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利用改进Hummers法制备氧化石墨烯(GO),以GO为载体,通过一步溶胶混合法成功制备TiO_2/GO复合催化剂,并利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT IR),X射线衍射仪(XRD),透射电子显微镜(TEM)等技术对其进行表征;同时,探究了TiO_2/GO复合催化剂的投加量对罗丹明B(RB)模拟废水的光催化性能和吸附性能的影响,以及最佳投加量时复合催化剂的重复使用性能。结果表明,TiO_2/GO复合催化剂中TiO_2颗粒均匀分布于薄纱状的GO片层两侧。TiO_2/GO复合催化剂投加量为50mg/L时对罗丹明B降解效果最好,在紫外吸光度554nm处罗丹明B溶液的脱色率(即UV_(554)罗丹明B溶液的去除率)和总有机碳(TOC)去除率分别达到99%以上和66.72%。TiO_2/GO复合催化剂的降解性能优于纯TiO_2。TiO_2/GO复合催化剂重复使用5次后,对RB的UV_(554)去除率和TOC去除率依然维持在99%以上和55%左右。TiO_2/GO复合催化剂对RB的吸附30min后基本达到平衡,吸附过程更为符合准二级动力学方程,拟合平衡吸附量Qe为253.8mg/g。 相似文献
对气固相光催化氧化基元反应进行了动力学分析 ,建立了简单适用的动力学模型 .理论分析表明 ,在较低的紫外光强度下 ,光催化反应速率与光强成正比 ;在较高的光强度下 ,速率与光强的平方根成正比 ;在极高光强度下 ,速率与光强无关 .因此将光催化反应简单分解为 3个速率步骤 ,即光子传递步骤、表面作用步骤、扩散步骤 .设计了新颖的气固相光催化反应器 ,采用三氯乙烯 (TCE)为模拟污染物 ,实验结果验证了气固相光催化反应存在光子传递和表面作用控制步骤 相似文献
基于改进Hummers法,调控氧化剂KMnO4用量制备了不同含氧官能团含量的氧化石墨烯(GOs)。采用XRD、XPS、AFM和FTIR分析了KMnO4用量对GOs的结构特征、含氧官能团类型及含量的影响,研究了氧化程度对GOs吸附亚甲基蓝(MB)性能的影响。结果表明:KMnO4用量对GOs-n(n=2,3,4(的含氧官能团类型和含量有显著影响;MB最大饱和吸附量依次为728.44、965.63和807.29 mg·g-1,与Langmuir模型单分子层饱和吸附量的标准差为3.6%、3.7%和4.2%,吸附动力学过程符合准二级动力学模型,R2> 0.99。以GOs结构层上去质子化的羟基(-C-O-)和羧基(-COO-)为主要活性位点与MB发生化学控速的单分子层放热吸附,吸附热在20~27 kJ·mol-1之间;低氧化程度的GOs以离子交换吸附为主导,吸附性能与GOs结构中-C-O(H(和-COO(H(的总量呈正相关。随氧化程度加深,GOs结构中环氧基(C-O-C)和羰基(C═O)以氢键作用吸附MB对吸附量的影响凸显。 相似文献
采用改进的Hummer法制得氧化石墨烯(GO),用巯基乙胺对GO进行改性,制得巯基化氧化石墨烯(SH-GO),对有关产物的形貌和结构进行了表征,考察了p H值、SH-GO用量、吸附时间等因素对SH-GO吸附Cu2+效果的影响。结果表明,GO呈无序分布的片状结构,含有较多的含氧基团;p H值为5时的吸附效果最佳;SH-GO投加量为200mg·L-1时,吸附效率可达98.8%;120min可达到吸附平衡;吸附过程符合准二级动力学模型和朗格缪尔等温吸附方程;SH-GO重复使用性能良好。 相似文献
以二乙烯三胺(DETA)、氧化石墨烯(GO)及共沉淀法制备的四氧化三铁(Fe_3O_4)为原料,通过原位聚合法制得二乙烯三胺改性磁性氧化石墨烯复合材料(DETA-mGO)。通过透射电镜(TEM)、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FT-IR)、X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)等对DETA-mGO进行了表征,并研究了它吸附水中Cd(Ⅱ)离子的行为。结果表明:DETA-mGO的饱和磁化强度为28.5 emu/g;DETA改性大幅提高了DETA-mGO对Cd(Ⅱ)的吸附量,其吸附量高达114.5 mg/g。DETA-mGO吸附动力学基本符合准二阶模型,吸附速率主要由化学吸附阶段控制。其吸附等温线与Langmuir吸附等温线更吻合,吸附过程主要是单分子层的化学吸附。 相似文献
以氧化石墨烯和金刚烷为原料,通过水相合成法制备了金刚烷胺功能化氧化石墨烯复合材料A/GO,以FT-IR、XRD和XPS对A/GO进行了结构表征,并考察了A/GO对有机染料的吸附性能。结果表明,与氧化石墨烯相比,A/GO对甲基蓝(AB93)表现出高效吸附性,其吸附动力学和吸附等温模型分别符合拟二级动力学和Langmuir模型,理论最大吸附容量(qm)为1250.0 mg/g。热力学分析表明,A/GO吸附AB93是自发的放热过程。A/GO吸附AB93对盐(NaCl和KCl)表现出良好的耐盐性,而CaCl2能有效地促进A/GO吸附AB93。对于刚果红和AB93等的混合染料体系,A/GO能选择性吸附AB93。 相似文献
纳米二氧化钛悬乳体系光催化降解愈创木酚机理的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用溶胶-凝胶法(Sol-gel)制备的纳米TiO2作为催化剂,以造纸废水中木质素的模型物愈创木酚(G-M)为对象,在一定的降解条件下对G-M光催化降解动力学和机理进行了研究。结果表明,G-M的光催化降解过程包含吸附和降解两个过程,通过对G-M在TiO2表面吸附性能的研究,得到其吸附平衡常数;运用L-H方程,对G-M光催化降解动力学方程进行讨论,得到降解动力学方程:1/r=1.774/C+0.1034。同时,对TiO2光催化降解机理进行了探讨。 相似文献
The adsorption of methylene blue (MB) on graphene-based adsorbents was tested through the batch experimental method. Two types of graphene-based adsorbents as graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) were compared to investigate the best adsorbent for MB removal. So that optimizing the MB removal for the selected type of graphene-based adsorbent, the diverse experimental factors, as pH (2–10), contact time (0–1440 min), adsorbent dosage (0.5–2 g/L), and initial MB concentration (25–400 mg/L) were analyzed. The conclusions indicated that the MB removal rised with an increase in the initial concentration of the MB and so rises in the amount of adsorbent used and initial pH. Maximum dye removal was calculated as 99.11% at