proposed solution is characterised by modest computational burden, effective tracking capabilities and provides the retrieved harmonic components with little or no distortion. The retrieved power system harmonics may be obtained on an individual basis or as a composite signal. Practical test results are included which show the performance achieved by the proposed technique  相似文献   

A fault protection scheme for series active power filters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A protection scheme for series active power filters is presented and analyzed in this paper. The proposed scheme protects series active power filters when short-circuit faults occur in the power distribution system. The principal protection element is a varistor, which is connected in parallel to the secondary of each current transformer. The current transformers used to connect in series the active power filter present a low-magnetic saturation characteristic increasing current ratio error when high currents circulate through the primary winding, thus generating lower secondary currents. In this way, the power dissipated by the varistors is significantly reduced. After a few cycles of short-circuit currents flowing through the varistor, the gating signals applied to the active power filter switches are removed and the pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) voltage-source inverter (VSI) is short circuited through a couple of antiparallel thyristors  相似文献   

Compensation strategies for shunt active-filter control   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Compensation strategies for control of shunt active filters are compared in the paper. It is shown that the strategy based on unity-power factor control is appropriate when the supply voltage waveform of the plant where the active filter is connected shows significant distortion. As voltage distortion increases, this strategy provides compensated line current having lower harmonic distortion and RMS value with respect to the strategy generally used. This contributes to diminish the current and voltage distortion in networks. The unity-power factor compensation strategy conditions the current flowing in the plant where compensation is realized to fit the voltage waveform, thus reaching a unity power factor. Hence, the line current RMS value is minimum. The comparison of the strategies is performed by both Monte Carlo and ATP simulation  相似文献   

Adjustable shunt regulators known as TL431 are extensively used to build the control systems in switched-mode converter applications. The resulting control system is typically a two-loop system, where one loop defines the low frequency behavior, and the other loop the higher frequency behavior, respectively. The shunt regulator is regarded to possess characteristics similar to an operational amplifier, even if it is basically a transconductance amplifier having current as an output signal instead of voltage as well as positive feedback instead of negative feedback. The small-signal response of a shunt regulator shows that it may be modeled as a voltage-controlled current source with a small transconductance gain and an equivalent capacitor as output impedance, which may be extracted from the open-loop frequency response by inspection. The variance in the parameters may be high depending on the manufacture, and operating point, i.e., cathode current, which is normally chosen to be close to 1 mA due to the specifications. The analysis shows, however, that the cathode current should be at least 5 mA for stable equivalent circuit parameters. If low cathode current is used, the control system may not be better than a Zener diode replacing the shunt regulator.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a finite control set predictive control (FCS-PC) scheme for the shunt hybrid power filter (SHPF) to reduce the power loss while maintaining satisfactory power quality at the utility’s grid terminals. By means of the instantaneous power theory, the controller for the proposed method can generate the reference voltage for the SHPF voltage source inverter (VSI) for the future sampling time. Therefore, during a sampling time, the vector of the reference voltage is compared with the finite number of voltage vectors existent in the VSI to select the vector that best fits the cost function of the controller. The proposed method, compared with the conventional pulse width modulation (PWM) carrier method, has the capability of suppressing similarly the harmonic currents at grid terminals and controlling VSI DC-link voltage while maintaining low switching frequencies in the devices. This method shows simplicity in digital implementation because it does not need a PWM block to obtain the VSI gating signals. In addition, a comparison of the proposed FCS-PC method with the conventional carrier-based PWM method is presented and discussed. Parameter errors in the controller are studied and their effects on system performance are explained. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated with simulation and experimental results during steady-state operation and transient response of the system.  相似文献   

A new predictive current controller for a voltage-source inverter is presented in this paper. Practical aspects of realizing the new controller in a system with a digital signal processor (DSP) are considered. Delays introduced by measurements are considered and an improved algorithm with one-period prediction of current is presented. The controller was realized in an experimental system with DSP and field-programmable gate array circuits. Results of the simulations and experiments are presented.  相似文献   

To control active filter characteristics a new type of integrated circuit (IC) of Xicor Inc. is used. This is an analogue potentiometer with digital control and non volatile memory. Usage of this IC is convenient when the storage of the last results is required. The control parameters are estimated for applications on elliptical low-pass and high-pass voltage-controlled voltage source filters. Practically obtained diagrams are given.  相似文献   

