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场所使人类根植于地球,根植于我们自己的历史和记忆,根植于我们的家庭和社区。我们关心人类自身,想要创造出宜人的场所来,这点上,应该在空间设计中考虑人的使用的重要性。现代人文地理学派及现象主义建筑学派都强调人在场所的体验,强调场所的物理特征、人的活动以及含义的三位一体性。因此场所或景观不仅是让人参观,向人展示,还是供人使用,让人成为其中的一部分。 相似文献
通过研究图书馆在大学校园中的特殊意义及其功能多元化的演变,并以新疆大学新校区图书馆设计为例,强调图书馆在校园人文环境营造中的重要性.它不仅要与校园景观相融合,还应与校园的深厚文化相共生.在设计中,既要注重外部造型的塑造,又要追求人文精神的相通,通过空间与场所的建构,让新疆大学图书馆成为师生研修学习与交流的场所. 相似文献
数字化发展带来的不只是技术,更是一种以情绪感知、环境体验为主导的新的空间交互方式的改变.在目前多学科交叉的研究趋势下,数字人文为城市场所营造提供了新的研究视角与方法,对"场所"的关注也支持与回应了人文数字时代语境下以人为主体的城市公共空间的意义构建.空间交互扩展了场所的体验维度,使数字化的场所营造成为可能,为当代城市公... 相似文献
从场所、场所精神的概念出发,结合西南交通大学九里校区图书馆的建造背景,从校园环境、气候、基地环境和人的活动四个方面对场所进行解读,西南交通大学九里校区图书馆(以下简称交大图书馆)是如何对场所进行回应的。通过对场所的解读和回应,分析了交大图书馆如何成为场所精神的诠释者。 相似文献
建筑的在地性对全球化的现代主义建筑持一种辩证和批判的态度,表现为对建筑所在地气候、地理、历史、人文、工艺技术的关照.本文结合金坛图书馆的设计实践,从形态、空间、路径、表皮等方面探讨操作层面的可行方法. 相似文献
Tridib Banerjee 《Journal of the American Planning Association. American Planning Association》2013,79(1):9-24
As captured in this painting by Margaret Caldwell, the Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco is an icon of successful downtowns and one of the most recognizable buildings in the world. According to this Longer View essay by Donovan Rypkema, its uniqueness represents the distinction needed in the character of downtowns for U.S. cities to be competitive as we undergo economic globalization. Rypkema sees downtown revitalization, led by the differentiation afforded by meaningful buildings, as the spearhead of a successful economic survival strategy. The artist, who shows her work mostly in Los Angeles, holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from USC and studied the techniques of representational painting of 19th-century artists in Florence, Italy. Her paintings, which often feature the urban landscape, are based in observation and are attempts to translate her visual experience of the world. Thanks to the Jernigan Wicker Fine Arts Gallery in San Francisco for their help in securing use of this image. The post-September 11 world is both dramatically changed and increasingly uncertain. But two factors on the horizon are assured: globalization and diversity. Globalization, however, has two facets: economic and cultural. Cities must learn to capitalize on economic globalization without being subsumed by cultural globalization. Cities must also deal with diversity on both the international and local levels. The downtown is a community's most effective venue to confront, learn from, and accommodate both globalization and diversity. 相似文献
Mike Jackson 《Journal of Architectural Education》2013,67(4):271-272
In the face of massive cultural, technological, and economic changes, the profession of architecture, not unlike many other professions, will be forced to reconceptualize and transform itself. Architectural education, as the entry point for future generations of architects, will of necessity have to be at the forefront of such a transformation. The thesis of this article is that faculty women in architecture occupy a special position to advance this agenda for change, both in terms of the substantive scope of the field and in terms of the pedagogical principles by which it is taught. Evidence to support these arguments is drawn primarily from our in-depth interviews with a sample of more than forty faculty women, a previously unpublished study funded by the Graham Foundation. Seven specific facets of transformation are discussed with reference both to the recently released Carnegie study and to other work on the implications of global change on higher education. The seven facets of transformation are the ideals of a liberal education; interdisciplinary connections; the integration of different modes of thought; connections to other disciplines through beginning studios; the reformation of pedagogical practices; collaboration; and caring for students. 相似文献
场所的关联耦合--整合城市文脉的重要途径 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
建立城市重要场所之间的关联耦合关系是构架城市秩序整体、整合城市文脉的重要手段。结合东莞城市设计的实践介绍建立场所之间关联耦合的几种方式,并提出具体的分析方法和设计要点。 相似文献
纪念场所是一种看似矛盾的存在,因为它展现了人类灵魂中一种最本质、也最难以捉摸的挣扎心理:一方面要铭记那些曾经属于人类的事物和人类曾经的样子,一方面又试图将这些记忆全部抹去。但总的看来,我们明显倾向于前者。我们有责任去铭记,同时也需要(有权利和义务)与逝去的人建立联系,一种比主观意识到的联系更为恒久的联系。我们试图寻找一处比他们在世时的居所更恒久的场所,并试图保存记忆;而保存记忆的地方也应该是具体而真实存在的,能够成为景观上的印记。 相似文献
有的未来学者认为,在网络社会里,图书馆会被网络取代,虚拟的资料搜寻系统将取代书籍与图书馆的功能与形式。为此讨论了网络社会的大学图书馆角色、应变及其在大学校园规划中新的可能性。进一步,针对网络社会中虚拟的符号取得了前所未有的力量、有了新的生命,而借取一个有意思的理论概念——异质地方(异托邦),扩充我们对大学图书馆的想像,作为建筑设计者与图书馆工作者之间能共享的桥梁。 相似文献
Much of the focus of ageing in place policy is concerned with the provision of support to enable older people to age in the community in residences adapted to their needs. There has been little examination of why older people make choices to age in particular places in later life. In this paper, we drew on 143 interviews with older people in New Zealand to examine the narratives older people use to describe their housing preferences in later life. Older people drew upon personal and public narratives to story housing in later life, and construct four identifiable identities: ‘practical planner’, ‘rugged pioneer’, ‘where I belong’ and ‘rooted in place’. This analysis demonstrates that some older people do narrate decisions to age in ‘sensible’ places with good access to services and have clear plans for change as their physical health declines. Other older people live proudly in unsuitable places and do not wish for support to move or accommodations made to their housing. These older people draw upon narratives of place as foundational to their identity, of relationships with people both living and dead as social relationships that bolster their identity and of housing as part of situated lifelong narratives. Both the situation of their home and the condition of the home provide the backdrop to alternative narrative identities that require them to remain in housing because of, or irrespective of, its unsuitability. To understand the limitations and the possibilities of ageing in place, we need to identify the multiple narratives that structure the lives of older people. By doing so, we can support ageing in place processes that do not disrupt the strong identities that have been developed in and through housing. 相似文献
本文从人本化、生态化、数字化3个方面为价值坐标,以高质量社区发展为核心,重点着眼未来治理、教育、邻里等三大主场景设计,同时协同开发健康、创业、交通、低碳、建筑、服务等其他场景,打造"3+X"的场景构建体系,为居民提供共享交往的睦邻社区、智趣融合的教育社区、山形水意的花园社区. 相似文献