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Cavitation behavior is very important in pumps for long time operation. However, there is difficulty in predicting the cavitation phenomena of pumps by Computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In order to accurately ascertain cavitation behavior, a comparison between CFD and experimental data is a significant and essential process. The purpose of this study is to analyze cavitating behavior in multistage centrifugal pumps numerically and experimentally. For this investigation an experimental set up was used to obtain cavitation performance results. The CFD method was used to investigate the multistage centrifugal pump performance under developed cavitating conditions. The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations were discretized by the finite volume method. The two-equation SST turbulence model was adopted to account for turbulent flows. Numerical data were validated with experimental data and a good comparison of results was achieved. Numerically, cavitation performances were obtained for different pump stages and the effects on cavitation were described according to different NPSH (Net positive suction head). The occurrence of cavitation was also described according to NPSH3% in the head drop lines and water vapor volume fraction on the impeller blade. The rapid drop in head at low NPSH was captured for different flow conditions. It was found that for stage to stage performance, the head drop changes could be related to losses inside the pump. It was also shown that the simulation results can truly represent the development of the attached sheet cavitation in the impeller.  相似文献   

针对离心泵内流场特性分析困难的问题,对离心泵流场数值模拟的几何模型建立、模型网格划分和边界条件设定进行了研究,采用计算流体力学方法,获取了在敞水性能条件下离心泵的扬程-流量、效率-流量的变化关系;结合Zwart空化模型,重点对不同有效汽蚀余量时离心泵的空化流场进行了数值模拟,得到了离心泵的内部流线和空泡分布的情况,并与该离心泵机组进行了性能测试实验,最后在此基础之上进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,所采用的数值模拟方法和空化模型合理有效,此结果可为进一步开展离心泵空化监测技术研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

固液两相离心泵内部非定常流动特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
项佳梁  李昳  唐华 《机电工程》2014,(6):702-706
为研究固液两相流离心泵内部的非定常流动特性,基于滑移网格方法,采用RNGκ-ε湍流模型以及ASMM代数滑移混合物模型,对一台高比转速固液两相离心泵内部流场进行非定常流动的数值模拟,通过分析清水工况数值计算结果、外特性性能实验结果以及固液两相流非定常数值计算结果,获得了非定常条件下固液两相输送离心泵的瞬时外特性曲线和内部流动及磨损规律。研究结果表明:在一个转动周期内,离心泵的扬程、效率和轴功率均呈现正弦波动特征;动静干涉效应使得叶轮出口处的速度和静压分布均呈现周期性波动;模型泵叶轮前后盖板的磨损情况比蜗壳壁面的磨损严重。上述计算结果可为实现高比转速固液两相流离心泵的优化水力设计和减轻磨损提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

The cavitation behavior with short length blades in centrifugal pump   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A CFD code with 2-D cascade model was developed to predict the cavitation behavior around the impeller blades of impeller in a centrifugal pump. The governing equations are the two-phase Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations in a homogeneous form in which both liquid and vapor phases are treated as incompressible fluid. To close the model, a standard k-ɛ turbulence model is introduced. And the mass transfer rates between liquid and vapor phases are implemented as well. The validations are carried out by comparing with reference data in impeller of a centrifugal pump impeller. The cavitation characteristics of current centrifugal pumps is tested at an ondesign point (V=8 m/s) and two off-design points (V=20 m/s and V=30 m/s), respectively. The criteria of cavitation and flow instability around blades are presented. The results show that the current centrifugal pump can safely operate without cavitation at on-design point. Also, the simulation shows cavitation develops inhomogeneously among the blades at off-design points. Moreover, the effects of additional blades in the impeller are studied as well. From the numerical results, it is expected that a half-length blade is the optimum configuration as additional blades in cavitation point of view.  相似文献   

