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Impinging jets may be used to achieve enhanced local heat transfer for convective heating, cooling, or drying. The issuing jet may contact the surface normally or obliquely. Factors such as jet attachment, surface angle, jet angle and size, separation distance between jet orifice and surface of impingement, and trajectory influence heat transfer dramatically. This study addresses the thermal problem of jet impingement on an inclined surface and is motivated by the practical application of air jets issuing out of a defroster’s nozzles and impinging on the inclined windshield surface of a vehicle. The effects of incoming fluid velocity, openings’ geometry (circular vs. rectangular), number of openings, angle that the inclined surface makes with the horizontal plane and angle of impinging jet on heat transfer are examined. Fluid mechanics and heat transfer characteristics are exhibited in details for a configuration with three rectangular openings. A comparative study for other configurations is also featured. The results are correlated in terms of governing dimensionless parameters through numerically-based correlations that are useful for predicting heat transfer on an inclined surface subject to impinging airflow.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to enhance the heat transfer on an impinged surface under an impinging jet array by minimizing a cross-flow effect. Conventional round orifices (aspect ratio, AR = 1) are substituted by the elongated orifices with aspect ratio AR = 4 and 8 with the same jet exit area. Two types of orifice arrangements; in-line and staggered arrays are compared. The experimental investigation was carried out at constant distance from orifice plate to impinged surface H = 2DE (DE is equivalent diameter of orifice). The heat transfer characteristic was visualized using thermochromic liquid crystal sheet (TLCs) and the Nusselt number distribution was evaluated by an image processing technique. The flow characteristic on the impinged surface was also visualized by oil film technique. The results show that the cross-flow in a case of the jets issued from the orifices with AR = 4 is considerably less significant than that in cases of the ones delivered from the orifices with AR = 1 and 8. At Reynolds number of 13,400, the Nusselt numbers for the jet arrays issued from the elongated orifices with AR = 4 with in-line and staggered arrangements are respectively 6.04% and 12.52% higher than those for the case of AR = 1.  相似文献   

Flow and heat transfer characteristics of slot jets impingement to a cylindrical convex surface are numerically investigated.Suitable turbulence models have been determined through comparison with the experimental data.Flow structures are described and impingement heat transfer characteristics are discussed.The effects of Re,H/B and D/B on single-slot jets impingement heat transfer are analyzed and heat transfer characteristics of multiple-slot jets are investigated.The results show that:Gas flows along the convex surface and boundary layer separation occurs in both single and multiple-slot jets impingement.A maximum stagnation Nu appears at H/B=8 and the local Nu decreases with increasing H/B in the region far away from the stagnation.The Nu in the stagnation region decreases with increasing D/B but the Nu is nearly the same in the region far away from the stagnation.Pressure gradient is an important factor on heat transfer enhancement.Correlations of the Num for single-slot,double-slot and quadric-slot jets impinging on a convex surface are obtained.It indicates the effects of Re and D/B on Num could become more important in less slot jets impingement.  相似文献   

Mist/steam cooling by a row of impinging jets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mist/steam cooling has been studied to augment internal steam-only cooling for advanced turbine systems. Water droplets generally less than 10 μm are added to 1.3 bar steam and injected through a row of four round jets onto a heated surface. The Reynolds number is varied from 7500 to 22,500 and the heat flux varied from 3.3 to 13.4 kW/m2. The mist enhances the heat transfer along the stagnation line and downstream wanes in about 3 jet diameters. The heat transfer coefficient improves by 50-700% at the stagnation line for mist concentrations 0.75-3.5% by weight. Off-axis maximum cooling occurs in most of the mist/steam flow but not in the steam-only flow. CFD simulation indicates that this off-axis cooling peak is caused by droplets’ interaction with the target walls.  相似文献   

