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Twelve maize genotypes, were agronomically evaluated and their stover hydrothermally pretreated in a temperature range of 210–225 °C to assess the effects of genotype and pretreatment severity on stover recalcitrance toward bioethanol conversion. Maize genotypes exhibited significant variation for biomass yield and all agronomic evaluated, while among all cell wall constituents measured in the unpretreated stover, only ash content showed differences among genotypes. The pretreatment severities assayed impacted most stover compositional traits, and the glucose recovered after enzymatic hydrolysis displayed a similar profile among genotypes with similar genetic background. Harsher pretreatment conditions maximized the potential cellulosic bioethanol production (208–239 L/t), while the mildest maximized the bioethanol from the hemicellulosic hydrolysates (137–175 L/t). Consequently, when both pentose and hexose sugars were considered, the total potential bioethanol produced at the lowest and highest pretreatment temperatures was similar in all genotypes (292–358 L/t), indicating that the lowest temperature (210 °C) was the optimal among all assayed. Importantly, the ranking of genotypes for bioethanol yield (L/ha) closely resembled the ranking for stover yield (t/ha), indicating that breeding for biomass yield would increase the bioethanol production per hectare regardless of the manufacturing process. Similarly, the genetic regulation of corn stover moisture is possible and relevant for efficient energy production as biomass moisture has a potential impact on stover transportation, storage and processing requirements. Overall, these results indicate that local landrace populations are important genetic resources to improve cultivated crops, and that simultaneous breeding for production of grain and stover bioethanol is possible in corn.  相似文献   

Continuous and reliable feeding of biomass is essential for successful biofuel production. However, the challenges associated with biomass solids handling are commonly overlooked. In this study, we examine the effects of preprocessing (particle size reduction, moisture content, chemical additives, etc.) on the flow properties of corn stover. Compressibility, flow properties (interparticle friction, cohesion, unconfined yield stress, etc.), and wall friction were examined for five corn stover samples: ground, milled (dry and wet), acid impregnated, and deacetylated. The ground corn stover was found to be the least compressible and most flowable material. The water and acid impregnated stovers had similar compressibilities. Yet, the wet corn stover was less flowable than the acid impregnated sample, which displayed a flow index equivalent to the dry, milled corn stover. The deacetylated stover, on the other hand, was the most compressible and least flowable examined material. However, all of the tested stover samples had internal friction angles >30°, which could present additional feeding and handling challenges. All of the “wetted” materials (water, acid, and deacetylated) displayed reduced flowabilities (excluding the acid impregnated sample), and enhanced compressibilities and wall friction angles, indicating the potential for added handling issues; which was corroborated via theoretical hopper design calculations. All of the “wetted” corn stovers require larger theoretical hopper outlet diameters and steeper hopper walls than the examined “dry” stovers.  相似文献   

Enzymatic hydrolysis beyond 15% solid loading offers many advantages such as increased sugar and ethanol concentrations and decreased capital cost. However, difficult mixing and handling limited its industrialized application. A novel intensification method, periodic peristalsis, had been exploited to improve the high solids enzymatic hydrolysis performance of steam exploded corn stover (SECS). The optimal steam explosion conditions were 200 °C and 8 min, under which glucan and xylan recovery was 94.3% and 64.8%, respectively. Glucan and xylan conversions in periodic peristalsis enzymatic hydrolysis (PPEH) were 28.0–38.5% and 25.0–36.0% higher than those in static state enzymatic hydrolysis with solid loading increasing from 1% to 30%, respectively, while they were 1.0–11.2% and 3.0–9.2% higher than those in incubator shaker enzymatic hydrolysis (ISEH). Glucan and xylan conversion in PPEH at 21% solid loading reached 71.2% and 70.3%, respectively. Periodic peristalsis also facilitated fed-batch enzymatic hydrolysis of which SECS was added completely before transition point. Results presented that PPEH shortened the transition point time from solid state to slurry state, decreased the viscosity of hydrolysis mixture, and reduced the denaturation effect of enzymes compared with ISEH, and hence improve the high solids enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency.  相似文献   

