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Extended electron distributions (XEDs) have been used to simulate the formation of complexes by intermolecular interaction via: (i) aromatic stacking; and (ii) hydrogen bonding. The results qualitatively reproduce experimental observations. In contrast, atom-centred partial charges fail to reproduce highly hydrogen-bonded systems, but make little difference in cases where interactions are driven largely by van der Waals forces. The dielectric constant used in the Coulombic term has been shown to be significant in defining the type and properties of these interactions when XEDs are employed. Some consideration has been given to solvation and entropy effects.  相似文献   

Quinolones are potent broad spectrum antibacterial drugs that target the bacterial type II DNA topoisomerases. Their cytotoxicity derives from their ability to shift the cleavage-religation equilibrium required for topoisomerase action toward cleavage, thereby effectively trapping the enzyme on the DNA. It has been proposed that these drugs act by binding to the enzyme-DNA complex. Using catalytically inactive and quinolone-resistant mutant topoisomerase IV proteins, nitrocellulose filter DNA binding assays, and KMnO4 probing of drug-DNA and drug-DNA-enzyme complexes, we show: (i) that norfloxacin binding to DNA induces a structural alteration, which probably corresponds to an unwinding of the helix, that is exacerbated by binding of the topoisomerase and by binding of the drug to the enzyme and (ii) that formation of this structural perturbation in the DNA precedes DNA cleavage by the topoisomerase in the ternary complex. We conclude that cleavage of the DNA and the resultant opening of the DNA gate during topoisomerization requires the induction of strain in the DNA that is bound to the enzyme. We suggest that quinolones may act to accelerate the rate of DNA cleavage by stimulating acquisition of this structural perturbation in the ternary complex.  相似文献   

The interaction of topoisomerase II with its DNA cleavage site is critical to the physiological functions of the enzyme. Despite this importance, the specific enzyme-DNA interactions that drive topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage and religation are poorly understood. Therefore, to dissect interactions between the enzyme and its cleavage site, abasic DNA lesions were incorporated into a bilaterally symmetrical and identical cleavage site. Results indicate that topoisomerase II has unique interactions with each position of the 4-base overhang generated by enzyme-mediated DNA cleavage. Lesions located 2 bases 3' to the point of scission stimulated cleavage the most, whereas those 3 bases from the point of scission stimulated cleavage the least. Moreover, an additive and in some cases synergistic cleavage enhancement was observed in oligonucleotides that contained multiple DNA lesions, with levels reaching >60-fold higher than the wild-type substrate. Finally, topoisomerase II efficiently cleaved and religated a DNA substrate in which apyrimidinic sites were simultaneously incorporated at every position on one strand of the 4-base overhang. Therefore, unlike classical DNA ligases in which base pairing is the driving force behind closure of the DNA break, it appears that for topoisomerase II, the enzyme is responsible for the spatial orientation of the DNA termini for ligation.  相似文献   

Truncated activin type II receptors have been reported to inhibit activin receptor signaling in Xenopus embryos, although the mechanism of action for this effect has not been fully understood. In the present study we demonstrate that in P19 embryonal carcinoma cells both the induction of the activin responsive 3TP-lux reporter construct and the inhibition of retinoic acid-induced neuronal differentiation by activin are blocked by expression of a truncated activin receptor. To reveal the mechanism of action of truncated activin receptors, the interaction between different activin receptors has been investigated upon coexpression in COS cells followed by cross-linking of 125I-activin A and subsequent immunoprecipitation. Complexes between a truncated activin type IIA receptor and activin type IA and type IB receptors can be formed, as demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation of these type I receptors with the truncated activin type IIA receptor. Other type I receptors known as ALK-1 and ALK-6 also coimmunoprecipitate with the truncated type IIA receptor, whereas ALK-3 and ALK-5 do not. Furthermore, the activin type IIB2 receptor does not coimmunoprecipitate with the truncated type IIA receptor, but decreases activin binding to the truncated type IIA receptor. In double immunoprecipitation experiments with cell lysates from COS cells, in which full-length activin type IIA and type IIB2 receptors were cotransfected, no interaction between these receptors was found. In contrast, homomeric complexes of full-length activin type IIA receptors were detected. These results implicate that truncated activin receptors can interfere with activin signaling by interacting with activin type I receptors. Additionally, truncated activin type IIB2 receptors might also interfere with type IIA receptor signaling by decreasing activin binding to the type IIA receptor and therefore might be more potent in inhibiting activin signal transduction. Furthermore, our data indicate that truncated type IIA receptors can interact with other type I receptors and as such might inhibit signal transduction by type I receptors other than activin type IA and type IB receptors.  相似文献   

Hypoxitherapy proposed by Russian researchers promotes a 2-3-fold decrease in morbidity of poor-health subjects (high risk groups). As shown by the experience gained in the medical department of the Moskvich car corporation hypoxitherapy provides enhancement of the human resistance to extreme ecological conditions responsible for high mortality of population in the Russian Federation. The information on the production of special devices, hypoxicators, for creation of hypoxic mixtures (mountain air) is given. Large-scale application of hypoxitherapy for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation seems most effective in the conditions of sanatoria.  相似文献   

