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A Monte Carlo sky coverage model for laser guide star adaptive optics systems was proposed by Clare and Ellerbroek [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 23, 418 (2006)]. We refine the model to include (i) natural guide star (NGS) statistics using published star count models, (ii) noise on the NGS measurements, (iii) the effect of telescope wind shake, (iv) a model for how the Strehl and hence NGS wavefront sensor measurement noise varies across the field, (v) the focus error due to imperfectly tracking the range to the sodium layer, (vi) the mechanical bandwidths of the tip-tilt (TT) stage and deformable mirror actuators, and (vii) temporal filtering of the NGS measurements to balance errors due to noise and servo lag. From this model, we are able to generate a TT error budget for the Thirty Meter Telescope facility narrow-field infrared adaptive optics system (NFIRAOS) and perform several design trade studies. With the current NFIRAOS design, the median TT error at the galactic pole with median seeing is calculated to be 65 nm or 1.8 mas rms.  相似文献   

A solution to the problem of detecting the tip-tilt modes in multiconjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) with laser guide stars (LGS) is presented. This solution requires the presence of only a single relatively dim natural guide star (NGS) within the reconstructed field of view (FoV). The dim NGS is used for the reconstruction of the tip-tilt modes on the entire FoV, while the tomographic reconstruction of second-order and higher-order modes is made possible by having an LGS constellation with LGSs at different heights. Due to the relatively low brightness required for the tip-tilt NGS and the large corrected FoV (as compared with the case of conventional adaptive optics) the presented solution provides a means to achieve near-diffraction-limited performance of a 10-m-class telescope in the near infrared over a large portion of the sky. Sky coverage calculations assuming median seeing conditions indicate that this technique could be applied to 75% (95%) of the sky, achieving corrections with an average Strehl ratio approximately 0.42(approximately 0.33) in the 2.2 microm K band across the 1.5' reconstructed FoV.  相似文献   

We propose ground-layer adaptive optics (GLAO) to improve the seeing on the 42?m European Extremely Large Telescope. Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors (WFSs) with laser guide stars (LGSs) will experience significant spot elongation due to off-axis observation. This spot elongation influences the design of the laser launch location, laser power, WFS detector, and centroiding algorithm for LGS GLAO on an extremely large telescope. We show, using end-to-end numerical simulations, that with a noise-weighted matrix-vector-multiply reconstructor, the performance in terms of 50% ensquared energy (EE) of the side and central launch of the lasers is equivalent, the matched filter and weighted center of gravity centroiding algorithms are the most promising, and approximately 10×10 undersampled pixels are optimal. Significant improvement in the 50% EE can be observed with a few tens of photons/subaperture/frame, and no significant gain is seen by adding more than 200 photons/subaperture/frame. The LGS GLAO is not particularly sensitive to the sodium profile present in the mesosphere nor to a short-timescale (less than 100?s) evolution of the sodium profile. The performance of LGS GLAO is, however, sensitive to the atmospheric turbulence profile.  相似文献   

Real-time turbulence profiling is necessary to tune tomographic wavefront reconstruction algorithms for wide-field adaptive optics (AO) systems on large to extremely large telescopes, and to perform a variety of image post-processing tasks involving point-spread function reconstruction. This paper describes a computationally efficient and accurate numerical technique inspired by the slope detection and ranging (SLODAR) method to perform this task in real time from properly selected Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor measurements accumulated over a few hundred frames from a pair of laser guide stars, thus eliminating the need for an additional instrument. The algorithm is introduced, followed by a theoretical influence function analysis illustrating its impulse response to high-resolution turbulence profiles. Finally, its performance is assessed in the context of the Thirty Meter Telescope multi-conjugate adaptive optics system via end-to-end wave optics Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

We present an analytical algorithm for deriving the shapes of the deformable mirrors to be used for multiconjugate adaptive correction on a large telescope. The algorithm is optimal in the limit where the overlap of the wave-front contributions from relevant atmospheric layers probed by the guide stars is close to the size of the pupil. The fundamental principle for correction is based on a minimization of the sum of the residual power spectra of the phase fluctuations seen by the guide stars after correction. On the basis of the expressions for the mirror shapes, so-called layer transfer functions describing the distribution of the correction of a single atmospheric layer among the deformable mirrors and the resulting correction of that layer have been derived. It is shown that for five guide stars distributed in a regular cross, two- and three-mirror correction will be possible only up to a maximum frequency defined by the largest separation of the conjugate altitudes of the mirrors and by the angular separation of the guide stars. The performance of the algorithm is investigated in the K band by using a standard seven-layer atmosphere. We present results obtained for two guide-star configurations: a continuous distribution within a given angular radius and a five-star cross pattern with a given angular arm length. The wave-front fluctuations are subjected to correction using one, two, and three deformable mirrors. The needed mirror dynamic range is derived as required root-mean-square stroke and actuator pitch. Finally the performance is estimated in terms of the Strehl ratio obtained by the correction as a function of field angle. No noise has been included in the present analysis, and the guide stars are assumed to be at infinity.  相似文献   

