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零件在不同方向上的装配偏差对接头形式具有敏感性。以搭接接头形式为例,采用最坏情况法分析了装配顺序对最终装配偏差的影响。分析结果表明,车身装配过程中,在不增加额外费用的前提下,零件之间采用合理的接头形式和装配顺序,同样能达到降低最终装配偏差的目的。 相似文献
定位点的布置会在很大程度上影响薄板焊接装配在法向的变形。针对传统定位点布置优化仅仅研究薄板在外力作用下的变形,利用有限元分析理论,构建了考虑薄板在外力作用的变形和定位点位置两方面影响的薄板装配模型。采用影响系数法构建了偏差源对装配误差的影响系数矩阵,并创建以影响系数的绝对值最小为目标函数的数学优化模型。利用遗传算法求解模型最优解,提出了考虑边界与夹紧点的新型抽样方法来提高该算法初始点的均布性,计算结果表明偏差源对装配误差的影响系数与优化前相比减小了90%。 相似文献
针对薄板结构的低噪声设计问题,以结构声辐射功率最小化为优化目标,借鉴植物脉序分枝结构的构型特征,提出了薄板结构加强筋布局的仿生拓扑优化方法。以结构应变能最小和释放局部最大剪应力作为加强筋主脉和次脉的生长准则,以广义Murray准则作为加强筋脉序的分歧准则,构造了具有脉序分级特征的加强筋自适应生长算法。以固支薄板结构的横向弯曲振动及声辐射问题为典型算例,对比分析了仿脉序分布加筋板结构的声辐射功率和振动功率流的分布特性。数值结果表明,与相同体积约束下的正交加筋布局方式相比,仿脉序分布加筋方法使薄板结构具有更优的声振特性,进而验证了薄板结构加强筋仿生布局降噪方法的有效性与可靠性。 相似文献
对薄板紧密对接接头的识别问进行深入的分析,提出由照明、自适应局部特征提取、全局特征识别和验证融合在一起的视觉识别方法。试验表明此方法克服了电弧光的干扰、识别结果可靠,可以有效地解决薄板紧密对接接头识别这一难题。 相似文献
A systematic method of adaptive joint design considering different assembly sequence in sheet metal product 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Jun Cao Xinmin Lai Sun Jin Zhongqin Lin 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2007,34(5-6):457-463
In sheet metal assembly, not only the component variations and tool errors, but also the component structure (joint type)
and assembly process (assembly sequence) affect the final dimensional quality. In this paper, a systematic method for adaptive
joint design considering different assembly sequence is proposed to meet the in-process dimensional adjustability of KCs (key
characteristics). First, the adaptive characteristic of the sheet metal joint is depicted. Then, the mathematical model in
order for concurrently optimizing both joint type and different assembly sequence is presented. How to evaluate the combination
of joint type and assembly sequence is carried out according to two conditions: (1) for single KC, and (2) for multiple KCs.
The KC confliction is considered to ensure the important KCs. Genetic algorithm is used to resolve the optimization of joint
design. An example is chosen to demonstrate our method finally, and various joint designs are acquired according to different
assembly sequences by this means. The proposed methods make it possible for us to improve the dimensional quality of product
in the design stage. 相似文献
分析了飞机钣金零件制造模型的典型状态组成,以框肋零件为例描述了零件制造模型设计态、毛坯态、成形件态和成品件态的内容.在此基础上,针对人员、数据和流程数据管理三要素,建立了基于多态模型的飞机钣金零件制造模型管理方法.对于人员管理,定义了飞机钣金零件制造的人员角色及其主要职责,采用基于规则的权限控制方法;对于数据管理,采用多态模型组织制造模型,以成形件态为例描述了节点数据模型;对于流程管理,以成形件态成形模具所用几何模型的设计为例,建立了流程管理模型.最后,以产品数据管理系统为平台建立了集成应用框架,验证了制造模型管理方法工程化应用的可行性. 相似文献
在把工艺性分解为可成形性、可加工性、易加工性三项内容的基础上,建立了工艺性评估指标.采用知识的系统化建模方法,构建了飞机钣金零件工艺性评估知识模型,采用数据库方式和程序方式,分别表示出工艺性评估描述性知识和过程性知识,分析了问题定义→知识搜索匹配→修改方案编码匹配→回馈的推理过程.在此基础上,设计了基于知识的评估流程,包括零件信息输入、评估计算,以及不符合工艺性要求零件修改方案的给出.设计了基于Web的飞机钣金零件工艺性评估系统结构,采用Struts框架开发了系统.最后,以某型机四肋前段工艺性评估为例,验证了上述方法的有效性和实用性. 相似文献