Literature values for glucose release from corn stover are highly variable which would likely result in tremendous variability in bio-refinery ethanol yield from corn stover feedstock. A relatively recent change in United States corn genetics is the inclusion of the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) trait, which now accounts for three-fourths of all US planted corn acreage. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of corn grain yield, inclusion of the Bt trait, and location environment on corn stover quality for subsequent ethanol conversion. Two hybrid pairs (each having a Bt and non-Bt near-isoline) were analyzed giving a total of 4 hybrids. In 2010 and 2011, field plots were located in Michigan at four latitudinal differing locations in four replicated plots at each location. Stover composition and enzymatic digestibility was analyzed and estimated ethanol yield (g g−1) was calculated based on hydrolyzable glucan and xylan levels. Analysis showed that there were no significant differences in total glucose or xylose levels nor in enzymatically hydrolyzable glucan and xylan concentrations between Bt corn stover and the non-Bt stover isolines. Regression analyses between corn grain yield (Mg ha−1) and corn stover ethanol yield (g g−1) showed an inverse relationship indicative of a photosynthate source-sink relationship. Nevertheless, the quantity of stover produced was found to be more critical than the quality of stover produced in maximizing potential stover ethanol yield on a land area basis.  相似文献   

There is growing interest internationally to produce fuels from renewable biomass resources. Inorganic components of biomass feedstocks, referred to collectively as ash, damage equipment and decrease yields in thermal conversion processes, and decrease feedstock value for biochemical conversion processes. Decreasing the ash content of feedstocks improves conversion efficiency and lowers process costs. Because physiological ash is unevenly distributed in the plant, mechanical processes can be used to separate fractions of the plant based on ash content. This study focuses on the ash separation that can be achieved by separating corn stover by particle size and anatomical fraction. Baled corn stover was hand-separated into anatomical fractions, ground to <19.1 mm, and size separated using six sieves ranging from 9.5 to 0.150 mm. Size fractions were analyzed for total ash content and ash composition. Particle size distributions observed for the anatomical fractions varied considerably. Cob particles were primarily 2.0 mm or greater, while most of the sheath and husk particles were 2.0 mm and smaller. Particles of leaves greater than 0.6 mm contained the greatest amount of total ash, ranging from approximately 8 to 13% dry weight of the total original material, while the fractions with particles smaller than 0.6 mm contained less than 2% of the total ash of the original material. Based on the overall ash content and the elemental ash, specific anatomical and size fractions can be separated to optimize the feedstocks being delivered to biofuels conversion processes and minimize the need for more expensive ash reduction treatments.  相似文献   

The utilization of different chemical constituents of corn silage during industrial-scale anaerobic digestion was determined. Corn silage together with the resulting solid digestate generated during biogas production were collected from an industrial plant during a regular operating period. Moisture, water and ethanol extractives, ash, total nitrogen, starch, cellulose, the monomeric composition of hemicellulose, acid soluble and acid insoluble lignin were measured in both corn silage and corn silage solid digestate. The relative consumption of each component of corn silage during its anaerobic digestion was estimated with reference to acid insoluble lignin. It was assumed that lignin was not digested throughout the process. Starch and large fractions of extractives and acid soluble lignin were digested. In contrast, the digestion of cellulose and particularly hemicellulose were limited (40% and 29% respectively). Of the hemicellulose monomers, xylose was the least digested (20%). The present work shows that the digestate produced by commercial corn-silage anaerobic digestion contains a notable quantity of cell wall polymers. These could potentially be used in biorefinery processes, e.g. ethanol and xylo-oligosaccharide production.  相似文献   

