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中华人民共和国国家标准GB17399—1998前 言本标准是全国糖果卫生标准协作组依据国家“八五”食品卫生制标规划起草的,参照了国外法规及原中华人民共和国轻工总会、原国内贸易部等行业标准,以及有关企业标准,结合实际情况,规定了胶姆糖的卫生要求、检验方法,为食品卫生监督提供了全国统一的要求。本标准于1998年5月5日发布,1999年1月1日实施。本标准由中华人民共和国卫生部提出。本标准由广东省食品卫生监督检验所、上海市卢湾区卫生防疫站、黑龙江省食品卫生监督检验所、国家进口食品卫生监督检验中心… 相似文献
中华人民共和国国家标准胶姆糖卫生标准 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
中国食品卫生杂志 《中国食品卫生杂志》1999,11(5):905pdf
前言 本标准是全国糖果卫生标准协作组依据国家"八五"食品卫生制标规划起草的,参照了国外法规及原中华人民共和国轻工总会、原国内贸易部等行业标准,以及有关企业标准,结合实际情况,规定了胶姆糖的卫生要求、检验方法,为食品卫生监督提供了全国统一的要求. 相似文献
苏州姑苏食品机械总厂新近推出泡泡糖、胶姆糖成套设备。在最近一次订货会上,该成套设备为同行注目,令用户满意。这家被誉为“中国巧克力之母”的企业,是在掌握了泡泡糖胶姆糖在市场上很有发展潜力的信息之后设计研制有关设备的。为便于交流信息,让用户有所选择和了解,兹将有关资料介绍如下: 相似文献
为修订GB5128—85皮蛋卫生标准,对标准执行情况进行了研究,收集统计分析了14省775份皮蛋卫生指标检测数据。根据皮蛋加工工艺的改进对皮蛋进行了分类,对铅等重金属指标进行了修订并增加了锌、铜等指标。建议皮蛋卫生指标:传统工艺生产的皮蛋铅≤2mg/kg,砷≤0.5mg/kg,pH≥9.5;非传统工艺生产的皮蛋铅≤0.5mg/kg,砷≤0.5mg/kg,铜≤10mg/kg,锌≤20mg/kg;硬心皮蛋及其它皮蛋铅≤0.5mg/kg,砷≤0.5mg/kg,pH≥9.5,菌落总数≤500/g;大肠菌群≤30MPN/100g,致病菌不得检出 相似文献
瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准的研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
徐留发 《中国食品卫生杂志》1999,(1)
为制定瓶装饮用纯净水的卫生标准,对天津、北京、广东省等地收集的3600个检测数据进行分析,结合美国有关纯水标准,对我国纯净水pH值、电导率、高锰酸钾消耗量、铅、砷、铜、菌落总数、霉菌、酵母菌等指标提出了建议值。为纯净水的监督管理提供了法律依据 相似文献
根据辽宁、北京、天津3 省( 市) 植物蛋白饮料的调查结果,制定了该产品的卫生标准。对感官指标、理化指标、食品添加剂、微生物指标作了规定。 相似文献
为修订国家卫生标准 ,对中式香肠 (腊肠 )、香肚的配方、工艺、储运销售环境等进行卫生学调查 ,并对广州、南京、辽宁、湖南等省采取的 2 32样品进行了水分、食盐、酸价、过氧化值、丙二醛、亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐检测 ,根据研究结果建议水份含量由原标准的≤ 2 5 %修订为≤ 30 %。食盐含量由≤ 9%修改为≤ 8%。亚硝酸盐由≤ 2 0mg kg修订为≤ 30mg kg ,取消酸价 ,由过氧化值替代 ,建议值为≤ 1.0 %。丙二醛值是否作为中式香肠的酸败氧化指标值有待进一步研究、讨论。因有亚硝酸盐指标 ,所以不再采用硝酸盐指标。本研究结果已上报申请国家标准 相似文献
Hyung Joo Suh Seong Yeong Kim Un Jae Chang Jin Man Kim 《European Food Research and Technology》2008,227(2):331-336
In this study, we investigated the anti-stress effects of chewing gum prepared with yeast hydrolysate (SCP) in the general
Korean population using heart rate value (HRV) analysis and the Beck depression inventory (BDI) and Beck anxiety inventory
(BAI). Four different kinds of chewing gum (weight 960 ± 2 mg) were designed: three with different concentrations of SCP (30,
85, and 250 mg/piece) combined with xylitol and a placebo chewing gum. Displacement studies of 3H-paroxetine showed that SCP interacted with serotonin transporters with an IC50 of 1.72 mg/mL. In the placebo group, there were significant differences in the BDI and BAI scores before and after chewing
gum (p < 0.05). There were also significant differences in the SCP groups in BDI and/or BAI scores between before and after chewing
gum (p < 0.05). In addition, the SCP-30 and 85 groups were significantly different in low frequency (LF) or standard deviation of
