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The biological production of biohydrogen through dark fermentation is a very complex system where the use of an artificial neuron network (ANN) for prediction, controlling and monitoring has a great potential. In this study three ANN models based on volatile fatty acids (VFA) production and speciation were evaluated for their capacity to predict (i) accumulated H2 production, (ii) hydrogen production rate and (iii) H2 yield. Lab-scale biohydrogen and VFA production kinetics from a previous study were used for training and validation of the models. The input parameters studied were: time and acetate and butyrate concentrations (model 1), time and lactate, acetate, propionate and butyrate concentrations (model 2), time and the sum of all VFA (model 3) and time and butyrate/acetate (model 4). All models could predict biohydrogen accumulated production, hydrogen production rate and H2 yield with high accuracy (R2 > 0.987). VFAT is the input parameter indicated for processes using pure cultures, while for complex/mixed cultures a model based on acetate and butyrate is recommended.  相似文献   

Research efforts to allow large-scale conversion of cellulose into biofuels are being undertaken in the US and EU. These efforts are designed to increase logistic and conversion efficiencies, enhancing the economic competitiveness of cellulosic biofuels. However, not enough attention has been paid to the future market conditions for cellulosic biofuels, which will determine whether the necessary private investment will be available to allow a cellulosic biofuels industry to emerge. We examine the future market for cellulosic biofuels, differentiating between cellulosic ethanol and ‘drop-in’ cellulosic biofuels that can be transported with petroleum fuels and have equivalent energy values. We show that emergence of a cellulosic ethanol industry is unlikely without costly government subsidies, in part because of strong competition from conventional ethanol and limits on ethanol blending. If production costs of drop-in cellulosic biofuels fall enough to become competitive, then their expansion will not necessarily cause feedstock prices to rise. As long as local supplies of feedstocks that have no or low-valued alternative uses exist, then expansion will not cause prices to rise significantly. If cellulosic feedstocks come from dedicated biomass crops, then the supply curves will have a steeper slope because of competition for land.  相似文献   

We evaluated several variants of a variable biofuel subsidy and compared them with the fixed subsidy and Renewable Fuel Standard using two different modeling approaches. First we used a partial equilibrium model encompassing crude oil, gasoline, ethanol, corn, and ethanol by-products. Second, we used a stochastic simulation model of a prototypical ethanol plant. From the partial equilibrium analysis, it appears the variable subsidy provides a safety net for ethanol producers when oil prices are low; yet, it does not put undue pressure on corn prices when oil prices are high. At high oil prices, the level of ethanol production is driven by market forces. From the plant level stochastic analysis, essentially the same conclusions are reached. As with the fixed subsidy, the variable subsidy can increase the net present value (NPV) sufficiently to encourage investment, but with lower risk for the producer, lower probability of a loss from the investment, and often lower expected cost to government. Finally, in the US, the ethanol industry is up against a blending limit called the blend wall. If the blending wall remains in place and no way around it is found, it does not matter much what other policy options are used.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are a group of light harvesting prokaryotic microorganisms displaying a vast diversity in terms of their morphology, physiology, and metabolic capabilities, which appear to be important factors for their survival in diverse ecological niches. The metabolism of cyanobacteria does not fit well into a linear understanding of generalized photosynthetic microorganisms. In addition to the water oxidizing photosynthesis accomplished by coupling photosystem I and photosystem II activities, they also possess intersecting photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains in thylakoid membranes which help them to adjust electron flow in the membranes and linked energy metabolism as per the need or demand of the situation. The cyanobacteria have an incomplete tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle as they lack 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase. However, the enzymes, 2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase and succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase encoded by their genes convert 2-oxoglutarate to succinate, and thereby use this shunt pathway not only to support the cells to maintain production of reducing equivalents (NADPH), but also to provide unique flexibility to its metabolic system that manifested in their various functions some of which are being progressively understood. The existence of unusual TCA cycle shunt in cyanobacteria opens up a new research avenue for engineering cyanobacteria for biotechnological applications including production of various biofuels of high commercial interest. The unique respiratory metabolisms could also be exploited to generate electrogenic cyanobacterial cells for production of bioelectricity in a fuelcell setup.  相似文献   

