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Maximizing bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor (MaxBRNN) is a variant of bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor (BRNN). The purpose of the MaxBRNN problem is to find an optimal region that maximizes the size of BRNNs. This problem has lots of real applications such as location planning and profile-based marketing. The best-known algorithm for the MaxBRNN problem is called MaxOverlap. In this paper, we study the MaxBRNN problem and propose a new approach called MaxSegment for a two-dimensional space when the $L_2$ -norm is used. Then, we extend our algorithm to other variations of the MaxBRNN problem such as the MaxBRNN problem with other metric spaces, and a three-dimensional space. Finally, we conducted experiments on real and synthetic datasets to compare our proposed algorithm with existing algorithms. The experimental results verify the efficiency of our proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the Multi-Type Reverse Nearest Neighbor (MTRNN) query problem. Traditionally, a reverse nearest neighbor (RNN) query finds all the objects that have the query point as their nearest neighbor. In contrast, an MTRNN query finds all the objects that have the query point in their multi-type nearest neighbors. Existing RNN queries find an influence set by considering only one feature type. However, the influence from multiple feature types is often critical for strategic decision making in many business scenarios, such as site selection for a new shopping center. To that end, we first formalize the notion of the MTRNN query by considering the influence of multiple feature types. We also propose R-tree based algorithms to find the influence set for a given query point and multiple feature types. Finally, experimental results are provided to show the strength of the proposed algorithms as well as design decisions related to performance tuning.  相似文献   

The MaxBRNN problem is to find an optimal region such that setting up a new service within this region might attract the maximum number of customers by proximity. The MaxBRNN problem has many practical applications such as service location planning and emergency schedule. In typical real-life applications the data volume of the problem is huge, thus an efficient solution is highly desired. In this paper, we propose two efficient algorithms, namely, OptRegion, and 3D-OptRegion to tackle the MaxBRNN problem and MaxBRkNN in two- and three-dimensional spaces, especially for the 3D-OptRegion, we propose a powerful pruning strategy Fine-grained Pruning Strategy to reduce the searching space. Our method employs three optimization techniques, i.e., sweep line (sweep plane in a three-dimensional space), pruning strategy (based on upper bound estimation), and influence value computation (of candidate points), to improve the search performance. In a three-dimensional space, we additionally use a fine-grained pruning strategy to further improve the pruning effect. Extensive experimental evaluation using both real and synthetic datasets confirms that both OptRegion and 3D-OptRegion outperform the existing algorithms significantly under all problem instances.  相似文献   

Recently, Reverse k Nearest Neighbors (RkNN) queries, returning every answer for which the query is one of its k nearest neighbors, have been extensively studied on the database research community. But the RkNN query cannot retrieve spatio-textual objects which are described by their spatial location and a set of keywords. Therefore, researchers proposed a RSTkNN query to find these objects, taking both spatial and textual similarity into consideration. However, the RSTkNN query cannot control the size of answer set and to be sorted according to the degree of influence on the query. In this paper, we propose a new problem Ranked Reverse Boolean Spatial Keyword Nearest Neighbors query called Ranked-RBSKNN query, which considers both spatial similarity and textual relevance, and returns t answers with most degree of influence. We propose a separate index and a hybrid index to process such queries efficiently. Experimental results on different real-world and synthetic datasets show that our approaches achieve better performance.  相似文献   

An efficient and universal similarity search solution is a holy grail for multimedia information retrieval. Most similarity indexes work by mapping the original multimedia objects into simpler representations, which are then searched by proximity using a suitable distance function.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel type of queries in spatial databases, called the direction-aware bichromatic reverse k nearest neighbor(DBRkNN) queries, which extend the bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor queries. Given two disjoint sets, P and S, of spatial objects, and a query object q in S, the DBRkNN query returns a subset P′ of P such that k nearest neighbors of each object in P′ include q and each object in P′ has a direction toward q within a pre-defined distance. We formally define the DBRkNN query, and then propose an efficient algorithm, called DART, for processing the DBRkNN query. Our method utilizes a grid-based index to cluster the spatial objects, and the B+-tree to index the direction angle. We adopt a filter-refinement framework that is widely used in many algorithms for reverse nearest neighbor queries. In the filtering step, DART eliminates all the objects that are away from the query object more than a pre-defined distance, or have an invalid direction angle. In the refinement step, remaining objects are verified whether the query object is actually one of the k nearest neighbors of them. As a major extension of DART, we also present an improved algorithm, called DART+, for DBRkNN queries. From extensive experiments with several datasets, we show that DART outperforms an R-tree-based naive algorithm in both indexing time and query processing time. In addition, our extension algorithm, DART+, also shows significantly better performance than DART.  相似文献   

移动对象的动态反向k最近邻研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
反向最近邻查询是空间数据库中最重要的算法之一。传统的反向最近邻查询方法主要是针对静态对象的查询,随着无线通讯和定位技术的快速发展,移动对象发出的查询请求成为新的研究热点。该文将TPR-tree作为算法的索引结构,并提出了基于矩形框的对角线的修剪策略,将半平面修剪策略进行改进,给出了移动对象的动态反向k最近邻的查询方案。  相似文献   

The increasing use of mobile communications has raised many issues of decision support and resource allocation. A crucial problem is how to solve queries of Reverse Nearest Neighbour (RNN). An RNN query returns all objects that consider the query object as their nearest neighbour. Existing methods mostly rely on a centralised base station. However, mobile P2P systems offer many benefits, including self-organisation, fault-tolerance and load-balancing. In this study, we propose and evaluate 3 distinct P2P algorithms focusing on bichromatic RNN queries, in which mobile query peers and static objects of interest are of two different categories, based on a time-out mechanism and a boundary polygon around the mobile query peers. The Brute-Force Search Algorithm provides a naive approach to exploit shared information among peers whereas two other Boundary Search Algorithms filter a number of peers involved in query processing. The algorithms are evaluated in the MiXiM simulation framework with both real and synthetic datasets. The results show the practical feasibility of the P2P approach for solving bichromatic RNN queries for mobile networks.  相似文献   

