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Microwave heating technology is becoming a successful technique used for sintering ceramic materials. However, various aspects of sintering experiments, such as the use of process stimulus and the preparation of sample arrangements, depend mainly on human expertise. The Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) method is first used to solve the combined electromagnetic and thermal equations modeling microwave heating of dielectric materials. It is then used to simulate microwave sintering of a low-loss ceramic material in a multimode microwave cavity. To enhance the microwave sintering process, Silicon Carbid (SiC) was first used as a susceptor and in a picket fence arrangement. As multiple samples may be processed in a microwave oven, the TLM was used to model such a process, and the introduction of SiC as a stimulus was also examined. Results show the importance of the stimulus thickness and configuration on the uniformity and density of the electromagnetic field distribution and, therefore, on the power dissipation within the ceramic load.  相似文献   

Microwave sintering of ceramics in multimode cavities, particularly the use of picket-fence arrangements, has recently received considerable attention. Various types of ceramics have been successfully sintered and, in some cases, a desirable and unique “microwave effect” has been observed. At present, various aspects of the sintering profess such as preparation of sample sizes and shapes, types of insulations, and the desirability of including a process stimulus such as SiC rods are considered forms of art and highly dependent on human expertise. The simulation of realistic sintering experiments in a multimode cavity may provide an improved understanding of critical parameters involved and allow for the development of guidelines towards the optimization of the sintering process. In this paper, we utilize the FDTD technique to model various geometrical arrangements and material compatibility aspects in multimode microwave cavities and to simulate realistic sintering experiments. The FDTD procedure starts with the simulation of a field distribution in multimode microwave cavities that resembles a set of measured data using liquid crystal sheets. Also included in the simulation is the waveguide feed as well as a ceramic loading plate placed at the base of the cavity  相似文献   

Microwave heating of mineral ores had previously been shown to result in process benefits such as reduced strength and improved mineral liberation, but the economics of the process were not attractive and no attention was given to feasible scale-up. This paper provides an overview of the multi-disciplinary approach that has been required to address these failings and develop the technology to pilot scale. Thermal stress simulations show that the operation at high power densities and short residence times is the optimal operating strategy. Experiments using high power densities (approximately 10(9) W/m3 absorbing phase) and short residence times (approximately 0.1 s) were used to confirm that the benefits can now be achieved at economically viable microwave energy inputs (approximately 1 kWh/t). In order to design applicators, reliable measurement of effective microwave properties of crushed ores is required. A method has been developed to extract dielectric properties when the sample thickness is a multiple of half a guide wavelength at some point in the measurement band. Finite difference time domain modeling has been used to design and simulate applicators. A transverse E field applicator with a reflection compensating step has been developed, and a unit with a capacity of > 10 tons/h is being tested. Preliminary economic analysis shows that the overall cost of the process will be between US $0.16 - 0.85 per ton of ore.  相似文献   

This paper presents results on the development of an automatic feedback control system for controlling the temperature of ceramic samples being heated by microwave energy. Design of the temperature controller is presented, and experimental results from heating experiments are given. The temperature control system is evaluated in terms of its robustness to parameter variations in the linearized model and in terms of its performance in actual experiments  相似文献   

The importance of ultraclean processing in establishing advanced process technologies for deep submicron ULSI fabrication is discussed. The most essential requirement for the process technologies is the simultaneous fulfilment of the three principles of ultraclean technology: ultraclean wafer surface, ultraclean processing environment, and perfect process-parameter control. The growth of high-crystallinity silicon epitaxial layers at temperatures as low as 250°C with accompanying in situ impurity doping as a result of optimizing pertinent process parameters in a low-kinetic-energy particle process is described. Advanced copper metallization for large-current driving interconnect formation is discussed. Ultraclean oxidation, which is characterized by native-oxide-free and surface-microroughness-free oxidation, is confirmed to form high-quality very thin oxide films ranging from 5 to 10 nm with complete uniformity. A low-temperature annealing ion implantation that makes practical a metal gate self-aligned MOS LSI, which is crucial for high-speed CMOS having high current driving capability, is described  相似文献   

