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A baseline for exposure to organochlorine and metal contaminants has been established for mothers and newborns in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut areas of Arctic Canada. Maternal and umbilical cord blood plasma organochlorine levels are described for Inuit, Dene, Métis, Caucasian and Other non-Aboriginal participants. Overall, 523 women volunteered to participate by giving their written informed consent between May 1994 and June 1999, resulting in the collection of 386 maternal blood samples, 407 cord blood samples and 351 maternal/cord pairs. Nearly half of all the participants regularly smoked cigarettes, including 77% of the Inuit participants. Maternal and cord results are presented for PCBs (as Aroclor 1260 and 14 congeners) and organochlorine pesticides, including p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDE, beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (beta-HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), cis and trans nonachlor, heptachlor epoxide, oxychlordane, mirex, dieldrin and toxaphene. Maternal PCB levels (as Aroclor 1260) averaged 4.42 (+/-9.03) microg/l in Inuit, which was 3.3 times higher than those found in Dene/Métis, and 3.4 times higher than levels in Caucasians. Mean DDE levels were 2.8 times higher in the Other non-Aboriginal group (Chinese, Filipino, East Indian and multiple ethnicity) than in the Inuit group, at 3.99 microg/l and 1.42 microg/l, respectively. Cord blood PCB levels (as Aroclor 1260) averaged 1.16 (+/-2.42) microg/l for Inuit participants, which was 3.3-4 fold higher than the other ethnic groups. PCBs, p,p'-DDE and hexachlorobenzene were detected in all maternal samples, and p,p'-DDE was detected in all cord samples. Regression coefficients for maternal/cord pairs are presented for selected organochlorines. Other results from this study, including maternal and cord metals data, will be presented elsewhere.  相似文献   

The human bioaccessibility of lead (Pb) in Pb-contaminated soils from the Glasgow area was determined by the Unified Bioaccessibility Research Group of Europe (BARGE) Method (UBM), an in vitro physiologically based extraction scheme that mimics the chemical environment of the human gastrointestinal system and contains both stomach and intestine compartments. For 27 soils ranging in total Pb concentration from 126 to 2160 mg kg− 1 (median 539 mg kg− 1), bioaccessibility as determined by the ‘stomach’ simulation (pH ~ 1.5) was 46-1580 mg kg− 1, equivalent to 23-77% (mean 52%) of soil total Pb concentration. The corresponding bioaccessibility data for the ‘stomach + intestine’ simulation (pH ~ 6.3) were 6-623 mg kg− 1 and 2-42% (mean 22%) of soil Pb concentration. The soil 206Pb/207Pb ratios ranged from 1.057 to 1.175. Three-isotope plots of 208Pb/206Pb against 206Pb/207Pb demonstrated that 206Pb/207Pb ratios were intermediate between values for source end-member extremes of imported Australian Pb ore (1.04) - used in the manufacture of alkyl Pb compounds (1.06-1.10) formerly added to petrol - and indigenous Pb ores/coal (1.17-1.19). The 206Pb/207Pb ratios of the UBM ‘stomach’ extracts were similar (< 0.01 difference) to those of the soil for 26 of the 27 samples (r = 0.993, p < 0.001) and lower in 24 of them. A slight preference for lower 206Pb/207Pb ratio was discernible in the UBM. However, the source of Pb appeared to be less important in determining the extent of UBM-bioaccessible Pb than the overall soil total Pb concentration and the soil phases with which the Pb was associated. The significant phases identified in a subset of samples were carbonates, manganese oxides, iron-aluminium oxyhydroxides and clays.  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn) is widely distributed in the biosphere but occurs in only trace amounts in animal tissues. Although Mn deficiency and toxicity both have pathological consequences, the underlying biochemical lesions have not been well defined. In vitro studies suggest that transport proteins are affected by Mn, lead (Pb), and selenium (Se). Among these transport proteins, the calmodulin-regulated calcium pump (Ca(2+)Mg(2+)ATPase) could be inhibited by Mn. In order to understand Mn biochemical pathways, we examined the relationships between Mn blood levels and red blood cell Ca-pump activity among 248 mothers and newborns, environmentally exposed to Mn, Pb, and Se. POPULATION AND METHODS: 248 mother-newborn pairs were recruited at Robert Debré University Hospital (Paris). Blood Mn and Pb concentrations were measured by absorption spectrophotometry. Se was measured by fluorometric method. Red blood cell membrane suspensions were obtained for Ca-pump activity measurements. Linear and quadratic regression models and Pearson correlation were performed. RESULTS: A non-linear parabolic relationship between maternal Mn blood levels and newborn Ca-pump activity was discovered from the analysis of the observed data. The peak level of maternal Mn that corresponded to a maximal activity of the newborn Ca-pump was estimated at 23.9 microg/l with a 95% confidence interval of 17.6 to 32.4 microg/l. An inhibition of this enzyme was observed at low and high levels of maternal Mn. The relationships between the newborn Ca-pump activity and maternal Se and Pb levels became non-significant after adjustment on all the co-factors included in the final model. CONCLUSION: Maternal environmental exposure to Mn, as reflected by maternal blood levels of this metal, is associated with a reduced activity of newborn erythrocyte Ca-pump in a non-linear pattern. Mn levels between 17.6 and 32.4 microg/l in maternal blood probably correspond to the optimal physiological concentration for the metabolism of this enzyme in newborns.  相似文献   