This experiment investigates the impact outcomes of ethanol drop on a moving inclined surface at the various inclined angles and moving velocities. The gravity not only can promote the instability of the expanding film at downward flow but also can stabilize the film at upward flow during the drop impact onto a stationary inclined surface. Considering the horizontal moving surface, the surface velocity excites the occurrence of splashing that is toward the opposite direction of surface movement, whereas it suppresses the splashing in the same direction of surface movement. When the inclined surface moves downward at a proper surface velocity, the impact outcomes can be changed from downward splashing to deposition, and furthermore, the direction of splashing also can be changed to upward by increasing the surface velocity. The regime of deposition will be enlarged by an appropriate surface velocity, and this tendency is more obvious with a larger inclined angle.  相似文献   

In order to explore the potential effect of unsteady intermittent pulsations on the heat and mass transfer rate of multiple impinging jets, a numerical study is performed on a two-dimensional pulsating impinging jet array under large temperature differences between jet flows and impingement wall when the thermo-physical properties can change significantly in the flow domain. Computational fluid dynamic approach is used to simulate the flow and thermal fields of multiple pulsating impinging jets. The numerical results indicate a significant heat transfer enhancement due to intermittent pulsation over a wide range of conditions. The oscillatory flow periodically alters the flow patterns in contrast to steady jets, which can eliminate the formation of a static stagnation point and enhance the local Nusselt number along the impingement wall between adjacent jets. Examination of the velocity field shows that the instantaneous heat transfer rate on the target surface is highly dependent on the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer development with time.  相似文献   

An experimental study was carried out to investigate the shape and the heat transfer characteristics of an array of three laminar pre-mixed butane/air slot flame jets impinging upwards normally on a horizontal water-cooled flat plate. The effects of jet-to-jet spacing and nozzle-to-plate distance were examined at the Reynolds number (Re) of 1000 and the equivalence ratio (?) of unity. Comparisons of the heat transfer characteristics between single and multiple slot flame jets, as well as multiple slot and round jets, were made. The between-jet interference decreased with increasing jet-to-jet spacing (s/de) and nozzle-to-plate distance (H/de). Strong interference was obtained at s/de = 1 and H/de = 2, at which the central jet was suppressed while the side jets were deflected towards their free sides. In addition, there was no minimum heat flux found in the inter-jet interacting zone, instead, a peak heat flux was obtained. Thermal performance was reduced when H/de became smaller than the length of the conical luminous reaction zone of the flame. A maximum average heat flux occurred at the moderate jet-to-jet spacing of s/de = 2.5 at Re = 1000, ? = 1 and H/de = 2. The resultant heat flux distribution of the central jet of a multiple slot jets system was higher than that of a single slot jet when the jet-to-jet spacing was small, but this advantage in thermal performance diminished when the jet-to-jet spacing was increased. Besides, the area-averaged heat flux of the multiple slot flame jets was higher than that of the multiple round flame jets arranged at the same geometric configuration.  相似文献   

An experimental study was performed to determine the effects of inclination of an impinging two dimensional slot jet on the heat transfer from a flat plate. Local Nusselt numbers and surface pressure distributions were determined depending on inclination angle, jet-to-plate spacing and Reynolds number. The results showed that the location of maximum heat transfer was mainly due to the angle of inclination. As the inclination angle increases, the location of the maximum heat transfer shifts towards the uphill side of the plate and the value of the maximum Nusselt number gradually increases at lower jet-to-plate spacings.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional double-diffusive natural convective heat and mass transfer in an inclined rectangular porous medium has been investigated numerically. Two opposing walls of the cavity are maintained at fixed but different temperatures and concentrations; while the other two walls are adiabatic. The generalized model with the Boussinesq approximation is used to solve the governing equations. The flow is driven by a combined buoyancy effect due to both temperature and concentration variations. A finite volume approach has been used to solve the non-dimensional governing equations and the pressure velocity coupling is treated via the SIMPLER algorithm. The results are presented in streamline, isothermal, iso-concentration, Nusselt and Sherwood contours for different values of the non-dimensional governing parameters. A wide range of non-dimensional parameters have been used including, aspect ratio (2 ≤ A ≤ 5), angle of inclination of the cavity (0 ≤ ? ≤ 85), Lewis number (0.1 ≤ Le ≤ 10), and the buoyancy ratio (− 5 ≤ N ≤ 5).  相似文献   

