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This letter analyzes the effects of transmitter imperfections, including carrier leakage, unwanted sideband, nonlinearity, local oscillator (LO) phase noise and frequency error, on error vector magnitude (EVM) performance. Predictor equations of transmitter EVM are given for radio designers to estimate the level of EVM or set appropriate design specifications to obtain desired EVM performance. These predictor equations are validated by measurement results of other reported works.  相似文献   

This article presents an improved analysis for the distortion inemitter-driven variable-gain pairs owing to the Early-voltage effect. Theanalysis shows that, by careful design, it is possible to reduce thesecond-order distortion components resulting from the Early-voltage effect.The analysis shows also that, under large signal conditions, the value ofthe normalized input amplitude at which the second-harmonic distortion isminimum is different from the value of the normalized input amplitude atwhich the second-order intermodulation distortion is minimum.  相似文献   

推导了无线通信系统误差向量幅度(EVM)与邻道功率比(ACPR)指标的相互关系,得出了通过功放线性化改善ACPR使得系统EVM减小的结论。随后采用具备结构简单、处理速度快、实时性好等优点的查找表(LUT)方法设计数字预失真器(DPD),数字预失真器用FPGA方式实现。对该数字预失真器进行了仿真分析,验证了理论推导结论,最后给出DPD功率放大器试验测试数据,与仿真结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

提出了一种改进的非线性元件实现线性放大(Linear Amplifier Using Nonlinear Components,LINC)理论,将幅度和相位均有变化的射频信号分离成包络信号和恒包络角调信号,将包络信号分两路反相调制到后者的相位中,对两路调制后的恒包络信号进行变频放大,通过减法电路得到放大后的上变频输入射频信号.因为恒幅信号可以在放大器的非线性区放大而不失真,提高了整体效率高.推导出其电压增益为KG/Em,并对不同频率和幅度进行了仿真,仿真结果表明实现了理论分析预期的放大效果.  相似文献   

为了突破传统时频测量技术的局限性,提高频率稳定度的精确程度,研究设计了一套数字式双混频时差测量系统,采用经典双混频时差测量原理,运用数字信号处理技术实现频标的比对测量。仿真结果证明,采用10 MHz信号进行测量时,得到相位噪声Allan方差优于3E-13/s,可对高精度频标进行实时测量和监控。  相似文献   

夏娟  姜淳 《信息技术》2011,(6):62-67
利用在频率范围内的噪声传输函数研究当色散主导和非线性主导时非线性相位噪声传输,并基于多信道多光纤段的WDM系统,利用LEM-SSFM数值方法计算非线性光纤系统的SNR,从传输距离,信号功率和放大器的数量三个角度研究非线性相位噪声的传输及其对系统性能的影响。  相似文献   

One challenge of the implementation of fully-integrated RF power amplifiers into a deep submicro digital CMOS process is that no capacitor is available,especially no high density capacitor.To address this problem,a two-stage class-AB power amplifier with inter-stage matching realized by an inter-metal coupling capacitor is designed in a 180-nm digital CMOS process.This paper compares three structures of inter-metal coupling capacitors with metal-insulator-metal(MIM) capacitor regarding their capacitor density.Detailed simulations are carried out for the leakage,the voltage dependency,the temperature dependency,and the quality factor between an inter-metal shuffled(IMS) capacitor and an MIM capacitor.Finally,an IMS capacitor is chosen to perform the inter-stage matching.The techniques are validated via the design and implement of a two-stage class-AB RF power amplifier for an UHF RFID application.The PA occupies 370 × 200 μm^2 without pads in the 180-nm digital CMOS process and outputs 21.1 dBm with 40% drain efficiency and 28.1 dB power gain at 915 MHz from a single 3.3 V power supply.  相似文献   

