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Based on solid fat content profiles, milk fat fractions produced by fractional crystallization procedures employing melted milk fat and milk fat dissolved in acetone were selected for incorporation into soft butter samples. Butter samples made from low melting liquid fractions or a combination of primarily low melting liquid fractions and a small amount of high melting solid fractions exhibited good spreadability at refrigerator temperature (4 degrees C) but were almost melted at room temperature (21 degrees C). Butters made with a high proportion of low melting liquid fraction, a small proportion of high melting solid, and a small proportion of very high melting solid fractions were still spreadable at refrigerator temperature and maintained their physical form at room temperature. Very high melting fractions, which provided key structural functionality in spreadable butter, were obtained from acetone fractionation. Because the use of acetone in processing may hinder or prevent commercialization of these fractions, other means to obtain very high melting fractions from milk fat should be pursued.  相似文献   

Modification of milk fat composition might be desirable to alter manufacturing characteristics or produce low saturated fat dairy products that more closely meet consumer dietary preferences. The aim of this research was to evaluate functional properties of butter oil obtained from milks with fat composition modified by altering the profile of long-chain fatty acids (FA) absorbed from the small intestine of cows. A control and 5 mixtures of long-chain free FA were infused into the abomasum of lactating dairy cows in a 6 × 6 Latin square design with 21-d periods. Treatments were 1) control (no FA infused), 2) mostly saturated FA (C16:C18 = 0.72), 3) low-linoleic palm FA (C16:C18 = 0.85), 4) palm FA (C16:C18 = 0.72), 5) soy FA (C16:C18 = 0.10), and 6) high-palmitic soy FA (C16:C18 = 0.68). All treatments included meat solubles and Tween 80 as emulsifiers. Solid fat content (from 0 to 40°C), melting point, and force at fracture were determined in butter oil. Milk fat from cows infused with palm FA (treatment 4) exhibited functionality equal to or better than control butter oil. Infusion with palm FA increased amounts of triglyceride (TG) fractions with 48, 52, and 54 carbon numbers but decreased TG with 32, 34, 36, and 42 carbon numbers. Infusion with soy FA increased TG with 26, 38, 40, 52, and 54 carbon numbers but decreased TG with 34, 42, and 46 carbons. Infusion of the mostly saturated FA increased TG with 38, 50, 52, and 54 carbon numbers but decreased TG with 32, 34, and 42 carbon numbers. These TG groups were consistently correlated with functional properties of butter oils from different treatments. The content of palmitic acid is important for maintaining functionality in the presence of increased polyunsaturated FA. The composition of milk fat may be able to be optimized through nutritional manipulation of diets for dairy cows if the optimal composition of FA and TG is defined for a particular dairy product.  相似文献   

An experiment was undertaken to investigate the effect of milk fat level (0%, 2.5% and 5.0% w/w) and gel firmness level at cutting (5, 35 and 65 Pa) on indices of syneresis, while curd was undergoing stirring. The curd moisture content, yield of whey, fat in whey and casein fines in whey were measured at fixed intervals between 5 and 75 min after cutting the gel. The casein level in milk and clotting conditions was kept constant in all trials. The trials were carried out using recombined whole milk in an 11 L cheese vat. The fat level in milk had a large negative effect on the yield of whey. A clear effect of gel firmness on casein fines was observed. The best overall prediction, in terms of coefficient of determination, was for curd moisture content using milk fat concentration, time after gel cutting and set-to-cut time (R2 = 0.95).  相似文献   

