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Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching with an unmodified confocal laser scanning microscope (confocal FRAP) was used to determine the diffusion properties of network forming biological macromolecules such as aggrecan. The technique was validated using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled dextrans and proteins (molecular mass 4-2000 kDa) at 25 degrees C and with fluorescent microspheres (207 nm diameter) over a temperature range of 5-50 degrees C. Lateral diffusion coefficients (D) were independent of the focus position, and the degree and extent of bleach. The free diffusion coefficient (Do) of FITC-aggrecan determined by confocal FRAP was 4.25 +/- 0.6 x 10(-8) cm2 s-1, which is compatible with dynamic laser light scattering measurements. It appeared to be independent of concentration below 2.0 mg/ml, but at higher concentrations (2-20 mg/ml) the self-diffusion coefficient followed the function D = Do(e)(-Bc). The concentration at which the self-diffusion coefficient began to fall corresponded to the concentration predicted for domain overlap. Multimolecular aggregates of aggrecan ( approximately 30 monomers) had a much lower free diffusion coefficient (Do = 6.6 +/- 1.0 x 10(-9) cm2 s-1) but showed a decrease in mobility with concentration of a form similar to that of the monomer. The method provides a technique for investigating the macromolecular organization in glycan-rich networks at concentrations close to those found physiologically.  相似文献   

A panel of reovirus strains was used to compare myocarditic potential with induction of cytopathic effect in primary cardiac myocyte and cardiac fibroblast cultures. The results suggest that viral cytopathogenicity in cardiac myocytes, but not in cardiac fibroblasts, is a determinant of reoviral myocarditis.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) is known to regulate cardiac cell function and its overexpression in the heart is thought to contribute to the development of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis. We wished to develop a high efficiency gene transfer method that could be used both in vitro and in vivo and result in the overexpression of TGF-beta 1. For this purpose, we constructed a replication-deficient human adenovirus 5 vector encoding for human TGF-beta 1 and used for control purposes an adenovirus lacZ vector. The adenovirus 5 construct was capable of infecting neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, fibroblasts and VSMCs. Of the three cell types, cardiac myocytes appear more susceptible to infection by the adenovirus 5 construct as assessed through beta-galactosidase staining. Infection of cardiac fibroblasts, myocytes and VSMCs with the hTGF-beta 1 adenovirus leads to the expression of hTGF-beta 1 mRNA and enhanced levels of bioactive and total TGF-beta 1 protein. Infection with hTGF-beta 1 adenovirus also results in enhanced levels of collagen type III gene expression in VSMCs and fibroblasts whereas in cardiac myocytes it leads to increased levels for sarcomeric and beta-actin. Thus, this adenoviral vector might be used for the exploration of in vivo effects of altered levels of cardiac TGF-beta 1.  相似文献   

Pre-treatment with the immunosuppressant FK506 is shown to protect primary cardiocytes against a subsequent severe thermal or ischaemic stress. This effect is not observed with the related compounds cyclosporin A or rapamycin. It does not involve induction of the FK506 binding, heat inducible protein hsp56 or of the other heat shock proteins. In addition over-expression of hsp56 does not protect cardiac cells from severe stress in contrast to our previous results with hsp70 and hsp90. These results suggest the FK506 is acting via a novel mechanism to protect cardiac cells against cellular ischaemia which may not be related to its immunosuppressant action.  相似文献   

We examined intracellular calcium transients of isolated single cardiac myocytes from rats with doxorubicin (DOX)-induced cardiomyopathy with simultaneous measurement of cell motion. DOX was administered i.p. to Sprague-Dawley rats at 2.5 mg/kg once a week for 10 weeks. Field-stimulated calcium transients and simultaneous cell motion in single myocytes were measured in the presence or absence of isoproterenol using fura-2/AM. Histopathologic examination revealed slight changes. The time courses of both calcium transients and cell motion were significantly prolonged by DOX. There was a slight but not significant reduction in parameters of contractility in both calcium transients and cell motion. The beta-adrenoceptor responsiveness of both calcium transients and cell motion was not significantly impaired compared with the controls. Our data indicated that, despite the slight histologic changes in the heart in DOX-induced cardiomyopathy, impaired sequestration of intracellular free calcium ions in individual myocytes may be one factor leading to diastolic dysfunction. Monitoring of diastolic function is important to detect early cardiotoxicity caused by DOX.  相似文献   