One challenge of the implementation of fully-integrated RF power amplifiers into a deep submicro digital CMOS process is that no capacitor is available, especially no high density capacitor. To address this problem, a twostage class-AB power amplifier with inter-stage matching realized by an inter-metal coupling capacitor is designed in a 180-nm digital CMOS process. This paper compares three structures of inter-metal coupling capacitors with metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitor regarding their capacitor density. Detailed simulations are carried out for the leakage, the voltage dependency, the temperature dependency, and the quality factor between an inter-metal shuffled (IMS) capacitor and an MIM capacitor. Finally, an IMS capacitor is chosen to perform the inter-stage matching.The techniques are validated via the design and implement of a two-stage class-AB RF power amplifier for an UHF RFID application. The PA occupies 370 X 200 μm2 without pads in the 180-nm digital CMOS process and outputs 21.1 dBm with 40% drain efficiency and 28.1 dB power gain at 915 MHz from a single 3.3 V power supply.  相似文献   

A general formula, using a Fourier sine-series representation, is derived for the input–output characteristic of multilevel hard limiters (MHLs) with unequal output jumps occurring at unequally spaced inputs. Using this formula, closed-form expressions involving ordinary Bessel functions are obtained for the harmonic and intermodulation performance of MHLs excited by multisinusoidal inputs with arbitrary amplitudes. The results show that, compared to the ideal hard limiter, MHLs can result in a reduction in the relative third harmonic distortion of about 40 dB, and a reduction in relative third-order intermodulation distortion of about 19 dB depending on the amplitude of the input sinusoids and the shape of the MHL characteristic. Using the proposed model it is possible to generate a database for the harmonic and intermodulation performance of any MHL with arbitrary values of jumps and their locations. Simulation results obtained using the harmonic balance simulator controller in the advanced design system design automation software confirm the accuracy of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

从双频信号模型出发,分析了包络通道带宽和相位包络间信号延时差对交调失真的共同影响,得出了一个更符合测试结果的通用简化模型.该简化模型克服了Raab模型只能处理零延时差和无穷包络通道带宽这两个特例的局限性;采用本文模型得出的交调失真等高线图还可以帮助设计者快速准确地选择电路参数.最后,基于GSM/EDGE射频信号,用一个935MHz的射频功放示范了本文提出的设计方法.  相似文献   

Linearisation of a radio basestation amplifier using a third order, a fifth order and a seventh order predistortion scheme is studied. Adaptive predistortion using a third order predistorter improved the amplifier intermodulation distortion (IMD) by between 6.4 dB and 33 dB from the third IMD power level (i.e., maximum power amplitude variation of the IMD), provided by the raw amplifier, as measured by a two tone test. The variation in improvement is due to changes in the input power level. Improvement increases as the input power is backed off from the 1 dB compression point. A fifth order predistorter will give an IMD improvement of 8.7 dB and 48.4 dB if properly adjusted. A seventh order predistorter (with the fifth complex coefficient fixed to zero) will show the best performance, particularly throughout a window (approximately from 1.5 dB to 3 dB away from the 1 dB compression point). The IMD improvement throughout this window within the high input range measures between 9.1 dB to 21.7 dB over that achieved with a fifth order predistorter. For a nine-tone test (with uniformly distributed random phase), a third order predistorter will hardly improve the worst IMD power level, provided by the raw amplifier. A fifth order predistorter, if properly adapted will give an IMD improvement of between 8.8 dB and 41.5 dB from the worst IMD level while a seventh order predistorter will give a close performance to that of a fifth order one. Fixing the predistorter coefficients enables a comparative study of the IMD power level improvement between 5th order fixed and adaptive predistorters, for a nine-tone excitation. A 5th order predistorter with its coefficients fixed to those values obtained for optimum IMD level at a backed-off power input value of 8.5 dB from the 1 dB compression point is found to maintain an IMD power variation better than 55 dB from fundamental power level, throughout the input range, up to the backed-off value.  相似文献   

射频包络消除与恢复功率放大器性能分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从双频信号模型出发,分析了包络通道带宽和相位包络间信号延时差对交调失真的共同影响,得出了一个更符合测试结果的通用简化模型.该简化模型克服了Raab模型只能处理零延时差和无穷包络通道带宽这两个特例的局限性;采用本文模型得出的交调失真等高线图还可以帮助设计者快速准确地选择电路参数.最后,基于GSM/EDGE射频信号,用一个935MHz的射频功放示范了本文提出的设计方法.  相似文献   