This study presents an integration of acidogenesis (dark-fermentation) and methanogenesis for green hythane/biohythane production from food waste in two stages (S–I and S-II) and phases (P–I and P-II) of operational variations. The regulatory influence of biocatalyst and redox environment on anaerobic fermentation was evaluated  through a rapid protocol in the context of biogas up-gradation with reference to bio-hydrogen (bio-H2), biomethane (CH4), bio-hythane (H2+CH4) and their composition (H2/(H2+CH4)) as major markers. Bioreactors with two different parent cultures (heat-shock pretreated and untreated) were operated at pH 6 and 7 in two phases to overcome the impediment of single-phase operation aiming for maximum energy recovery from the untreated substrate of P–I. Integration of S–I with S-II was beneficial to achieve 1.22 times higher cumulative bio-hythane production (4.25 L) compared to S–I (3.47 L) condition alone. The bio-hythane composition mimics the H2 enriched CNG (H-CNG) and showed the potential to be implemented for biogas up-gradation as a tool.  相似文献   

Purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) are well known for converting short-chain organic acids to H2, however, a decrease in pH caused by metabolic acids production limited H2 production during the photo-fermentation from glucose. Here we address why volatile fatty acids (VFA) excreted as fermentation products cannot be further degraded by R. sphaeroides that readily use them. We found that the photo-fermentation with pH controlled at 6.9 ± 0.1 resulted in a 90% increase of H2 yield and a 107.6% increase in volume H2 production relative to the pH-uncontrolled culture. Comparative fermentations on glucose at pH 5.8 and pH 7.1 using culture medium supplemented with 50% spent fermentation broth demonstrated that low pH alone is not the limiting factor and compounds present in the supernatants along with pH decrease were the most inhibitory to H2 production. The impact of byproducts VFA on phototrophic H2 production was dependent on both the pH and VFA concentrations; even 7 mM VFA addition totally inhibited H2 production from glucose at pH 5.4. H2 production with pH control for the Δhup strain was not discernibly different from the parent strain, which are all significantly higher than high-performance strains by metabolic engineering. These results demonstrate that pH dependent VFA inhibition can be turned into a driving force for enhanced H2 production from glucose by pH regulation.  相似文献   

In 2008, the UK launched the first regulatory sustainability reporting scheme for biofuels. The development of the scheme, managed by the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership for the Department for Transport, involved extensive stakeholder engagement. The scheme has significantly increased understanding by policy-makers, the biofuels industry and its supply chains on how to monitor and manage the sustainability risks of biofuels and increase their greenhouse-gas benefits. It is providing a practical model for similar developments globally. To receive certificates in order to meet volume obligations under the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO), suppliers must provide a monthly carbon and sustainability report on individual batches of renewable fuels they supply into the UK. The Renewable Fuels Agency produces aggregate monthly reports of overall performance and quarterly updates of individual supplier performance. This scheme is an important first step to assist the biofuels industry to demonstrate its environmental credentials and justify the subsidies received. The paper provides a case study of the development of the scheme, its initial outcomes and outstanding challenges.  相似文献   

AimsThe emergence of second generation (2G) biofuels is widely seen as a sustainable response to the increasing controversy surrounding the first generation (1G). Yet, sustainability credentials of 2G biofuels are also being questioned. Drawing on work in Science and Technology Studies, we argue that controversies help focus attention on key, often value-related questions that need to be posed to address broader societal concerns. This paper examines lessons drawn from the 1G controversy to assess implications for the sustainability appraisal of 2G biofuels.ScopeWe present an overview of key 1G sustainability challenges, assess their relevance for 2G, and highlight the challenges for policy in managing the transition. We address limitations of existing sustainability assessments by exploring where challenges might emerge across the whole system of bioenergy and the wider context of the social system in which bioenergy research and policy are done.ConclusionsKey lessons arising from 1G are potentially relevant to the sustainability appraisal of 2G biofuels depending on the particular circumstances or conditions under which 2G is introduced. We conclude that sustainability challenges commonly categorised as either economic, environmental or social are, in reality, more complexly interconnected (so that an artificial separation of these categories is problematic).  相似文献   

