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Soil tests suitable for estimating the phosphorus (P) status of soils fertilised with soluble or sparingly soluble P fertilisers (reactive phosphate rock) were evaluated using the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture Technology (NZMAFTech) National Series forms of phosphate trials on permanent pastures located throughout NZ. This included a common core of treatments comparing Sechura phosphate rock (SPR) with triple superphosphate (TSP). At each site, a re-application of twice maintenance TSP was superimposed on one-half plots that previously had received six annual applications of increasing amounts of P (0, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 2.0 times the maintenance rate) in the form of TSP or SPR. Before the re-application of TSP, soil samples (0–30 and 0–75 mm depths) were collected from each plot. All the trials were run for 1 year during which seven to ten harvests were taken. Pasture response was expressed as percent increase in yield obtained with re-application over the previous treatment.The 0.5 NaHCO3 based (Olsen P) extractant with different combinations i.e. soil volume (Olsen (v)), soil weight (Olsen (w)), shaking time variations (Olsen (16 h)) and soil:solution ratio (Colwell), and Resin P soil tests were conducted on soils taken from the plots prior to re-application of TSP. The Olsen (v), Olsen (16 h) and Colwell P values increased with increasing rates of P applied in all soils with values for sparingly soluble P materials being less than where soluble P fertiliser had been previously applied. The Resin P values showed similar increases with P applied regardless of the solubility of previously applied fertiliser. When the yield increases caused by TSP application to all treatments (irrespective of fertiliser source) were regressed against soil test values, Resin P explained 76% of the variation in yield response, compared to 50% by Olsen (v), 42% by Olsen (w), 39% by Olsen (16 h) and 40% by Colwell P. Partitioning the data according to fertiliser source slightly improved the coefficient of determination for Resin P for both the soluble (R2=0.81) and sparingly soluble (R2= 0.80) P fertilisers. With 0.5 M NaHCO3 (Olsen) extractants, R2 values consistently indicated a poorer prediction for the SPR treatments. A Resin P model was able to account for more variance in yield response to re-applied TSP, than an Olsen P model because the Olsen model underestimated the yield response to re-applied TSP on the PR treatments. The Resin test is more suitable than the current Olsen test for assessing the plant available P status of soils previously fertilised with fertilisers of varying solubility.Dr. A.G. Sinclair died on 3 December 1996 whilst this paper was in preparation.  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was conducted on four soils contrasting in P sorption capacity and exchangeable Ca content with perennial ryegrass using six phosphate rock (PR) sources and a soluble P source applied at four rates (including a control). After three harvests (11 weeks) replicate pots of each treatment were destructively sampled and Olsen P and mixed cation-anion exchange resin (Resin P) extractions carried out. The remaining replicated treatments were harvested another seven times (during 41 weeks). Yields (for the last seven harvests) were expressed as percentages of the maximum yield attainable with MCP.In general, the Resin P test extracted more than twice as much P as the Olsen test. There was a significant increase in Resin P with an increase in the amount of each P source in all four soils, but Olsen P values were not significantly different for soils treated with different rates of each phosphate rock. The abilities of the Olsen and mixed resin soil P tests to predict the cumulative dry matter yield from 7 harvests and the relative yield of ryegrass were compared. Correlations between measured yield (for the last 7 harvests) and soil test for each soil, and relative yield and soil test for all four soils were assessed by regression analysis using Mitscherlich-type models.When dry matter yields were regressed separately against soil test values for each soil, the Resin P consistently accounted for 18–28% more of the variation in yield than did Olsen P. For Resin P a single function was not significantly different from the separate functions fitted to MCP and PR treatments. However, for Olsen P the separate functions for the MCP and PR treatments varied significantly from the single fitted function. The Resin P test (R2 = 0.84) was a better predictor of relative yields over this range of soils than the Olsen test (R2 = 0.75). Two regression models based on the regression of relative yield for MCP treatments against either Olsen or Resin were developed. These models were then fitted to the relative yield data on soils fertilized with PRs only. The Olsen P model was found to be a poorer predictor (R2 = 0.41) than the Resin P model (R2 = 0.73) because it underestimated the observed yield of the PR treatments.  相似文献   

A simplified resin membrane technique for extracting phosphorus from soils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A simplified procedure for determining the amount of phosphate (P) extracted from soils by ion exchange resin membranes is reported. Strips of anion (HCO 3 - form) and cation (Na+ form) exchange membrane were shaken with suspensions of soil in deionised water for 16–17 hours. After shaking, the strips were thoroughly rinsed in deionised water before the phosphate retained on the anion exchange resin strip was determined by shaking the strip directly with phosphate reagent. Compared to the common use of resin beads in nylon mesh bags, this resin membrane procedure is simpler, more convenient, and because an elution step is omitted, less time consuming.The mixed resin membrane method for soil phosphate extraction was compared to the use of resin bags on four New Zealand soils, contrasting in P sorbing capacity and exchangeable calcium. The soils were preincubated with and without 240 mg P kg–1 soil with three P sources of different solubilities. The resin strips extracted amounts of P which were closely correlated (R2 = 0.972) with that extracted by the resin bags. The amounts of P extracted by the mixed resin procedure were in proportion to the solubility of the P sources in each soil.  相似文献   

Seven soil tests for phosphate (P) (Bray 1, Bray 2, Truog, ammonium oxalate, Colwell, iron oxide-strip (Pi) and resin-strip soil tests) were evaluated for predicting the yield of plant species which have very different external P requirements. Two acid, sandy soils that had been fertilized six years previously with superphosphate and three rock phosphates were used. A glasshouse pot experiment with lettuce, wheat and maize was used to calibrate the soil tests.For some soil P tests, different calibrations relating yield to soil P test values were required for each plant species, P fertilizer and soil combination. The Bray 2 and Truog soil P tests were the worst predictors of yield for both soils and all plant species. The Pi and ammonium oxalate tests were the most predictive tests for one soil when data for all fertilizers were considered. The Bray 1 and Colwell soil P tests were the most predictive for the other soil. The resin-strip P test was poorly predictive of yield of lettuce and wheat for both the soils. The accuracy in prediction of yield on the basis of P test value decreased in the sequence maize > wheat > lettuce. This rank is opposite to the increasing external P requirements of these species.  相似文献   

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