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"The San Francisco Bay Area has taken on a distinct polycentric metropolitan form, with three tiers of hierarchical employment centers encircling downtown San Francisco.... In this paper it is found that polycentric development is associated with differentials in suburban and urban commute trip times: commute trips made by employees of suburban centers are shorter in duration than commute trips made by their counterparts in larger and denser urban centers. Differentials were even greater, however, with respect to commuting modal splits. Lower density, outlying employment centers averaged far higher rates of drive-alone automobile commuting and insignificant levels of transit commuting....The effects of housing availability and prices on the residential locational choices of those working both in urban and in suburban employment centers are also investigated...."  相似文献   

通过对美国东北部大城市带人口空间分布和产业构成的研究,揭示出以下规律(1)城市带城镇等级“金字塔”结构明显,都市区人口增长从近郊区转向远郊区,中心城区则出现不同程度的复苏.(2)以金融信息为代表的生产性服务业、以批发零售业为代表的公共服务业、以医疗救助为代表的社会保障体系成为城市经济构成的三大支柱.(3)都市区产业呈现明显的圈层结构.中心城市以服务业为主导,近郊区制造业和批发商业比重较高,远郊区产业体系较为独立和均衡.(4)受都市区多中心结构的影响,城市带内产居关系逐步分离,通勤距离增加,通勤模式多样化.  相似文献   

Using longitudinal data from the National Establishment Time-Series dataset, this paper presents research on intra-metropolitan spatial patterns of manufacturing employment created by foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Atlanta, Georgia metropolitan area. A panel regression analysis reveals that the loss of urban industrial land in the central metro area is associated with the suburbanization of FDI manufacturing jobs over time. Based on the key findings of the analyses, the paper discusses the policy implications of job losses in urban manufacturing and some strategies for attracting and retaining these jobs.  相似文献   

The issue of theinterurban location of high order service activities (i. e., producer services and finance, insurance and real estate services) was one of the major areas investigated by service industries researchers during the 1980s; the spatial concentration of high order services in a relatively small number of large metropolitan areas is now a well documented fact. In the 1990s, researchers are increasingly turning their focus on theintrametropolitan location of these activities. In particular, certain studies have shown that high order services have begun to leave their "natural habitat"—the CBD—in order to locate in suburban office agglomerations. This paper explores the intrametropolitan location issue in the specific context of the Montreal Census Metropolitan Area (CMA), employing data derived from a detailed survey of 324 high order service establishments. We first examine patterns of intrametropolitan mobility, in terms of both establishments and employment; spatial stability, rather than decentralization, is evident. Next, we explore locational factors from the viewpoint of site attributes. Accessibility to the establishment for clients and land costs or rental prices emerge as the major factors. Finally, we conduct a logistic regression analysis in order to identify the principal characteristics of high order service establishments that may be used to explain their location within the Montreal CMA. The majority of the characteristics found to be statistically significant involve market linkages to clients, either in terms of the geographic distribution of clients or the types of clients served.  相似文献   

金瑛  魏冶 《室内设计》2018,(3):47-54
利用生产性服务业的空间布局研究 中心城区尺度多中心性可以探析城市内部的 功能空间结构。本文选取长春市中心城区范 围内的保险、广告、会计、科技、律师、物流、 银行7种生产性服务业的POI数据进行核密 度分析,采用空间主成分分析法对生产性服 务业空间布局进行综合分析,利用城市网络 分析工具U NA测度长春市中心城区交通网 络中心性,检验其与生产性服务业的相关关 系。研究结果发现长春市中心城区范围生产 性服务业多中心呈分级圈层分布;生产性服 务业部分中心与城市商业中心吻合;传统商 务中心对生产性服务业的影响较大,老城区 的老商业中心易出现生产性服务业中心;生产 性服务业多中心与交通网络中心性存在明显 正相关,生产性服务业沿城市主要道路的集 聚明显。  相似文献   