Composition and flavor of milk and butter were evaluated from cows divided into four treatments including a control, control with bST, added dietary fat from sunflower seeds with bST, or added dietary fat from safflower seeds with bST. Feeding added unsaturated dietary fat resulted in lower concentrations of short-and medium-chain and higher concentrations of long-chain fatty acids in milk fat and butter. Milk fat unsaturated fatty acid concentrations were 25.0, 28.4, 39.6, and 37.9%, and butter unsaturated fatty acid concentrations were 23.0, 26.9, 37.8, and 36.2% for control, control with bST, sunflower seeds with bST, and safflower seeds with bST, respectively. Sensory evaluations indicated that butters from the bST with sunflower seed and bST with safflower seed treatments were equal or superior in flavor to the control butter. Milk from cows receiving bST or fed added unsaturated dietary fat and receiving bST was no more susceptible to oxidized off-flavors than control milk. Butters from sunflower seed and safflower seed treatments with bST contained higher concentrations of unsaturated fatty acids, were softer at 4 and 20 degrees C, and possessed acceptable flavor and processing characteristics compared with butters from control and control with bST.  相似文献   

Selected volatile compounds of chocolate ice creams containing 0.6, 4.0, 6.0, or 9.0% milk fat or containing 2.5% milk fat, cocoa butter, or one of three fat replacers (Simplesse, Dairy Lo, or Oatrim) were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using headspace solid-phase microextraction. The headspace concentration of most of the selected volatile compounds increased with decreasing milk fat concentration. Fat replacers generally increased the concentration of volatiles found in the headspace compared with milk fat or cocoa butter. Few differences in flavor volatiles were found between the ice cream containing milk fat and the ice cream containing cocoa butter. Among the selected volatiles, the concentration of 2,5-dimethyl-3(2-methyl propyl) pyrazine was the most highly correlated (negatively) with the concentration of milk fat, and it best discriminated among ice creams containing milk fat, cocoa butter, or one of the fat replacers.  相似文献   

Ultrasound combined with heat treatment has yielded favorable results in the inactivation of microorganisms; however, the composition of food influences the rate of microbial inactivation. The objective of this research was to study the effect of butter fat content in milk on the inactivation of Listeria innocua and compositional parameters after thermo-sonication. Four butter fat contents in milk were evaluated at 63 °C for 30 min of sonication (Hielscher® UP400S, 400 W, 24 kHz, 120 μm amplitude). Results showed that inactivation of Listeria cells occurs first in fat free milk, and that the rate of inactivation decreases with increasing fat content. No degradation of protein content or color variation was observed after the treatments. The pH dropped to 6.22, and lactic acid content showed an increase of 0.015% after the treatment; solids-non-fat, density and freezing point decreased. During storage life, growth of mesophiles was retarded with sonication.Industrial relevanceUltrasound is an emerging technology that has shown positive effects in milk processing. Listeria monocytogenes represent one of the main foodborne pathogenic microorganisms in the food industry. Results of this research show that thermo-sonication is a viable technology capable of inactivating Listeria cells in milk and extending shelf-life without significant nutritional or physicochemical changes.  相似文献   

Commercial sal fats vary in solidification properties and are unsuitable for use as cocoa butter extenders without further processing. Solvent and melt fractionation processes were used and the fractions were evaluated. One type could be satisfactorily fractionated by solvent or by melt fractionation at 23°C to obtain a stearin (yield 75–85%) of satisfactory quality, but the other could only be satisfactorily processed by melt fractionation at 38°C, removing about 10% stearin. The processing requirement of the fat can be assessed easily by determining the cooling curve.  相似文献   

Texture of butter from cows with different milk fatty acid compositions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Milk fatty acid composition and textural properties of butter are known to be affected by the cows' diets. We examined the phenotypic variation in milk fatty acid composition among cows fed the same diet to see if the variation was sufficient to produce butter with different textural properties. Ten cows were selected that tested higher (n = 5) or lower (n = 5) in their proportion of milk unsaturated fatty acids. Milk samples were collected a week after testing, and butter was prepared from the individual samples. Milk and butter samples were again analyzed for fatty acid composition. Butter at 5 degrees C was evaluated by a sensory panel for spreadability and by a texture analyzer at both 5 and 23 degrees C for hardness and adhesiveness. Milk and butter samples from cows with a more unsaturated milk fatty acid composition had a lower atherogenic index, and the butter samples were more spreadable, softer, and less adhesive. Thus, phenotypic variation in milk fatty acid composition among cows fed the same diet is sufficient to produce butter with different textural properties.  相似文献   