Organic acids are envisaged as alternative catalysts to strong mineral acids, in pre-treatment of ligno-cellulosic biomass for anaerobic digestion (AD). To evaluate this hypothesis, an untreated control and four pre-treatments (25 °C for 24 h) involving two levels of maleic acid (34.8 and 69.6 kg m−3), alone and combined with sulphuric acid (4 kg m−3), were studied in three agricultural substrates: Arundo (aka giant reed), Barley straw and B133 fibre sorghum. Methane production was assessed in a batch AD assay (35 °C for 51 days) with 4 g L−1 of volatile solid (VS) load. Fibre composition and structure were investigated through chemical analysis and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry. Arundo and B133 that were the most and least recalcitrant substrate, respectively, staged the highest and lowest increase in methane with high maleic acid: +62% over 218 cm3 g−1 of VS in untreated Arundo; +36% over 284 cm3 g−1 of VS in untreated B133. Barley straw showed an intermediate behaviour (+41% over 269 cm3 g−1 of VS). H2SO4 addition to maleic acid did not improve CH4 output. The large increase in methane yield determined by pre-treatments was reflected in the concurrent decrease of fibre (between 14 and 39% depending on fibrous component). Based on FTIR spectra, bands assigned to hemicellulose and cellulose displayed lower absorbance after pre-treatment, supporting the hypothesis of solubilisation of structural carbohydrates and change in fibre structure. Hence, maleic acid was shown a suitable catalyst to improve biodegradability of ligno-cellulosic biomass, especially in recalcitrant substrates as Arundo.  相似文献   

This study explores how two different cellulosic ethanol production system configurations (distributed versus centralized processing) affect some aspects of the economic and environmental performance of cellulosic ethanol, measured as minimum ethanol selling price (MESP) and various environmental impact categories. The eco-efficiency indicator, which simultaneously accounts for economic and environmental features, is also calculated. The centralized configuration offers better economic performance for small-scale biorefineries, while the distributed configuration is economically superior for large-scale biorefineries. The MESP of the centralized configuration declines with increased biorefinery size up to a point and then rises due to the cost of trucking biomass to the biorefinery. In contrast, the MESP in the distributed configuration continuously declines with increasing biorefinery size due to the lower costs of railroad transportation and the greater economies of scale achieved at much larger biorefinery sizes, including biorefineries that reach the size of an average oil refinery—about 30,000 tons per day of feedstock. The centralized system yields lower environmental impacts for most impact categories than does the distributed system regardless of the biorefinery size. Eco-efficiency analysis shows that the centralized configuration is more sustainable for small-scale biorefineries, while the distributed configuration with railroad transport is more sustainable for large-scale biorefineries. Compared with gasoline from petroleum, cellulosic ethanol fuel offers sustainability advantages for the following environmental impact categories: fossil energy consumption, global warming, human health impacts by particulate matter, ozone layer depletion, ecotoxicity, human health cancer, and human health non-cancer, depending somewhat on the biorefinery sizes and the system configurations.  相似文献   

1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate ([EMIM] AC) pretreatment at moderate temperatures (60 °C and 75 °C) was evaluated for improving hydrolysability of Chinese pennisetum, a leading candidate as an energy crop, for bioethanol production. The pretreatment caused slight carbohydrate and lignin loss but significantly changed the material physicochemical characters, such as crystallinity and surface structure. Both changes exhibited positive effects on improving the enzymatic digestibility of the Chinese pennisetum. It was observed that approximately 90% of the cellulose and 50% of the xylan in the Chinese pennisetum after pretreatment at 75 °C were converted to fermentable monosaccharides by the combined cellulases and endo-xylanase. The results suggested that Chinese pennisetum could be effectively pretreated with ([EMIM] AC) pretreatment at moderate temperatures, and the high hydrolysis yield of fermentable sugars from pretreated Chinese pennisetum could be achieved by the synergistic action of accessory xylanase in enzymatic hydrolysis by cellulases.  相似文献   