针对离心泵空化状态识别难的问题,对离心泵空化前后进、出口的压力、振动和水声信号进行了研究。设计并搭建了双离心泵综合试验平台,构建了信号检测与采集系统,利用Lab VIEW工具开发了状态监测系统。在保持离心泵流量恒定的前提下,通过调节进出口阀门开度,控制其扬程变化,完成了空化模拟试验。试验中,分别测取了机组3种工况下的流量、转速和进出口压力等数据,绘制了各工况的临界汽蚀余量判别曲线。并根据离心泵的结构特点与空化特性,对离心泵的压力、振动和水声信号进行了深入地分析比较,提取了其空化特征信息。研究结果表明,空化前后进、出口压力信号、振动信号以及水声信号可作为空化监测的特征量,且相对于水声,离心泵发生空化现象后,对进、出口压力和振动参数影响更明显。  相似文献   

Cavitation is a challenging flow abnormality that leads to undesirable effects on the energy performance of the centrifugal pump and the reliable operation of the pump system. The onset and mechanism of a phenomenon that results in unsteady cavitation must be realised to ensure a reliable operation of pumps under the cavitation state. This study focuses on cavitation instability at normal flow rate, at which point the unsteady cavitation occurs as the available net positive suction head (NPSHa) falls below 5.61 m for the researched pump. An ameliorative algorithm–united algorithm for cavitation vibration analysis is proposed on the basis of short time Fourier transform (STFT) and Wigner–Ville distribution (WVD). The STFT–WVD method is then tested using vibration data measured from the centrifugal pump. The relationship between vibration and suction performance indicates that the inception and development of cavitation can be effectively detected by the distribution and intensity of the united algorithm at the testing points. Intermediate frequency components at approximately 6 kHz fluctuate initially with the development of cavitation. A time–frequency characteristic is found to be conducive to monitoring the cavitation performance of centrifugal pumps.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to determine pressure fluctuation and transient flow characteristics, which aims to provide references to improve noise and vibration performance for the pump design and optimization when delivering sediment-laden flow. The three-dimensional (3D) transient simulations were simulated by SST k-ω turbulence model combined with Homogeneous equilibrium model (HEM). The experimental and numerical data was compared to validate the numerical accuracy. The simulation results predicted that the concentration shows strong effects on the external performance, velocity, pressure, turbulent kinetic energy distribution and peak amplitude of pulsation frequency, which all perform increasing trend with the rise of concentration. Meanwhile, the effect of the diameter size of particles on the flow field was relatively minor, which can also evidently influence the internal flow, but the effect is not simply proportional to the diameter size. The effect of diameter size on silt flow needs to be taken into account associated with the concentration distribution. The dominant frequency of solid-liquid approximately equals 0.8 times that of pure water, and the transient characteristics of sediment-laden flow perform low frequency with high amplitude features.  相似文献   

Jan ?erneti? 《Measurement》2011,44(7):1293-1299
Measurement of noise and vibration signal in audible frequency range to detect cavitation in centrifugal pumps is rather unknown technique. There were already some studies performed on this technique and they showed quite good results. Due to many factors that influence the quality of the measurement, an uncertainty analysis should be performed. This paper deals with estimation of a measurement uncertainty for different kinds of measurement ways to detect the cavitation in a centrifugal pump with noise and vibration signal in audible frequency range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Especially the measurement uncertainties for cavitation detection in broad frequency range and at a discrete frequency were analyzed. Results showed that this technique is reliable despite many possible influences on uncertainty.  相似文献   

Xu  Shun  Long  Xin-ping  Ji  Bin  Li  Gui-bin  Song  Tao 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2019,33(12):5901-5912
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - The cavitating flow field in waterjet pumps is complex, especially tip leakage cavitation (TLC), which has been a puzzle to researchers for decades....  相似文献   

为了进行离心泵的启动特性的试验研究,介绍了流体输送试验台搭建的全过程,便在基于labview基础上进行了离心泵启动特性的研究.最后通过对泵的瞬态特性的理论分析和实验研究建立了瞬态期间泵流量、扬程、功率、转速关系特性曲线,从而为泵压液体发射装置的研制奠定了一定的理论基础.  相似文献   

