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简述了中国石油新疆独山子石化公司乙烯厂乙烯装置凝液回收系统原先的流程及存在的问题,介绍了2003年6月改造后的流程及取得的经济效益。  相似文献   

我国近些年来开始注重天然气的利用,天然气由于其燃烧没有污染的特性,受到很多国家和地区的青睐。天然气的成分主要是甲烷,还有一些烃类气体组成,天然气是一种混合物,不光可以将甲烷用作燃料,还可以通过一些方法把其中的气体分类回收,用于化工工厂或者化工实验,这是天然气开发过程的主要工作。天然气的凝液回收挥手道很多因素的影响,比如回收和分离要求、回收仪器的影响,本文针对天然气凝液回收技术的发展情况做出一些分析。  相似文献   

从天然气中回收的液烃混合物称为天然气凝液,又称为轻烃;这个回收的的过程称为天然气凝液回收,也称为轻烃回收。在油气田开发中往往存在大量的天然气凝液,这是丰富的天然气资源,为了使其得到有效利用,提高气田开发的经济效益,国内油气田已经开展了大量的回收工艺研究。本文将对天然气凝液回收工艺进行探讨。  相似文献   

传统甲醇精馏工艺中,为回收精馏塔蒸汽凝液热量,从精馏塔再沸器出来蒸汽凝液作为预精馏塔进料加热,加热后的凝液余热温度仍较高,凝液余热未得到充分的回收;为进一步充分回收此部分凝液余热,把预精馏塔进料预热器设置位置更改到预精馏塔底部,作为预精馏塔再沸器为塔底提供热量,凝液温度可由原来147.6℃降到94℃。投产后实际运行数据表明,此设计优化达到预期凝液热量回收目的,经济效益显著,起到了节能降耗的效果。  相似文献   

在电厂的热力系统中,蒸汽凝液回收对发电水耗影响极大,IGCC电站化工岛广泛使用蒸汽作为工艺设备伴热,合理回收利用这部分凝液将很大程度上降低电厂水耗,进而更好地建立水平衡.介绍了国内首台IGCC整体煤气化联合循环发电装置辅助蒸汽系统,以及蒸汽凝液系统存在的巨大浪费及改造方案,对凝液系统改造进行了详细的介绍.  相似文献   

樊小明 《小氮肥》2021,(9):17-20
陕西陕化煤化工集团有限公司1,4-丁二醇(BDO)和尿素系统产生的蒸汽凝液,经过凝液净化混床回收循环利用,实现蒸汽凝液的余热回收和资源化利用,大大提高了脱盐水站的运行产能并降低了运行费用,为化工行业有效消化、处置蒸汽凝液开辟了新途径.  相似文献   

天然气凝液回收是天然气开发的主要部分,影响天然气凝液回收方法的因素有很多,例如产品回收和分离要求、原料气中重组分的含量等,了解这些因素对提高天然气凝液回收工艺的回收率有很大帮助。本文结合案例分析了天然气凝液回收工艺的应用方法,并探讨了影响凝收工艺气体处理方案选择的因素。  相似文献   

长庆油田存在丰富的伴生气资源,为了提高油田小规模伴生气综合利用水平,开展了新型凝液回收工艺技术(产品为混烃)研究工作,并依托工程进行了应用设计,装置已投产且进行了多工况的运行考核,指标均达到预期要求。  相似文献   

尿素工艺冷凝液回收合理流程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱羽中  钱效南  庹春梅 《大氮肥》2004,27(4):268-270
尿素工艺冷凝液在回收过程中由于电导率高、与生水混合,易形成胶状物,导致生水过滤器频繁反洗、浮动床压差增加等故障.为查明形成胶状物的原因,解决回收过程中的问题,采用实验室模拟现场运行状况和工业小试相结合的办法,找出胶状物形成的原因,确定合理回收流程,并运用在工业实践中,对同类型大化肥企业尿素工艺冷凝液回收具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

总结了乙烯装置开车以来全厂蒸汽及凝液系统运转及改造情况,阐述了如何通过优化实现节约,使有效的能源得到回收,实现清洁生产的目标。  相似文献   

Natural gas liquids (NGL) recovery from shale gas needs large amounts of cold energy for cooling, while liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification requires tremendous hot energy for heating. Thus, recycling the cold energy from LNG regasification process at a receiving terminal to assist the NGL recovery process has great economic benefits on both energy saving and high‐value product recovery. A novel conceptual design by integrating NGL recovery from shale gas and LNG regasification at receiving terminals has been developed. It first generates a process superstructure. Then, a simulation‐assisted mixed‐integer linear programming (MILP) model is developed and solved for the optimal process synthesis. Next, heat exchange network (HEN) design and analysis are performed to accomplish the maximum energy‐saving target. Finally, rigorous plant‐wide simulations are conducted to validate the feasibility and capability of the entire conceptual design coupling of separation and heat integration. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 4673–4685, 2013  相似文献   

大型轻烃回收工艺的应用与优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用先进的膨胀机制冷加丙烷辅助制冷的混和制冷工艺,乙烷收率在85%以上,丙烷、丁烷收率均在95%以上,其工艺技术和轻烃收率在国内同行业中处于领先水平。介绍了中原油田天然气处理厂3气改扩建工程工艺流程,产品规格及组成,总结了工艺特点及先进性,介绍了工艺设计中的合理优化选择,并对整套装置的经济效益进行了分析。合理应用先进的NGL工艺技术,可降低能耗,减少投资,提高产品收率。  相似文献   