Twenty three patients with paediatric soft tissue sarcomas who had relapsed or refractory disease were treated with a rapid schedule of intravenous etoposide (100 mg/m2 daily on three consecutive days, weekly over 3 weeks). The regimen was well tolerated with predictable myelotoxicity. In 19 patients with rhabdomyosarcoma, there was a response rate of 42%. This appears to be better than previously reported with conventional three weekly schedules. These data indicate that for rhabdomyosarcoma, as for some other tumours, a divided dose regimen may be the optimal schedule and is worthy of further evaluation.  相似文献   

The flow of heat during the start-up of the direct chill (DC) casting process has been studied with the aim of determining the factors that make this phase of the process prone to face crack generation. Measurements have been made on an AA5182 rolling ingot instrumented with embedded thermocouples placed at key locations in the vicinity of the ingot face near its base. The resulting temperature data have been input to a two-dimensional (2-D) inverse heat-transfer model, developed in part I of this two part study, in order to calculate heat fluxvs surface temperature curves in the direct water impingement regime. The findings indicate that the flow of heat is influenced by changing surface morphology and water flow conditions during the start-up phase. A finite element based simulation of the cast start, employing the calculated flux/surface temperature relations, reveals that the ingot shell at the point of water contact reaches a maximum thickness early in the casting process. The location of this maximum was found to coincide with the position where surface cracks are routinely found to initiate. Further, this maximum was found to also coincide with position at which the rate of deflection of the base of the ingot (“butt-curl”) begins to slow. Based on the heat-flow analysis, it is believed that the face cracks form due to an excessive shell thickness during transient start-up conditions and that their occurrence could be reduced by an optimal combination of water flow rate and casting speed during start-up.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to obtain evidence for direct interactions of G-protein alpha (Galpha) and beta gamma subunits (Gbeta gamma) with N- (alpha1B) and P/Q-type (alpha1A) Ca2+ channels, using synthetic peptides and fusion proteins derived from loop 1 (cytoplasmic loop between repeat I and II) and the C terminus of these channels. For N-type, prepulse facilitation as mediated by Gbeta gamma was impaired when a synthetic loop 1 peptide was applied intracellularly. Receptor agonist-induced inhibition of N-type as mediated by Galpha was also impaired by the loop 1 peptide but only when applied in combination with a C-terminal peptide. For P/Q-type channels, by contrast, the Galpha-mediated inhibition was diminished by application of a C-terminal peptide alone. Moreover, in vitro binding analysis for N- and P/Q-type channels revealed direct interaction of Galpha with C-terminal fusion proteins as well as direct interaction of Gbeta gamma with loop 1 fusion proteins. These findings define loop 1 of N- and P/Q-type Ca2+ channels as an interaction site for Gbeta gamma and the C termini for Galpha.  相似文献   

Since dual specificity at the antibody active-site level involves new principles relative to monospecific antigen-antibody interactions and may be a general property of autoantibodies, it was important to further characterize such antibodies. Four lupus derived autoantibodies were studied to understand parameters and mechanisms involved in the participation of dual-specific antibody molecules in the formation of highly stable immune complexes. Because the dual-specific binding properties of selected lupus-related murine autoantibodies had been previously described using a solid-phase polystyrene-based ELISA, a conformational sensitive membrane based assay (CSI) was used on a comparative basis to further characterize NZB/NZW F1 murine monoclonal anti-DNA autoantibodies BV 04-01 (anti-ssDNA), BV 16-19 (anti-ssDNA), BV 17-45 (anti-dsDNA), and BV 16-13 (anti-dsDNA). All four monoclonal autoantibodies exhibited anti-IgG binding in the solid-phase ELISA. However in the CSI assay, only anti-dsDNA monoclonal autoantibodies BV 17-45 and BV 16-13 demonstrated anti-IgG binding, while anti-ssDNA autoantibodies BV 04-01 and BV 16-19 did not. Upon subjection to time-dependent thermal denaturation, with and without thiol reduction at 100 degrees C in the CSI, the self-binding activities of BV 17-45 and BV 16-13 were abrogated demonstrating that the recognized IgG autoepitope(s) possessed conformational or discontinuous three-dimensional properties. The immunological implications of dual specificity are discussed on a structure-function basis and its correlation with formation of pathogenic immune complexes.  相似文献   

The hydrogen bond distributions in 123 protein structures with the atom coordinates established at a resolution of less than 2 A were analyzed. The peculiarities of hydrogen bond distributions with respect to the lengths and remoteness of contacting residues in the primary structure were established. A hierarchy of H-bond energy distribution in the spatial structure of protein globules was demonstrated. The role of hydrogen bonds in the formation of domain structure and their special properties in proteins with different types of secondary structure are discussed.  相似文献   

Transposition of the maize Suppressor-mutator (Spm) transposon requires two element-encoded proteins, TnpA and TnpD. Although there are multiple TnpA binding sites near each element end, binding of TnpA to DNA is not cooperative, and the binding affinity is not markedly affected by the number of binding sites per DNA fragment. However, intermolecular complexes form cooperatively between DNA fragments with three or more TnpA binding sites. TnpD, itself not a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein, binds to TnpA and stabilizes the TnpA-DNA complex. The high redundancy of TnpA binding sites at both element ends and the protein-protein interactions between DNA-bound TnpA complexes and between these and TnpD imply a concerted transition of the element from a linear to a protein crosslinked transposition complex within a very narrow protein concentration range.  相似文献   

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