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The role of gesture recognition is significant in areas like human‐computer interaction, sign language, virtual reality, machine vision, etc. Among various gestures of the human body, hand gestures play a major role to communicate nonverbally with the computer. As the hand gesture is a continuous pattern with respect to time, the hidden Markov model (HMM) is found to be the most suitable pattern recognition tool, which can be modeled using the hand gesture parameters. The HMM considers the speeded up robust feature features of hand gesture and uses them to train and test the system. Conventionally, the Viterbi algorithm has been used for training process in HMM by discovering the shortest decoded path in the state diagram. The recursiveness of the Viterbi algorithm leads to computational complexity during the execution process. In order to reduce the complexity, the state sequence analysis approach is proposed for training the hand gesture model, which provides a better recognition rate and accuracy than that of the Viterbi algorithm. The performance of the proposed approach is explored in the context of pattern recognition with the Cambridge hand gesture data set.  相似文献   

基于隐马尔可夫模型的运动目标轨迹识别 *   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
引入改进的隐马尔可夫模型算法,针对真实场景中运动目标轨迹的复杂程度对各个轨迹模式类建立相应的隐马尔可夫模型,利用训练样本训练模型得到可靠的模型参数;计算测试样本对于各个模型的最大似然概率,选取最大概率值对应的轨迹模式类作为轨迹识别的结果,对两种场景中聚类后的轨迹进行训练与识别。实验结果表明,平均识别率分别达到87.76 %和94. 19%。  相似文献   

一种改进的隐马尔可夫模型在语音识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种新的马尔可夫模型——异步隐马尔可夫模型.该模型针对噪音环境下语音识别过程中出现丢失帧的情况,通过增加新的隐藏时间标示变量Ck,估计出实际观察值对应的状态序列,实现对不规则或者不完整采样数据的建模.详细介绍了适合异步HMM的前后向算法以及用于训练的EM算法,并且对转移矩阵的计算进行了优化.最后通过实验仿真,分别使用经典HMM和异步HMM对相同的随机抽取帧的语音数据进行识别,识别结果显示在抽取帧相同情况下异步HMM比经典HMM的识别错误率低.  相似文献   

基于离散HSMM的故障预测模型   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
桂林  武小悦 《计算机应用研究》2008,25(11):3320-3322
提出了一种基于离散HSMM的故障预测模型,根据部分观测矢量预测系统下一时刻处于各个状态的概率。结合HSMM的前向—后向(FB)算法,给出了部分观测下HSMM的状态预测算法。将提出的模型应用于减速箱故障预测中,结果表明该方法可以有效地进行故障预测。  相似文献   

针对现有技术中电动汽车充电平台智能语音识别能力差的问题,设计了新型的电动汽车充电平台,该系统平台包括计算机网络终端、电网调度中心以及充电桩等,能够实现上层管理中心的语音识别,电路包括语音采集模块、语音辨别模块和控制驱动模块等,设计出基于UniSpeech-SDA80D51芯片的语音识别电路,提高了语音识别能力,并构建出隐马尔可夫模型(hidden Markov model,HMM)和人工神经元网络(artificial neural network,ANN)相融合的模型,实现了智能语音识别数据信息的挖掘与处理,进而增强了语音识别系统的性能。试验表明,该研究在不同噪音下的识别率,其中在20 dB的噪音下识别率为88.3%。该方法提高了语音识别和挖掘能力。  相似文献   

We propose a model structure with a double-layer hidden Markov model (HMM) to recognise driving intention and predict driving behaviour. The upper-layer multi-dimensional discrete HMM (MDHMM) in the double-layer HMM represents driving intention in a combined working case, constructed according to the driving behaviours in certain single working cases in the lower-layer multi-dimensional Gaussian HMM (MGHMM). The driving behaviours are recognised by manoeuvring the signals of the driver and vehicle state information, and the recognised results are sent to the upper-layer HMM to recognise driving intentions. Also, driving behaviours in the near future are predicted using the likelihood-maximum method. A real-time driving simulator test on the combined working cases showed that the double-layer HMM can recognise driving intention and predict driving behaviour accurately and efficiently. As a result, the model provides the basis for pre-warning and intervention of danger and improving comfort performance.  相似文献   

将隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)与小波神经网络(WNN)相结合,提出了一种基于心音信号的身份识别方法。该方法首先利用HMM对心音信号进行时序建模,并计算出待识别心音信号的输出概率评分;再将此识别概率评分作为小波神经网络的输入,通过小波神经网络将HMM的识别概率值进行非线性映射,获取分类识别信息;最后根据混合模型的识别算法得出识别结果。实验采集80名志愿者的160段心音信号对所提出的方法进行验证,并与GMM模型的识别结果进行了对比,结果表明,所选方法能够有效提高系统的识别性能,达到了比较理想的识别效果。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于小波包隐马尔可夫的脱机手写体签名识别方法。该方法用小波包对归一化的签名图像进行特征提取,用混合高斯模型刻画各频带的小波包的系数分布,并用隐马尔可夫的状态转移模型描述了高斯模型在各频带间的相关性和依赖性。该方法数据预处理简单,特征提取完全可逆,避免了复杂分割,很好地描述了签名图像的小波包分解的统计特性,实验表明具有较好的抗噪性、鲁棒性、适应性和较高的识别率。  相似文献   

基于HMM和遗传神经网络的语音识别系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种基于隐马尔可夫(HMM)和遗传算法优化的反向传播网络(GA-BP)的混合模型语音识别方法。该方法首先利用HMM对语音信号进行时序建模,并计算出语音对HMM的输出概率的评分,将得到的概率评分作为优化后反向传播网络的输入,得到分类识别信息,最后根据混合模型的识别算法作出识别决策。通过Matlab软件对已有的样本数据进行训练和测试。仿真结果表明,由于设计充分利用了HMM时间建模能力强和GA-BP神经网络分类能力强等特点,该混合模型比单纯的HMM具有更强的抗噪性,克服了神经网络的局部最优问题,大大提高了识别的速度,明显改善了语音识别系统的性能。  相似文献   

Multi-criteria human resource allocation involves deciding how to divide human resource of limited availability among multiple demands in a way that optimizes current objectives. In this paper, we focus on multi-criteria human resource allocation for solving multistage combinatorial optimization problem. Hence we tackle this problem via a multistage decision-making model. A multistage decision-making model is similar to a complex problem solving, in which a suitable sequence of decisions is to be found. The task can be interpreted as a series of interactions between a decision maker and an outside world, at each stage of which some decisions are available and their immediate effect can be easily computed. Eventually, goals would be reached due to the found of optimized variables. In order to obtain a set of Pareto solutions efficiently, we propose a multiobjective hybrid genetic algorithm (mohGA) approach based on the multistage decision-making model for solving combinatorial optimization problems. According to the proposed method, we apply the mohGA to seek feasible solutions for all stages. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm was validated by its application to an illustrative example dealing with multiobjective resource allocation problem.  相似文献   

Clustering is a popular data analysis and data mining technique. A popular technique for clustering is based on k-means such that the data is partitioned into K clusters. However, the k-means algorithm highly depends on the initial state and converges to local optimum solution. This paper presents a new hybrid evolutionary algorithm to solve nonlinear partitional clustering problem. The proposed hybrid evolutionary algorithm is the combination of FAPSO (fuzzy adaptive particle swarm optimization), ACO (ant colony optimization) and k-means algorithms, called FAPSO-ACO–K, which can find better cluster partition. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated through several benchmark data sets. The simulation results show that the performance of the proposed algorithm is better than other algorithms such as PSO, ACO, simulated annealing (SA), combination of PSO and SA (PSO–SA), combination of ACO and SA (ACO–SA), combination of PSO and ACO (PSO–ACO), genetic algorithm (GA), Tabu search (TS), honey bee mating optimization (HBMO) and k-means for partitional clustering problem.  相似文献   

一种基于DSmT和HMM的序列飞机目标识别算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对姿态多变化的飞机自动目标识别中的低识别率问题, 提出了一种基于DSmT (Dezert-Smarandache theory)与隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov model, HMM)的飞机多特征序列信息融合识别算法(Multiple features and sequential information fusion, MFSIF). 其创新性在于将单幅图像的多特征信息融合识别和序列图像信息融合识别进行有机结合.首先, 对图像进行二值化预处理, 并提取目标的Hu矩和轮廓局部奇异值特征; 然后, 利用概率神经网络(Probabilistic neural networks, PNN)构造基本信度赋值(Basic belief assignment, BBA); 接着, 利用DSmT对该图像的不同特征进行融合,从而获得HMM的观察值序列;再接着, 利用隐马尔可夫模型对飞机序列信息融合, 计算观察值序列与各隐马尔可夫模型之间的相似度, 从而实现姿态多变化的飞机目标自动识别;最后, 通过仿真实验, 验证了该算法在飞机姿态发生较大变化时, 依然可以获得较高的正确识别率,同时在实时性方面也可以满足飞机目标识别的要求. 另外, 在飞机序列发生连续遮挡帧数τ ≤ 6的情况下, 也具有较高的飞机目标正确识别率.  相似文献   

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