This paper presents a parametric study on mixed convection heat transfer in an inclined arc-shape cavity subjected to a moving lid. The governing equations for the inclined arc-shape cavity were derived with the incorporation of inertia and buoyant force terms and solved by using the finite-volume method and numerical grid generation scheme. The parametric study considered three physical parameters including inclination angle, Reynolds number and Grashof number, and explored the effect of these parameters on the flow field and heat transfer characteristics. Computations were conducted for the Reynolds number ranging from 100 to 1500, Grashof number from 105 to 107 and inclination angle from 150 to 600. The numerical results show that the flow pattern becomes inertia-dominant and the strength of the primary vortex generally increases as the Reynlods number increases. As the Grashof number increases, the strength of the inertial-induced vortex decreases and the strength of the buoyancy-induced vortex increases. The strength of the vortexes decreases with the increasing inclination angle and the buoyancy-induced flow becomes more dominant. The average Nusselt number increases as the Grashof number increases for all the inclination angles studied here. The local friction increases with the increasing inclination angle, and becomes significant as the Grashof number increases.  相似文献   

Heat transfer results of an inline array of round jets impinging on a staggered array of hemispherical dimples are reported with the consideration of various parametric effects such as Reynolds number (ReDj), jet-to-plate spacing (H/Dj), dimple depth (d/Dd) and ratio of jet diameter to dimple projected diameter (Dj/Dd) for both impinging on dimples and impinging on flat portions. The results were normalized against those from a flat plate. The heat transfer was measured by using transient wideband liquid crystal method. Our previous work (Kanokjaruvijit and Martinez-Botas (2005) [1]) on the effect of crossflow scheme suggested that jet impingement coupled with channel-like flow formed by the crossflow helped enhance heat transfer on a dimpled surface; hence three sidewalls were installed to constrain the spent air to leave in one direction. Throughout the study, the pitch of the nozzle holes was kept constant at 4 jet diameters. The Reynolds number (ReDj) ranging from 5000 to 11,500, jet-to-plate spacing (H/Dj) varying from 1 to 12 jet diameters, dimple depths (d/Dd) of 0.15, 0.25 and 0.29, and dimple curvature (Dj/Dd) of 0.25, 0.50 and 1.15 were examined. The shallow dimples (d/Dd = 0.15) improved heat transfer significantly by 70% at H/Dj = 2 compared to that of the flat surface, while this value was 30% for the deep ones (d/Dd = 0.25). The improvement also occurred to the moderate and high Dj/Dd. Thereafter, the heat transfer results were correlated in dimensionless form by using logarithmic multiple regression. The correlations were reported with necessary statistics.  相似文献   

The influence of flow instabilities on the efficiency of a twin-jet air curtain formed by a cold stream parallel to a hot stream was studied. Two cases were considered: the Reynolds number and mean flow velocity of both streams were set to 1000 and 3 m/s, respectively. The results obtained from 3D LES simulations were compared with experimental data and earlier LES numerical results using the FDS code. Energy spectra exhibit decay laws with − 5/3 and − 3 slopes. Instabilities with a characteristic Strouhal number of about 0.4 were detected. Kelvin-Helmoltz type instabilities play a more significant role than the Görtler type instabilities present at the wall for applications of plane impinging jets to ambience separation.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to investigate the heat transfer characteristics of a row of three premixed, laminar, butane/air flame jets impinging on a water-cooled flat plate. The between-jet interference was found to reduce the heat transfer rate in the jet-to-jet interacting zone due to the depressed combustion. The interference became stronger when the jet-to-jet spacing and/or the nozzle-to-plate distance were/was small. The positive pressure existed in the between-jet interacting zone caused the asymmetric flame and heat transfer distribution of the side jet. The meeting point of the spreading wall jets of the central and the side jets did not occur at the midpoint of the neighboring jets, but at a location shifted slightly outwards. The maximum local heat flux and the maximum area-averaged heat flux occurred at a moderate nozzle-to-plate distance of 5d with a moderate jet-to-jet spacing of 5d. The lowest area-averaged heat flux was produced when both the jet-to-jet spacing and the nozzle-to-plate distance were small. Comparing with a single jet under the same experimental conditions, the heat transfer rates in both the stagnation point and the maximum heat transfer point were shown to be enhanced in a row of three-jet-impingement system. The present study provided detailed information on the heat transfer characteristics of a row of three in-line impinging flame jets, which had rarely been reported in previous study.  相似文献   