Long-term human exposure to lead from different media and intake pathways   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lead (Pb) is well known as an environmental pollutant: it can accumulate in various media, so actual lead exposure reflects both historical and present contaminations. Two main challenges then emerge: obtaining updated information to gain an overall picture of the sources of exposure, and predicting the resulting internal body exposure levels and effects that occur under long-term exposure conditions. In this paper, a modeling approach is used to meet these challenges with reference to Danish exposure conditions. Levels of lead content in various media have been coupled with data for lead intake and absorption in the human body, for both children and adults. An age-dependent biokinetic model allows then for determination of the blood lead levels resulting from chronic exposure. The study shows that the actual intake of lead is up to 27% of the Provisional Tolerable Daily Intake (PTDI) for children and around 8% for adults. It is confirmed that the critical route of exposure is via ingestion, accounting for 99% of total lead intake, while inhalation contributes only to 1% of total lead intake. The resulting lead levels in the blood after 2 years of exposure to actual contamination conditions have been estimated as up to 2.2 μg/dl in children and almost 1 μg/dl in adults. Impacts from lead can occur even at such levels. The role of historical and present sources to lead in the environment is discussed, and, for specific child and adult exposure scenarios, external-internal concentration relationships for the direct linkage between lead in environmental media and resulting concentrations of lead in blood are then presented.  相似文献   