RR interval (SDNN) value, respectively, before and after the act of chewing gum (p < 0.05). After the chewing gum tests, some HRV (HR, SDNN, TP, and HF) were significantly different between the groups. In
particular, the SCP-85 group was significantly different in HR, SDNN, TP, and HF compared to the placebo group (p < 0.05). In the improvement of BAI and BDI scores after the chewing gum test, the SCP-30 and SCP-250 groups exhibited significant
improvements in BAI scores compared to placebo (p < 0.05). These findings suggest that SCP intake may be associated with a reduced risk of depression and stress. The SCP might
have a synergistic effect on the anti-stress properties of chewing gum. 相似文献
Lidia Motoi Marco P. Morgenstern Dulce Paredes Arran J. Wilson Duncan I. Hedderley Cath Wade Jennifer M. Tartaglia Carter Green 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2019,54(12):3119-3127
This study investigated the impact of flavour modulators on dynamic flavour perception, salivation and chewing behaviour of chewing gum. Thirty-nine participants chewed gum for 15 min while assessing flavour intensity, chewing patterns and saliva flow rate. Four flavour modulators (Cooling, Tingling, Salivating and Warming) were added to a citrus-flavoured gum and compared with a control gum, citrus flavour only. Flavour modulators increased flavour duration as measured by flavour intensity half-time; the time needed to reduce the flavour intensity by half. The ‘Salivation’ modulator had the smallest effect and ‘Warming’ had the largest effect on flavour duration. Salivary flow rate was significantly increased by the flavour modulators and was highly correlated with the flavour duration. Chewing behaviour was not affected by the modulators. We conclude that the interaction between the citrus flavour, saliva and flavour modulators (Intensates® flavours) increased the perceived flavour duration during chewing by up to 86% compared with Control. 相似文献
为制定瓶(桶)装饮用水卫生标准,对山东、四川、浙江、辽宁和北京的瓶(桶)装饮用水进行了调查。通过对调查所获的1556个数据的研究分析,结合有关国际标准,提出了我国瓶(桶)装饮用水卫生标准的建议值:色度≤10,浑浊度≤3,不得有异嗅异味,不得有肉眼可见物;亚硝酸盐≤0.005mL/L,耗氧量≤2.0mL/L,铅≤0.01mL/L,砷≤0.05mL/L,铜≤1.0mL/L,余氯≤0.005mL/L,挥发性酚≤0.002mL/L,三氯甲烷≤0.02mL/L,^256镭放射性≤1.10Bq/L,溶解性总固体≤250mL/L,钠≤8mL/L。菌落总数≤50CFU/mL,大肠菌群≤3MPN/100mL,霉菌≤10CFU/L,酵母菌≤10CFU/L,致病菌不得检出。 相似文献
目的 比较国内外胶基糖果中基础剂物质(以下简称“胶基”)及其配料的管理异同,提出我国加强和完善该类物质管理的建议.方法 搜集国际食品法典委员会、欧盟、美国、日本、法国、西班牙、意大利和澳大利亚现行有效的胶基及其配料的管理法规,并与我国该类物质管理规定进行比较研究.结果 对比显示,我国与调查的多数国家和国际组织一样制定了允许在胶基中使用的物质清单,我国对部分胶基物质仍然没有纯度和与安全相关的质量规格要求,需要按照《食品安全法》要求完善相关规定.结论 建议参考国外管理模式,结合我国国情,建立健全胶基及其配料的法规标准. 相似文献