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Previous experimental work under controlled conditions on a small scale floating offshore horizontal axis wind turbine has shown an increasing amplitude of the cyclic thrust and power generation against tip speed ratio under the influence of surge motion. A numerical study is performed using an actuator disc Navier Stokes model, a Blade Element Momentum model and a Generalized Dynamic Wake model on the NREL 5 MW reference rotor in order to confirm or reject these observations on a full-scale surging rotor. The hypothesis was confirmed and the underlying reasons for the observed behaviour were studied on the basis of the near wake physics. It was found that the analysis of transient effects such as fatigue cannot be performed without an adequate aerodynamic model of the wake. Characterization of quasi-steady and unsteady regimes may be useful to establish when detailed aerodynamic wake models are necessary. 相似文献
As the flow states of an offshore floating wind turbine (OFWT) differ from those of an onshore fixed wind turbine, it is questionable as to whether the aerodynamic load prediction of a turbine using conventional blade element momentum theory (BEMT) is accurate. The aim of this paper is to show the characteristics of aerodynamic load predictions using the vortex lattice method (VLM). Washizu's experimental data, which was measured under a similar flow state of a floating wind turbine, is used for validation. The prediction shows good results compared to those of an experiment. To determine the unsteady aerodynamics of a floating wind turbine, the NREL 5 MW wind turbine model is used for the simulation of a floating wind turbine. These results show that a turbulent wake state (TWS), which is undesirable condition and cannot predicted in BEMT simulation, arises when a floating wind turbine is operated at a low-speed inflow condition. In addition, the rotor experiences a TWS when the floating platform undergoes upward pitching motion. 相似文献
Wind turbines are used in a variety of applications with different performance requirements. Investigating the influence of scaling on wind turbine characteristics can pave the way to utilize the experience gained from a smaller turbine for a larger one. In this paper, the effects of wind turbine size on aerodynamic characteristics of a rotor blade are examined using CFD simulation. NREL phase VI wind turbine rotor was simulated in order to validate the results and ensure the accuracy of the CFD model. A 2 MW wind turbine was then chosen as a large turbine and a scaled down model of its rotor was simulated numerically. The results of the simulation were introduced to Similarity Theory relations in order to predict the aerodynamic characteristics of the 2 MW wind turbine. The 2 MW turbine was also simulated and the results of the simulation were compared to predictions of Similarity Theory. It was observed that the results of the simulation completely follow the values predicted by Similarity Theory. Both Similarity Theory predictions and simulation results demonstrated that the torque increases with the cube of change in rotor diameter whereas the thrust value and aerodynamic forces grow with the square of change in diameter. 相似文献
The design of a three‐bladed wind turbine rotor is described, where the main focus has been highest possible mechanical power coefficient, CP, at a single operational condition. Structural, as well as off‐design, issues are not considered, leading to a purely theoretical design for investigating maximum aerodynamic efficiency. The rotor is designed assuming constant induction for most of the blade span, but near the tip region, a constant load is assumed instead. The rotor design is obtained using an actuator disc model, and is subsequently verified using both a free‐wake lifting line method and a full three‐dimensional Navier–Stokes solver. Excellent agreement is obtained using the three models. Global CP reaches a value of slightly above 0.51, while global thrust coefficient CT is 0.87. The local power coefficient Cp increases to slightly above the Betz limit on the inner part of the rotor; the local thrust coefficient Ct increases to a value above 1.1. This agrees well with the theory of de Vries, which states that including the effect of the low pressure behind the centre of the rotor stemming from the increased rotation, both Cp and Ct will increase towards the root. Towards the tip, both Cp and Ct decrease due to tip corrections as well as drag. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Understanding the impact of wave-induced dynamic effects on the aerodynamic performance of Offshore Floating Wind Turbines (OFWTs) is crucial towards developing cost-effective floating wind turbines to harness wind energy in deep water sites. The complexity of the wake of an OFWT has not yet been fully understood. Measurements and numerical simulations are essential. An experiment to investigate the aerodynamics of a model OFWT was undertaken at the University of Malta. Established experimental techniques used to analyse fixed HAWTs were applied and modified for the floating turbine condition. The effects of wave induced motions on the rotor aerodynamic variables were analysed in detail. An open source free-wake vortex code was also used to examine whether certain phenomena observed in the experiments could be reproduced numerically by the lifting line method. Results from hot wire measurements and free-wake vortex simulations have shown that for OFWTs surge-induced torque fluctuations are evident. At high λ a discrepancy in the mean CP between the fixed and floating conditions was found from measurements and numerical simulations. 相似文献
As an essential ingredient in the blade element momentum theory, the tip loss effect of rotors plays an important role in the prediction of wind turbine performance. Various tip loss corrections based on the Prandtl tip loss function are analysed in the article. Comparisons with measurements and theoretical analyses show that existing tip loss correction models are inconsistent and fail to predict correctly the physical behaviour in the proximity of the tip. A new tip loss correction model is proposed that remedies the inconsistency. Comparisons between numerical and experimental data show that the new model results in much better predictions of the loading in the tip region. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A high fidelity approach for wind turbine aero-elastic simulations including explicit representation of the atmospheric wind turbulence is presented. The approach uses a dynamic overset computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code for the aerodynamics coupled with a multi-body dynamics (MBD) code for the motion responses to the aerodynamic loads. Mann's wind turbulence model was implemented into the CFD code as boundary and initial conditions. The wind turbulence model was validated by comparing the theoretical one-point spectrum for the three components of the velocity fluctuations, and by comparing the expected statistics from the CFD simulated wind turbulent field with the explicit wind turbulence inlet boundary from Mann model. Extensive simulations based on the proposed coupled approach were conducted with the conceptual NREL 5-MW offshore wind turbine in an increasing level of complexity, analyzing the turbine behavior as elasticity, wind shear and atmospheric wind turbulence are added to the simulations. Results are compared with the publicly available simulations results from OC3 participants, showing good agreement for the aerodynamic loads and blade tip deflections in time and frequency domains. Wind turbulence/turbine interaction was examined for the wake flow. It was found that explicit turbulence addition results in considerably increased wake diffusion. The coupled CFD/MBD approach can be extended to include multibody models of the shaft, bearings, gearbox and generator, resulting in a promising tool for wind turbine design under complex operational environments. 相似文献
Based on an unperturbed airflow assumption and using a set of validated modelling methods, a series of activities were carried out to optimise an aerodynamic design of a small wind turbine for a built up area, where wind is significantly weaker and more turbulent than those open sites preferable for wind farms. These activities includes design of the blades using a FORTRAN code; design of the nose cones and nacelles, which then constituted the rotor along with the blades; optimisation of the rotor designs in the virtual wind tunnel developed in the first part of the study; and finally, estimation of the annual power output of this wind turbine calculated using hourly wind data of a real Scottish Weather Station. The predicted annual output of the finalised rotor was then compared with other commercial turbines and result was rather competitive. 相似文献
A three‐dimensional Navier–Stokes solver has been used to investigate the flow in the nacelle region of a wind turbine where anemometers are typically placed to measure the flow speed and the turbine yaw angle. A 500 kW turbine was modelled with rotor and nacelle geometry in order to capture the complex separated flow in the blade root region of the rotor. A number of steady state and unsteady simulations were carried out for wind speeds ranging from 6 m s?1 to 16 m s?1 as well as two yaw and tilt angles. The flow in the nacelle region was found to be highly unsteady, dominated by unsteady vortex shedding from the cylindrical part of the blades, which interacted with the root vortices from each blade, generating high‐velocity gradients. As a consequence, the nacelle wind speed and the nacelle flow angle were found to vary significantly with the height above the nacelle surface. The nacelle anemometry showed significant dependence on both yaw and tilt angles with yaw errors of up to 10 degrees when operating in a tilted inflow. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Prediction and control of rotor rotational velocity is critical for accurate aerodynamic loading and generator power predictions. A variable-speed generator-torque controller is combined with the two-phase CFD solver CFDShip-Iowa V4.5. The developed code is utilized in simulations of the 5 MW floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) conceptualized by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration (OC3). Fixed platform simulations are first performed to determine baseline rotor velocity and developed torque. A prescribed platform motion simulation is completed to identify effects of platform motion on rotor torque. The OC3’s load case 5.1, with regular wave and steady wind excitation, is performed and results are compared to NREL’s OC3 results. The developed code is shown to functionally control generator speed and torque but requires controller calibration for maximum power extraction. Generator speed variance is observed to be a function of unsteady stream-wise platform motions. The increased mooring forces of the present model are shown to keep the turbine in a more favorable variable-speed control region. Lower overall platform velocity magnitudes and less rotor torque are predicted corresponding to lower rotor rotational velocities and a reduction in generated power. Potential improvements and modifications to the present method are considered. 相似文献
Offshore wind turbines on floating platforms will experience larger motions than comparable bottom fixed wind turbines—for which the majority of industry standard design codes have been developed and validated. In this paper, the effect of a periodic surge motion on the integrated loads and induced velocity on a wind turbine rotor is investigated. Specifically, the performance of blade element momentum theory with a quasisteady wake as well as two widely used engineering dynamic inflow models is evaluated. A moving actuator disc model is used as reference, since the dynamics associated with the wake will be inherently included in the solution of the associated fluid dynamic problem. Through analysis of integrated rotor loads, induced velocities and aerodynamic damping, it is concluded that typical surge motions are sufficiently slow to not affect the wake dynamics predicted by engineering models significantly. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Christophe Sicot Philippe Devinant Thomas Laverne Stphane Loyer Jacques Hureau 《风能》2006,9(4):361-370
Incident flows on wind turbines are often highly turbulent, because these devices operate in the atmospheric boundary layer and often in the wake of other wind turbines. This article presents experimental investigations of the effects of a high turbulence level on wind turbine aerodynamics. Power and thrust are measured on a horizontal axis wind turbine model in the ‘Lucien Malavard’ wind tunnel. A grid is used to generate three turbulence levels (4·4%, 9% and 12%) with integral length scale of the order of magnitude of the chord length. Experiments show little effect of turbulence on the wind turbine model power and thrust. This can be justified by analysis of the aerodynamic loads along the blade. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Large‐scale offshore floating wind turbines were first proposed in 1972 by Prof. William E. Heronemus at the University of Massachusetts. Since then, very little progress has been made in the deployment of these systems despite the significant advantages afforded by floating wind turbines, namely access to superior wind resources and increased placement flexibility. Aside from the large capital costs associated with construction, one of the most significant challenges facing offshore floating wind turbines is a limited simulation and load estimation capability. Many wind turbine aerodynamic analysis methods rely on assumptions that may not be applicable to the highly dynamic environment in which floating wind turbines are expected to operate. This study characterizes the unique operating conditions that make aerodynamic analysis of offshore floating wind turbines a challenge. Conditions that may result in unsteady flow are identified, and a method to identify aerodynamically relevant platform modes is presented. Operating conditions that may result in a breakdown of the momentum balance equations are also identified for different platform configurations. It is shown that offshore floating wind turbines are subjected to significant aerodynamic unsteadiness fixed‐bottom offshore turbines. Aerodynamic analysis of offshore floating wind turbines may require the use of higher‐fidelity ‘engineering‐level’ models than commonly in use today. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