Cavitation may not only cause head and efficiency breakdown of hydraulic machines but also generate other unfavorable phenomena such as noise and vibration. Therefore, the accurate prediction of cavitation development is important for various pump applications. In this paper, two numerical models, namely, models A and B, are applied to simulate the turbulent cavitating flows inside a centrifugal pump to investigate the effect of calculation domain on the prediction accuracy of cavitation performance for hydraulic machines. Model A has a calculation domain with volute casing, whereas model B has a single blade-to-blade flow passage without volute casing. Steady simulations of cavitating flow in the pump have been conducted based on the shear stress transport k-ω turbulence model and the homogeneous cavitation model. Both models A and B predicted that the pump performance decreases with decreasing cavitation number. Experimental results show that model B can predict better the critical cavitation number at the best efficiency point compared with model A, which is the full flow passage model. Internal flow investigations indicate that an asymmetrical feature of cavitating flow exists when the calculation domain with volute casing is applied. The asymmetrical cavitation development in different blade-to-blade flow passages for model A results in an over-estimation of the decrease in pump performance because of the interaction between the impeller blade and the tongue of the volute casing. A simple calculation domain without volute casing is preferred for steady cavitation prediction in pumps rather than the full flow passage with volute casing because the former has better convergence, less resource requirements, and lower time consumption.  相似文献   

针对离心泵汽蚀现象作了深入分析与计算,并对离心泵抗蚀能力提出了几项措施,在实际应用中取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

Cavitation of centrifugal blood pump is a serious problem accompany with the blocking failure of short inlet cannula. However, hardly any work has been seen in published literature on this complex cavitation phenomenon caused by the coupling effect of inlet cannula blocking and pumps suction. Even for cavitation studies on ordinary centrifugal pumps, similar researches on this issue are rare. In this paper, the roles of throttling, rotation speed and fluid viscosity on bubble inception and intensity in a centrifugal blood pump are studied, on the basis of experimental observations. An adjustable throttle valve installed just upstream blood pump inlet is used to simulate the throttling effect of the narrowed inlet cannula. The rotation speed is adjusted from 2 600 r/rain to 3 200 r/min. Glycerin water solutions are used to investigate the influences of kinetic viscosity. Bubbles are recorded with a high-speed video camera. Direct observation shows that different from cavitation in industrial centrifugal pumps, gas nuclei appears at the nearby of vane leading edges while throttling is light, then moves upstream to the joint position of inlet pipe and pump with the closing of the valve. It's found that the critical inlet pressure, obtained when bubbles are first observed, decreases linearly with viscosity and the slope is independent with rotation speeds; the critical inlet pressure and the inlet extreme pressure which is obtained when the throttle valve is nearly closed, fall linearly with rotation speed respectively and the relative pressure between them is independent with rotation speed and fluid viscosity. This paper studies experimentally on cavitation in centrifugal blood pump that caused by the failure of assembled short inlet cannula, which mav beneficial the desima of centrifugal blood Dumo with inlet cannula.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation on suction vortices behavior in a centrifugal pump was carried out to investigate their influence on the internal flow through impellers including formation and shedding of cavitation by using a finite-volume method and k-ω Shear Stress Transport turbulence model. For cavitating flow, a two phase homogeneous cavitation model was used. A full three-dimensional flow in a single-section centrifugal pump consisting of a six blade impeller and shroud ring was computed with structured mesh. A constant suction vortex is imposed as a boundary condition. Vortices behavior was investigated according to the variation of flow rates of two pump systems with and without suction vortices. From the results, suction vortices induced biased flow structure and more cavitations, especially at the low flow rate condition. Complicated internal flow phenomena through impellers such as formation of cavitations, growing and shedding of the vortex, flow separation and flow unsteadiness due to the suction vortices are investigated and discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - The Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations and the shear stress transport k-w turbulence model are employed to simulate the centrifugal pump with...  相似文献   