The flow field of confined circular and elliptic jets was studied experimentally with a Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) system. In addition, heat transfer characteristics were numerically investigated. Experiments were conducted with a circular jet and an elliptic jet of aspect ratio four, jet to target spacings of 2 and 6 jet diameters, and Reynolds number 10 000. The toroidal recirculation pattern was observed in the outflow region for both geometries at dimensionless jet to plate distance 2. Higher spreading rates in the minor axis direction of the elliptic jet have also been mapped. Along the target plate, different boundary layer profiles were obtained for circular and elliptic jets at H/d=2, but profiles became similar when dimensionless jet to plate distance was increased to 6. Positions of maximum radial and axial velocities and turbulence intensities have been determined for both geometries. For the confined circular and elliptic jet geometries, analysis of flow field measurements and numerical heat transfer results showed that inner peaks in local heat transfer closely relate to turbulence intensities in the jet and radial flow acceleration along the wall. Differences between the circular and elliptic jet, in terms of flow field and heat transfer characteristics, reduced with increase in the jet to plate distance.  相似文献   

The main aim of this investigation is to discover the effects of clearance parameters on the steady-state heat transfer. In order to solve the three-dimensional elliptic governing equations, a finite volume based CFD code was used. The clearance gap between fin tips and shroud, the base and fin temperatures and the size and configuration of the finned surfaces were varied during the parametric study. The numerical results have been compared to existing experimental values from the literature and the comparison shows a good agreement. It is found that the heat transfer coefficient increases with the increase in the clearance parameter and it approaches to the value of heat transfer coefficient obtained for unshrouded fin arrays.  相似文献   

Flow and heat transfer characteristics of swirling impinging jet (SIJ) were studied experimentally at constant nozzle-to-plate distance of L = 4D. The swirling jet is generated by inserting twisted tapes within a pipe nozzle. Effects of swirl on the impinged surface are investigated at twist ratios (y/W) of ∞ (straight tape), 3.64, 2.27, 1.82, and 1.52. The flow patterns of the free swirling jet and the swirling impinging jet were visualized by mixing dye with the jet flow. Distributions of temperature and convective heat transfer coefficient on the impinged surface were measured with thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) sheet and image processing technique. Additionally, an oil film technique was performed as a complementary technique for flow visualization on the impinged surface. The experimental results reveal that there appear to be two peaks of heat transfer in the jet impingement region. The heat transfer enhancements in jet impingement region can be achieved at a low twist ratio of 3.64 which corresponds to the swirl number of 0.4.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIoNJetimpingementhasbeenextensivelyemployedintechnicalprocessestoproducerelativelyhighheat/massfluxes.Incomparisonwiththeheat/masstransferratesprovidedbyconventionaltechniqueswithfluidfiowsparalleltotheheat/masstransfersur-face,aremarkableincreaseintransfercoefficientscanbeobtainedinthisfashion.Inmostcasesairisusedastheworkingmedium.Examplesofairjetapp1icationsincludecoolingofturbinebladesandelectroniccom-ponents,annealingofmetallicandplasticsheets,dry-ingoftextilesandpaper,andtem…  相似文献   

对旋进射流冲击平板时的传热进行了实验研究。通过在圆筒套管内设置一块孔板构成旋进射流喷嘴,得到了持续稳定的旋进射流。对旋进射流的流动特性作了研究,给出了旋进射流的频率与尺寸、Re的关系。用两种不同孔径的旋进射流冲击一块加热平板,并与普通的射流冲击传热作对比。结果表明,由于旋进射流与流体混合作用加剧而大大地降低了流速,使得强化传热的效果减弱,这种趋势在驻点附近尤为明显。  相似文献   

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