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This paper introduces Learn++, an ensemble of classifiers based algorithm originally developed for incremental learning, and now adapted for information/data fusion applications. Recognizing the conceptual similarity between incremental learning and data fusion, Learn++ follows an alternative approach to data fusion, i.e., sequentially generating an ensemble of classifiers that specifically seek the most discriminating information from each data set. It was observed that Learn++ based data fusion consistently outperforms a similarly configured ensemble classifier trained on any of the individual data sources across several applications. Furthermore, even if the classifiers trained on individual data sources are fine tuned for the given problem, Learn++ can still achieve a statistically significant improvement by combining them, if the additional data sets carry complementary information. The algorithm can also identify-albeit indirectly-those data sets that do not carry such additional information. Finally, it was shown that the algorithm can consecutively learn both the supplementary novel information coming from additional data of the same source, and the complementary information coming from new data sources without requiring access to any of the previously seen data.  相似文献   

This paper presents an incremental approach to automatic algorithm design,which can be described by algebraic specifications precisely and conveniently.The definitions of selection operator and extension operator which ca be defined by strategy relations and transformations are given in order to model the process of finding the solution of a problem.Also discussed is its object-oriented implementation.The functional specification and the design specification for an algorithm are given in one framework so that the correctness of the algorithm can be easily proved.  相似文献   

An incremental genetic algorithm approach to multiprocessor scheduling   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have developed a genetic algorithm (GA) approach to the problem of task scheduling for multiprocessor systems. Our approach requires minimal problem specific information and no problem specific operators or repair mechanisms. Key features of our system include a flexible, adaptive problem representation and an incremental fitness function. Comparison with traditional scheduling methods indicates that the GA is competitive in terms of solution quality if it has sufficient resources to perform its search. Studies in a nonstationary environment show the GA is able to automatically adapt to changing targets.  相似文献   

Microarray data are often characterized by high dimension and small sample size. There is a need to reduce its dimension for better classification performance and computational efficiency of the learning model. The minimum redundancy and maximum relevance (mRMR), which is widely explored to reduce the dimension of the data, requires discretization and setting of external parameters. We propose an incremental formulation of the trace of ratio of the scatter matrices to determine a relevant set of genes which does not involve discretization and external parameter setting. It is analytically shown that the proposed incremental formulation is computationally efficient in comparison to its batch formulation. Extensive experiments on 14 well-known available microarray cancer datasets demonstrate that the performance of the proposed method is better in comparison to the well-known mRMR method. Statistical tests also show that the proposed method is significantly better when compared to the mRMR method.  相似文献   

By beginning with simple reactive behaviors and gradually building up to more memory-dependent behaviors, it may be possible for connectionist systems to eventually achieve the level of planning. This paper focuses on an intermediate step in this incremental process, where the appropriate means of providing guidance to adapting controllers is explored. A local and a global method of reinforcement learning are contrasted-a special form of back-propagation and an evolutionary algorithm. These methods are applied to a neural network controller for a simple robot. A number of experiments are described where the presence of explicit goals and the immediacy of reinforcement are varied. These experiments reveal how various types of guidance can affect the final control behavior. The results show that the respective advantages and disadvantages of these two adaptation methods are complementary, suggesting that some hybrid of the two may be the most effective method. Concluding remarks discuss the next incremental steps toward more complex control behaviors.  相似文献   

Prototype classifiers have been studied for many years. However, few methods can realize incremental learning. On the other hand, most prototype classifiers need users to predetermine the number of prototypes; an improper prototype number might undermine the classification performance. To deal with these issues, in the paper we propose an online supervised algorithm named Incremental Learning Vector Quantization (ILVQ) for classification tasks. The proposed method has three contributions. (1) By designing an insertion policy, ILVQ incrementally learns new prototypes, including both between-class incremental learning and within-class incremental learning. (2) By employing an adaptive threshold scheme, ILVQ automatically learns the number of prototypes needed for each class dynamically according to the distribution of training data. Therefore, unlike most current prototype classifiers, ILVQ needs no prior knowledge of the number of prototypes or their initial value. (3) A technique for removing useless prototypes is used to eliminate noise interrupted into the input data. Results of experiments show that the proposed ILVQ can accommodate the incremental data environment and provide good recognition performance and storage efficiency.  相似文献   