This paper presents the different process schemes used for known NGL recovery methods with respect to their economic performance. The original turbo-expander (ISS) was considered as base case plant. The GSP, CRR and RSV process schemes focus on improvement at the top of the demethanizer column. The IPSI-1 and IPSI-2 schemes focus on the bottom of the demethanizer column. All the process schemes were initially built using Aspen HYSYS with a common set of operating criteria. Numerous simulation runs were made by taking various typical feed compositions classified as lean and rich. The economic assessment for each process scheme was later made by considering the capital cost, operating cost and profitability analysis. Results showed that the IPSI-1 process scheme gives the best economic performance with lowest TAC and payback time compared to the other process schemes. On the other hand, the RSV process gives higher TAC and payback time compared to others.  相似文献   


This paper aims at modeling and optimizing a Middle East-based commercial natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery and fractionation plant, using a predictive process simulator. NGL units are known to be highly energy-intensive as steam-based heating and refrigeration-based cryogenic cooling are critical requirements for their operation. Indeed, these units govern the degree of profitability of gas plants especially during low natural gas price scenarios. As a result, this study explores the ways of improving the performance of NGL units through a deterministic optimization analysis. A steady state model of the plant is built using gPROMS process builder followed by validation using plant data to ensure the model accuracy. A mixed integer nonlinear programming optimization problem is formulated with the objective of maximizing the net revenue of the plants by means of manipulating various decision variables such as feed gas temperature, column operating pressure, feed stage location, reflux and boil up ratios subject to specific process constraints. Optimization problem is solved using outer approximation equality relaxation augmented penalty algorithm. It is determined that the process optimization yields an additional revenue of 4.1 MM USD annually due to ~22% increase in Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) production, ~6% increase in Naphtha production, and ~16% reduction in steam consumption in the reboiler of the columns.  相似文献   

Maximizing the profits of natural gas liquid recovery plants is a challenge. To improve the performance of an existing plant, three process schemes were compared and analyzed with Aspen HYSYS. A high‐pressure absorber (HPA) performed better owing to the added compressor and more reasonable cold energy utilization. The HPA was further optimized by establishing an objective function and identifying and adjusting the main variables on the basis of a new optimization algorithm. The propane recovery of the optimized HPA was 98.8 %, and the plant profitability increased by 3352 million $ a?1. Exergy analysis of the optimum process indicated that the column and air cooler contributed the most to the total exergy destruction. Suggestions for decreasing the exergy destruction of the process are also given.  相似文献   

The biggest proportion of the cost of desalted water is the energy consumption, especially for small-scale SWRO desalination system. In order to decrease the cost of desalted water, the energy recovery device is preferred to be considered in small-scale SWRO desalination system. However, the investigation of energy recovery device for small-scale SWRO system is scarce. Until now the design of energy recovery device has not been based on the results of the mathematical simulation but almost on experimental and empirical knowledge, and there are few detailed reports about the optimal design of energy recovery device for small-scale SWRO desalination system in previous articles. In the current paper, a hydraulic energy recovery (HER) device with novel mechanics is introduced, the detailed simulation results of the HER device and specific energy consumption of small-scale SWRO system equipped with the HER device are presented. The simulated results are very useful for optimal design of the HER device and its coupling SWRO desalination system.  相似文献   

A natural gas liquids (NGL) recovery unit currently in operation has been simulated and compared with a real unit. Optimized operating conditions have been determined, in which the objective function is based on cost analysis. Following this, different turboexpansion processes have been analyzed and the best flow sheet selected, based on capital analysis and operating limitations. Parameter optimization of the entire modified plant has been performed using an advanced genetic algorithm program, to determine optimal operating conditions. The best revamping alternative is a turboexpander‐exchanger process, in which case the profit is increased by 28 %.  相似文献   

根据Neumag公司涤纶短纤维高压环吹风工艺要求 ,对浙江大学空调机组在不同季节的能耗进行了计算 ,并与其它厂家空调机组的能耗进行了比较 ,证实所设计的空调机组能耗低于其它厂家空调机组能耗。  相似文献   

Novel integrated and optimization schemes for natural gas (NG) liquid recovery and liquefaction step are presented. The liquefaction of NG was carried out using the newly developed KSMR liquefaction cycle while the separation of NG liquids was performed using energy efficient thermally coupled distillation schemes. The main highlight of integration are, (i) feed splitting to provide reboiler duty in the methane scrubber, (ii) common refrigeration utilities required all over the plant; and (iii) flexibility of integrated plant for easy transition between ethane recovery or ethane rejection. These integration steps minimize the overall plant-specific power requirements and the duplication of processing equipment. After successful integration, the MR cycle was optimized for the compression energy requirement by varying the refrigerant composition and operating pressure levels with the aid of an in-house established knowledge-based optimization (KBO) methodology. The KBO approach is robust in application and gives consistent results. Compared to the base case, 9% improvement in plant compression energy requirement was obtained.  相似文献   

We describe a computer algorithm designed to calculate the optimal energy extraction in the form of heat used for steam raising from chemical processes. The concepts are illustrated using chemical plant stream data in a process with multiple distillation columns. Pinch analysis is first applied to find the grand composite curve (GCC) of the problem, which is then used by the algorithm to determine the maximum mass flow rate of steam that can be produced from process waste heat. An analysis of the effects of the minimum temperature of approach ΔTmin on the optimal steam raising result is also conducted, and it is found that, in general, a higher ΔTmin will reduce the percentage heat recovery from the process.  相似文献   

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