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Between 1983 and 1994 the incidence of secondary haematological neoplasms (SHM) was evaluated in 1170 new cases of ALL enrolled in the GIMEMA trials. Of the 942 patients who achieved complete remission (CR); seven developed a SHM: four AMLs and three NHLs. The median latency from onset of ALL and of secondary haematological neoplasm was 69 months for AML and 61 months for NHL. Three out of four patients with secondary AML were unresponsive to the new chemotherapy and died, whereas the fourth patient achieved a new CR. Among the three NHL cases, two patients are presently alive in CR, whereas the third patient was refractory to chemotherapy and died. The relative risk of haematological malignancy among the GIMEMA trials population, as compared to that of the Italian Cancer Registries, was 15.25-fold higher, and the actuarial estimated cumulative proportion of ALL patients with a secondary haematological neoplasm at 5 and 10 years were 0.59% and 3.63% respectively. The incidence of adult ALL who developed a SHM, although apparently lower than in the paediatric ALL series, was higher when compared to the normal population. The difference between paediatric and adult ALL is probably due to the lack of craniospinal radiotherapy and to the lower doses of epipodoxiphyllotoxins used in adult trials. The higher percentage of childhood ALL with a prolonged event-free survival could result in an increase of secondary neoplasms in these cases, which suggests that secondary haematological neoplasms in adult ALL patients are real, although rare, events.  相似文献   

Rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is varied. Patients are usually prescribed an independent home exercise program, although some patients may attend physical therapy for additional supervised exercise. It is not known whether additional supervised exercise provides any further benefit. The purpose of this study was to compare efficacy for two types of rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction. A randomized controlled trial of 31 ACL-reconstructed patients was used to test the hypothesis that a home program plus supervised rehabilitation (Group S) is more effective than a home program (Group H) alone. Function, activity level, anterior tibial translation, and muscle strength were measured preoperatively and at 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Improvement of function, activity level, muscle strength, and anterior tibial translation was evident in both groups, but no significant differences were found between groups even though the sample size was sufficient to detect small treatment effects. It was concluded that supervised exercise, in addition to a home program, has minimal extra benefit for patients who have undergone ACL reconstruction.  相似文献   

Sun exposure in both childhood and adult life represents the main environmental risk determinant for cutaneous melanoma. However, little is known about the joint effects of sun exposure during early and later life on melanoma risk. A case-control study in Belgium, Germany and France conducted in 1991-1992 suggests that the melanoma risks attached to indicators related to sun exposure appear to combine their effects in an additive way. We therefore constructed composite indices of sun exposure during childhood and during adulthood, assuming additive combinations of melanoma risk associated with each indicator of sun exposure. Logistic regression modeling showed that the melanoma risk associated with a given level of sun exposure during adulthood increased with higher sun exposure during childhood, but the increase in risk was higher than the simple addition of melanoma risk associated with sun exposure during childhood or adulthood. In turn, high sun exposure during childhood constituted a significant risk factor for melanoma only if there was substantial sun exposure during adult life. We thus suggest that sun exposure during childhood and during adulthood would be interdependent as far as their impact on melanoma risk is concerned. Our results support the hypothesis by which the important contribution of sun exposure during childhood in melanoma occurrence is not properly assessed by retrospective epidemiologic studies. Sun avoidance during childhood would have a greater impact on melanoma risk than sun avoidance during adulthood.