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医院网络一体化信息系统的建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以某职工医院为研究对象,从加强医院管理一体化出发,提出了药品分级管理与控制模式,实现了药品的全过程跟踪管理,为医院提供集药品、划价、收费、住院部结算、财务核算管理为一体化的集成化信息管理系统,规范了医院的管理业务,提高了管理水平,堵截了药品的流失和逃费、漏费现象。  相似文献   

“通过计算机管理后,避免了跑、冒、滴、漏现象。以前医院存在许多人情方,也存在采集数据滞后现象,病人出院了,检查检验报告才送到病房,导致漏费;或冒充病人开检查单、检验单,费用没有录入。肿瘤医院一年收入约4个亿,如果医院存在2%的跑、冒、滴、漏的现象,则就有800万的跑、冒、滴、漏。通过计算机管理后,就算堵住一半的漏洞,则每年就能创收400万。”中国医学科学院院肿瘤医院计算机室主任李怀成如是说。  相似文献   

通过对各检查科室程序和HIS系统部分程序修改,只有交费或记账的患者才能打印报告,从而使得漏费控制从"事后控制"转变为"事前控制",为医院创造可观的经济效益。同时实现了两者无缝联接,达到信息共享。  相似文献   

付宇 《网络与信息》2011,25(10):22-22
2011年8月15日,腾讯移动安全实验室发布首份行业研究报告《揭开手机吸费病毒的神秘面纱》,该报告详细解读了吸费病毒原理、传播途径、典型吸费案例、吸费病毒发展趋势,同时还解读了用户对手机安全的误区,给手机用户提供了有效防范手机吸费病毒的办法。分析认为,该报告在帮助用户全方位了解手机吸费病毒的同时,对于手机吸费病毒的防范与治理有着很好的借鉴意义,或催生手机吸费病毒防治行业标准。  相似文献   

“不算不知道,一算吓一跳”。中国医学科学院肿瘤医院一年的收入约4亿元,如果有2%的“跑、冒、滴、漏”现象发生,就得损失800万元。如果利用计算机系统管理能堵住一半的漏洞,则每年就能创收400万元!”医院计算机室主任李怀成算的这一笔账,对于医院来说,不能说是一笔小数目。  相似文献   

通过对发电机三种冷却介质的比较介绍了氢气冷却的优缺点,从而引出发电机漏氢问题,接着详细说明了发电机漏氢的危害,计算漏氢量的方法,阐述了漏氢的分类,重点深入分析了漏氢的原因与采取的措施。为保障发电机的健康安全运行,防止发生漏氢,运行人员借助于在线式检漏仪,随时监视氢气、油压方面的数据,及时监测和发现漏氢。  相似文献   

随着汽车保有量的增加,传统的依靠人工管理的停车场效率不高,无法充分利用停车位,造成车位资源浪费.设计一种基于射频识别技术的智能停车场管理系统,采用组绑定策略解决多车同时进入停车位时的计时计费及车位管理.多车同时停入时批量识别存在标签碰撞问题,导致动态环境下车辆标签的漏读.设计了标签防碰撞算法,并进行仿真实验.结果表明,完成全部标签识别的时间少于1 s,能够满足停车场管理的实时性要求.  相似文献   

软件下载应小心木马扣费有"黑帮"病毒危害手机中招后,"扣费黑帮"会首先向指定手机号码发送一条短信,告知黑客这台手机已被控制。随后可通过云端控制,让手机偷偷向任意指定号码发送扣费短信。为防止用户发现扣费行为,木马还同时将回馈短信屏蔽。扣费的同时,"扣费黑帮"还会将手机号码、  相似文献   

2月8日(农历正月十六),细心的网民们会在21cn主页上发现申请个人商务邮箱的链接。至此,21cn 网站21兆个人收费邮箱正式推出。该网站,个人商务邮箱的收费是指收取存储空间费、设备费、系统维护费。在其像极了传呼台的服务条款中  相似文献   

本文通过对某电力客户服务中心原有自动催费业务的分析,提出了利用.NET中间件解决异构数据库环境 下自动催费的思路,对中间件涉及的关键技术如异构数据库数据同步技术、异构数据库的事务处理技术进行了分 析和说明。该中间件可以广泛应用于其他客户服务中心的自动催费业务。  相似文献   

Mobile payments can be seen as an innovation service offered by key players from the financial and mobile communication industries. Many believe that standards ensure the success of mobile payments. However, actors with heterogeneous interests cause the complexity in standards-setting process and, therefore, the absence of standards for mobile payments. Various groups have been formed to generate standardised solutions for mobile payments. This paper describes and analyses the role of these groups and how they influence the development of mobile payments. Five consortia are explored in min-case analysis. They are the Mobile Payment Forum, the Mobey Forum, Simpay, PayCircle, and the European Committee for Banking Standards. The existence of these consortia has instigated inter-consortia competition. As a result, there are three types of mobile payments developments identified: bank-account based, telecommunications companies billing-based, and credit-card based. The implications of the developments are discussed with the help of interpretive theory.  相似文献   