空间数据库中反向最近邻查询在低维查询时一般利用基于R-Tree的改进树作为索引结构,由于树型索引结构本身的限制,R-Tree等索引结构的查询在高维中都会出现维数灾难。针对这个问题,提出了一种基于VARdnn-Tree的索引结构,采用量化压缩的方法存储数据,能够有效地支持高维查询。  相似文献   

The Group Nearest Neighbor (GNN) search is an important approach for expert and intelligent systems, i.e., Geographic Information System (GIS) and Decision Support System (DSS). However, traditional GNN search starts from users’ perspective and selects the locations or objects that users like. Such applications fail to help the managers since they do not provide managerial insights. In this paper, we focus on solving the problem from the managers’ perspective. In particular, we propose a novel GNN query, namely, the reverse top-k group nearest neighbor (RkGNN) query which returns k groups of data objects so that each group has the query object q as their group nearest neighbor (GNN). This query is an important tool for decision support, e.g., location-based service, product data analysis, trip planning, and disaster management because it provides data analysts an intuitive way for finding significant groups of data objects with respect to q. Despite their importance, this kind of queries has not received adequate attention from the research community and it is a challenging task to efficiently answer the RkGNN queries. To this end, we first formalize the reverse top-k group nearest neighbor query in both monochromatic and bichromatic cases, and then propose effective pruning methods, i.e., sorting and threshold pruning, MBR property pruning, and window pruning, to reduce the search space during the RkGNN query processing. Furthermore, we improve the performance by employing the reuse heap technique. As an extension to the RkGNN query, we also study an interesting variant of the RkGNN query, namely a constrained reverse top-k group nearest neighbor (CRkGN) query. Extensive experiments using synthetic and real datasets demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our approaches.  相似文献   

反向最近邻查询已成为空间查询的热点问题,而障碍物在实际应用中是不可避免的,因而在障碍物环境中的反向最近邻查询也成为重要的空间查询。已有的可视反向最近邻查询只考虑了可视性,并没有考虑最小障碍距离。提出一种障碍物环境中新的反向最近邻查询的变体,查找障碍距离最小的反向最近邻,即障碍反向最近邻查询。利用障碍距离的计算和相应的剪枝规则,给出障碍反向最近邻查询的算法及相关定理和证明。  相似文献   

钱江波  胡伟  陈华辉  董一鸿 《控制与决策》2019,34(12):2567-2575
基于哈希的近邻查找技术在图像检索、文本匹配、数据挖掘等信息检索领域均有广泛应用.该技术将原始数据通过哈希函数压缩成低维的二进制编码,然后在海明距离下排序检索,具有快速高效且维度不敏感的优势.但是,目前学术界针对流数据的实时在线哈希学习方法的研究很少,而且基本没有讨论哈希函数的更新频率和稳定性问题.针对这一问题,通过增加置信区间来减少更换哈希函数的频率,并构造在线学习的目标函数,使得算法尽可能保持稳定,且快速收敛.为了验证所提出算法的效率和有效性,在公开数据集上与同类的OSH、OKH在线哈希算法进行比较,比较结果表明,所提出的算法在平均准确率和训练时间上有一定优势.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Product quantization is a widely used lossy compression technique that can generate high quantization levels by a compact codebook set. It has been conducted in...  相似文献   

With the recent surge in the use of the location-based service (LBS), the importance of spatial database queries has increased. The reverse nearest neighbor (RNN) search is one of the most popular spatial database queries. In most previous studies, the spatial distance is used for measuring the distance between objects. However, as the demands of users of the LBSs are becoming more complex, considering only the spatial factor as a distance measure is not sufficient. For example, through a hotel finding service, users want to choose a hotel considering not only the spatial distance, but also the non-spatial aspect of the hotel such as the quality which can be represented by the number of stars. Therefore, services that consider both spatial and non-spatial factors in measuring the distance are more useful for users. In such a case, techniques proposed in the previous studies cannot be used since the distance measure is different. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for the RNN search in which a distance measure involves both the spatial distance and the non-spatial aspect of an object. We conduct extensive experiments on a large dataset to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method. The experimental results show that the proposed method is significantly efficient and scalable.  相似文献   

Consider a dataset of n(d) points generated independently from Rd according to a common p.d.f. fd with support(fd)=d[0,1] and sup{fd(Rd)} growing sub-exponentially in d. We prove that: (i) if n(d) grows sub-exponentially in d, then, for any query point and any ?>0, the ratio of the distance between any two dataset points and is less that 1+? with probability →1 as d→∞; (ii) if n(d)>d[4(1+?)] for large d, then for all (except a small subset) and any ?>0, the distance ratio is less than 1+? with limiting probability strictly bounded away from one. Moreover, we provide preliminary results along the lines of (i) when .  相似文献   

The use of Voronoi diagram has traditionally been applied to computational geometry and multimedia problems. In this paper, we will show how Voronoi diagram can be applied to spatial query processing, and in particular to Reverse Nearest Neighbor (RNN) queries. Spatial and geographical query processing, in general, and RNN in particular, are becoming more important, as online maps are now widely available. In this paper, using the concept of Voronoi diagram, we classify RNN into four types depending on whether the query point and the interest objects are the generator points of the Voronoi Polygon or not. Our approach is based on manipulating Network Voronoi Diagram properties and applying a progressive incremental network expansion for finding the polygon inner network distances required to solve RNN queries. Our experimentation results show that our approaches have good response times in answering RNN queries.  相似文献   

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