The present case study on lead in Europe illustrates the use of the Integrated Monitoring Framework Strategy to assess the health outcome of environmental pollution by evaluating the associations between lead in various environmental compartments (air, soil, dust, drinking water and diet) and lead concentrations in blood (B-Pb) for various age-related sub-populations. The case study was aimed to investigate whether environmental, exposure and biomonitoring data at general population level, covering all EU member states, could be integrated. Although blood lead has been monitored extensively in Europe, consistent datasets are not yet available. Data diverge with regard to objectives, regional scale, sampling years, gender, age groups and sample size.Significant correlations were found between B-Pb and the concentrations of Pb in air and diet. The significant decrease of the Pb in air over time from 0.31 μg/m3 (P95: 0.94; n = 98) prior to 1990 to 0.045 μg/m3 (P95: 0.11; n = 256) in 2007 (latest observations included) (Δ = − 85%) corresponds to a decline in B-Pb by 48% and 57% in adult women and adult men, respectively. For pre-school children a more shallow decline in B-Pb of 16% was calculated over the same period. Similarly, the reduction in Pb-dietary intake from on average 68.7 μg/d (P95: 161.6; n = 19) in 1978 to 35.7 μg/d (P95: 82.3; n = 33) in the years post 2000 (Δ = − 48%) is paralleled by a decline in B-Pb of 32, 33 and 19% in adult women, primary- and pre-school children, respectively. Insufficient data exist for other age groups to calculate statistically significant correlations.Although regression models have been derived to predict B-Pb for different sub-populations in Europe based on Pb concentrations in air and soil as well as dietary intake, it is concluded that the available data are insufficient to accurately predict actual and future simultaneous exposure to Pb from various environmental compartments, and as a consequence the health impact of Pb for various target populations at EU scale. At least due to data availability, air Pb remains the best predictor of B-Pb in the population. However, lead emission sources have largely been reduced and inhalation of lead in air is not causal to B-Pb levels. Therefore, there is a need of adequate data for Pb in soil and house dust, and in diet and drinking water as these are causal exposure sources with a longer Pb half-life than air. An extended and more harmonized surveillance system monitoring B-Pb, especially in children, is urgently required in order to identify, quantify and reduce still remaining sources of Pb exposure.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the correlation between blood lead levels (BLL) with both renal dysfunction and hyperuricemia among aboriginals and non-aboriginals in Taiwan. 1318 aboriginals and 1247 non-aboriginals over 40 years of age volunteered for this study. During routine health examinations at a clinic, blood samples were taken and a questionnaire was administered. Male uric acid (BUA) concentration (7.2 mg/dL) in serum was higher than for females (5.9 mg/dL). BUA concentration among aboriginals was higher (6.9 mg/dL) than among non-aboriginals (5.9 mg/dL). A test for trend of odds ratio (OR) for renal dysfunction and hyperuricemia indicated a significant correlation with BLL for both ethnic groups. Multiple logistic regression showed people who had BLLs exceeding 7.5 microg/dL were at a higher risk for renal dysfunction (OR=1.92, 95% CI: 1.18-3.10) and hyperuricemia (OR=2.72, 95% CI: 1.64-4.52). We concluded that BLL was significantly correlated with renal dysfunction and hyperuricemia in both ethnic groups. Further research is needed to investigate the exact mechanism causing a higher incidence of related disease among aboriginal Taiwanese.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that heavy metals may be ototoxic in humans, and further, that a reversal of this toxicity may occur when the trace element selenium is present, through formation of metals selenide complexes. This study investigates the relationship between hearing thresholds and blood concentrations of four elements (selenium, lead, manganese, and arsenic) in factory workers, Taiwan. We conducted a hospital-based case-control study with 294 individuals who received the periodic occupational health examination in the Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital. All control subjects (n=173) had normal hearing. Case subjects (n=121) had average hearing threshold over 25 decibels (dB). In all individuals, blood concentrations of lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), arsenic (As), and selenium (Se) were determined by an ICP-MS and standard methods. Possible confounding factors were collected by a questionnaire and medical history reviews. Relationships were analyzed by multiple linear regressions and mixed model. Geometric means of Pb, Mn, As, and Se were determined for case subjects (107.2, 5.5, 17.8, and 229.1 microg/L) and controls (38.9, 5.4, 15.5, and 234.4 microg/L). In our regression models, age, lead and selenium concentrations (logarithmic transformed) were associated significantly with hearing thresholds. In addition, we found that the selenium was inversely associated with hearing thresholds, and may be an antagonist to lead ototoxicty. The present study demonstrated a dose-response relationship between blood lead and hearing thresholds, after adjusting other potential confounders in multiple regressions. In addition, we found that selenium may be a protection element on auditory function. However, additional studies will be needed to clarify the mechanisms of lead toxicity and selenium on the hearing function in molecular and genetic levels.  相似文献   


Introduction and Objective

Lead is a known neurotoxic. Fetuses and infants are very vulnerable to lead exposure, since their blood-brain barrier is not completely formed. Hence, there is an importance for monitoring of blood lead levels prenatally and during early infancy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prenatal exposure to lead and its association with maternal factors in four population based mother-child cohorts in Spain. The present research was carried out within the framework of the INMA project INfancia y Medio Ambiente (Environment and Childhood).


A total of 1462 pregnant women were recruited between 2004 and 2008. Lead was analyzed in a sample of cord blood by thermal decomposition, amalgation, and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Maternal sociodemographic, lifestyle and dietary factors were obtained by questionnaires during pregnancy. A multivariate logistic regression model was constructed. The dependent variable was a dichotomous lead level variable (detected vs no detected, i.e. ≥ vs < 2 μg/dL).


A low percentage of cord blood samples with lead levels ≥ 2 μg/dL were found (5.9%). Geometric mean and maximum were 1.06 μg/dL and 19 μg/dL, respectively. Smoking at the beginning of pregnancy, age, social class, weight gain during pregnancy, gravidity, and place of residence were the maternal factors associated with detectable cord blood lead levels. Mother's diet does not appear to be a determining factor of lead exposure. Nevertheless, daily intake of iron and zinc may act as a protective factor against having cord blood lead levels ≥ 2 μg/dL.