Polar lipid (PL) contents in human milk (HM) from two different geographic zones in Spain (central and coastal) were determined. These PLs were also analysed in several infant formulas (IFs), three of which contained milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), an ingredient used to resemble the PL profile of HM. Total PL in HM decreased significantly (p < 0.05) from transitional milk (48.62 mg 100 mL−1) to 6 months (28.66 mg 100 mL−1). In HM, sphingomyelin was the most abundant PL, followed by phosphatidylethanolamine; in IFs the most abundant PL was phosphatidylethanolamine. Only IFs with MFGM (54.79–58.07 mg 100 mL−1) could supply the total and individual PL content present in all lactation periods, with the exception of sphingomyelin, which did not match the content in transitional milk. PL intake by infants fed HM or IFs was determined to be 96–306 and 152–575 mg day−1, respectively.  相似文献   

Kaya A 《Die Nahrung》2000,44(2):126-129
The physical and chemical characteristics and thermal stability of butter oil produced from cow's milk by two different methods were studied. Butter oil samples from cow's milk were made (i) directly from milk and (ii) from yoghurt. Samples were autoxidized at 60, 70 and 80 degrees C in the dark and the reaction monitored by peroxide, thiobarbituric acid and free fatty acid values. Peroxide and thiobarbituric acid values increased as the temperature increased. The increase of the acid value was not significant. The thermal stability was highest in butter oil produced from yoghurt. Oxidative changes compared to hydrolytic changes are of greater significance in the thermal stability of butter oil samples. Arrhenius parameters and activation energies were calculated for the peroxide value data. The percent loss of linolenic acid was about 3 times faster than that of linoleic acid.  相似文献   

研究了无水奶油和BL-41两种油脂之间不同的比例对淡奶油粒径分布、界面蛋白含量、脂肪部分聚结率及表观粘度的影响,并在此基础上探讨了其作用机理。研究结果表明,随着BL-41比例的不断增大,淡奶油的上层粒径d3,2、脂肪部分聚结率和表观粘度呈先增大后减小的趋势,在无水奶油∶BL-41为17.5∶17.5时达到最大值,而界面蛋白含量则先降低后升高,在无水奶油∶BL-41为17.5∶17.5时达到最小值。此外,随着储存时间的延长,上层粒径d3,2、脂肪部分聚结率和表观粘度均逐渐增大,而界面蛋白含量则逐渐降低。   相似文献   

Milk coagulation properties (MCP) are traditionally expressed using rennet coagulation time (RCT), time to curd firmness (CF) of 20 mm (k20), and CF 30 min after enzyme addition (a30) values, all of which are single-point measures taken from the output of computerized renneting meters, such as the Formagraph. Thus, traditional MCP use only some of the available information. Moreover, because of the worldwide spreading of breeds such as the Holstein-Friesian, characterized by late-coagulating milk, it happens often that some samples do not coagulate at all, that a30 is strongly and negatively related to RCT, and that k20 is not measurable. The aim of the present work was to model CF as a function of time (CFt, mm) over a 30-min interval. The model tested was CFt=CFP×(1−ekCF×(tRCT)), where CFP (mm) is the potential asymptotical CF at an infinite time, kCF (min−1) is the curd firming rate constant, and RCT is measured in minutes. The CFt model was initially applied to data of milk of each of 105 Brown Swiss cows from 7 herds, each sampled once (trial 1). Four samples did not coagulate within 30 min. Eighty-seven of the 101 individual equations obtained fit the CF data of milk samples very well, even though the samples differed in composition, and were produced by cows of different ages and days in milk, reared on different farms (coefficient of determination >0.99; average residual standard deviation = 0.21 mm). Samples with a very late RCT (slowly coagulating samples) yielded so few observational data points that curve parameters could not be precisely estimated. The repeatability of CFt equation parameters was estimated using data obtained from 5 replicates of each of 2 samples of bulk milk from 5 Holstein-Friesian cows analyzed every day for 5 consecutive days (trial 2). Repeatability of RCT was better than that of the other 2 parameters. Moreover, traditional MCP values (RCT, a30, and k20) can be obtained from the individual CFt equations, using all available information. The MCP estimated from equations were very similar to the single-point measures yielded by the computerized renneting meter (coefficient of determination >0.97), but repeatability was slightly better. The model allowed the estimation of k20 for samples with a very late coagulation or with very slow curd firming. Finally, the 3 novel parameters used to assess different milk samples were less interdependent than are the traditional measures, and their practical and scientific utility requires further study.  相似文献   

