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设计了一种基于激光扫描与光学成像技术的测试方法来实现一维扭转式微镜的偏转角特性测试.该方法采用激光作为光源,利用微镜自身的光学扫描特性以及人眼的存储记忆效应,获得激光点光源在微镜静止与高频工作下在成像屏上的像点坐标,从而可以计算出微镜在一定驱动电压下的偏转角大小.误差分析表明该方法的平均测试误差±0.043°,测试精度1%;而实验数据进一步说明测试结果与参考曲线一致.所设计的测试方法摆脱了常规微镜测试对显微镜、干涉测量仪、CCD等精密复杂设备的依赖性,测试简单、易于实现且准确度较高,可为微镜应用提供可靠依据. 相似文献
接触式干涉仪采用同一光源的两束光由于光程差而产生的另级次干涉带(即黑色干涉条纹)作为测量标线。另级次干涉带移动的距离代表了光程改变所移动的距离,该仪器的测量分度值是由干涉带的疏密程度决定的,在一固定的刻线范围内用单色光(可用滤光片产生)可见多条干涉条纹。因此。对干涉带疏密度的精确定量、干涉滤光片的波长准确与否直接影响仪器的示值准确性。 相似文献
利用光的波动特性的进行的干涉和衍射现象已用于科学研究和生产实践的各个领域,因此,提高光波的相干性对充分利用干涉和衍射现象具有重要意义,光波的相干性与光源的性质有着密切的联系,因此搞清楚光源的时间相干性和空间相干性具有重要意义。 相似文献
本文阐述两种气体折射率的测试光路。它们是用白光干涉“O”级条纹定位,激光干涉条纹计数原理作光程差补偿测试。便于自动测量。 相似文献
通过超大偏转角下二极场的偏转像差,对偏转像差中α高次项进行了分析,得出了超大偏转角下α高次项不应忽略的结论。并应用多极场理论,研究了超大偏转角下十四极场对α高次项的校下作用。提出了在超大偏角下偏转像差的多极场校正方法。 相似文献
七级像差的多极场分析与校正 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
应用多极场理论,研究了超大偏转角情况下的偏转像差,给出了应用十四极场做七级像差校正时的多极场表达式,计算了在多种情况下十四极场对七级像差校正的影响,同时还分析了多极场像差校正的方法。 相似文献
七级像差的多极场分析与校正 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
应用多极场理论,研究了超大偏转角情况下的偏转像差,给出了应用十四极场做七级像差校正时的多极场表达式,计算在多种情况下十四极场对七级像差校正的影响,同时还分析了我极场像差校正的方法。 相似文献
以云母波片为例,根据椭偏测量相位原理,利用椭偏仪的温控装置,对不同温度下云母波片的延迟量进行测量,再根据延迟量与最大双折射率的数学关系,得到相应温度下云母波片的最大双折射率从而验证椭偏测量法是切实、可行的,也是可靠的。 相似文献
高温水管网补偿器在青岛市开发区管网运行中出现的问题及解决方案,高温水一次性补偿器的原理,一次性补偿器在青岛市开发区高温水管网中的应用. 相似文献
偏转像差中束夹角α的高次项研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过计算超大偏转角下二极场的偏转像差,对偏转像差中α高次项进行了分析,得出了超大偏转角下α高次项不应忽略的结论。并应用多极场理论,研究了超大偏转角下十四极场对α高次项的校正作用。提出了在超大偏转角下偏转像差的多极场校正方法。 相似文献
Annealing temperature is very critical in the Smart-Cut process especially when material mismatch exists. Experiments have shown that high temperature along with thermal mismatch may fail the Smart-Cut process by inducing severe deformation or cracks on the films. The present paper, following our previous investigations on the Smart-Cut process, studies the effects of temperature and material mismatch on wafer splitting in the Smart-Cut technology by using fracture mechanics analysis. The influence of temperature is explored through its effect on the internal pressure inside the defects and thermal stresses whether the donor wafer and the handle wafer are the same materials or not. Our analysis shows that increasing temperature may promote defect growth by increasing the internal pressure, and that thermal stresses arising from temperature change accompanied by material mismatch may inhibit defect growth and lead to growth deviation. In addition, the results indicate that the elastic mismatch of materials plays a significant role in wafer splitting in the Smart-Cut process even when the thermal stresses vanish. 相似文献
F. Chaffar Akkari M. Kanzari B. Rezig 《Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications》2008,28(5-6):692-696
We use the glancing angle deposition technique (GLAD) to grow CuInS2 thin films by a vacuum thermal method onto glass substrates. During deposition, the substrate temperature was maintained at 200 °C. Due to shadowing effect the oblique angle deposition technique can produce nanorods tilted toward the incident deposition flux. The evaporated atoms arrive at the growing interface at a fixed angle θ measured from the substrate normal. The substrate is rotated with rotational speed ω fixed at 0.033 rev s− 1. We show that the use of this growth technique leads to an improvement in the optical properties of the films. Indeed high absorption coefficients (105–3.105 cm− 1) in the visible range and near-IR spectral range are reached. In the case of the absence of the substrate rotation, scanning electron microscopy pictures show that the structure of the resulting film consists of nanocolumns that are progressively inclined towards the evaporation source as the incident angle was increased. If a rapid azimuthal rotation accompanies the substrate tilt, the resulting nanostructure is composed of an array of pillars normal to the substrate. The surface morphology show an improvement without presence of secondary phases for higher incident angles (θ > 60°). 相似文献