In the different regions of Spain taking part in this study, lead levels to which newborns are exposed are low. Mobilization of lead from bones may be the main contributor to the cord blood levels.  相似文献   

采用人工气候环境和恒电流通电法对钢筋混凝土梁进行加速锈蚀试验,以钢筋混凝土梁底顺筋锈胀裂缝宽度为标准,对钢筋表面锈蚀特征、锈蚀钢筋力学性能、以及锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的结构性能进行了试验研究与比较分析。由于人工气候环境与恒电流通电法使混凝土内钢筋锈蚀的电化学机理不同,试验结果表明:在混凝土表面顺筋锈胀开裂宽度相同条件下,两种环境引起的钢筋表面锈蚀特征、锈蚀钢筋名义强度和延伸率、锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁承载能力与延性均有明显的差异。人工气候环境模拟自然环境气候过程,并强化了气候因素的老化作用,使混凝土内钢筋锈蚀具有相同的电化学机理,并达到加速锈蚀的目的,将对进一步研究钢筋锈蚀程度对结构性能退化影响具有重要的学术和实际意义。  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination from occupational origin is a cause for concern because of its potential accumulation in the environment and in living organisms leading to long term toxic effects. This study was aimed to assess Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni and Pb levels in whole blood, urine, axillary hair and saliva from 178 individuals with occupational exposure to heavy metals. Levels of metal compounds were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. We collected information on occupation, lifestyle habits and food intake by questionnaire. Multiple linear regression analyses for metal ion concentration in whole blood, urine, axillary hair and saliva were adjusted for age, gender, smoking and alcohol consumption, lifetime workplace exposure, residence area and food habits. Overall, blood and urine median concentrations found for the five metals analyzed do not exceed biological exposure indexes, so that they are very similar to a non-occupationally exposed population. Toxicokinetic differences may account for the lack of correlations found for metal levels in hair and saliva with those in blood or urine. For those heavy metals showing higher median levels in blood with respect to hair (Cd, Mn and Pb) indicating lesser hair incorporation from blood, the lifetime working experience was inversely correlated with their hair levels. The longer the lifetime working experience in industrial environments, the higher the Mn and Ni concentration in saliva. Axillary hair and saliva may be used as additional and/or alternative samples to blood or urine for biomonitoring hair Mn, and saliva Ni in subjects with occupational exposure.  相似文献   

Vanadium was determined by both instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and NAA with radiochemical separation (RNAA) in hair of normal children and of children potentially exposed by accidental drinking of vanadium contaminated water (long-term, low-dose exposure). Vanadium hair levels in the two groups did not differ significantly and were in the range 46-313 micrograms/kg (median 98 micrograms/kg) and 24-235 micrograms/kg (median 88 micrograms/kg for the normal and exposed groups, respectively. Using RNAA with proven reliability at the ultratrace level, vanadium was determined in whole blood of the exposed and normal children, normal adults and workers professionally exposed to vanadium in a factory producing vanadium pentoxide. Significantly increased vanadium concentrations were found in blood of exposed children (range 0.018-0.239 micrograms/l, median 0.078 micrograms/l) compared to normal children (range 0.024-0.226 micrograms/l, median 0.042 micrograms/l), while no differences could be detected between blood vanadium levels of normal children and normal adults (range 0.032-0.095 micrograms/l, median 0.056 micrograms/l). Preliminary results for vanadium in blood of occupationally highly exposed persons showed values 2-4 orders of magnitude higher than in normal adults.  相似文献   

The relationship between blood lead level (PbB) and an array of socio-demographic, behavioral, caregiving and environmental risk factors was investigated in a cohort of socioeconomically disadvantaged urban children at ages 2, 3 and 4 years and 10 months. The risk factors were also related to dentine lead level (PbD) from shed deciduous teeth. Strong persistent pairwise relationships with PbB and PbD were observed for maternal IQ, parental education, examiner ratings of the condition and cleanliness of the physical environment, and the HOME scale, which assesses the quality of the caretaking environment. The association between dirt pica and PbB was strong at 2 years (r = 0.30), but was less pronounced in subsequent assessments as the prevalence of pica decreased. Insignificant or weak relationships were found for maternal assessments of paint-and-plaster peeling in the home and non-dirt pica. The HOME scale and the ratings of the condition of the physical environment were significantly related to PbB and PbD even after adjustment for socio-demographic factors. These two measures were also strongly related to an array of developmental outcomes. The results indicate that statistical adjustment specifically for the quality of the caretaking environment can lead to substantial reductions in estimates of adverse lead effects.  相似文献   