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous epidemiologic studies have suggested that sunscreen use is associated with an increased risk of melanoma skin cancer. Because high nevi (mole) count in adults is a strong predictor of melanoma, we conducted a study examining the number of nevi in 6- to 7-year-old European children, according to their sunscreen use. METHODS: Whole-body and site-specific counts of nevi 2 mm or larger were performed in 631 children in their first year of primary school in four European cities. Independently, parents were interviewed regarding sun exposure, sunscreen use, and physical sun protection of their child. RESULTS: After adjustment for sun exposure and host characteristics (e.g., skin phototype, eye color), the relative risk for high nevus count on the trunk was 1.68 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.09-2.59) for the highest level of sunscreen use and 0.59 (95% CI = 0.36-0.97) for the highest level of wearing of clothes while in the sun. The sun protection factor had no effect on nevus counts despite a high median value of 17.4. Sunburn number was not associated with nevus count. The highest risk associated with sunscreen use was found among children who had never experienced sunburn. CONCLUSIONS: In white, European children, sunscreen use appears to be associated with development of nevi, probably because it allows longer sun exposures. Wearing clothes may be an effective way to prevent proliferation of nevi. Since a high nevus count is a strong predictor of melanoma, sunscreen use may be involved in melanoma occurrence because it may encourage recreational sun exposure.  相似文献   

Posterior laryngeal clefts (PLCs) are described in the literature as rare laryngeal abnormalities. The authors believe type I clefts are much more common than previously reported. In two busy pediatric tertiary care centers, such clefts are the second most common congenital laryngeal finding at rigid endoscopy, second only to laryngomalacia. PLCs frequently present with symptomatology that can be attributed to other common disease processes and are often undiagnosed unless the surgeon maintains a high index of suspicion and specifically examines the posterior glottis by palpation during microlaryngoscopy. This report presents a series of 41 patients with type I PLCs, reviews their subtle and often confusing presenting signs and symptoms, and describes a simple yet reliable method of diagnosis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare two cisplatin based chemotherapy schedules in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 332 patients with advanced NSCLC were randomized to receive cisplatin 80 mg/m2 on day 1 either in combination with teniposide 100 mg/m2 on days 1, 3, and 5 (arm A) or paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 by 3-hour infusion on day 1 (arm B); cycles were repeated every 3 weeks. RESULTS: Fifteen patients were ineligible; patient characteristics were well balanced between the two arms: 71% were male, 71% had less than 5% weight loss, 89% had a World Health Organization (WHO) performance status of 0 to 1, 51% had adenocarcinoma, and 61% had stage IV disease. Hematologic toxicity was significantly more severe in arm A (leukopenia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia grade 3 or 4: 66% v 19%, 83% v 55%, 36% v 2% in arms A and B, respectively), which resulted in more febrile neutropenia (27% v 3% in arms A and B, respectively), dose reductions, and treatment delays. There were a total of nine toxic deaths, six due to neutropenic sepsis: five in arm A and one in arm B. In contrast, arthralgia/myalgia (grade 2 or 3, 4% v 17%), peripheral neurotoxicity (grade 2 or 3, 6% v 29%), and hypersensitivity reactions (1% v 7%, all grades) were significantly more frequent in arm B. The frequency and severity of other toxicities were comparable between the two arms. Responses were one complete and 44 partial on arm A (28%) and two complete and 61 partial (41%) on arm B (P = .018). There was no significant difference in survival, with median and 1-year survivals 9.9 versus 9.7 months and 41% versus 43%, respectively in arm A and B. Progression-free survival was 4.9 and 5.4 months in arm A and B, respectively. Selected centers participated in a quality-of-life (QoL) assessment, which was performed by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 and LC-13 administered at baseline and every 6 weeks thereafter. Arm B achieved a better score at week 6 for emotional, cognitive and social functioning, global health status, fatigue, and appetite loss, which was lost at 12 weeks. In conclusion, arm B appears superior to arm A with regard to response rate, side effects, and QoL. CONCLUSION: Although survival was not improved, arm B offers a better palliation for advanced NSCLC patients than arm A.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness of alternating or sequential schedules of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and etoposide (CDE) chemotherapy and irradiation in patients with previously untreated small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 335 eligible patients were randomized between five courses of CDE chemotherapy followed by thoracic irradiation 50 Gy in 20 daily fractions (S) and the same total dose of chemotherapy and irradiation split into four courses of five daily fractions delivered on days 14 to 21 of the second and subsequent chemotherapy courses (A). Patients had a median age of 61 years (range, 33 to 75); 224 (66%) were male; the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status (PS) was 0 or 1 in 