分别以北京第二次全国基本单位普查数据和都市区228个“街区单元”为属性数据和空间数据,运用空间分布实态模拟、空间自相关、因子分析等定量方法,完成了北京都市区生产者服务业空间结构的实证研究。总结提炼出北京都市区生产者服务业空间结构的主要特征和结构模式,并将结论与西方研究的主流观点进行了比较,进而发现了转型期我国都市区快速发展的生产者服务业在整体空间结构、功能地域结构等方面的独特性。  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamics between zoning, land values and neighborhood change from 1960 to 1970. Using a sample of 352 central city and suburban census tracts contained within the Chicago SMSA, this paper examines the influence of zoning on neighborhood land value appreciation and the independent effects of land values and zoning on neighborhood housing changes. Findings show that zoning influenced land value appreciation over the decade within both central city and suburban areas. Central city zoning and land values operated jointly to influence neighborhood housing changes while in suburban areas, zoning mechanisms overrode market forces in influencing neighborhood development patterns. This paper demonstrates the forcefulness of the politics of the urban land market in regulating both land scarcity and land value changes and in influencing metropolitan spatial distributions.  相似文献   

The island of Puerto Rico has both a high population density and a long history of ineffective land use planning. This study integrates geospatial technology and population census data to understand how people use and develop the lands. We define three new regions for Puerto Rico: Urban (16%), Densely Populated Rural (36%), and Sparsely Populated Rural (48%). Eleven percent of the island is composed of urban/built-up surfaces. A large part of these developments occur in both low-density patterns of construction and sparsely populated neighborhoods. Half of the urban development occurs outside of urban centers. This analysis helps differentiate zones in the landscape with different uses and conditions, identifying not only urban and rural settings, but also the interface where development occurs in a territory dominated by forests and pastures, analogous to a wildland urban interface. The ineffective plan of land development has left a high degree of urban sprawl in 40% of island, where cities and towns appear typically surrounded by sprawl. The San Juan Metropolitan Area is one of the most expanded urbanized areas with a population of 2–2.5 million, comparable with the most sprawled cities of the U.S. mainland. This study reinforces the need for an efficient land use planning, and provides information to support research and planning efforts related to land development and conservation. It represents the first approach integrating satellite imagery with population census data for studying the human environment in the Caribbean.  相似文献   

A model of urban growth with endogenous suburban production centers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a theoretical model of the spatial growth of an urban area. Its primary contribution is that suburban production centers arise as small, independent landowners respond to market forces. Other models impose subcenters exogenously and require action by large developers or government agencies. The model predicts almost no undeveloped land is present in struggling cities, but urban sprawl is the hallmark of a growing metropolitan area. There is also anticipatory sprawl: even while all industrial development is concentrated in the central city, a leapfrog zone may sprout between two residential zones in the suburbs. Received: July 2000/Accepted: December 2000  相似文献   

Energy hierarchy and urban landscape system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The study of ecosystems suggests principles by which the flow of energy generates hierarchies in all systems. From viewpoint of ecological energetics, urban system lies on the highest level of ecosystem hierarchy. The main objective of this paper is to study the effect of energy flows on the hierarchies and spatial organization of urban zonation. This research uses Taipei metropolitan region as the area for the case study. “Emergy” is used as the principal conceptual tool for energy analysis; “transformity” is used to measure the hierarchies of land uses and urban landscape systems. Based on the calculation of the spatial distribution of energy flows, using GIS, the empower density and transformity increase from rural to urban center. In order to delineate zones of different energetics, the 1178 administrative districts of the Taipei metropolitan region are used as units for multivariate classification, in which 19 variables of energy flows are condensed into four factors. The factor scores of each districts are then used as input for cluster analysis and discriminate analysis. As a result, different energy structures, and subsequently, different types and amount of energy flows tend to associate with different intensities of urbanization. The Taipei metropolitan region is classified into six energetic zones: mixed-use urban core; high density urban residential district; service and manufacturing urban district; agricultural district, newly developed suburban district; and natural area. The calculation of transformity and emergy indices further establish the hierarchical order of these zones. The distribution of the six energetic zones, reveals the spatial energetic hierarchies of Taipei metropolitan region. The implication of energetic characteristics to planning practice is also discussed to conclude this research.  相似文献   

