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Incorporating the `voice of the consumer' in early stages of the new product development process has been identified as a critical success factor for new product development. Yet, this step is often ignored or poorly executed. This may be due to lack of familiarity on which methods are available, the use of disciplinary terminology, and difficulty in accessibility of papers on this subject. This paper reviews and categorises 10 of the most common methods in this area, in terms of what their key features are, and what strengths, weaknesses and appropriateness are. We develop a classification scheme based on three performance dimensions with specific criteria: (1) stimuli used as cue for need elicitation, (2) task format, and (3) need actionability. We provide guidelines for the appropriateness of these methods in the new product development process based on the newness strategy of the development process (radical versus incremental innovation) and identify which functional department (marketing versus R&D) the method should primarily support.  相似文献   

在我国栽培的甜菜有四个变种,为糖用甜菜、饲用甜菜、食用甜菜和叶用甜菜,这四个变种研究水平和投入不同,目前国内主要注重糖用甜菜的研究,其次是饲用甜菜,而食用和叶用甜菜研究较少,随着我国研究的深入和经济的发展,根据四个变种甜菜的用途,应以发展“高产、优质、高效、生态、安全”农业为主题,以“投资拉动、项目带动和创新驱动”为战略,我国的甜菜研究与发展应采取新的思路和方法,广泛收集资源,充分利用国内外品种资源优势;努力抓好基础,全方位开展甜菜研究工作;加强科企联合,加大深加工产品的开发力度,促进甜菜事业的全面发展.  相似文献   

经济技术创新工程贵在创新,贵在调动职工的积极性、创造性,提升职工的创造力.《创造学》便是引导企业职工实施经济技术创新工程的重要教材,本文谨借鉴《创造学》知识中“和田十二技法”即:12个“-”中的加-加、扩-扩、联-联、变-变、改-改,试对实施创新工程如何实现观念创新、管理创新、科技创新、载体创新、机制创新作一粗浅探讨.  相似文献   

烟草植保技术研究与推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对我国烟草植保技术研究领域所取得的成果进行了总结,并在对近年我国烟草病虫害发生情况和防治中存在的问题进行探讨的基础上,对近期烟草病虫害防治工作中的重点提出了建议.  相似文献   

肌酸作为运动营养品使用的研究和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肌酸或称甲胍乙酸是天然存在于我们机体中的营养素。从上世纪90年代开始,就被运动员使用,现已成为使用最广泛的运动营养品。肌酸的主要作用是增加肌肉中肌酸和磷酸肌酸的含量,增加糖元合成并快速提供能量。在阻力运动的同时使用肌酸,有助于肌肉和力量增长。多年来,国外大量的临床研究证明了这些作用及长期补充肌酸的安全性,并得到了法规的保障。本文旨在通过综述国外的研究成果,帮助我国食品、卫生和体育界对肌酸形成共识。   相似文献   

对目前食品防腐剂和抗氧化剂研究中的新技术和新方法进行了综述,概述了微胶囊技术和纳米技术定义、特点及在食品防腐剂和抗氧化剂研究中的应用现状及应用前景,微胶囊技术和纳米技术目前在防腐剂和抗氧化剂研究中遇到的问题及使用优势。介绍了乙醇及乙醇气体发生剂,抗菌食品保鲜膜,利用有益菌与腐败菌的营养竞争作用研发的水果防腐剂的研究方法及其应用效果。酒精气体发生剂具有安全性高而且很强地抑制菌类繁殖的能力,有防止食品硬化的效果。抗菌食品保鲜膜在未来一段时间内将综合考虑抗菌、透气、机械强度等性能指标,实现性能的复合化。利用有益菌研究发防腐剂较一般的防腐剂能更好地促进氧气与二氧化碳气的交换,有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

随机扩增多态DNA(Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNAs,RAPD)分子标记技术的诞生,为分子生物学技术在农业研究中的应用注入了新的活力,并为传统农业研究向分子水平发展提供了捷径。本文重点综述了RAPD分子标记技术在烟草群体分离分析和鉴定、标记辅助选择、遗传变异的识别、烤烟品种分子指纹分析、黑胚病菌全基因组DNA多态性标记、根结线虫种类鉴定、赤星病菌的分类地位等方面的研究进展,以及这些领域的研究发展和应用前景。   相似文献   

亚硝酸盐在肉制品中应用的危害分析及其替代物的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杜娟  王青华  刘利强 《食品科技》2007,32(8):166-169
对肉制品中添加亚硝酸盐的作用及其危害进行了分析,并对减少肉制品中亚硝酸盐替代物的途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

新型植物纤维的研究与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对天然纤维的发展历程做了回顾,简单阐述了新型天然纤维的开发现状,对1980年以来全球天然纤维与化学纤维总产量发展特点做出分析,并指出了开发新型植物纤维对弥补棉花产量滞后纺织加工需求缺口的重要性,开发途径可以从自然资源和农业废弃物两方面着手。重点对近年来备受关注的天然彩棉、竹纤维、罗布麻、菠萝叶纤维等9种新型植物纤维的开发与应用做了归纳,论述了充分发挥现有自然资源,加大对农业废弃物的综合开发已经成为发展绿色纤维、生态纺织品的一个显著特征。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the means-end chain theory and associated techniques, and discusses the virtues and shortcomings of its potential application in consumer-oriented food product design. This overview, based on literature in the food area, presents also the process of conducting a means-end study by drawing on previous research on consumers’ motivations regarding meal choice. Finally, the usefulness of means-end studies in the context of consumer-oriented food product design is evaluated and future research trends in this area are discussed.  相似文献   