In addition to playing a significant role in cardiac excitation-contraction coupling, intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) can regulate gene expression. While the mechanisms regulating expression of Ca2+ channels are not entirely defined, some evidence exists for Ca2+-dependent regulation. Using an adult ventricular myocyte culture system, we determined the effects of Ca2+ on: (1) abundance of mRNA for L-type Ca2+ channel alpha1 subunit (DHP receptor); (2) amount of DHP receptors; and (3) whole-cell Ca2+ current (ICa). Rat ventricular myocytes were cultured for 1-3 days in serum-free medium containing either normal (1.8 mM) or high (4.8 mM) Ca2+. Exposing myocytes to high Ca2+ rapidly elevated [Ca2+]i as determined by fura-2. Northern blot analysis revealed that culturing cells in high Ca2+ produced 1.5-fold increase in mRNA levels for the DHP receptor. The abundance of DHP receptors, determined by ligand binding, was two-fold greater in myocytes after 3 days in high Ca2+. Moreover, peak ICa was larger in myocytes cultured for 3 days in high Ca2+ (-17.8+/-1.5 pA/pF, n=26) than in control cells (-11.0+/-1.0 pA/pF, n=23). Voltage-dependent activation and inactivation, rates of current decay, as well as percent increases in ICa elicited by Bay K8644 were similar in all groups. Therefore, larger ICa is likely to represent a greater number of functional channels with unchanged kinetics. Our data support the conclusion that transient changes in [Ca2+]i can modulate DHP receptor mRNA and protein abundance, producing a corresponding change in functional Ca2+ channels in adult ventricular myocytes.  相似文献   

We examined the potential involvement of two CC chemokine receptors (CCRs), CCR-1 and CCR-3, in the functional activation of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) plus interleukin-4 (IL-4)-generated human peripheral blood monocyte-derived immature dendritic cells (DCs). Flow cytometric analysis showed that CCR-1, CCR-3, CCR-5, and CXC chemokine receptor (CXCR)-4 were expressed on the cell surface of monocyte-derived DCs. Treatment with a monoclonal antibody (MoAb) to either CCR-1 or CCR-3 but not MoAbs to CCR-5 and CXCR-4 abolished chemotactic migration of monocyte-derived DCs. The DCs treated with either the anti-CCR-1 MoAb or anti-CCR-3 MoAb were less efficient than untreated DCs in proliferation of allogeneic T cells (TCs) and TC-derived secretion of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). The homotypic aggregation of DCs and heterotypic aggregation of DCs with TCs were suppressed by the anti-CCR-1 MoAb or anti-CCR-3 MoAb. These results indicate that CCR-1 and CCR-3 specifically regulate interaction of TCs and DCs in the process of antigen presentation.  相似文献   