An alternative explicit multi-exponential model is proposed to describe multiple, arbitrary ideality factor, conduction mechanisms in semiconductor junctions with parasitic series and shunt resistances. This Lambert function based model allows the terminal current to be expressed as an explicit analytical function of the applied terminal voltage, in contrast to the implicit-type conventional multi-exponential model. As a result this model inherently offers a higher computational efficiency than conventional models, making it better suited for repetitive simulation and parameter extraction applications. Its explicit nature also allows direct analytic differentiation and integration. The model’s applicability has been assessed by parameter extraction and subsequent playback using synthetic and experimental diode forward I-V characteristics.  相似文献   

A simple and continuous analytical approximation for the equation of an ideal diode with a series resistance and shunt conductance is proposed. When compared to the exact numerical solution, the approximate expression produces relative errors smaller than 3%, for any values of series resistance and shunt conductance.<>  相似文献   

This work will present a new type of passive vibration control technique based on the concept of electromagnetic shunt damping. The proposed technique is similar to piezoelectric shunt damping, as an appropriately designed impedance is shunted across the terminals of the transducer. Theoretical and experimental results are presented for a simple electromagnetic mass spring damper system.  相似文献   

This paper deals with unified power quality conditioners (UPQCs), which aim at the integration of series-active and shunt-active power filters. The main purpose of a UPQC is to compensate for voltage flicker/imbalance, reactive power, negative-sequence current and harmonics. In other words, the UPQC has the capability of improving power quality at the point of installation on power distribution systems or industrial power systems. This paper discusses the control strategy of the UPQC, with a focus on the how of instantaneous active and reactive powers inside the UPQC. Experimental results obtained from a laboratory model of 20 kVA, along with a theoretical analysis, are shown to verify the viability and effectiveness of the UPQC  相似文献   

Three-phase four-wire shunt active filter control strategies   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
This paper describes a three-phase four-wire shunt active power filter using a conventional three-leg converter, without the need of power supply at DC bus. Two approaches have been developed to control the active filter. Both control strategies consider harmonics and zero sequence components in the voltage and current simultaneously. The first one provides constant power and the second one sinusoidal current to the source, even under unbalanced voltage conditions. Simulation results from a complete model of shunt active filter are presented to validate and compare the control strategies  相似文献   

The application of model predictive control (MPG) to complex, nonlinear processes results in a nonconvex optimization problem for computing the optimal control actions. This optimization problem can be addressed by discrete search techniques, such as the branch-and-bound method, which has been successfully applied to MPG. The discretization, however, introduces a tradeoff between the number of discrete actions (computation time) and the performance. This paper proposes a solution to these problems by using a fuzzy predictive filter to construct the discrete control alternatives. The filter is represented as an adaptive set of control actions multiplied by a gain factor. This keeps the number of necessary alternatives low and increases the performance. Herewith, the problems introduced by the discretization of the control actions are diminished. The proposed MPC method using fuzzy predictive filters is applied by the temperature control of an air-conditioned test room. Simulations and real-time results show the advantages of the proposed method  相似文献   

A passive series, active shunt filter for high power applications   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper presents a hybrid series passive/shunt active power filter system for high power nonlinear loads. This work is motivated by the fact that the ability of a converter to perform effectively as an active filter is limited by the power and the frequency distribution of the distortion for which it must compensate. This system is comprised of a three-phase shunt active filter and series AC line smoothing reactance installed in front of the target load. The proposed system significantly reduces the required shunt active filter bandwidth. The space-vector pulse width modulation (PWM) controller is based on a dead-beat control model. It is implemented digitally using a single 16-bit microcontroller. This controller requires only the supply current to be monitored, an approach different from conventional methods. The paper provides background on the operation of the filter, the details of the power circuit, the details of the control design, representative waveforms, and spectral performance for a filter which supports a 15 kVA phase controlled rectifier load. Experimental data indicate that the active filter typically consumes 2% or less of the average load power, suggesting that a parallel filter is an efficient compensation approach. The spectral performance shows that the active filter brings the system into compliance with IEEE519-1992 up to the 33rd harmonic for an AC line smoothing reactance of 0.13 p.u  相似文献   

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