Solid fuel burning cookstoves are a major source of household air pollution (HAP) and a significant environmental health risk in Sri Lanka. We report results of the first field study in Sri Lanka to include direct measurements of both real‐time indoor concentrations and personal exposures of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in households using the two most common stove types in Sri Lanka. A purposive sample of 53 households was selected in the rural community of Kopiwatta in central Sri Lanka, roughly balanced for stove type (traditional or improved ‘Anagi’) and ventilation (chimney present or absent). At each household, 48‐h continuous real‐time measurements of indoor kitchen PM2.5 and personal (primary cook) PM2.5 concentrations were measured using the RTI MicroPEM? personal exposure monitor. Questionnaires were used to collect data related to household demographics, characteristics, and self‐reported health symptoms. All primary cooks were female and of an average age of 47 years, with 66% having completed primary education. Median income was slightly over half the national median monthly income. Use of Anagi stoves was positively associated with a higher education level of the primary cook (P = 0.026), although not associated with household income (P = 0.18). The MicroPEM monitors were well‐received by participants, and this study's valid data capture rate exceeded 97%. Participant wearing compliance during waking hours was on average 87.2% on Day 1 and 83.3% on Day 2. Periods of non‐compliance occurred solely during non‐cooking times. The measured median 48‐h average indoor PM2.5 concentration for households with Anagi stoves was 64 μg/m3 if a chimney was present and 181 μg/m3 if not. For households using traditional stoves, these values were 70 μg/m3 if a chimney was present and 371 μg/m3 if not. Overall, measured indoor PM2.5 concentrations ranged from a minimum of 33 μg/m3 to a maximum of 940 μg/m3, while personal exposure concentrations ranged from 34 to 522 μg/m3. Linear mixed effects modeling of the dependence of indoor concentrations on stove type and presence or absence of chimney showed a significant chimney effect (65% reduction; P < 0.001) and an almost significant stove effect (24% reduction; P = 0.054). Primary cooks in households without chimneys were exposed to substantially higher levels of HAP than those in households with chimneys, while exposures in households with traditional stoves were moderately higher than those with improved Anagi stoves. As expected, simultaneously measuring both indoor concentrations and personal exposure levels indicate significant exposure misclassification bias will likely result from the use of a stationary monitor as a proxy for personal exposure. While personal exposure monitoring is more complex and expensive than deploying simple stationary devices, the value an active personal PM monitor like the MicroPEM adds to an exposure study should be considered in future study designs.  相似文献   

Lead is one of the major environmental pollutants and a health risk. Dental hard tissues have a capacity to accumulate lead from the environment. Eighty exfoliated primary teeth were collected from children residing around a shipyard area in southern Thailand, known for its lead contamination. The morphology of the enamel was examined by polarized light microscopy (PLM), microradiography (MRG), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The specimens derived from two groups of children, one group with high blood levels of lead (57 teeth) and one group having low blood levels of lead (23 teeth). The enamel irrespective of group appeared normal. However, in a majority of the specimens the enamel surface appeared hypomineralized, which was confirmed in SEM. No morphological changes connected to lead in blood could be found. The hypomineralized surface zone could possibly be attributed to an acid oral environment.  相似文献   

A preliminary investigation of whole blood lead levels of workers in a paint factory and workers of the Official Government Press in Damascus City was carried out. For comparison, the blood lead level of a group of donors from the same city was also determined. A graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometer was used for blood analysis. Elevated levels of lead were found in the blood of some workers, mainly those who were exposed to large amounts of lead compounds in dust. Lead levels in whole blood of donors ranged from 6 to 51 micrograms/-100 ml.  相似文献   

Enamel and dentine in teeth of children with high blood levels of lead were analyzed by means of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and X-ray micro-analyses (XRMA) and compare with teeth from children with low blood levels of lead. The SIMS analysis revealed detectable levels of Pb in dentine close to the pulp. The XRMA analyses could not detect any lead. There were no differences found in lead level in enamel of high lead level exposed teeth from low level exposed. The results confirm that children with high blood levels of lead have an uptake of lead in dentine close to the pulp.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a series of investigations made with different sizes of walls constructed with ceramic pieces, with steel reinforcement set on mortar beds.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(7):584-595
Two types of dual drainage models were set up to assess urban flooding for a study area in Germany: (1) a static model based on a conventional method in Germany; the overflow volumes of the manholes are gained by the sewer solver HYSTEM-EXTRAN. Using these water volumes and geographic information system (GIS) tools, an overland flow network, composed of flow paths and accumulated water in sinks, is produced, (2) a HYSTEM-EXTRAN 2D model; a two-dimensional (2D) overland flow module is coupled bi-directionally with HYSTEM-EXTRAN. The overland flow and the flow in the sewer system are simulated alternately.

Both models were supplied with a synthetic design rainfall and 25 extreme storms. After comparing the models and the results, a practical approach to assess urban flooding is proposed. In this approach the 2D model will compute the depth, extent, and propagation of floods only in the prone areas specified by the static model.  相似文献   

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