An autoregressive model approach to two-dimensional shape classification   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In this paper, a method of classifying objects is reported that is based on the use of autoregressive (AR) model parameters which represent the shapes of boundaries detected in digitized binary images of the objects. The object identification technique is insensitive to object size and orientation. Three pattern recognition algorithms that assign object names to unlabelled sets of AR model parameters were tested and the results compared. Isolated object tests were performed on five sets of shapes, including eight industrial shapes (mostly taken from the recognition literature), and recognition accuracies of 100 percent were obtained for all pattern sets at some model order in the range 1 to 10. Test results indicate the ability of the technique developed in this work to recognize partially occluded objects. Processing-speed measurements show that the method is fast in the recognition mode. The results of a number of object recognition tests are presented. The recognition technique was realized with Fortran programs, Imaging Technology, Inc. image-processing boards, and a PDP 11/60 computer. The computer algorithms are described.  相似文献   


A novel partially supervised classification technique is proposed, which allows the efficient mapping of a specific land-cover class (or a few land-cover classes) of interest, by using only training samples belonging to the class or classes selected. It is based on a combined use of a Radial Basis Function network, which models the image data distribution, and a Markov Random Field approach, which exploits the spatial-contextual information. The result is high classification accuracy comparable to that provided by fully supervised classifiers.  相似文献   

This article presents a hybrid fuzzy classifier for effective land-use/land-cover (LULC) mapping. It discusses a Bayesian method of incorporating spatial contextual information into the fuzzy noise classifier (FNC). The FNC was chosen as it detects noise using spectral information more efficiently than its fuzzy counterparts. The spatial information at the level of the second-order pixel neighbourhood was modelled using Markov random fields (MRFs). Spatial contextual information was added to the MRF using different adaptive interaction functions. These help to avoid over-smoothing at the class boundaries. The hybrid classifier was applied to advanced wide-field sensor (AWiFS) and linear imaging self-scanning sensor-III (LISS-III) images from a rural area in India. Validation was done with a LISS-IV image from the same area. The highest increase in accuracy among the adaptive functions was 4.1% and 2.1% for AWiFS and LISS-III images, respectively. The paper concludes that incorporation of spatial contextual information into the fuzzy noise classifier helps in achieving a more realistic and accurate classification of satellite images.  相似文献   

探索分布估计算法中最频繁用于解决现实生活中优化问题的基于群体递增学习算法在优化癌症化疗中的应用能力,并与遗传算法作相应比较。实验表明基于群体递增学习(PBIL)算法的搜寻速度以及搜寻到的可行解质量均优于遗传算法。  相似文献   

A new approach to classification problems with incomplete information is described. The decision rule is designed considering the similarity of recognized objects. Designing a decision rule with the help of a general generalized variable is the basis of the approach. __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 6, pp. 116–123, November–December 2005.  相似文献   

Localisation and mapping with an omnidirectional camera becomes more difficult as the landmark appearances change dramatically in the omnidirectional image. With conventional techniques, it is difficult to match the features of the landmark with the template. We present a novel robot simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) algorithm with an omnidirectional camera, which uses incremental landmark appearance learning to provide posterior probability distribution for estimating the robot pose under a particle filtering framework. The major contribution of our work is to represent the posterior estimation of the robot pose by incremental probabilistic principal component analysis, which can be naturally incorporated into the particle filtering algorithm for robot SLAM. Moreover, the innovative method of this article allows the adoption of the severe distorted landmark appearances viewed with omnidirectional camera for robot SLAM. The experimental results demonstrate that the localisation error is less than 1 cm in an indoor environment using five landmarks, and the location of the landmark appearances can be estimated within 5 pixels deviation from the ground truth in the omnidirectional image at a fairly fast speed.  相似文献   

Deals with several notions of incremental stability. In other words, the focus is on stability of trajectories with respect to one another, rather than with respect to some attractor. The aim is to present a framework for understanding such questions fully compatible with the well-known input-to-state stability approach. Applications of the newly introduced stability notions are also discussed  相似文献   