Adaptive feed‐forward (FF) linearization schemes of power amplifiers provide high distortion cancelation and adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) reduction. However, FF schemes are very sensitive to imbalances in the circuit parameters used to achieve signal cancelation. In this paper, an FF linearization circuit is analyzed using the orthogonalization of the nonlinear model and considering the effects of complex gain errors in the signal and distortion cancelation loops on the overall performance of the FF linearizer. The analysis enables the effective signal‐to‐distortion ratio (SDR) and ACPR to be estimated from FF circuit model. It is shown that complex gain errors in the distortion cancelation loop have a more significant effect on in‐band distortion than out‐of‐band distortion, which means that the design of FF linearizers based on ACPR improvement is not optimal. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paperpresents the performance evaluation of a portable digital radiophoneinfluencedby the operator's body in urban mobile environments, based on the EVM (errorvector magnitude) and BER (bit error rate) simulation. The type of digitalmodulation follows to the NADC-TDMA standard. A new probability densityfunction(pdf) is proposed to describe the statistic of the EVM in an AWGNchannelunder frequency non-selective slowly fading situation. The simulation combinesthe modified Doppler power spectrum (MDPS) method and a gray coding(/4-DQPSK modulation with square-root raised cosine (SRRC) shaping filter.The performance evaluation based on BER uses an ideal matched-filter-basedreceiver. The results show that the closer of the distance between theradiophone antenna and the operator's head, the poorer of the EVM and BERperformance.  相似文献   

对前馈功率的线性化原理从时域上和频域上进行了综述。基于对相位、幅度、延时的失配影响的系统级分析对如何具体设计各部分电路给出了步骤和参数限制,对进一步电路实现选择元器件提供指导。最后基于前馈信号对消的原理提出了一种简化电路的方法,给出了该方法对处理器件的工作速度要求、精度和非线性性能提高的关系。  相似文献   

再现物体的三维信息是全息成像的特点,正确的相位信息对测量的准确性有着重要的意义.本文研究了离轴无透镜傅里叶变换数字全息中,用非原参考光再现三维物体而引入的相位畸变问题,通过详细的理论分析,得出相应的相位畸变表达式.根据畸变表达式,可以校正畸变的再现像光场分布,得到正确的再现像光场分布,重建正确的三维图像,并通过计算机模拟证明了分析的正确性.  相似文献   

周振  徐铭  蒲骁 《量子电子学报》2011,28(1):115-121
差分相移键控(DPSK)在长距离光纤通信系统中有高接收机灵敏度、高频谱效率以及抗非线性效应方面的优势,最近受到广泛关注。在DPSK通信系统中,线性相位噪声和非线性相位噪声是影响系统性能的主要因素。研究了如何利用光纤四波混频(FWM)效应来监测和抑制相位噪声,降低相位噪声对DPSK通信系统的影响。结果表明利用光纤FWM效应产物可以检测相位噪声值,并且基于光纤饱和FWM效应全光限幅器可以有效地降低非线性相位噪声,提高了DPSK系统性能。该结果对研究高速全光通信有重要意义。  相似文献   

介绍了在设计和制作模拟信号光端机中需要重点考虑的几项技术指标,分析探讨了模拟光端机几项重要指标产生的原因以及研制时需要注意的事项,阐述了这几项重要指标的常用测试方法及规范.  相似文献   

在一般只讨论系统幅度非线性失真文献的基础上,推导给出了是否考虑系统记忆特性的依据,重点分析了各失真分量对系统性能的影响并探讨了同频寄生分量输出的双重属性,最后澄清了关于三阶截点的模糊认识。  相似文献   

提出了一种改进的非线性元件实现线性放大(LINC)理论,将幅度和相位均变化的输入射频信号分离成包络信 号和恒包络角调信号,再将包络信号正交调制到后者的相位中,然后对两路调制后的恒包络信号进行变频放大,最后通 过求和电路得到放大后的上变频输入射频信号。因为恒幅信号可以在放大器的非线性区放大而不失真,从而整体效率高。 本文推导出其电压增益为m KG E ,并对不同频率和幅度进行了仿真,得到的仿真结果表明实现了理论分析的预期的放大 效果。  相似文献   

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