Holographic correction and phasing of large sparse-array telescopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Andersen G 《Applied optics》2005,44(8):1355-1359
I have constructed a 1-m-diameter telescope using separate, low-quality spherical primary mirror segments. A single hologram of the mirrors is used to correct the random surface distortions as well as spherical aberration, while simultaneously phasing the individual apertures together. I present experimental results of the removal of an error of thousands of waves to produce a diffraction-limited instrument operating over a narrow bandwidth. This technique promises to have many benefits in future space-based telescopes for imaging, lidar, and optical communications.  相似文献   

Pique JP  Fesquet V  Jacob S 《Applied optics》2011,50(33):6294-6301
Intensive use of laser guide stars with the new generation of extremely large telescopes and hypertelescopes will require the use of more efficient lasers to surmount novel limitations and aberrations. The pulsed frequency-shifted feedback (FSF) laser we have developed overcomes the saturation of sodium atoms and solves the new problems. This work presents a highly efficient solution for operating pulsed FSF lasers. For the first time, an intracavity preamplifier achieves a gain of 10(4) and more than 40 μJ per pulse, with a near-diffraction-limited beam and without amplified spontaneous emission. Endurance tests have shown that good performance is maintained over several hundred hours.  相似文献   

The polychromatic laser guide star (PLGS) is one of the solutions proposed to extend the sky coverage by large telescopes to 100% by enabling a complete knowledge of all perturbation orders of the wavefront. The knowledge of the tip-tilt is deduced from the monitoring of the chromatic components of the PLGS, from 330 nm to the visible or near infrared. Here we study the original scheme to create the PLGS by resonant excitation of the mesospheric sodium by two pulsed lasers (tens of kilohertz repetition rate, tens of watts average power, tens of nanoseconds pulse duration), at 589 and 569 nm, respectively. The efficiency of this process is investigated numerically by means of both Bloch equation and rate equation models. The influence of numerous laser parameters is studied. In the best case, having optimized all laser parameters, the return flux at 330 nm should not exceed 7x10(4) photons/s/m2 for 2x18 W laser average power at the mesosphere. This maximum is obtained for a modeless laser whose spot diameter corresponds to 4 times the diffraction limit. For a diffraction-limited spot, the return flux falls down to 4x10(4)photons/s/m2.  相似文献   

Scholl MS  Lawrence GN 《Applied optics》1995,34(31):7295-7301
We investigate the feasibility of using an adaptive mirror for in-orbit aberration corrections. The advantage of an in situ aberration correction of optical components in the space environment is that the mirror shape can be adjusted in an iterative fashion until the best image is obtained. Using the actuator spacing, corresponding to one half of the Nyquist frequency, the Strehl ratio of the corrected wave front improves to 0.95 when the mirror is fabricated with 6.5 waves of spherical aberration. The Strehl ratio decreases to 0.86 when the number of actuators is reduced by a factor of 4, in a two-dimensional adaptive optics model.  相似文献   

A class of adaptive-optics problems is described in which phase distortions caused by atmospheric turbulence are corrected by adaptive wave-front reconstruction with a deformable mirror, i.e., the control loop that drives the mirror adapts in real time to time-varying atmospheric conditions, as opposed to the linear time-invariant control loops used in conventional adaptive optics. The basic problem is posed as an adaptive disturbance-rejection problem with many channels. The solution given is an adaptive feedforward control loop built around a multichannel adaptive lattice filter. Simulation results are presented for a 1-m telescope with both one-layer and two-layer atmospheric turbulence profiles. These results demonstrate the significant improvement in imaging resolution produced by the adaptive control loop compared with a classical linear time-invariant control loop.  相似文献   

In an adaptive optics system with an undersampled Shack-Hartmann wave-front sensor (WFS), variations in seeing, laser guide star quality, and sodium layer thickness and range distance all combine to vary WFS centroid gain across the pupil during an exposure. While using the minimum of 4 pixels per WFS subaperture improves frame rate and read noise, the WFS centroid gain uncertainty may introduce static aberrations and degrade servo loop phase margin. We present a novel method to estimate and compensate WFS gains of each subaperture individually in real time for both natural and laser guide stars.  相似文献   

With laser polishing, the roughness of ground glass surfaces can be significantly reduced. With process speeds up to 1 cm2/s independent of the processed surface shape, the resulting roughness is already sufficient for illumination optics. To further reduce the roughness, the polishing process itself will be optimized and moreover combined with a subsequent laser based form correction. Within this paper, results of laser polishing as well as laser form correction and combination of the two processes are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed a new, unified implementation of the adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) incorporating a wide-field line-scanning ophthalmoscope (LSO) and a closed-loop optical retinal tracker. AOSLO raster scans are deflected by the integrated tracking mirrors so that direct AOSLO stabilization is automatic during tracking. The wide-field imager and large-spherical-mirror optical interface design, as well as a large-stroke deformable mirror (DM), enable the AOSLO image field to be corrected at any retinal coordinates of interest in a field of >25 deg. AO performance was assessed by imaging individuals with a range of refractive errors. In most subjects, image contrast was measurable at spatial frequencies close to the diffraction limit. Closed-loop optical (hardware) tracking performance was assessed by comparing sequential image series with and without stabilization. Though usually better than 10 μm rms, or 0.03 deg, tracking does not yet stabilize to single cone precision but significantly improves average image quality and increases the number of frames that can be successfully aligned by software-based post-processing methods. The new optical interface allows the high-resolution imaging field to be placed anywhere within the wide field without requiring the subject to re-fixate, enabling easier retinal navigation and faster, more efficient AOSLO montage capture and stitching.  相似文献   