311; and 254 had weight loss less than 10%. RESULTS: The overall median survival duration was 15 months, with 62% (95% confidence interval [CI], 57% to 67%) 1-year, 25% (95% CI, 20% to 30%) 2-year, and 14% (95% CI, 10% to 18%) 3-year survival rates. There was no significant difference between the arms. The median survival time was 14 months in A and 15 months in S. One-year survival was 60% in A (95% CI, 53% to 67%) and 64% in S (95% CI, 57% to 71%); 2-year survival was 26% in A (95% CI, 19% to 33%) and 23% in S (95% CI, 16% to 30%); and 3-year survival was 12% in A (95% CI, 6% to 18%) and 15% in S (95% CI, 9% to 21%). World Health Organization (WHO) grade 3 and 4 neutropenia occurred in 90% of A and 77% of S patients (P < .001) and WHO grade 3 and 4 thrombocytopenia in 33% of A and 20% of S patients (P < .001). Rates of other acute and late toxicities were similar in both arms. Hematologic toxicity compromised treatment dose delivery; less than 50% of A patients received greater than 95% of prescribed chemotherapy and 77% their full radiation course, compared with 60% and 93% for arm S (P < .009). Local relapse was the site of first failure in 60% of all patients and 75% of these suffered an in-field relapse; no difference could be seen between the two arms. CONCLUSION: This trial failed to confirm the superiority of an alternating schedule of delivery. For this combination of chemotherapy and irradiation, hematologic toxicity compromised treatment delivery and could have contributed to the overall result. The poor rates of local control are disappointing and require intensification of the radiation therapy strategy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is conflicting evidence on the efficacy of regional adjuvant chemotherapy, via portal-vein infusion (PVI), after resection of colorectal cancer. We undertook a randomised controlled multicentre trial to investigate the efficacy of PVI (500 mg/m2 fluorouracil plus 5000 IU heparin daily for 7 days). METHODS: 1235 of about 1500 potentially eligible patients were randomly assigned surgery plus PVI or surgery alone (control). The patients were followed up for a median of 63 months, with yearly screening for recurrent disease. The primary endpoint was survival; analyses were by intention to treat. FINDINGS: 619 patients in the control group and 616 in the PVI group met eligibility criteria. 164 (26%) control-group patients and 173 (28%) PVI-group patients died. 5-year survival did not differ significantly between the groups (73 vs 72%; 95% Cl for difference -6 to 4). The control and PVI groups were also similar in terms of disease-free survival at 5 years (67 vs 65%) and the number of patients with liver metastases (79 vs 77%). INTERPRETATION: PVI of fluorouracil, at a dose of 500 mg/m2 for 7 days, cannot be recommended as the sole adjuvant treatment for high-risk colorectal cancer after complete surgical excision. However, these results cannot eliminate a small benefit when PVI is used at a higher dosage or in combination with mitomycin.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts (OCL) resorb bone. They are essential for the development of normal bones and the repair of impaired bones. The function of OCL is presumed to be supported by cytokines and other biological mediators, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and nitric oxide (NO). Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a potent inducer of TNF-alpha and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), which is the specific enzyme for synthesizing NO from L-arginine. To obtain direct evidence on LPS-induced TNF-alpha production and iNOS expression by OCL, OCL-enriched cultures were prepared by 7-day cocultures of bone marrow cells of adult BALB/c mice and osteoblastic cells (OBs) derived from calvaria of newborn BALB/c mice, and the generation of TNF-alpha and iNOS in OCL stimulated with LPS was examined immunocytochemically. When the cultured cells were stimulated with 100 ng/ml of LPS, OCL clearly showed TNF-alpha and iNOS expression. Without LPS-stimulation, no expression was observed. TNF activity in the culture supernatants of the OCL-enriched cultures in the presence of LPS was also detected by cytotoxic assay that used TNF-sensitive L929 cells. The dentin resorption activity of OCL was estimated by area and number of pits formed on dentin slices, which were covered by the OCL fraction and cultured in the presence or absence of LPS, sodium nitroprusside (SNP; a NO generating compound), N(G)-monomethyl L-arginine acetate (L-NMMA; a competitive inhibitor of NO synthase (NOS)), or LPS plus L-NMMA. Pit formation was obviously inhibited in the presence of SNP and slightly inhibited in the presence of L-NMMA, but it was not affected in the presence of LPS or LPS plus L-NMMA. These findings indicate that OCL produces TNF and expresses iNOS in response to LPS, but the LPS-activation of OCL scarcely affects pit formation by them.  相似文献   

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