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郭俊霞  郭仁飞  许南山  赵瑞莲 《计算机科学》2018,45(4):203-207, 214
在Web应用软件模型表示研究领域中,研究对象主要为不含Ajax技术的应用程序。少数针对Ajax(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)的模型构建采用传统的FSM模型表示方法,并不能描述客户端消息触发后的参数传递问题;在FSM模型的基础上引入UML分层模型的表示方法因需要人工干预,不利于测试用例的自动生成。针对上述问题,借鉴EFSM模型这一重要的软件描述模型,从用户的Session数据出发,通过日志数据分析用户的行为,并 记录客户端的操作事件。通过对用户行为和客户端操作事件进行匹配,生成完整的用户会话,从而建立EFSM模型。实验结果表明,该EFSM模型能够有效地表示Web应用程序的状态以及状态的变化情况,并可以有效地为测试用例自动生成服务。  相似文献   

针对Web应用测试方法错误覆盖率低的问题,提出了一种基于状态迁移的Web应用功能测试用例生成方法。该方法通过构造页面状态迁移图、事件迁移表和导航迁移表对Web应用的链接关系进行表示。基于页面状态迁移图生成的页面状态迁移树生成测试路径,根据等价类划分原则,提出了一种测试用例覆盖准则,结合事件迁移表和导航迁移表中的信息记录构造测试用例。典型案例实验结果表明,该方法有效地表示了Web应用中页面间的链接关系,提高了测试用例的错误检测率。  相似文献   

一种基于功能构件的Web应用建模与测试方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Web应用与传统程序有着很大差别,后者的一些建模和测试方法不能完全适用于前者.提出了一种有效的对Web应用测试的方法.按功能将Web应用划分成若干个功能构件,把Web应用看成是功能构件的集合,并在功能上将其对应到实际的Web应用模块.用有向图表示功能构件的结构关系,用FSM表示功能构件的行为关系,用FSM的复合表示功能构件的交互.提出了完整执行序列覆盖、构件完整执行序列覆盖两个测试准则,根据这些准则生成测试用例集.为支持所提出的方法,设计了一个测试用例生成的工具原型.  相似文献   

一种基于扩展有限自动机验证组合Web服务的方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
雷丽晖  段振华 《软件学报》2007,18(12):2980-2990
为简化并自动化组合Web服务验证,提出一种基于扩展有限自动机(extended deterministic finite automata,简称EDFA)验证组合Web服务的方法.使用EDFA可以准确地描述Web服务:EDFA的状态表达Web服务在与用户交互的过程中维护的状态;EDFA的状态转移及其标注描述Web服务与用户间的消息交换.EDFA给出Web服务交互过程的所有消息交换序列,刻画出Web服务的动态行为.使用基于EDFA的组合Web服务验证方法不但可以验证组合Web服务是否满足系统需求,还可以验证组合Web服务运行过程是否有逻辑错误.与其他方法相比,该方法更适于验证开放式环境下的组合Web服务.  相似文献   

Web应用功能交互的建模与测试用例生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了产生更有效的测试用例,以Web应用为研究对象,按功能将Web应用划分成若千个功能构件,把Web应用看成是功能构件的集合,针对其相应的交互功能,用FSM对其功能交互行为进行建模.在此基础上提出了完整消息传递序列测试准则,并根据该测试准则生成抽象的测试用例集,以实现对Web应用交互性的测试,提高Web应用测试的有效性,力图实现Web应用测试的自动化.最后设计了一个工具原型用于测试用例的生成.  相似文献   

随着Web技术的不断发展,传统程序的某些建模和测试方法难以适用于现代Web的应用。为了产生更有效的测试用例,本文以Web应用为研究对象,针对交互功能,用FSM对其功能交互行为进行建模,并总结出了完整消息传递序列测试准则,为实现对Web应用交互性的测试,提高Web应用测试的有效性,开发了一个WebTCGen的测试原型专门用于生成满足一定测试准则的测试用例集。  相似文献   

回归测试对修改后的软件重新进行测试,确认修改没有引入新的错误或导致其他代码产生错误。研究GUI回归测试脚本的自动化修复技术,采用有限状态机描述GUI的交互行为,并基于FSM产生测试用例集;使用自动化测试工具生成测试脚本,建立状态迁移和测试脚本的映射关系表;通过比较GUI新、旧版本的FSM得到GUI的变化信息,根据变化信息和映射表对原测试脚本自动修复。实例验证了脚本修复方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