Microwave heating has a number of advantages over conventional heating due to the ability to heat specimens directly through specific interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the material. Thus it is possible to consider highly localised, rapid melting of thermoplastics using microwave radiation as a means of forming and welding. However, most polymers exhibit very low dielectric losses in the GHz region, which means that it is difficult to heat them efficiently by this means. We have therefore studied the use of fillers such as talc, zinc oxide and carbon black as a way of increasing the susceptibility of common polymers to microwave processing. Carbon black was found to be the most effective susceptor for high density polyethylene and its efficiency was directly proportional to its surface area and loading.  相似文献   

采用传统电子陶瓷工艺合成了BaWO4掺杂的Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3( BMT)微波介质陶瓷,研究了质量分数w(BaWO4)从2%~8%变化对BMT微波介质陶瓷结构和微波特性的影响.实验结果表明:添加少量的BaWO4能明显改善BMT陶瓷的烧结性能,当w(BaWO4)=4%时,BMT陶瓷的烧结温度由纯相时的1650...  相似文献   

sol-gel法制备微波介质陶瓷材料   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
以Zr(NO3)4·5H2O、Ti(OC4H9)4、SnCl4·5H2O为原料,用溶胶-凝胶法制备了Zr-Ti-Sn系微波介质超微粉料。实验表明:温度、湿度、溶液浓度、pH值等是影响形成溶胶、凝胶的主要因素。采用合适的工艺参数能制备出高Q值的微波介质陶瓷微粉。  相似文献   

从掺杂金属氧化物改性、低温烧结以及应用研究三个方面综述了ZnO-TiO2系微波介质陶瓷的研究进展,提出其主要发展方向为:掺杂金属阳离子改性;采用物理法或半化学法降低颗粒半径,提高反应活性;掺杂适量氧化物或玻璃助烧剂,实现ZnO-TiO2系陶瓷的低温烧结;深入研究瓷体与内电极的作用机理,设计出优良的多层片式微波器件.  相似文献   

总结了近年来微波介质陶瓷领域结构特性对介电性能的影响机理的研究状况。主要介绍了影响介电常数、品质因数和谐振频率温度系数的本质因素。对未来微波介质陶瓷材料的设计具有一定指导作用,并在最后指出了未来介电机理的研究方向。  相似文献   

The main performance advantage that analog signal-processing devices have over their digital competitors is the ability to operate with wide instantaneous bandwidths and moderately high dynamic ranges at microwave frequencies. Here, applications of magnetostatic wave (MSW) devices that capitalize on these advantages are reviewed. The first area is broadband microwave receivers, which includes frequency channelizers, dispersive delay lines for compressive receivers, delay lines for pulse storage, and frequency-selective limiters. The second area is beamsteering of phased-array antennas by variable time delays. In both cases, the MSW device approaches and applications are discussed with emphasis on the device characteristics and their systems utilization. Where possible, comparisons with other analog signal-processing approaches are given  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated electromagnetic and thermal model for the microwave processing offood packages. The model is developed by combining the edge finite element formulation of the 3-D vector electromagnetic field in the frequency domain and the node finite element solution of the thermal conduction equation. Both mutual and one-way coupling solution algorithms are discussed. Mutual coupling entails the iterative solution of the electromagnetic field and the thermal field, because the physical properties are temperature-dependent. The one-way coupling is applicable when the properties are temperature independent or this dependence is weak. Mesh sensitivity and shape regularity for the edge element based formulation for computational electromagnetics are discussed in light of available analytical solutions for a simple wave guide. The integrated model has been used to study the electromagnetic and thermal phenomena in a pilot scale microwave applicator with and without the food package immersed in water. The calculated results are compared with the experimentally measured data for the thermal fields generated by the microwave heating occurring in a whey protein gel package, and reasonably good agreement between the two is obtained.  相似文献   

随着陶瓷材料应用领域的不断扩大,激光在陶瓷材料加工方面的巨大潜力日趋显现。由于陶瓷材料本征的硬脆特性,使得该技术的发展中还存在许多亟待解决的问题。根据近20年有关激光宏观加工陶瓷的论文和发明专利,从加工方法的角度系统地总结分析了激光加工陶瓷材料减少热损伤的8种常用方法,并讨论了各种方法的优缺点,在此基础上对激光加工陶瓷材料的研究现状和发展前景进行评述并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