Optimized task scheduling is one of the most important challenges to achieve high performance in multiprocessor environments such as parallel and distributed systems. Most introduced task-scheduling algorithms are based on the so-called list scheduling technique. The basic idea behind list scheduling is to prepare a sequence of nodes in the form of a list for scheduling by assigning them some priority measurements, and then repeatedly removing the node with the highest priority from the list and allocating it to the processor providing the earliest start time (EST). Therefore, it can be inferred that the makespans obtained are dominated by two major factors: (1) which order of tasks should be selected (sequence subproblem); (2) how the selected order should be assigned to the processors (assignment subproblem). A number of good approaches for overcoming the task sequence dilemma have been proposed in the literature, while the task assignment problem has not been studied much. The results of this study prove that assigning tasks to the processors using the traditional EST method is not optimum; in addition, a novel approach based on the ant colony optimization algorithm is introduced, which can find far better solutions.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive neural network approach to classification which combines modified probabilistic neural network and D-S evidence theory (PNN-DS) is proposed. It attempts to deal with the drawbacks of information uncertainty and imprecision using single classification algorithm. This PNN-DS approach firstly adopts a modified PNN to obtain posteriori probabilities and make a primary classification decision in feature-level fusion. Then posteriori probabilities are transformed to masses noting the evidence of the D-S evidential theory. Finally advanced D-S evidential theory is utilized to gain more accurate classification results in the last decision-level fusion. In order to implement PNN-DS, covariance matrices are firstly employed in the modified PNN module to replace the singular smoothing factor in the PNN’s kernel function, and linear function is utilized in the pattern of summation layer. Secondly, the whole scheme of the proposed approach is explained in depth. Thirdly, three classification experiments are carried out on the proposed approach and a large amount of comparable analyses are done to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach. Experiments reveal that the PNN-DS outperforms BPNN-DS, which provides encouraging results in terms of classification accuracy and the speed of learning convergence.  相似文献   

In volume data visualization, the classification step is used to determine voxel visibility and is usually carried out through the interactive editing of a transfer function that defines a mapping between voxel value and color/opacity. This approach is limited by the difficulties in working effectively in the transfer function space beyond two dimensions. We present a new approach to the volume classification problem which couples machine learning and a painting metaphor to allow more sophisticated classification in an intuitive manner. The user works in the volume data space by directly painting on sample slices of the volume and the painted voxels are used in an iterative training process. The trained system can then classify the entire volume. Both classification and rendering can be hardware accelerated, providing immediate visual feedback as painting progresses. Such an intelligent system approach enables the user to perform classification in a much higher dimensional space without explicitly specifying the mapping for every dimension used. Furthermore, the trained system for one data set may be reused to classify other data sets with similar characteristics.  相似文献   


In this paper, an adaptive neural network approach to classification which combines modified probabilistic neural network and D-S evidence theory (PNN-DS) is proposed. It attempts to deal with the drawbacks of information uncertainty and imprecision using single classification algorithm. This PNN-DS approach firstly adopts a modified probabilistic neural network (PNN) to obtain posteriori probabilities and make a primary classification decision in feature-level fusion. Then posteriori probabilities are transformed to masses noting the evidence of the D-S evidential theory. Finally advanced D-S evidential theory is utilized to gain more accurate classification results in the last decision-level fusion. In order to implement PNN-DS, covariance matrices are firstly employed in the modified PNN module to replace the singular smoothing factor in the PNN’s kernel function, and linear function is utilized in the pattern of summation layer. Secondly, the whole scheme of the proposed approach is explained in depth. Thirdly, three classification experiments are carried out on the proposed approach and a large amount of comparable analyses are done to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach. Experiments reveal that the PNN-DS outperforms BPNN-DS, which provides encouraging results in terms of classification accuracy and the speed of learning convergence.


International Journal of Information Security - The notorious attacks of the last few years have propelled cyber security to the top of the boardroom agenda, and raised the level of criticality to...  相似文献   

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