The Lubrication Mode of line contacts between the vane and the camring in an oil hydraulic vane pump has been investigated. First, the variations of the radial force of a vane were calculated from previous measurements of dynamic internal pressure in four chambers surrounding a vane. Next, the lubrication modes were distinguished with Hooke’s chart, which is an improvement over Johnson’s chart. Finally, the influence of the boundary conditions in the lubrication region on the fluid film lubrication was examined by calculating the film pressure distributions. The results showed that the lubrication mode of the vane tip exists in the rigidvariable-viscosity region, and that discharge pressure higher than 7 MPa greatly affects the oil film pressure in the small and the large arc section because of the Piezo-viscous effect.  相似文献   

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - Clearance flow has great impact on pressure fluctuation of centrifugal pumps. Numerical calculations are performed to study the pressure fluctuation...  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation is to simulate and analyze the tip leakage flow structure and instantaneous evolution of tip vortex cavitation in a scaled axial-flow pump model. The improved filter-based turbulence model based on the density correction and a homogeneous cavitation model were used for implementing this work. The results show that when entering into the tip clearance, the backward flow separates from the blade tip near the pressure side, resulting in the generation of a corner vortex with high magnitude of turbulence kinetic energy. Then, at the exit of the tip clearance, the leakage jets would re-attach on the blade tip wall. Moreover, the maximum swirling strength method was employed in identifying the TLV core and a counter-rotating induced vortex near the end-wall successfully. The three-dimensional cavitation patterns and in-plain cavitation structures obtained by the improved numerical method agree well with the experimental results. At the sheet cavitation trailing edge in the tip region, the perpendicular cavitation cloud induced by TLV sheds and migrates toward the pressure side of the neighboring blade. During its migration, it breaks down abruptly and generates a large number of small-scale cavities, leading to severe degradation of the pump performance, which is similar with the phenomenon observed by Tan et al. [35].  相似文献   

We performed numerical simulations to study the flow characteristic in a centrifugal pump based on the RANS equations and the RNG k-ε turbulent model. The flow field, including the front and back pump chambers, the impeller wear-ring, the impeller passage, the volute casing, the inlet section and outlet section was calculated to obtain accurate numerical results of fluid flow in a centrifugal pump. The flow characteristic was studied from the internal flow structure in pump chambers, the radial velocity at impeller outlet as well as the pressure inside of the pump, the circumferential velocity and the radial velocity in front pump chamber. The variation of flow parameters in internal flow versus flow rate in the centrifugal pump was analyzed. The results show that the overall performance of the pump is in good agreement with the experimental data. The simulation results show that the distribution of flow field in the front pump chamber is axial asymmetry. The energy dissipation at the impeller outlet is larger than other areas. The distribution of the circumferential velocity and that of radial velocity are similar along the axial direction in the front pump chamber, but the distribution of flow is different along the circumferential and the radial directions. It was also found that the vorticity is large at the impeller inlet compared with other areas.  相似文献   

A submerged cargo pump is installed vertically above the bottom of a cargo tank. The intake shape of the pump is an important operation parameter. Therefore, we investigated the performance and cavitation characteristics of the cargo pump with intake according to intake shape. A cargo pump was composed of an intake, inducer, impeller, and diffuser. First, a cargo pump with a straight pipe intake was measured. Next, the cargo pump with an intake applied the tank bottom shape was investigated. The results of performance and efficiency were compared. The flow characteristics in the inducer changed as the flow passed through the intake affected by the tank bottom shape. The pump head and the efficiency slightly decreased, but the inducer head considerably reduced. Since the incidence angle became a negative value and the cavity volume increased at the leading edge of inducer, the NPSHr (Required net positive suction head) increased. As the inlet pressure decreased, cavitation instabilities clearly appeared. Different gaps between the pump intake and the tank bottom were also investigated. The gap had a critical point without the significant performance loss decrease.  相似文献   

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