A large body of evidence suggests that the neuroendocrine axis plays a major role in the reproductive aging of female rats. Since increased hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurosecretion is crucial in the preovulatory LH discharge in young rats, we tested the hypothesis that diminution in the preovulatory LH surge in middle-aged (MA) rats may be due to altered neurosecretory activity in NPYergic neurons. In Exp 1, we examined NPY levels in six microdissected hypothalamic nuclei, including median eminence (ME), arcuate nucleus (ARC), and medial preoptic area (MPOA), at 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, or 2200 h on the day of proestrus in young (2.5- to 3-month old) and MA (7- to 9-month old) regularly cycling rats. At 1000 h, ME NPY levels in young rats were significantly lower than those in MA rats. In young rats, the ME NPY levels were significantly increased at 1400 h before the LH surge in the afternoon and thereafter decreased progressively during the interval of the LH surge. In MA rats, however, ME NPY levels decreased in the afternoon in association with an attenuated LH surge. In addition, in the ARC and MPOA, the other hypothalamic sites associated with induction of LH surge, NPY levels increased before and during the LH surge in young rats, no change in NPY levels in these nuclei was observed in association with the attenuated LH surge in MA rats. Also, NPY levels in the ARC and MPOA during the afternoon were significantly lower in MA compared with those in young animals. These results demonstrated the absence of an antecedent increase in NPY levels, specifically in the ME and ARC, during the afternoon of proestrus in MA animals. In a second experiment, we evaluated whether the absence of dynamic changes in NPY levels in the ME and ARC in MA rats was due to altered hypothalamic NPY gene expression. Regularly cycling young (2.5- to 3-month-old) and MA (8- to 10-month-old) rats were killed at 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, or 2200 h on the day of proestrus. The medial basal hypothalamus was processed for prepro-NPY messenger RNA (mRNA) measurement by ribonuclease protection assay. In young rats, prepro-NPY mRNA levels were significantly increased at 1200 h and remained elevated throughout the afternoon. In contrast, in MA rats prepro-NPY mRNA levels remained unchanged before and during the attenuated LH surge. These results clearly indicate that the augmentation in NPY neuronal activity before and during the LH surge seen in young rats fails to manifest itself in middle-aged rats. As hypothalamic NPY participates in the induction of LHRH surge, our results suggest that reduced LHRH and LH surges in MA rats may be due to diminution in NPY secretion in these animals.  相似文献   

Atrial and ventricular myocytes 200 to 300 microm long containing one to five myofibrils are isolated from frog hearts. After a cell is caught and held between two suction micropipettes the surface membrane is destroyed by briefly jetting relaxing solution containing 0.05% Triton X-100 on it from a third micropipette. Jetting buffered Ca2+ from other pipettes produces sustained contractions that relax completely on cessation. The pCa/force relationship is determined at 20 degrees C by perfusing a closely spaced sequence of pCa concentrations (pCa = -log[Ca2+]) past the skinned myocyte. At each step in the pCa series quick release of the myocyte length defines the tension baseline and quick restretch allows the kinetics of the return to steady tension to be observed. The pCa/force data fit to the Hill equation for atrial and ventricular myocytes yield, respectively, a pK (curve midpoint) of 5.86 +/- 0.03 (mean +/- SE.; n = 7) and 5.87 +/- 0.02 (n = 18) and an nH (slope) of 4.3 +/- 0.34 and 5.1 +/- 0.35. These slopes are about double those reported previously, suggesting that the cooperativity of Ca2+ activation in frog cardiac myofibrils is as strong as in fast skeletal muscle. The shape of the pCa/force relationship differs from that usually reported for skeletal muscle in that it closely follows the ideal fitted Hill plot with a single slope while that of skeletal muscle appears steeper in the lower than in the upper half. The rate of tension redevelopment following release restretch protocol increases with Ca2+ >10-fold and continues to rise after Ca2+ activated tension saturates. This finding provides support for a strong kinetic mechanism of force regulation by Ca2+ in frog cardiac muscle, at variance with previous reports on mammalian heart muscle. The maximum rate of tension redevelopment following restretch is approximately twofold faster for atrial than for ventricular myocytes, in accord with the idea that the intrinsic speed of the contractile proteins is faster in atrial than in ventricular myocardium.  相似文献   