针对完全信息下以供应商为核心企业的二级供应链库存系统,将全单位延期支付与部分延期支付两种手段相结合,并在考虑延期支付期限与订货量相关的条件下,设计了基于供应商视角和订货阈值的延期支付策略,从而得出此策略能使系统利润达到帕累托最优.最后,通过数值算例对相关结论进行了验证和灵敏度分析.  相似文献   

Payments are the locomotive behind any business domain. It has been predicted that mobile payments will become one of the most successful mobile services, and the security of payments is an important requirement. However, it is difficult to strongly authenticate mobile users remotely and provide an adequate level of non-repudiation of transactions. In this article, we argue that a nationwide public-key infrastructure supported by governmental bodies can be used in a mobile payment system. Not only does it provide strong security, but it also makes the system open to any mobile user, merchant, or financial service provider. Two payment protocols are described: one for virtual point-of-sale payments, and one for vending machine payments. We argue that such a system can be implemented using open development platforms, and its performance is adequate for enabling swift transactions. A prototype of a system which accepts virtual point-of-sale payments is implemented, and its performance and usability are evaluated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a qualitative study on consumer adoption of mobile payments. The findings suggest that the relative advantage of mobile payments is different from that specified in adoption theories and include independence of time and place, availability, possibilities for remote payments, and queue avoidance. Furthermore, the adoption of mobile payments was found to be dynamic, depending on certain situational factors such as a lack of other payment methods or urgency. Several other barriers to adoption were also identified, including premium pricing, complexity, a lack of critical mass, and perceived risks. The findings provide foundation for an enhanced theory on mobile payment adoption and for the practical development of mobile payment services.  相似文献   

随着区块链技术研究与应用的快速发展,可扩展性瓶颈对于其在大规模应用场景下的主要制约作用逐渐凸显.作为解决区块链可扩展性问题的关键技术之一,支付通道技术将交易清算从链上的全网矿工认证转移到链下通道内的支付双方认证,从而实现了支付近乎即时确认;结合路由算法构成的支付通道网络,实现了任意两点间的链下支付,极大地提升了区块链的...  相似文献   

Climate Coalitions in an Integrated Assessment Model   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An analytically tractable approximation of a numerical model is used toinvestigate coalition formation between nine major world regions withregard to their policies for greenhouse gas emission reduction. Fullcooperation is not individually rational. Assuming non-transferableutility, side payments do not ensure full cooperation either. Withoutside payments, the largest stable coalitions are small and consist ofsimilar regions. With side payments, the largest stable coalitionsexclude either the main culprits or the main victims of climate change.In all cases, optimal emission control is modest.  相似文献   

设计一种改进型的电子商务模型,把物流作为一种角色加入到电子商务系统中,并采用信誉评价、卖场对物流资质审查、第三方支付等手段对物流企业进行监管,从而为买家提供一种安全的、公平的电子商务平台。  相似文献   

《Card Technology Today》2004,16(7-8):16-3
The Danish payments body PBS Danmønt has said in a statement that its national e-purse scheme, Danmønt, will be phased out over the next year and a half. According to PBS, the Danmønt cash card was never embraced by the Danes as a preferred way of making small payments.  相似文献   

《Card Technology Today》2002,14(3):12-13
Vodafone, Europe’s largest cell phone operator, has announced that it is launching trials of m-commerce payments. But Deutsche Bank, one of Europe’s largest banks, is already active in the market-place. The two companies are shaping up for a battle over m-commerce payments and there are implications for the smart-card industry.  相似文献   

This paper examines how different forms of money, specifically digital versus cash, impact on the work of an organisation and its customers. In doing so it contributes to the body of literature exploring how the social meanings of money impact on practice. We describe the findings of an ethnographic study examining loan collection workflows, where bank loans given to auto-rickshaw drivers to purchase their auto-rickshaw are overseen and managed by an intermediary. We found that making the mobile money service usable for the drivers took considerable work and was largely achieved because it was embedded in the wider, trusted, loan payment ecosystem. Although Airtel Money promises anytime, anywhere payments, payment remains time and place bound for the drivers. It is tempting to take a transactional approach to payments, and indeed we initially approached the problem of enabling frequent payments as one of payment mechanism. However, in practice payments are embedded in sets of social relations and a socio-technical ecosystem. It takes considerable collaborative work, and a fair amount of flexibility, to enable these financially vulnerable drivers to pay off their loans, and reducing the issue to one of payment mechanism alone does not tell the full story.  相似文献   

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