During the isolation of milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) from milk, washing is considered the most critical stage in which loss of MFGM components occurs. In this study, using a cream separator, the influence of washing on the recovery of MFGM proteins was investigated. The residue of non-MFGM proteins in the MFGM material obtained after washing was quantitatively determined using densitometric analysis of one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE after silver staining of the gel. Using deionized water as the washing solution did not increase the loss of MFGM proteins compared with other common salt solutions in terms of recovery of MFGM proteins and contamination with non-MFGM proteins. The increase in wash temperature from 38 to 46°C did not show a significant decrease in yield of MFGM proteins because of variation between the experimental replicates. Coalescence of fat globules occurs during isolation. To increase MFGM purity while maintaining a high MFGM protein recovery, using larger volumes of wash solution is more advisable rather than increasing the number of washings from 2 to 3.  相似文献   

A control diet and a fish oil diet were fed to 12 multiparous Holstein cows to determine how the incorporation of Menhaden fish oil in the diet would influence the fatty acid composition, especially the conjugated linoleic acid and transvaccenic acid, contents of milk and butter. The control diet consisted of a 50:50 ratio of forage to concentrate, and the fish oil diet consisted of the control diet with 2% (on a dry matter basis) added fish oil. Milk from cows fed the control diet contained higher average concentrations of milk fat (3.37%) compared with milk from cows fed the fish oil diet (2.29%). Milk from cows fed fish oil contained higher concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid, transvaccenic acid, and total unsaturated fatty acids (0.68 and 2.51; 1.42 and 6.28; and 30.47 and 41.71 g/100 g of fat, respectively). Butter made from the fish oil diet milk also had higher concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid, transvaccenic acid, and unsaturated fatty acids. Penetrometer readings indicated fish oil diet butters were softer at 4 and 20 degrees C than the control diet butters. Acid degree values were similar in the fish oil butters compared with the control butters. No significant difference was found in the flavor characteristics of milk and butter from cows fed the control and fish oil diets. Production of milk and butter with increased amounts of conjugated linoleic acid, transvaccenic acid, and other beneficial fatty acids may have a desirable impact on the health of consumers and lead to increased sales.  相似文献   

非水体系脂肪酶催化生成奶味香精的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
进行了非水体系脂肪酶催化生成奶味香精的研究。在单因素实验的基础上,采用正交实验,进行非水体系脂肪酶催化生成奶味香精的工艺条件优化,得出其最适工艺条件为:加水量为0.02%、添加酶量为1.0%、pH为7.5、温度为50℃、催化时间为4h。在此优化的工艺条件下,进行了非水相脂肪酶催化生成奶味香精的实验,所得奶味香精增香效果较好。通过稀释实验,证明所得奶味香精香味是酶解前的200倍。  相似文献   