基于模型的Web应用程序测试是软件测试的一个重要方法。ASM模型从源码解析的角度,基于Web应用程序表示层建立模型,描述了Web应用程序的交互性、动态性和低耦合性。基于ASM模型的测试用例生成,考虑用户的非预期行为,在主要路径的基础上,通过添加无效访问状态和无效迁移路径,扩充测试用例。然而,随着Web应用程序规模的扩大,无效访问状态和无效迁移路径的增加导致测试用例空间爆炸。在研究ASM模型的基础上,通过定义基于ASM模型测试生成的等价迁移和等价状态,合并迁移和状态,从而有效地对ASM模型进行约简,减少了无效访问状态和无效迁移路径的数量,实现测试用例空间约减。 对一个实际Web应用程序系统的评估结果表明,基于模型约简的测试用例优化,有效约减了74.38%的测试用例空间,并且对原子段的覆盖率和错误检测数目没有产生影响。  相似文献   

基于模型的Web应用测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了基于模型的Web应用测试方法,包括建模、测试用例生成、测试用例的执行、模型以及测试用例的可视化等关键技术.设计并实现一个基于模型的Web应用测试系统.以FSM作为被测Web应用的形式测试模型,集成了模型转换器、测试目标分析器、测试序列生成器、FSM和测试序列可视化以及Web应用测试执行引擎等工具.除支持状态覆盖、...  相似文献   

Web服务对外只提供接口文档,可利用生成测试用例的信息不够充分,现有方法所生成的用例冗余度高、查错能力有限.文中基于现有Web服务功能和用户协同推荐构建用户需求模型,再使用领域知识和使用场景生成测试用例,并通过实验演示过程,实验结果表明该文方法生成组合Web服务测试用例的有效性.以用户需求驱动组合Web服务测试,既能保证所选服务真正符合用户需求,又可根据用户使用场景来丰富测试需求信息,结合领域知识启发式生成测试用例.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于有限状态自动机的Web服务自动组合方法,该方法能够自动实现BPEL中抽象业务流程与Web服务的绑定.以有限状态自动机模型形式化地定义了业务流程的外模式和内模式,将Web服务组合问题转化为有限状态自动机问题.利用有限状态自动机的笛卡儿积运算,得出了服务组合系统的行为描述.在此基础上,提出了组合服务存在性的判定依据,进一步给出了组合服务的计算方法,设计并实现了一个演示系统.  相似文献   

The growing omnipresence of the Social Web and the increasingly number of services in the Cloud have created a favourable atmosphere to develop socially-enhanced services, that is, services which are aware of the social dimension of the users to improve their experience in the Cloud. This paper introduces a model and an architecture for socially-enhanced services by mining interaction information across different Social Web sites. Most of the existing social applications require knowing who are the users socially-linked to each individual by exploring topological connections in social networks or, even, calculating the interactions network that underlies social sites. However these approaches are, on the one hand, hardly scalable when the number of users grows in the interaction network and, on the other hand, tightly coupled to the social application and so hardly reusable. The key contribution of this paper is a user-centred model whose goal is not to infer the aforementioned interaction network, but to build users’ social spheres. That is, assessing the strength and the context of the user’s ties by using signs of interaction available from social sites APIs (private messages, retweets, mentions, …) with user’s permission. To this aim, contrary to previous approaches, we take into account (i) different interaction types and contexts, (ii) the time in which interactions occur, (iii) the people involved in them and (iv) the interactions rhythms with the rest of user’s contacts. A prototype of this service has been implemented in order to, not only validate the tie strength model, but also to deploy some pilot experiences.  相似文献   

An increasing number of Web services have been published on the Internet over the past decade due to the rapid development and adoption of the SOA (Services Oriented Architecture) standard. However, in the current state of the Web, recommending suitable Web services to users becomes a challenge due to the huge divergence in published content. Existing Web services recommendation approaches based on collaborative filtering are mainly aiming to QoS (Quality of Service) prediction. Recommending services based on users’ ratings on services are seldomly reported due to the difficulty of collecting such explicit feedback. In this paper, we report a data set of implicit feedback on real-world Web services, which consist of more than 280,000 user-service interaction records, 65,000 service users and 15,000 Web services or mashups. Temporal information is becoming an increasingly important factor in service recommendation since time effects may influence users’ preferences on services to a large extent. Based on the collected data set, we propose a time-aware service recommendation approach. Temporal information is sufficiently considered in our approach, where three time effects are analyzed and modeled including user bias shifting, Web service bias shifting, and user preference shifting. Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms seven existing collaborative filtering approaches on the prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