Although the crack-tip-opening angle (CTOA) has been shown to be well suited for modelling stable crack growth in monolithic sheet aluminium alloys, its applicability for fibre metal laminates has not been fully analyzed yet. Fracture test were performed on M(T) panels made of Glare 2-3/2-0.4, Glare 3-3/2-0.4 and laminated 2024-T3 3/2-0.4. Different fatigue pre-crack lengths were created to study the effect of bridging fibres on the CTOA measured on the external layer. The effect of bridging fibres resulted in small deviations of the CTOA vs. crack extension curve with respect to the reference panel made of metal laminate. The CTOA criterion could be successfully used for predicting the residual strength in fibre metal laminates. 相似文献
Aging-related multilayer spectral instabilities can pose severe performance limiting constraints to optical multilayer devices. In this study such instabilities of some periodic Gd2O3/SiO2 optical multilayer systems have been explored using scanning probe force–distance microscopy and spectrophotometric techniques. In the present case, a strong correlation between the spectral instabilities and the viscoelastic properties of the associated thin film layers has been distinctly noticed. From the experimental analysis it was quite evident that the spectral instability, which starts during the nucleation and growth stage in thin films, continues to persist at a much longer time scale following aging processes. In this study it is shown that the elastic properties of the constituent thin films, the layer design and the bilayer thickness have established a strong interrelation which ultimately contributes to the multilayer instabilities. These spectral instabilities also have strong interconnections with the morphological and viscoelastic changes in such multilayers. Other multilayer parameters like the total number of layers, the layer structure, the microroughness evolutions, related stiffness factors and the adhesion properties of the periodic layer systems contribute substantially to this instability process. 相似文献
Finite element analysis of the effect of the inner corner angle in equal channel angular pressing 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The inner corner angle (ICA) is one of the major factors affecting deformation homogeneity in workpieces during equal channel angular pressing (ECAP). In this study, the effect of the ICA on the plastic deformation behavior in ECAP was investigated using the finite element method. A round ICA induces highly inhomogeneous deformation in the head, tail, top and bottom regions of the workpiece due to increasing compressive and decreasing shear deformation components. It was found that a round inner corner with an angle up to 9° is acceptable in finite element simulations for reproducing a sharp inner corner. These results can serve as a design guide for processing and dies of ECAP. 相似文献
A new method is proposed for measuring the range rate of an airborne object in a frequency tuning regime. Mathematical modelling is used to study the effect of different factors on characteristics of the method. Limits for its application are determined. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 2. pp. 43–47, February, 2008. 相似文献