生态系统服务综合管理是保障城市生态安全和优化国 土空间格局的重要途径。城市中心城区生态空间稀缺、生态环 境压力大、居民需求多样,面临着生态系统服务供需空间分异 大、生态管控复杂的问题。因此,量化城市生态系统服务供给 和需求,识别生态供给与居民需求的空间分布差异,是提升生 态系统服务供给效率的重要途径,也是支撑城市用地空间进行 科学规划管控的关键。以桂林市中心城区为例,利用生态系统 服务供需比测度城市水源涵养、降温效益、雨洪调节、碳汇服 务、土壤保持、生物多样性保护和游憩服务7项生态系统服务供 需水平,并基于聚类分析识别了5类生态系统服务供需簇,耦合 供需匹配与失衡区、生态保护区,划定三级生态保护与管控区 和两类生态修复与功能提升区。依据分区的生态本底特点、分 区内各类服务供需水平等,提出分级分类的管控指引和优化策 略,以期为城市生态空间的规划与管理提供参考。  相似文献   

上海郊区建设中若干问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析论述了上海郊区建设中人口向城镇集中、郊区经济高增长与就业低增长失衡以及"城市支持郊区"等若干理论与现实问题,旨在为推进上海郊区城镇化可持续发展提供参考依据.  相似文献   

由于影响地价的外部作用力在空间分布上明显不均衡,造成城市土地价格空间分异的性状,同时,随着城市化进程加快,土地价格的空间性状表现出一定的演化规律。本文以北京市海淀区、朝阳区为例,系统分析了商业、住宅、工业用地的价格空间性状及其演化规律。  相似文献   

城郊绿色基础设施兼具城乡生态 服务与游憩功能,孤立或对立审视此二功能 会导致过度开发或机械被动保护,有机融合 则会促进城郊自然环境资源的高效保护与利 用。结合文献研究与案例分析,论文详细阐 释了融合生态服务与游憩功能的绿色基础设 施用地规划理念及技术方法:一、目标定位, 融合资源保护、生态服务、游憩休闲等复合目 标;二、现状分析,甄别绿色基础设施用地 保护要素与空间格局;三、功能设置环节,因 地植入维护要素系统自然生态过程的游憩功 能;四、用地组织层面,带动游憩产业发展的 同时提升其支持、供给、调节、文化四大生态 功能服务水平。  相似文献   

基于职住空间关系分析上海郊区新城发展状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用手机信令数据识别出上海市域居民的就业地和居住地,获取了就业密度和通勤联系数据,从职住空间关系视角分析了上海9个郊区新城的发展状况。首先,通过就业密度识别就业密集区、计算各新城平均就业密度。随后,通过通勤联系分析各新城就业者来源地,划分了各新城就业势力范围。最后用独立指数计算各新城的职住平衡程度。研究发现上海郊区新城已成为郊区经济活动主要集聚区域,但各新城就业辐射范围仍主要集中在其所属行政辖区内,对所属区县以外地区的就业吸引力较弱。独立指数测算定量证实了上海郊区新城基本符合离开中心城越远,自身职住平衡程度越高的规律。其中,地处远郊而且独立指数较低的郊区新城其发展状况较为特殊,原因值得一步研究。  相似文献   