经过数百万年的进化,鸮形目鸟类在其飞行行为上显现出许多优异的特征。文章选取鸮翼的非光滑前缘作为仿生对象,设计出一种仿生风力机叶片,并分析非光滑前缘结构对风力机叶片气动性能的影响。采用S-A湍流模型,对低雷诺数下原型风力机叶片和仿生风力机叶片进行绕流流场模拟。模拟结果表明,在大攻角下,仿生风力机叶片的前缘凸起能够改变气流在叶片表面的流向分布,使气流在吸力面仍保持附着流动,进而减少叶片吸力面的失速区,有效延缓叶片失速现象的发生,从而使得仿生风力机叶片的失速角比原型风力机叶片的失速角推迟了10°左右,改善了风力机叶片的气动性能。 相似文献
Wind turbines operate under various wind conditions in which turbulence virtually always exists. Therefore, unsteady wind turbine simulation methods to estimate wind loading in turbulent inflow conditions are very important for developing optimally designed wind turbines. Several methods have been developed for this purpose and are usually based on the blade element momentum theory (BEMT), which is used for calculation of the wind loading on turbine blades. The local shear flow effect induced by turbulence, however, is not explicitly considered in the popular BEMT-based simulations. Extreme situations can occur in a large-scale wind farm where the inflow field of a wind turbine may contain strong tip vortices generated from upstream turbines. In this study, the effects of idealized local shear flows around a two-dimensional airfoil, S809, on its aerodynamic characteristics were analyzed by CFD simulations. Various parameters including reference inflow velocity, shear rate, angle of attack, and cord length of the airfoil were examined. From the simulation results, several important characteristics were found. The shear rate in a flow causes some changes in the lift coefficient depending on its sign and magnitude, while the angle of attack does not have a distinguishable influence. The chord length and reference inflow also cause proportional and inversely proportional changes in the lift coefficient, respectively. Based on these observations, we adopted an analytic expression for the lift coefficient from the thin airfoil theory and proposed a lift correction model, which is easily applicable to the traditional load analysis procedure based on the BEMT. 相似文献
A comparison of two meshing schemes for CFD analysis of the impulse turbine for wave energy applications 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper presents the comparison of a three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis with empirical performance data of a 0.6 m Impulse Turbine with Fixed Guide Vanes used for wave energy power conversion. Pro-Engineer, Gambit and Fluent 6 were used to create a 3-D model of the turbine. A hybrid meshing scheme was used with hexahedral cells in the near blade region and tetrahedral and pyramid cells in the rest of the domain. The turbine has a hub-to-tip ratio of 0.6 and results were obtained over a wide range of flow coefficients. Satisfactory agreement was obtained with experimental results. The model yielded a maximum efficiency of approximately 54% as compared to a maximum efficiency of around 49% from experiment. A degree of insight into flow behaviour, not possible with experiment, was obtained. Sizeable areas of separation on the pressure side of the rotor blade were identified toward the tip. The aim of the work is to benchmark the CFD results with experimental data and to investigate the performance of the turbine using CFD and to with a view to integrating CFD into the design process. 相似文献
The blade element momentum (BEM) method is widely used for calculating the quasi‐steady aerodynamics of horizontal axis wind turbines. Recently, the BEM method has been expanded to include corrections for wake expansion and the pressure due to wake rotation (), and more accurate solutions can now be obtained in the blade root and tip sections. It is expected that this will lead to small changes in optimum blade designs. In this work, has been implemented, and the spanwise load distribution has been optimized to find the highest possible power production. For comparison, optimizations have been carried out using BEM as well. Validation of shows good agreement with the flow calculated using an advanced actuator disk method. The maximum power was found at a tip speed ratio of 7 using , and this is lower than the optimum tip speed ratio of 8 found for BEM. The difference is primarily caused by the positive effect of wake rotation, which locally causes the efficiency to exceed the Betz limit. Wake expansion has a negative effect, which is most important at high tip speed ratios. It was further found that by using , it is possible to obtain a 5% reduction in flap bending moment when compared with BEM. In short, allows fast aerodynamic calculations and optimizations with a much higher degree of accuracy than the traditional BEM model. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献