This paper examines three technology routes for lowering the carbon intensity of biofuels: (1) a leapfrog route that focuses on major technological breakthroughs in lignocellulosic pathways at new, stand-alone biorefineries; (2) an incremental route in which improvements are made to existing U.S. corn ethanol and soybean biodiesel biorefineries; and (3) a transitional route in which biotechnology firms gain experience growing, handling, or chemically converting lignocellulosic biomass in a lower-risk fashion than leapfrog biorefineries by leveraging existing capital stock. We find the incremental route is likely to involve the largest production volumes and greenhouse gas benefits until at least the mid-2020s, but transitional and leapfrog biofuels together have far greater long-term potential. We estimate that the Renewable Fuel Standard, California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard, and federal tax credits provided an incentive of roughly $1.5–2.5 per gallon of leapfrog biofuel between 2012 and 2015, but that regulatory elements in these policies mostly incentivize lower-risk incremental investments. Adjustments in policy may be necessary to bring a greater focus on transitional technologies that provide targeted learning and cost reduction opportunities for leapfrog biofuels.  相似文献   

Global threats of fuel shortages in the near future and climate change due to green-house gas emissions are posing serious challenges and hence and it is imperative to explore means for sustainable ways of averting the consequences. The dual application of microalgae for phycoremediation and biomass production for sustainable biofuels production is a feasible option. The use of high rate algal ponds (HRAPs) for nutrient removal has been in existence for some decades though the technology has not been fully harnessed for wastewater treatment. Therefore this paper discusses current knowledge regarding wastewater treatment using HRAPs and microalgal biomass production techniques using wastewater streams. The biomass harvesting methods and lipid extraction protocols are discussed in detail. Finally the paper discusses biodiesel production via transesterification of the lipids and other biofuels such as biomethane and bioethanol which are described using the biorefinery approach.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with comparing raw dairy wastewater (DWW) with blue-green medium (BG11 medium) for biofuel production. Three microalgae strains (Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., and Chlorella zofingiensis) were cultured in tubular bubble column photobioreactors with two media separately. After 8 days of cultivation, DWW was demonstrated to be more suitable medium for microalgae biomass and lipid production than BG11 medium. The biomass and lipid produced within wastewater provided suitable feedstocks for anaerobic digestion and biodiesel conversion. Nutrients in wastewater were efficiently removed (>90% total nitrogen removal, approximately 100% ammonia removal, and >85% total phosphorus removal) during this process.  相似文献   

Resource demand implications for US algae biofuels production scale-up   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Photosynthetic microalgae with the potential for high biomass and oil productivities have long been viewed as a promising class of feedstock for biofuels to displace petroleum-based transportation fuels. Algae offer the additional benefits of potentially being produced without using high-value arable land and fresh water, thereby reducing the competition for those resources between expanding biofuels production and conventional agriculture. Algae growth can also be enhanced by the use of supplemental CO2 that could be supplied by redirecting concentrated CO2 emissions from stationary industrial sources such as fossil-fired power plants, cement plants, fermentation industries, and others. In this way, algae may offer an effective means to capture carbon emissions for reuse in renewable fuels and co-products, while at the same time displacing fossil carbon fuels to help bring about a net reduction in overall carbon emissions. Significant displacement of petroleum fuels will require that algae feedstock production reach large volumes that will put demands on key resources. This scenario-based analysis provides a high-level assessment of land, water, CO2 and nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus) demands resulting from algae biofuel feedstock production reaching target levels of 10 billion gallons per year (BGY), 20 BGY, 50 BGY, and 100 BGY for four different geographical regions of the United States. Different algae productivities are assumed for each scenario region, where relative productivities are nominally based on annual average solar insolation. The projected resource demands are compared with data that provide an indication of the resource level potentially available in each of the scenario regions. The results suggest that significant resource supply challenges can be expected to emerge as regional algae biofuel production capacity approaches levels of about 10 BGY. The details depend on the geographic region, the target feedstock production volume, and the level of algae productivity that can be achieved. The implications are that the supply of CO2, nutrients, and water, in particular, can be expected to severely limit the extent to which US production of algae biofuel can be sustainably expanded unless approaches are developed to mitigate these resource constraints in parallel to emergence of a viable algae technology. Land requirements appear to be the least restrictive, particularly in the Western half of the country where larger quantities of potentially suitable classes of land exist. Within the limited scope and assumptions of this analysis, sustainable photosynthetic microalgae biofuel feedstock production in the US in excess of about 10 BGY will likely be a challenge due to other water, CO2 and nutrient resource limitations. Developing algae production approaches that can effectively use non-fresh water resources and minimize both water and nutrient requirements will help reduce resource constraints. Providing adequate CO2 resources for enhanced algae production appears the biggest challenge, and could emerge as a constraint at oil production levels below 10 BGY.  相似文献   