The effects of the selective adenosine (ADO) A3 receptor agonist IB-MECA (N6-(3-iodobenzyl)adenosine-5'-N-methylcarboxamide) on cultured newborn rat cardiomyocytes were examined in comparison with ADO, the ADO A1 receptor-selective agonist R-PIA (N6-R-phenylisopropyladenosine), or the ADO A3 selective antagonist MRS 1191 (3-ethyl-5-benzyl-2-methyl-6-phenyl-4-phenylethynyl-1, 4-(+/-)-dihydropyridine-3,5 dicarboxylate), using digital image analysis of Feulgen-stained nuclei. At high concentration, IB-MECA (>/=10 microM ) and ADO (200 microM) induced apoptosis; however, R-PIA or MRS 1191 did not have any detectable effects on cardiac cells. In addition, DNA breaks in cardiomyocytes undergoing apoptosis following treatment by IB-MECA were identified in situ using the nick end labeling of DNA ("TUNEL"-like) assay. In the presence of >/=10 microM IB-MECA, disorder in the contraction waves appeared, and a decrease in the frequency of beats was observed. Analysis with light microscopy revealed that the number of contracting cells decreased in a concentration-dependent manner. The A3 receptor agonist IB-MECA caused an increase in intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i). The drug produced a rapid rise followed by a sustained increase in [Ca2+]i, which lasted for 40-60 s. Finally, cessation of beating and Ca2+ transients were observed. Full recovery of contractile activity and rhythmical Ca2+ transients were observed 15-20 min after IB-MECA treatment. The induction of apoptosis in the cardiocytes by IB-MECA led to the appearance of features of apoptotic nuclei: the onset of condensation, compacting, and margination of nuclear chromatin. These effects were accompanied by the disintegration of the structural framework of the nucleus and nuclear breakdown. The results suggest that activation of the A3 adenosine receptor may participate in the process of apoptosis in cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

End stage heart failure due to ischemic (ICM) or dilated (DCM) cardiomyopathy is characterized by a dilated, relatively thin-walled ventricle. The hypothesis has been proposed that the structural basis of ventricular expansion is due to side-to-side slippage of myocytes within the wall. Although this represents one potential mechanism for the observed phenomena of chamber dilatation and subsequent wall thinning, the degree of slippage claimed is not necessarily in harmony with the magnitude of chamber enlargement and mural thinning. Moreover, sarcomere extension was not examined in the base to the apical regions of the heart, leaving open the question as to the role of changes in resting sarcomere length in acute chamber dilatation. In this regard, an alternative etiology for the detrimental cardiac architectural rearrangement seen in dilated failure can be supplied by postulating the occurrence of maladaptive remodeling of cardiac myocyte morphology. In this model, myocytes increase in length by an increase in the number of sarcomeres in series, thus increasing chamber diameter in an attempt to maintain cardiac output. However, these cells do not enlarge to any significant degree in the transverse diameter preventing the heart from developing adequate force. This hypothesis is supported by recent evidence from patients with ICM and DCM indicating that myocyte lengthening alone could account for all the dilatation observed. Furthermore, it appears that the thinning of the ventricular wall in failure is due to inadequate transverse growth of cardiac myocytes coupled with scattered myocyte cell loss throughout the ventricular wall.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

