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A significantly higher mean hemoglobin level in women smokers in comparison to nonsmokers with a generalized rightward shift of the hemoglobin distribution curve has been reported at the population level. Studies on pregnant women, however, have often associated smoking with decreased hemoglobin levels, although not consistently. We examined whether smokeless tobacco use during pregnancy influenced hemoglobin levels in a population-based cohort of 918 pregnant women in Mumbai, India. Mean hemoglobin levels (Hb) were significantly lower in users (10.00 g/dl) compared with nonusers (10.46 g/dl), p<.000. Anemia (Hb<10 g/dl) was significantly associated with smokeless tobacco in the univariate analysis (OR = 1.7, 95% CI 1.2-2.5). There was no change after adjusting odds ratios for potential confounders in multivariate analysis (OR = 1.7, 95% CI 1.2-2.5). The odds ratios for anemia were adjusted for age of mother, education, socioeconomic status, type of residence, lower body mass index, parity, vegetarian or nonvegetarian food habit, and hemodilution during pregnancy. The results suggest that smokeless tobacco use during pregnancy is associated with lower hemoglobin levels, as has often been observed with cigarette smoking. Smokeless tobacco use is widely prevalent among women in Southeast Asia and is gaining popularity across the world as a safe alternative to smoking. Further exploration and clarification of this association is therefore of considerable importance to public health.  相似文献   

以鲜活南美白对虾为实验原料,研究超高压技术生产即食南美白对虾虾仁加工工艺条件。采用不同压力、保压时间、施压温度处理鲜虾,考察超高压杀菌效果。保证超高压处理虾仁生物安全的基础上结合感官评定及电子鼻、电子舌、色泽、质构等评价结果,优化杀菌条件。结果表明:700MPa、30min、50℃处理,虾仁色泽红亮有类似熟虾的性状,香味较浓,滋味独特,易于接受;电子舌、电子鼻检验与其他超高压条件组合处理虾仁区分度显著,为在此条件加工虾仁提供质量判别及品质调控依据;虾仁的亮度L*值,红度a*值和黄度b*值与对照组相比显著(p<0.05)上升,整体色差ΔE为16.90,颜色易被接受;虾仁的硬度、弹性、粘聚性和咀嚼性得到明显提高(p<0.05)口感更佳。该条件下制备的虾仁安全且可直接食用。   相似文献   

Meat products are a potential matrix to fortify with folic acid (FA). In previous studies the effect of E-beam treatment on the stability of FA in ready to eat (RTE) meat products has been described. However, the FA bioaccessibility in both traditional and treated (3 kGy) RTE meat products has not yet been studied. We investigated the availability for intestinal absorption (bioaccessibility) of FA using a dynamic gastrointestinal model (TIM system). Three different types of meat products, hamburgers, cooked sausages and dry fermented sausages, initially fortified with 24 μg/g FA were tested as freshly prepared products and as RTE products. The bioaccessibility of FA during the passage through the TIM system was high for all three products, irrespective the E-beam treatment. From hamburgers the bioaccessibility was 82% and 100%, from cooked sausages, 61 and 79% and from dry fermented sausages 81 and 82%, with or without e-beam treatment, respectively.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that women may be less likely to obtain therapeutic benefit from nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). The present study tested this hypothesis, using two different types of NRT medications. A secondary analysis of two randomized clinical trials was performed: One compared active 21-mg nicotine patch with placebo among 193 men and 309 women, and the other compared active 2-mg or 4-mg nicotine lozenge with placebo among 788 men and 1,030 women. Using logistic regression analysis of 6-month continuous abstinence and survival analysis, we assessed the efficacy of patch and lozenge among women and tested for a gender x treatment interaction. Active NRT was more effective than placebo among women, for both patch and lozenge. In the lozenge trial, women were less successful than men. The gender x treatment interaction was not significant in either study, whether assessed by logistic regression or survival analysis. In the lozenge trial, gender moderated the effects of smoking rate and dependence (but not treatment) on outcome: These variables affected success rates only among women. Treatment with nicotine patch or lozenge is effective for women, and the analysis did not reveal significant gender differences in efficacy. Gender differences in outcome may be moderated by nicotine dependence.  相似文献   