This paper identifies the employment and housing locations of residents in Shanghai based on mobile phone signaling data, so as to obtain the employment density and commuting data and analyze the development of nine suburban new towns from the perspective of jobs-housing spatial relationship. Firstly, the paper defines employment-intensive areas and gets the average employment density of each new town according to the employment density data. Then it marks out the scope of the employment influence through analyzing the sources of workers in each new town in accordance with the commuting data. Finally, it analyzes the jobs-housing balance of each new town using independence index, finding that suburban new towns in Shanghai have become main clusters of economic activities, while the scope of employment influence in each new town is still concentrated in its administrative area, with less attraction to residents in other areas. The independence index demonstrates a law that the suburban new town which is farther from the central city sees a higher degree of jobs-housing balance. Among them, new towns located in the outer suburbs with a low independence index indicate their special development situation, the reason of which is worth further study.  相似文献   

The current drive to promote high densities in the planning and construction of new communities should not be allowed to obscure the success of low-density new towns. Both Reston in Northern Virginia, and Milton Keynes, in the county of Buckinghamshire, England, planned during the 1960s, have become popular with their residents: they now live in new towns recognized for their overall low densities and suburban ethos. Yet the original planners of these towns had markedly ‘urban’ intentions in mind. They aimed for compact living clusters within a tamed countryside of parks and open spaces. Local employment parks would also obviate the need for large-scale commuting. These intentions, however, were not fully implemented. This was most clearly evident in relation to housing. The original planners had preferred a vision predominantly characterized by late-modern urban housing styles. However, popular tastes within the housing market led the subsequent managers of Reston and Milton Keynes to more fully embrace traditional-vernacular models of suburban domestic architecture. These styles complemented the wider countrified setting of the new towns. The following discussion demonstrates the gentle paradox that Reston and Milton Keynes, planned as alternatives to suburban sprawl, became rationalized and attractive suburban entities. The comparative approach within the article also proves the undoubted popularity of suburban living in both England and the USA.  相似文献   

Although metropolitan areas have traditionally been viewed as dichotomous structures with a central city and surrounding suburbs, the development patterns of such areas have taken on a multi-ring sectoral and polycentric structure in the context of intra-metropolitan spatial differentiation. Using the longitudinal census database (1970–2000) for the Atlanta metropolitan region, this study showed not only substantial increases in poverty and its concentration in suburban areas such as inner- and middle-ring suburbs and some suburban employment centers, but also causal factors for changes in poverty by race and subarea. The results suggest that unemployment and rental housing burden were the strongest determinants of levels of poverty and its change across race and subareas, indicating the importance of jobs and affordable rental housing to alleviating poverty and its concentration.  相似文献   

The liberalization of the Chilean economy since 1974 has generated important modifications on its urban development policies. However, little attention has been paid to estimate how urban amenities are capitalized in housing prices under this new scenario. In this paper, we explore this relationship through a hedonic pricing model and 27 urban amenities for the Chilean main urban agglomeration, the Metropolitan Region of Santiago (MR). We recognize that the capitalization of urban amenities into housing prices is spatially heterogeneous, therefore we study this relationship by using the geographically weighted regression (GWR). The main results suggest that urban amenities play an important role in determining housing prices with a significant spatial heterogeneity, where notably differences between public and private local services are found. Particularly, private services such as schools, shopping centers, healthcare centers or restaurants have positive capitalizations on housing prices. In contrast, public schools, public hospitals and public kindergartens have negative valuations in housing prices, suggesting that living closer to these services reduces housing values. Our results provide policy makers with valuable elements when designing urban policies in terms of the importance of heterogeneous valuations of urban amenities across neighborhoods, how to allocate resources more efficiently to foster the quality of life on new urban residents and the need of considering the economic segregation triggered by heterogeneous preferences to amenities across space.  相似文献   

对日本职业教育院校校园规划中的空间分布,以及用地面积指标进行分析,结论如下:职校的空间布局适应区域产业发展的特征,但与工业用地的关系并不密切。以东京和名古屋为例,职业院校倾向于分布在交通干线密集的城市中心区,较少分布在工业用地集中区。与我国不同,日本职校建设标准不要求校园容积率,对体育用地要求也较灵活。日本职校规划在校园与城市的结合度、土地开发强度和体育用地配置方面对我国有所启示。  相似文献   

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