The recent EU directive on renewable energy sources (Directive 2009/28/EC) promotes the use of biofuel and bioliquids that could be produced through chemical processes. These biofuels consist of a biogenic (renewable) part and a non-renewable (fossil or non-biogenic) part. A method to evaluate the renewable and non-renewable energy fractions released during combustion is presented. The method is based on thermochemical criteria of bond dissociation energies and on the knowledge of the molecular structure of reagents and products. Its application to MTBE and ETBE analysis provided results that are close to those published in the directive. In particular, application of the method on these products points out a renewable fractions of 23.7% and 35.9% compared with the 22% and 37% listed by the RED. Moreover, the application of the method to products of the process production of FAME with use of fossil methanol, shows a fraction of non-renewable energy very low. For glycerol this value is 1.6% and for the methyl ester fraction of non-renewable energy depends on the type of molecule but always less than 2.4%. These findings could be used to devise correction criteria for the fiscal mechanisms being applied to these biofuels.  相似文献   

The impact of continuous removal of volatile fatty acids on fermentative hydrogen production from food waste (FW) in a Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) was evaluated. Two experimental phases were conducted, a control phase and one in which volatile fatty acids were removed continuously from the reactor for the first time by electrodialysis (ED). Hydrogen yields were 64.7 cm3 H2/g VS and 227.3 cm3 H2/g VS for control phase, and ED phase respectively. Continuous removal of volatile fatty acids during fermentation not only increased H2 yields but increased the production of volatile fatty acids (a valuable chemical feedstock) from 0.14 g/g VS to 0.34 g/g VS.  相似文献   

The production of biohydrogen through anaerobic fermentation has received increasingly attention and has great potential as an alternative process for clean fuel production in the future. The monitoring of the stages of anaerobic fermentation provides relevant information about the bioprocess. The objective of this study is to propose a novel methodology for simultaneous analysis of sucrose, glucose, fructose and volatile fatty acids (VFAs), such as, acetic, propionic, isobutyric and butyric during anaerobic fermentation by using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The following chromatographic conditions were optimized: column Aminex HPX-87H, mobile phase consisting of H2SO4 0.005 mol/L, flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and temperature of 55 °C. Sucrose, glucose and fructose were analyzed by refractive index detector (RI) while acetic, propionic, isobutyric and butyric acids were analyzed by ultraviolet (UV) detection at 210 nm. Some analytical parameters of validation, such as, linearity, selectivity, repeatability, intermediate precision, limit of detection and quantification, accuracy and robustness were evaluated. The proposed methodology was successfully applied in the determination of substrates and metabolites during different stages of biohydrogen production.  相似文献   

Conventional raw beet juice extraction in food-grade crystal sugar production is a highly involved and energy intensive process, which includes beets washing, thawing of frozen beets, cossettes slicing, and high temperature denaturation and diffusion. Industrial beets, a new feedstock bred for non-food industrial use, processing for biofuel and bioproducts applications can use less stringent quality requirements and simplify the juice extraction process. A novel simplified front end processing (FEP), which is less expensive, energy efficient, and involved only common equipment (hammer mill and basket press), was developed and tested. The hammer mill pulverized the beets and basket press extracted the juice. Four beet conditions (fresh, frozen, thawed and fresh-frozen) and four presses with water addition were tested for juice extraction. The juice concentration had decreased with the increased number of presses, and the fitted exponential equations (R2 ≥ 0.97) determined the juice concentration as a function of number of presses. Frozen beets consistently produced significantly high concentration juice followed by fresh-frozen, thawed, and fresh beets. Freezing had a beneficial effect in increasing the cumulative approximate sugar extracted. Two presses for fresh (92%) and three for frozen (97%) beets extracted the most available sugars. Future research may focus on water temperature, beet particle size, juice for extraction, microbial stability, energy economics, and products utilization. This new FEP efficiently extracts industrial beet juice and has direct scope in industry deployment as well as enhances the potential of the fuel generated being recognized as an advanced biofuel by the renewable fuel standards.  相似文献   