岩盐型微波介质陶瓷具有优异的介电性能,成为近年来的研究热点之一。本文总结了近几年岩盐型微波介质陶瓷的研究情况,以不同元素占位为划分原则,将岩盐陶瓷分类为简单AB构型和复杂构型岩盐陶瓷,其中复杂构型代表两种或三种元素同时占据A位。系统介绍了岩盐结构陶瓷的组成、结构以及微波介电性能,分析了不同离子组合和占位对陶瓷性能的影响,并针对岩盐结构微波介质陶瓷目前存在的问题提出改进方法,最后对该类陶瓷的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

简述了Al2O3系、MO-SiO2(M=Ca,Mg,Zn)系、MO-TiO2系等相对介电常数为6~30的低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)的结构和微波介电性能,介绍了自主研发的Al2O3系和Mg5(Zn,Ti)4O15系材料制作的多层陶瓷电容器(MLCC)的电性能。分析和讨论了目前LTCC低介电常数微波介质陶瓷存在的问题,提出了其发展方向。  相似文献   

NdAlO3-CaTiO3微波介质陶瓷材料的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为实现NdAlO3-CaTiO3体系陶瓷材料的优异微波介电性能,采用传统固相反应法制备了(1-x)NdAlO3-xCaTiO3粉末,研究了不同x值对NdAlO3-CaTiO3陶瓷结构和性能的影响.结果表明,当x取0.60,0.65,0.70,0.75,0.80时,所制陶瓷的结构均比较致密,无气孔,晶界清晰,主晶相为(1...  相似文献   

In this paper,a multirate processing approach for microwave imaging is presented.This approach has the advantages of largely compressing the raw spectral data for imaging,greatly reducing the storage requirement and enhancing the processing efficiency.To demonstrateits applicability,the proposed approach is tested on both simulated and experimental data.  相似文献   

The use of chip-scale packages (CSPs) has expanded rapidly, particularly in portable electronic products. Many CSP designs will meet the thermal cycle or thermal shock requirements for these applications. However, mechanical shock (drop) and bending requirements often necessitate the use of underfills to increase the mechanical strength of the CSP-to-board connection. Capillary flow underfills processed after reflow provide the most common solution to improving mechanical reliability. However, capillary underfill dispense, flow, and cure steps and the associated equipment add cost and complexity to the assembly process. Corner bonding provides an alternate approach. Dots of underfill are dispensed at the four corners of the CSP site after solder paste print but before CSP placement. During reflow, the underfill cures, providing mechanical coupling between the CSP and the board at the corners of the CSP. Since only small areas of underfill are used, board dehydration is not required. This paper examines the manufacturing process for corner bonding including dispense volume, CSP placement, and reflow. Drop test results are then presented. A conventional, capillary process was used for comparison of drop test results. Test results with corner bonding were intermediate between complete capillary underfill and nonunderfilled CSPs. Finite-element modeling results for the drop test are also included.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that an irregularity in a microwave array can be diagnosed optically from its microwave hologram with the aid of a complex spatial filter which stores the elemental far-field pattern. This process yields information about the original object which may not be readily apparent in the direct optical image and far-field pattern.  相似文献   

采用常规固相烧结法制备了YAG陶瓷,并研究了烧结温度和LiF添加量对YAG陶瓷微观结构和微波介电性能的影响。结果表明,LiF的添加不仅可以有效降低YAG陶瓷的烧结温度,而且显著提高其微波介电性能。当LiF添加量为质量分数5%时,YAG陶瓷经1500℃烧结6 h后的相对密度为97.5%,显微组织较均匀、致密,具有优异的微波介电性能:ε_r=11.3,Q·f=67130 GHz,τ_f=-53.4×10~(-6 )℃~(-1)。当LiF添加量过多时,YAG陶瓷的气孔率增加,Q·f值显著下降。  相似文献   

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