optimal conditions after 240 min. Adsorption data were compiled by the Langmuir isotherm (R2: 0.999) and pseudo-second-order kinetic models (R2: 0.999). The Langmuir isotherm model accepted that the homogeneous surface of the GO adsorbent covering with a single layer. And the adsorption energy was calculated as 9.38 kJ mol−1 according to the D-R model indicating the chemical adsorption occurred. The results show that GO could be utilized for the treatment of dye-contaminated aqueous solutions effectively. 相似文献
周亚松 《中国化学工程学报》2003,11(6):665-670
TiO2 and TiO2-SiO2 photocatalysts were prepared by sol-gel and supercritical CO2 fluid drying method and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), etc. Their catalytic properties were tested through the photocatalytic degradation of phenol and aniline in wastewater. The results show that the developed fluidized photocatalytic reactor (FPR) and TiO2 catalyst had better performance in degrading pollutants as compared with slurry photocatalytic reactor (SPR) and commercial TiO2 catalyst. The composition and crystal form of TiO2-SiO2 composite oxide had obvious influence on catalytic effect and TiO2-SiO2 photocatalysts showed better catalytic activity and stability. 相似文献
周亚松 《中国化学工程学报》2003,11(6)
TiO2 and TiO2-SiO2 photocatalysts were prepared by sol-gel and supercritical CO2 fluid drying method and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), etc. Their catalytic properties were tested through the photocatalytic degradation of phenol and aniline in wastewater. The results show that the developed fluidized photocatalytic reactor (FPR) and TiO2 catalyst had better performance in degrading pollutants as compared with slurry photocatalytic reactor (SPR) and commercial TiO2 catalyst. The composition and crystal form of TiO2-SiO2 composite oxide had obvious influence on catalytic effect and TiO2-SiO2 photocatalysts showed better catalytic activity and stability. 相似文献
无机光催化技术研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
光催化技术是一种新兴高效节能的污水处理技术。从光催化反应机理人手,对光催化技术在无机污染物的处理、无机合成中的应用,以及提高半导体光催化剂活性的途径作了综述。 相似文献
Jian‐Hua Xu Fumihide Shiraishi 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》1999,74(11):1096-1100
The photocatalytic decomposition of acetaldehyde in air at initial concentrations ranging from 3 to 200 mg m−3 has been studied in a semitransparent closed box with an inlet volume of 0.056 m3. The photocatalytic reactors consisted of a glass tube, 250 mm long with inside diameters of 28, 35, or 45 mm, whose inner surface was coated with a thin film of titanium dioxide, and a 6‐W blacklight fluorescent lamp located at the axis of the glass tube. The decomposition of acetaldehyde was almost complete within 1–3 h and its main product was carbon dioxide. A kinetic study showed that the photocatalytic reaction obeys a Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Although the light intensity was certainly decreased with the distance from the light source, the degree of this decrease was much smaller than the degree of the decrease in the kinetic constants, which suggests that the light intensity is not simply proportional to the degree of the photo‐excitation of TiO2 and the rate of the resulting photocatalytic decomposition of acetaldehyde. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献