CHIP28 is an abundant water-transporting protein in erythrocytes, kidney proximal tubule, and other fluid-transporting tissues. To determine the environment of the four tryptophans in CHIP28, fluorescence spectra and quenching by polar and nonpolar compounds were measured in stripped human erythrocyte membranes containing CHIP28 and in proteoliposomes reconstituted with purified CHIP28; comparative studies were performed in membranes containing MIP26. Functional analysis showed that CHIP28 water permeability was not affected by the polar quenchers iodide and acrylamide nor the nonpolar n-anthroyloxy fatty acids (n-AF). The emission maximum of CHIP28 tryptophan fluorescence was at 324 +/- 2 nm and did not change with the addition of quenchers; the maximum for MIP26 was at 335 +/- 5 nm. There was weak quenching of CHIP28 tryptophan fluorescence by the polar compounds iodide and acrylamide, with Stern-Volmer constants of 0.13 and 0.71 M-1, respectively. HgCl2 inhibited water permeability by > 95% at 50 microM and quenched CHIP28 fluorescence reversibly by up to 70% with a biphasic concentration dependence; quenching by HgCl2 and acrylamide was not additive. The membrane-associated n-AF probes quenched CHIP28 fluorescence by up to 80% with the greatest quenching for n = 2 and 12; addition of HgCl2 or acrylamide after n-AF caused a small, anthroyloxy-position-dependent increase in quenching which was greatest at n = 6. These studies indicate that the tryptophans in CHIP28 are in a nonpolar, membrane-associated environment. Mathematical modeling of the n-AF results suggests that the tryptophans are clustered near the surface and center of the bilayer.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) on ventilatory variables and dyspnea during recovery from a 6-minute submaximal constant workload exercise, and showed that the decrease in postexercise ventilation after PTMC was closely related to improvement in postexercise dyspnea after PTMC. Ventilation during recovery from submaximal constant workload exercise is related to postexercise breathlessness and can be used to assess the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Titin (also known as connectin) is a giant filamentous protein whose elastic properties greatly contribute to the passive force in muscle. In the sarcomere, the elastic I-band segment of titin may interact with the thin filaments, possibly affecting the molecule's elastic behavior. Indeed, several studies have indicated that interactions between titin and actin occur in vitro and may occur in the sarcomere as well. To explore the properties of titin alone, one must first eliminate the modulating effect of the thin filaments by selectively removing them. In the present work, thin filaments were selectively removed from the cardiac myocyte by using a gelsolin fragment. Partial extraction left behind approximately 100-nm-long thin filaments protruding from the Z-line, whereas the rest of the I-band became devoid of thin filaments, exposing titin. By applying a much more extensive gelsolin treatment, we also removed the remaining short thin filaments near the Z-line. After extraction, the extensibility of titin was studied by using immunoelectron microscopy, and the passive force-sarcomere length relation was determined by using mechanical techniques. Titin's regional extensibility was not detectably affected by partial thin-filament extraction. Passive force, on the other hand, was reduced at sarcomere lengths longer than approximately 2.1 microm, with a 33 +/- 9% reduction at 2.6 microm. After a complete extraction, the slack sarcomere length was reduced to approximately 1.7 microm. The segment of titin near the Z-line, which is otherwise inextensible, collapsed toward the Z-line in sarcomeres shorter than approximately 2.0 microm, but it was extended in sarcomeres longer than approximately 2.3 microm. Passive force became elevated at sarcomere lengths between approximately 1.7 and approximately 2.1 microm, but was reduced at sarcomere lengths of >2.3 microm. These changes can be accounted for by modeling titin as two wormlike chains in series, one of which increases its contour length by recruitment of the titin segment near the Z-line into the elastic pool.  相似文献   

Stimulatory effects of several types of adjuvants on secondary antibody response to inactivated Newcastle disease virus (iNDV) were examined in chickens. For this purpose, animals were primed with iNDV without adjuvant resulting in a low but significant antibody response, boosted with iNDV plus adjuvant 3 weeks later, and analysed for specific antibody titres in serum 3 weeks after the booster. Water-in-mineral oil emulsion (W/O) caused significant increase in antibody titres measured in an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent (ELISA), haemagglutination inhibition (HI), and virus neutralisation (VN) assay. The adjuvants tested included three oil-in-water emulsions (i.e. mineral oil-in-water, sulpholipo(SL)-Ficoll400/squalane-in-water and sulpholipo-cyclodextrin/squalane-in-water), three negatively-charged polymers with high molecular weight (i.e. polyacrylate, polystyrenesulphonate and sulpho(S)-Ficoll400) and two surface-active agents (i.e. dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA) and Quil A). These adjuvants enhanced significantly the secondary immune response but none reached the titre obtained with W/O. Combinations of adjuvants with distinct physicochemical properties, i.e. polyacrylate and DDA revealed only slight, beneficial effects. We concluded that the various types of adjuvants tested can stimulate secondary immune responses in primed animals but that W/O is superior.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular effects were investigated after acute and subacute treatment with chlorodibromomethane (CDBM; 0.4 to 3.2 mmol/kg p.o.), trichloromethane (TCM; 0.31 and 1.25 mmol/kg p.o.) and mixtures of CDBM and TCM (acute, 0.8 mmol CDBM/kg + 1.25 mmol TCM/kg p.o.; subacute, 0.4 mmol CDBM/kg + 0.31 mmol TCM/kg p.o.) in conscious and urethane anaesthetized male Wistar rats (n = 6-10 per treatment). Furthermore it was observed whether cardiovascular responses were modified in CDBM or TCM treated rats after administration of exogenous catecholamines (epinephrine, 1 microg/kg; norepinephrine, 2 microg/kg) and underpinned with in vitro alterations of Ca2+ dynamics in cardiac myocytes. The present findings demonstrated that single and subacute oral administration of CDBM or TCM and mixtures of CDBM and TCM resulted in arrhythmogenic and negative chronotropic and dromotropic effects in conscious and urethane anaesthetized rats. The atrioventricular conduction time and the intraventricular extension time were extended. A slight shortening of the repolarization velocity was observed. The myocardial contractility was depressed and the heart was sensitized to the arrhythmogenic effects of epinephrine. After catecholamine injection the adrenergic cardiovascular responses in urethane anesthetized rats were modified: increased hypertensive epinephrine and norepinephrine action as well as augmentation of negative chronotropic and negative dromotropic cardiac effects of catecholamines were observed. The positive inotropic adrenergic response was diminished. The present in vivo findings, myocardial depression after acute CDBM treatment, as determined by different indices of contractility, correlate well with the observed inhibitory actions of CDBM on Ca2+ dynamics in isolated cardiac myocytes. All cardiovascular alterations found after CDBM or TCM treatment were not intensified after treatment with mixtures of CDBM and TCM. The effects observed were distinctly stronger after TCM (1.25 and 0.31 mmol/kg) treatment compared to CDBM (0.8 and 0.4 mmol/kg) treatment.  相似文献   