Xiaoyun Liao G. Gary Wang 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2008,36(3-4):386-394
This paper presents an optimization methodology for non-rigid sheet metal assembly variation by considering part variation,
fixture variation, fixture layout, and joint positions, as well as the assembly spring back. The proposed algorithm integrates
the finite element analysis (FEA) with a powerful global optimization algorithm, called the mode-pursuing sampling (MPS) method
to simultaneously search for the optimal fixture and joint positions in order to minimize the assembly variation. An example
application study is presented to demonstrate the optimization procedure and its effectiveness. 相似文献
针对考虑供应链设计的产品族配置优化问题,根据对产品族模块配置与供应链协同优化问题的属性分析,提出一种新的设计理念,即产品族的模块配置与供应链设计是主从关联的。基于主从对策的决策机制,建立了这种关联协同优化的混合0-1非线性双层规划模型,该模型上层是整个产品族的配置优化,以顾客效用与成本之比为优化目标,决策产品族的模块配置;下层是相应生产供应链的设计优化,选择不同的模块供应商与不同产品的制造商并以整个生产供应链过程的成本最低为优化目标。针对模型为0-1混合非线性的特点,上下层分别采用遗传算法设计求解,并以一个简化的发电机产品族的例子来加以说明,结果表明所提双层模型能够有效解决产品族模块配置与供应链协同优化问题,并能得到较优的产品族配置方案。 相似文献
为提高当前柔性薄板零件装配偏差分析的效率,提出了一种考虑夹具配置的装配偏差分析模型。通过对柔性薄板的定位装配过程的研究,分析了零件偏差、夹具偏差和装配偏差在各个步骤中的变化过程,建立了N-2-1和3-2-1两种夹具定位规则下的装配前后偏差之间的线性关系;根据装配后夹具定位点的释放模式的不同,建立了过定位释放和完全释放两种模式下的装配偏差分析模型。最后,通过分析实例薄板的装配偏差,表明了该装配偏差分析模型的有效性。 相似文献
Bing Li Hui Tang Xiaoping Yang Hao Wang 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2007,32(7-8):690-697
Fixturing plays an important role in enhancing weld quality of the sheet metal assembly process. However, traditional experience-based
fixturing schemes and purely optimal fixturing schemes are often sensitive to location fluctuation of the designed locators.
In this paper a mathematical representation of deterministic locating and total fixturing for a flexible workpiece is developed
first, then a virtual beam model is proposed to evaluate the degree of flexibility of the locating points. A quality design
model of fixture planning for sheet metal assembly with resistance spot welding is then developed; both the performance expectation
and the variance are considered in the formulation of the objective function; a prescribed factor is used to weight the two
objectives. The finite element model based on ANSYS software is set up with a spot weld feature employed and genetic algorithm
is used in the optimization process. A simple example and an industrial case illustrate the feasibility of the developed model.
This work provides a basis for improving the quality of sheet metal assembly in the design phase. 相似文献
提出一种基于边缘纤维屈服准则的薄板结构加强筋的优化设计法,在给定荷载及支撑的条件下,用壳单元模拟薄板壳,用梁单元模拟加强筋,并根据梁的边缘纤维屈服准则给出加强筋截面高度的修改公式,通过结构重分析不断修改梁单元的尺寸,使每个梁单元的边缘纤维达到屈服,满足迭代收敛准则后删除截面高度小于阈值的梁单元,获得薄板结构加强筋的新的分布形式并提高阈值.在加强筋的新的分布形式基础上进行下一轮优化设计.当阈值达到阈值上限时优化设计结束,从而获得最终的加强筋的分布形式及其截面尺寸.算例表明该方法简单有效,计算量小. 相似文献