This innovative, self-directed diet and physical activity program was designed to achieve moderate weight loss in women. Thirty-five overweight or obese hyperlipidemic women completed a 20-week weight loss study. The weight loss intervention consisted of a 20% decrease in energy intake through diet and a 10% increase in energy expenditure through physical activity. The diet consisted of 50-60% carbohydrates, 20% protein, and 20-30% fat. A personal trainer prescribed physical activity regimens. A progress-tracking system and monthly group sessions were used to maintain participant motivation throughout the weight loss period. Participants lost an average of 11.7 +/- 2.5 kg (p<0.001). The pattern of weight loss was linear (p<0.001) throughout the study period. Average weight loss per week was 0.59 +/- 0.55 kg. This 20-week program, combining a structured self-selected diet and independent preplanned physical activity with motivational strategies, resulted in weight loss comparable to that observed in more controlled interventions. The lower cost, ease of use, and outcome success make this approach potentially useful in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

Gender data for bupropion suggest that it may be a particularly effective smoking cessation medication for women. It is not known whether the efficacy of this pharmacotherapy differs as a function of the psychotherapy with which it is administered. This study used a two level factorial design to examine the independent and interactive effects of medication (bupropion 300 mg/day vs. placebo) and psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy [CBT] vs. supportive therapy [ST]). In addition to testing the hypothesis that bupropion with CBT would be most effective of all the treatments, we examined medication compliance and its role in the efficacy of bupropion. Participants were 154 women, aged at least 30 years and smoking more than 10 cigarettes/day. Compliance with study medication was assessed using Medication Event Monitoring Systems (MEMS) over 7 weeks of treatment. Psychological interventions were delivered in 60-min weekly group sessions. Longitudinal analysis of abstinence outcomes from end of treatment (EOT) through 12 months after treatment revealed a significant interaction of medication and therapy. Higher abstinence rates at EOT and 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-month follow-ups were observed when bupropion was delivered concurrently with CBT (44%, 24%, 30%, 23%, 17%) rather than with ST (18%, 1%, 8%, 5%, 2%). The bupropion-CBT combination, however, was not clearly superior to placebo, regardless of therapy assignment. Higher rates of medication compliance were positively predictive of abstinence, and this effect was most evident in the placebo condition. Findings provide only modest support for CBT as the preferred type of intensive therapy in conjunction with bupropion in women.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the relation between strength of local restaurant smoking regulations and smoking related social norms among youths and adults. Design: We used generalised estimating equations logistic regression analysis to examine the relation between regulation strength and youths'' and adults'' perceptions of adult smoking prevalence and the social acceptability of smoking in their town, while controlling for baseline anti-smoking sentiment in the town. Setting: Each of the 351 Massachusetts towns were classified as having strong (complete smoking ban), medium (restriction of smoking to enclosed, separately ventilated areas), or weak (all others) restaurant smoking regulations. Subjects: 1147 Massachusetts youths ages 12–17 years and 2116 adults who reported that they often or always eat out in their own town, drawn from a random digit dial survey. Main outcome measures: Perceived adult smoking prevalence and perceived social acceptability of smoking in restaurants, in bars, or in general. Results: Compared to youths from towns with weak regulations, youths from towns with strong regulations were more likely to perceive lower adult smoking prevalence (odds ratio (OR) 1.71; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02 to 2.84) and social unacceptability of adult smoking (OR 2.00, 95% CI 1.29 to 3.08) in their town. Adults from towns with strong regulations were not more likely to perceive lower adult smoking prevalence, but had more than twice the odds of perceiving that smoking was unacceptable in restaurants (OR 2.19, 95% CI 1.58 to 3.02) or bars (OR 2.51, 95% CI 1.90 to 3.31). Conclusions: Strong local restaurant smoking regulations are associated with favourable smoking related social norms among youths and adults.  相似文献   

Poisoning can result from the ingestion of shellfish contaminated with phycotoxins. Various types of poisoning may occur, each of which is caused by a toxin (or group of toxins) from a particular alga. Classically, the mouse bioassay has been used to detect shellfish toxins, but there is pressure, both ethical and regulatory, to move away from this. A number of techniques have been developed to replace the bioassay, including immunoassay, chromatography, pharmacological assay and tissue-culture tests. All have advantages and limitations. These methods and their potential are reviewed.  相似文献   