李彩凤  贾鹏  蔡冬梅 《光电工程》2020,47(9):190515-1-190515-11



Laser beams projected from the ground to form sodium layer laser guide stars (LGSs) for adaptive optics (AO) systems experience scattering and absorption that reduce their intensity as they propagate upward through the atmosphere. Some fraction of the scattered light will be collected by the other wavefront sensors and causes additional background in parts of the pupil. This cross-talk between different LGS wavefront sensors is referred to as the fratricide effect. In this paper we quantify the magnitude of four different sources of scattering/absorption and backscattering, and we evaluate their impact on performance with various zenith angles and turbulence profiles for one particular AO system. The resulting wavefront error for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) multi-conjugate AO (MCAO) system, NFIRAOS, is on the order of 5 to 20 nm RMS, provided that the mean background from the fratricide effect can be calibrated and subtracted with an accuracy of 80%. We also present the impact on system performance of momentary variations in LGS signal levels due to variations in cirrus absorption or laser power, and we show that this affects the performance more than does an equal variation in the level of the fratricide.  相似文献   

The lamina cribrosa has been postulated from in vitro studies as an early site of damage in glaucoma. Prior in vivo measures of laminar morphology have been confounded by ocular aberrations. In this study the lamina cribrosa was imaged after correcting for ocular aberrations using the adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) in normal and glaucomatous eyes of rhesus monkeys. All measured laminar morphological parameters showed increased magnitudes in glaucomatous eyes relative to fellow control eyes, indicating altered structure. The AOSLO provides high-quality images of the lamina cribrosa and may have potential as a tool for early identification of glaucoma.  相似文献   

Wide-field astronomy requires the development of larger aperture telescopes. The optical properties of a three-mirror modified-Rumsey design provide significant advantages when compared to other telescope designs: (i) at any wavelength, the design has a flat field and is anastigmatic; (ii) the system is extremely compact, i.e., it is almost four times shorter than a Schmidt. Compared to the equally compact flat-field Ritchey-Chrétien with a doublet-lens corrector, as developed for the Sloan digital sky survey-and which requires the polishing of six optical surfaces-the proposed modified-Rumsey design requires only a two-surface polishing and provides a better imaging quality. All the mirrors are spheroids of the hyperboloid type. Starting from the classical Rumsey design, it is shown that the use of all eight available free parameters allows the simultaneous aspherization of the primary and tertiary mirrors by active optics methods from a single deformable substrate. The continuity conditions between the primary and the tertiary hyperbolizations are achieved by an intermediate narrow ring of constant thickness that is not optically used. After the polishing of a double vase form in a spherical shape, the primary-tertiary hyperbolizations are achieved by in situ stressing. The tulip-form secondary is hyperbolized by stress polishing. Other active optics alternatives are possible for a space telescope. The modified-Rumsey design is of interest for developing large space- and ground-based survey telescopes in UV, visible, or IR ranges, such as currently demonstrated with the construction of identical telescopes MINITRUST-1 and -2, f/5-2 degrees field of view. Double-pass optical tests show diffraction-limited images.  相似文献   

Wang L  Andersen D  Ellerbroek B 《Applied optics》2012,51(16):3692-3700
The scientific productivity of laser guide star adaptive optics systems strongly depends on the sky coverage, which describes the probability of finding natural guide stars for the tip/tilt wavefront sensor(s) to achieve a certain performance. Knowledge of the sky coverage is also important for astronomers planning their observations. In this paper, we present an efficient method to compute the sky coverage for the laser guide star multiconjugate adaptive optics system, the Narrow Field Infrared Adaptive Optics System (NFIRAOS), being designed for the Thirty Meter Telescope project. We show that NFIRAOS can achieve more than 70% sky coverage over most of the accessible sky with the requirement of 191 nm total rms wavefront.  相似文献   

Kasinski JJ  Burnham RL 《Applied optics》1996,35(30):5949-5954
We achieved a 1.3× diffraction-limited output beam with a pulse energy of 0.76 J at 60 Hz (average power of 46 W) at 1.064 μm from a diode-pumped Nd:YAG master oscillator power amplifier rod laser using a diamond-turned aspheric optic to compensate thermally induced phase distortion of the gain medium. The output was frequency doubled in KTP to 30 W (0.5-J pulse energy) and 2.4× diffraction-limited at 532 nm.  相似文献   

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