Most of studies on the automated generation of composite Web services create composite services by chaining available services’ inputs and outputs, but do not consider their functional semantics. Therefore, unsatisfied results may be generated against users’ intentions. Furthermore, the time complexity is very high since every possible combination of available services should be considered. To resolve these problems, we propose a composition method that explicitly specifies and uses the functional semantics of Web services. Specifically, the proposed method is based on a graph model, which represents the functional semantics of Web services.  相似文献   

李乔  秦锋  郑啸 《微机发展》2007,17(11):197-200
随着Web服务技术的不断发展和广泛应用,需要运用新的测试技术来保障Web服务的正确有效运行,而测试例的生成是Web服务测试的一项重要内容,它将直接关系到Web服务测试的效率和成本。基于Web服务的WSDL文档,根据输入域中子集间相互关系,利用分类树的方法(Classification Tree Method),提出Web服务测试例的一种自动生成方法,据此达到最少的数量最大限度地进行覆盖的目的,并结合具体的实例,使用CTE测试工具增强测试的自动化程度,从而提高软件测试的效率和软件的质量。  相似文献   

In order to find best services to meet multi-user’s QoS requirements, some multi-user Web service selection schemes were proposed. However, the unavoidable challenges in these schemes are the efficiency and effect. Most existing schemes are proposed for the single request condition without considering the overload of Web services, which cannot be directly used in this problem. Furthermore, existing methods assumed the QoS information for users are all known and accurate, and in real case, there are always many missing QoS values in history records, which increase the difficulty of the selection. In this paper, we propose a new framework for multi-user Web service selection problem. This framework first predicts the missing multi-QoS values according to the historical QoS experience from users, and then selects the global optimal solution for multi-user by our fast match approach. Comprehensive empirical studies demonstrate the utility of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Web服务组合测试综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁志军  周泽霞 《软件学报》2018,29(2):299-319
随着面向服务技术和云计算技术的不断成熟,尤其是面向服务体系结构SOA的不断完善以及推广,使得其主要内容Web服务已经被广泛应用.为了充分利用Web服务并解决单个Web服务的功能有限的问题,业界将多个原子Web服务按照一定的规则和业务逻辑进行组合,以提供更多功能更强大的服务,实现了Web服务的增值和复用.为保证Web服务组合的质量,需要对Web服务组合进行全面、充分的测试.然而,由于Web服务组合的动态特性和分布式特点,使得其测试技术与方法和传统的软件测试有很大区别,存在很多挑战.本文针对Web服务组合测试,对近年来Web服务组合测试研究中的测试用例生成技术、回归测试技术、测试执行和度量方法进行了系统地总结和分析.此外,我们还对Web服务组合测试中有待研究的问题进行了分析和展望.  相似文献   

Implemented by dynamic service composition and integration, Web application has significantly affected our daily life, such as e-commerce and e-government. However, the open and ever-changing environment makes Web users more vulnerable to the usability problem, i.e. unreachable pages and reduced responsiveness. Accordingly, there is a need to deliver reliable Web application with attributes that cover the correctness and reliability. For the efficient handling of failures, the compatibility verification of dynamic reconfiguration strategies is attached great importance since it can guarantee the robustness and high quality of Web-based software. This paper extends the classical finite state machine (FSM) to formalize the behaviour of Web application, namely the extended FSM for Web applications (EFSM4WA) model. This model is also suitable to formally describe the interaction behaviours of dynamic reconfiguration when Web application encountered failure. Then, the compatibility verification of dynamic reconfiguration is carried out in two phases. During the first phase, it adopts the trace projection approach to check the compatibility against the synchronized product model in a qualitative way, which will select a set of candidate Web applications. During the second phase, it takes performance into consideration to choose a high-reliability Web application in a quantitative way. Finally, a case study is demonstrated to show the applicability of our approach.  相似文献   

Web 2.0 predicates an improved and seamless user interaction and management of Web environment and resources, guaranteeing required services and a flexible generation of user applications. This occurs via an agile composition of services from available application (foundation) tools. Hence, Web 2.0 developers merely create the core of these applications, while the boundaries dynamically change and expand in accordance with user interaction (a use model). In other words, the resources, tools, and services act as plug-in entities that users can add or remove from the application's operational framework according to their needs. In this article we propose a service-oriented architecture, or SOA, model for managing the operation of Web 2.0 platform actors, improving the services provided to consumers  相似文献   

引入权限量值和量化角色的概念,建立一个细粒度的Web服务访问控制模型。通过定义Web服务和服务属性资源以及访问模式集,扩展权限集的定义;研究Web服务权限量值的定义和分配,以及量化角色的验证和表示形式;提出Web服务主体的行为量值的概念,建立与主体的角色量值的关联,实现根据Web服务主体的行为和上下文环境动态计算行为量值并调整主体权限的方法。  相似文献   

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