Leptin, a protein hormone produced and secreted predominantly by white adipose tissue, has a critical role in the regulation and coordination of energy metabolism. Identification of leptin in the milk of several mammals, including humans, led us to investigate its presence and regulatory effect in the cow mammary gland. The expression of leptin receptor in tissue culture of lactating mammary gland was augmented approximately 25 times by prolactin, but had no effect on virgin calf mammary tissue. Expression of leptin in tissue culture from mammary glands of lactating cows was enhanced 2.2-fold by prolactin. No effect of prolactin on leptin and leptin receptor expression was found in mammary gland tissue culture from calves. Leptin-enhanced fatty acid synthesis in the presence of prolactin, but had no effect without presence of prolactin. A similar pattern was found in the expression of alpha-casein and beta-lactoglobulin in mammary gland explants from a lactating cow. Our findings indicate that leptin plays an important role in mammary gland lactogenesis, and that the expression of leptin requires the presence of prolactin.  相似文献   

张露 《中国油脂》2020,45(8):22-27
为提高巧克力制品品质,研究了乳粉种类及添加比例对可可脂及代可可脂结晶特性的影响。采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和X-射线衍射(XRD),考察不同添加比例的全脂乳粉、脱脂乳粉和乳清粉对可可脂和代可可脂(基于棕榈油和棕榈仁油)在非等温条件下结晶行为的影响。结果表明:全脂乳粉或乳清粉的加入会降低可可脂和代可可脂的结晶和熔化温度,其中全脂乳粉的影响最为显著;脱脂乳粉的加入则表现为提高可可脂和代可可脂的结晶和熔化温度。添加脱脂乳粉或乳清粉后代可可脂仍然稳定在β′晶型,而全脂乳粉的加入则导致代可可脂冷却结晶后β晶型的出现。高比例的全脂乳粉或乳清粉的加入均会导致调温后可可脂结晶中亚稳定态β′晶型的出现,即阻碍了可可脂稳定态晶型β晶型的形成,影响了巧克力的调温效果,而脱脂乳粉的添加对可可脂的稳定晶型无影响。  相似文献   

Nishioka T  Irie M 《Meat science》2005,70(2):399-404
The firmness and stickiness of chilled porcine fat at 4°C were evaluated with an Instron compression tester and compared with fatty acid composition. Firmness of cylindrical adipose samples was measured at a force producing a 70% deformation. Firmness values were correlated with refractive index data (r=-0.67), melting point data (r=0.77), and saturated fatty acids concentration data (r=0.72) of the extracted lipid, and with sensory scores data (r=0.89). The firmness value correlated with the concentration of C18:0 (r=0.73). The stickiness of comminuted fat samples was evaluated with the Instron using a fixed load at a compression force of 20N and crosshead speed of 1.5mm/s. Single regression analyses showed that the stickiness parameters, stretch and adhesiveness correlated negatively with the concentration of the saturated fatty acids data (r=-0.64, -0.52) but positively and weakly with the monounsaturated fatty acids data (r=0.28, 0.34). Multiple regression analysis improved their relationships. These results indicate that mechanical evaluation may be used to predict porcine fat texture and saturated fatty acids concentration.  相似文献   

Properties of spray-dried anhydrous milk fat emulsions stabilized by micellar casein (milk protein isolate—MPI) or non-micellar casein (sodium caseinate—Na-caseinate) with trehalose or lactose as encapsulants were studied. A lower concentration of Na-caseinate (0.33%) compared with MPI (1.26%) was sufficient to stabilize a 10% fat emulsion. Reconstituted emulsions showed larger droplet size than fresh emulsions, especially for MPI systems (from<1 μm to around 14 μm), which was attributed to lower shear resistance during atomization. Creaming behavior reflected changes in particle size. Powder surface free fat was affected by protein type and concentration. Trehalose systems (regardless of protein type) released significantly lower amounts of encapsulated fat upon crystallization compared with those containing lactose. Individual and hence, more mobile and flexible casein molecules, as opposed to aggregated and less mobile casein micelles, appear to result in superior co-encapsulation properties of Na-caseinate compared with MPI.  相似文献   

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