Preliminary Hazard Analysis was used to analyse and predict the occurring failure modes in a food chain system (ready to eat vegetables processing plant), in conjunction with ISO22000, the new Food Safety Management System, based on the functions, characteristics and/or interactions of the ingredients or the processes, upon which the system depends. Critical control points (CCPs) have been identified and implemented in the Hazard Analysis Critical Point Control plan. The decision table for CCP determination during processing of ready to eat vegetables is shown and compared with the ISO22000 Analysis Worksheet for determination of the prerequisite programmes. The prerequisite programmes are the main difference between the two systems. The incorporation of PrPs in the ISO22000 made the system more flexible as a smaller number of CCPs was introduced.  相似文献   

题记:“瘦肉精”事件尚未平息。执法人员又发现有些人竟往牛肉里注雨水。更有甚者,把明胶注入牛肉。据说,这样的牛肉看上去肉质鲜嫩,反而更容易让顾客误认为是好牛肉。同时,近几年来,毒米、毒面、毒油几乎年年“东窗事发”,在国内市场人心惶惶的同时,中国农产品、食品的出口也因卫生问题,而出现了一些被出口国退货现象……  相似文献   

Ready-to-eat potato-soy snacks were developed with high temperature short time air puffing process followed by oven toasting for increasing crispness. Oven toasting experiments were conducted with varying temperature (85.86–114.14 °C) and time (12.69–35.31 min) based on central composite rotatable design. The final product was evaluated in terms of quality attributes such as crispness, moisture content, ascorbic acid loss, colour (L and ΔE) values and overall acceptability. The optimum product qualities in terms of crispness (38.7), moisture content (3.35%, db), ascorbic acid loss (20.87%, db), L value (52.03), ΔE (8.60) and overall acceptability (7.8) were obtained at temperature of 104.4 °C and time of 27.9 min.  相似文献   

美国那帕的知名酒庄--贝林格凡·伯拉斯酒庄(BBWE))近日将推出加州第一款专门针对女性消费者的葡萄酒,这款名为"早熟的白色谎言"的霞多丽酒的设计者同样是一位女性.之所以称它为"早熟的白色谎言",是因为它是一款低热量、低糖度和低酒精度,为满足现代活力女性的需求而生产的葡萄酒.酒预计在2005年5月上市销售.  相似文献   

The following case report describes the implantation of intrastromal corneal ring segments (ICRS) and the postoperative contact lens treatment in a 42-year-old patient with bilateral advanced keratoconus. The patient had a preoperative contact lens intolerance. After femtosecond laser assisted surgery and the implantation of ICRS new custom mini-scleral contact lenses were fitted. The postoperative subjective and objective contact lens tolerance was excellent.  相似文献   

Everyone understands the verbs—to chew, to smell and to swallow. Most people subconsciously take eating for granted. As consumers, we enjoy eating without much need to understand how we succeed. But we do not all succeed equally, adapting as best we can with the teeth we have managed not to lose. Impaired dentitions lead to changes in food selection, style of cooking and other food preparation. The physiology of mastication is briefly reviewed. This process necessarily involves ingestion past the lips where temperature is monitored. Incision provides extremely sensitive detection of internal texture whilst the lips and tip of tongue detect external texture. Videofluorography (VFG) has provided the essential basis for visualizing and analyzing the processes by which food is moved to the cheek teeth and is subsequently manipulated. Data on the process of crushing food between the teeth explains the release of vapor and the sensation of food texture, which change progressively as the mouthful is chewed. Salivary flow rates and salivary proteins are critical for the developing coherence of the food bolus and its adhesion to the tongue prior to swallowing. The movement of odors from the mouth to the olfactory nerves in the roof of the nasal cavity involves the dynamic combination of tongue movement, continuing respiration and, late in the chewing sequence, the adhesion of the bolus to the moving tongue, which can be seen graphically on VFG. These coordinated interactive processes together provide the basis of oral success.  相似文献   

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