红曲色素的研究及应用新进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
红曲色素是我国传统的由红曲霉发酵生产的天然食用色素,具有天然、营养、多功能等多重优点,故其作为添加剂在食品特别是肉品工业中有很好的应用前景。较全面地介绍了红曲色素的组成及性质,并对红曲色素的生物合成途径及其在食品行业中的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

The present article provides an overview of our current knowledge on the topic of discrimination testing. First, the various goals of discrimination testing are outlined in terms of the objective of the investigation: psychophysics (understanding how the human senses work), Sensory Evaluation I (using the human senses as instruments to evaluate food characteristics) and Sensory Evaluation II (investigating the consumer's ability to discriminate between foods). Then, theories are described allowing the selection of the most appropriate protocol based on the aim of the study. These theories include the Thurstonian approach to product measurements, taking into account the central processing of information in the brain. The effect of experimental factors such as memory, sensory ‘fatigue’, sample retasting and practice are also considered. The consideration of all these variables will allow the selection of the most suitable protocol for investigations involving discrimination testing.  相似文献   

Snacks consumed at school are an important source of energy and nutrients in children's diets. Understanding the factors that underlie children and mothers' choices of school snacks can contribute to the development of strategies to promote healthier eating patterns. In this context, the aims of the present work were: i) to explore children's conceptualization of school snacking, and ii) to identify children and mothers' perceived barriers and facilitators to healthy snacking in the school environment. Two studies with 518 children and 1183 mothers were carried out. In Study 1, children (n = 255) were asked to draw a child eating a snack at school. In Study 2, five incomplete dialogues about school snacks were presented to participants (263 children and 1183 mothers), who had to complete them using their own words. Data were analyzed using content analysis. The drawings showed that school snacking frequently occurs during the recess while children do other activities, such as playing football or other games. Fruit, sandwiches, cookies and juices were the foods and beverages most frequently included in the drawings. Responses to the dialogues enabled the identification of barriers to healthy snacking in the school environment, which were related to children's positive hedonic reaction towards unhealthy foods, the sales of unhealthy products in the school canteen, lack of time to prepare home-made snacks and mothers' perception that children can eat unhealthy snacks once in a while. In addition, the existence of a school snacking policy was mentioned as a facilitator for healthy snacking. Potential additional actions to promote healthy snacking habits in the school environment were identified.  相似文献   

面料创意设计具有极强的实验性、破坏性、偶然性和人为特色,具有丰富的表现手法。在针织服装设计中,面料创意设计具有重要作用:可激发新颖外观的纤维或纱线的创意灵感、提供针织组织纹样设计与组合的有效方案、提供具有一定文化内涵的局部装饰细节和外观风貌的构想、丰富其视觉效果,使针织服装呈现出一定的艺术品位和时尚追求。  相似文献   

Osmotic dehydration (OD) with sugar solutions has been used in fruit preservation but part of the process's economic viability depends on the possibility of reusing the osmotic solution (OS) in successive dehydration cycles. Despite the increase in water content, OD promotes OS enrichment in certain water-soluble natural components extracted from fruits, such as vitamins and minerals. For this reason, to recycle it for new food formulation seems to be an attractive alternative. In this paper, changes in soluble solids, aw, pH, electrical conductivity, density, viscosity and colour in osmotic solution used for kiwifruit dehydration in function of the ratio osmotic solution/fruit (20:1, 10:1 and 5:1) and the number of cycles (up to 10) have been studied. Microbiological analysis of OS and fruit compositional changes were also studied. The results show that during OD likewise water interchange between fruit and OS, a flow of mineral salts and sugar from the fruit to the OS, is produced. Nevertheless OS changes associated to the OD of kiwifruit under the conditions of this study allow OS reuse for at least 10 cycles without any problems related to fruit dehydration level, colour fruit changes, or considerable microbiological contamination.  相似文献   

低热值甜味剂赤藓糖醇的研究现状及应用   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
赤藓糖醇是一种多元醇类甜味剂,口味类似于蔗糖,具有热量低、稳定性高、甜味协调、吸湿性低、无致龋齿性、不发酵及不会引起肠胃不适等。该文简述了赤藓糖醇的生理功能和代谢特征、生产工艺、研究现状以及在食品工业中的应用。  相似文献   

引入中华饮食文化圈理论,在肉类制品的整体风味设计中,根据不同地域饮食文化的特色差异以及文化层次性结构的不同,逐次阐述从饮食文化角度,以一种系统和全局的思维进行市场细分和产品定位后,运用最新技术去完成调香调味设计的产品研发新思路。  相似文献   

采用激光法分别测定了古龙酸、古龙酸钠在纯水和工业介质中的溶解度,用降温法分别标绘了相应的介稳区宽度。对比了纯水溶液和含主要工业杂质山梨醇、草酸、戊酸溶液超溶解度曲线的变化情况,结果表明:杂质的存在导致溶解度下降、超溶解度上升,并使超溶解度曲线局部"肿胀"。运用实验数据对某制药企业维生素车间的古龙酸分离及回收工段蒸发结晶设备进行设计改造,改造后产品纯度提高,总投资节省约30%。  相似文献   

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