Myosin is thought to generate movement of actin filaments via a conformational change between its light-chain domain and its catalytic domain that is driven by the binding of nucleotides and actin. To monitor this change, we have measured distances between a gizzard regulatory light chain (Cys 108) and the active site (near or at Trp 130) of skeletal myosin subfragment 1 (S1) by using luminescence resonance energy transfer and a photoaffinity ATP-lanthanide analog. The technique allows relatively long distances to be measured, and the label enables site-specific attachment at the active-site with only modest affect on myosin's enzymology. The distance between these sites is 66.8 +/- 2.3 A when the nucleotide is ADP and is unchanged on binding to actin. The distance decreases slightly with ADP-BeF3, (-1.6 +/- 0.3 A) and more significantly with ADP-AlF4 (-4.6 +/- 0.2 A). During steady-state hydrolysis of ATP, the distance is temperature-dependent, becoming shorter as temperature increases and the complex with ADP.Pi is favored over that with ATP. We conclude that the distance between the active site and the light chain varies as Acto-S1-ADP approximately S1-ADP > S1-ADP-BeF3 > S1-ADP-AlF4 approximately S1-ADP-Pi and that S1-ATP > S1-ADP-Pi. The changes in distance are consistent with a substantial rotation of the light-chain binding domain of skeletal S1 between the prepowerstroke state, simulated by S1-ADP-AlF4, and the post-powerstroke state, simulated by acto-S1-ADP.  相似文献   

The observed decrease in the fluorescence signal during photodynamic therapy (PDT) may contain dosimetric information as this photobleaching provides direct information on the photodynamic processes occurring in the tissue. A correct interpretation of the photobleaching signal, however, is crucial for its use in dosimetry. In this study the influence of scattering and absorption phenomena in tissue on the emitted fluorescence signal are described mathematically. Analytical solutions of the resulting expression show a difference from the single-decaying-exponential function generally used for describing photobleaching signals. The solutions are a function of the fluence rate at the inner side of tissue boundary psi(0*), the photobleaching dose constant beta, the incident irradiation power I0 and time. The accuracy of the results was investigated by comparison of the analytic solutions with numerical calculations using fluence rate profiles and escape functions obtained by Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. Good resemblance is observed when the value for psi(0*) calculated by the MC simulations is used in the analytical solutions. Experimental results in this study indicate the photobleaching dose constant of ALA-induced PpIX to be 33 +/- 3 J cm-2. Determination of beta for different types of photosensitizer and the development of an accurate method to determine psi(0*) can make monitoring of photobleaching during PDT valuable for dosimetry.  相似文献   

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