While the cost competitiveness of vegetable oil-based biofuels (VOBB) has impeded extensive commercialization on a large-scale, the economic viability of small-scale on-farm production of VOBB is unclear. This study assessed the cost competitiveness of small-scale on-farm production of canola- [Brassica napus (L.)] and soybean-based [Glycine max (L.)] biodiesel and straight vegetable oil (SVO) biofuels in the upper Midwest at 2007 price levels. The effects of feedstock type, feedstock valuation (cost of production or market price), biofuel type, and capitalization level on the cost L−1 of biofuel were examined. Valuing feedstock at the cost of production, the cost of canola-based biodiesel ranged from 0.94 to 1.13 $ L−1 and SVO from 0.64 to 0.83 $ L−1 depending on capitalization level. Comparatively, the cost of soybean-based biodiesel and SVO ranged from 0.40 to 0.60 $ L−1 and from 0.14 to 0.33 $ L−1, respectively, depending on capitalization level. Valuing feedstock at the cost of production, soybean biofuels were cost competitive whereas canola biofuels were not. Valuing feedstock at its market price, canola biofuels were more cost competitive than soybean-based biofuels, though neither were cost competitive with petroleum diesel. Feedstock type proved important in terms of the meal co-product credit, which decreased the cost of biodiesel by 1.39 $ L−1 for soybean and 0.44 $ L−1 for canola. SVO was less costly to produce than biodiesel due to reduced input costs. At a small scale, capital expenditures have a substantial impact on the cost of biofuel, ranging from 0.03 to 0.25 $ L−1.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to maximize the hydrolysis and acidification of sugar-beet processing wastewater and beet pulp for volatile fatty acid (VFA) production through acidogenic anaerobic metabolism. Experiments were conducted to determine the optimum operational conditions (HRT, waste-mixing ratio and pH) for effective acidification in daily-fed, continuously mixed anaerobic reactors. For this purpose, reactors were operated at 35 ± 1 °C with different combinations of HRT (2-4 days), wastewater-pulp mixing ratios (1:0-1:1, in terms of COD) and pH ranges (5.7-7.5). Increased OLRs, resulting from pulp addition, increased the amount of acidification products (VFAs) which led to relatively low operational pH values (5.7-6.8). In this pH range, methanogenic activity was successfully inhibited and the lowest methane percentages (5.6-16.3%) were observed in the produced biogas. The optimum operational conditions were determined to be 2-day HRT and 1:1 waste mixing ratio (in terms of COD) without external alkalinity addition. These operational conditions led to the highest tVFA concentration (3635 ± 209 mg/L as H-Ac) with the acidification degree of 46.9 ± 2.1%.  相似文献   

The pursuit towards an alternative solution to fossil fuel has facilitated science investigation initiatives that compare various options leading to biodiesel production. Besides conventional feedstock derived from vegetable oils, alternative sources that could be produce in large scale at competitive costs are the main scope of research in this field. This paper investigates the financial feasibility using organic solid waste as a feedstock, which results in the production of biodiesel through the conversion of volatile fatty acids into lipids (VFA). As a result, based on existing references of capital and operating costs, production and extraction yields for VFA and lipids and an internal rate of return of 15% in real terms, we concluded that biodiesel production is competitive compared to subsidized biodiesel traded in regions of Europe and the United States. These results encourage research aims to examine this technology at a larger scale. The adoption of public policies for the urban waste's disposal and collection, to reduced municipality's costs associated to the treatment, is also important for the implementation of these technologies.  相似文献   

The status and activity of technological development in the field of biofuel and biohydrogen energy from the year 2000–2011 were investigated utilizing patent bibliometric analysis. Based on the reports, the current status indicates that the key technologies for biofuel energy have reached technological maturity in the United States. However, the principal or predominant technologies for biohydrogen energy need a great deal of work to accelerate the development of biohydrogen technology. In addition, three important subjects were found from citation techniques, which are related to biodiesel fuel, biological fuel cell, and the biohydrogen. These patents described that the focus of key techniques of energy production should be established towards low energy demand technologies, and biohydrogen was found to be a potential candidate of the future. Finally, this proposed model can be applied to all high-technology cases, and particularly to green energy field.  相似文献   

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