Most of ethanol production processes are limited by lower ethanol production rate and recyclability problem of ethanologenic organism. In the present study, immobilized co-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae GSE1618 was employed for ethanol fermentation using rice straw enzymatic hydrolysate in a packed bed reactor (PBR). The immobilization of S. cerevisiae was performed by entrapment in Ca-alginate for optimization of ethanol production by varying alginic acid concentration, bead size, glucose concentration, temperature and hardening time. Remarkably, extra hardened beads (EHB) immobilized with S. cerevisiae could be used up to repeated 40 fermentation batches. In continuous PBR, maximum 81.82 g L−1 ethanol was obtained with 29.95 g L−1 h−1 productivity with initial glucose concentration of 180 g L−1 in feed at dilution rate of 0.37 h−1. However, maximum ethanol concentration of 40.33 g L−1 (99% yield) with 24.61 g L−1 h−1 productivity was attained at 0.61 h−1 dilution rate in fermentation of un-detoxified rice straw enzymatic hydrolysate (REH). At commercial scale, EHB has great potential for continuous ethanol production with high productivity using lignocellulosic hydrolysate in PBR.  相似文献   

Seaweeds are marine macroalgae found abundantly and viewed as potential source of phycocolloids to produce biofuel. In this study, seaweed spent biomass obtained from alginate production industry and biomass obtained after pigment extraction were found to contain a considerable amount of phycocolloids. These two spent biomasses were investigated for the production of ethanol. In this study, the red seaweed spent biomass of Gracilaria corticata var corticata showed higher content of polysaccharide (190.71 ± 30.67 mg g−1 dry weight) than brown seaweed spent biomass (industrial) (136.28 ± 30.09 mg g−1 dry weight). Hydrolysis of spent biomasses with different concentrations of sulfuric acid (0.1%, 0.5% and 1%) was also investigated. Brown seaweed spent biomass and red seaweed spent biomass exhibited high amount of sugar in 0.5% and 1% sulfuric acid treatment, respectively. Proximate and ultimate composition of seaweed spent biomasses were analysed for energy value. The FT-Raman spectra exhibited similar stretches for both acid hydrolysed spent biomasses with their respective standards. Ethanol produced through a fermentation process using spent hydrolysates with baker's yeast at pH 5.3 was found to be significant. The ethanol yield from brown seaweed spent biomass and red seaweed spent biomass was observed to be 0.011 g g−1 and 0.02 ± 0.003 g g−1 respectively, when compared with YPD (0.42 ± 0.03 g g−1) and d-galactose (0.37 ± 0.04 g g−1) as standard on day 4. The present study revealed the possibility of effective utilization of spent biomass from seaweed industry for ethanol production.  相似文献   

Growth, biomass yield, fiber content and lodging resistance were studied, during a six month growth period, for eight varieties of Cenchrus purpureus, intended as energy crop, in Veracruz, Mexico. Then, only yield at day 182 was assessed for two additional years. The varieties were: CT115 (CT), African Cane (AC), Taiwan (TAI), King Grass (KG), Vruckwona (VRU), Roxo (RX), OM22 (OM) and Cameroon (CAM). Local weather is warm and sub-humid, historical data for monthly average temperature and annual rainfall were 25.8 °C and 1142 mm, respectively. Height, diameter and light interception were measured monthly from day 65–185. At day 185, biomass yield and tiller density were measured. Number of lying tillers was counted to estimate lodging resistance. Cellulose and hemicellulose content were estimated in leaf and stem. No differences were found for dry matter yield or stem yield at day 185 in the first year. Regarding the next two years, TAI yielded above CT, OM or ROX. Average dry matter yield was higher in the second year than in the establishment cycle (38.6 vs 21.1 Mg ha−1), but decreased in the third year (32.2 Mg ha−1). In both stem and whole plant, AC and KG showed higher hemicellulose content than RX, OM or CT; while AC and VRU had higher cellulose than RX in stem, or than CT in the whole plant. Furthermore, varieties AC, KG, VRU and TAI were resistant to lodging and had a higher fiber content, so they are recommended as energetic crops.  相似文献   

Wheat straw is a potential cellulosic feedstock for bioethanol. This study was conducted to evaluate straw yield potential and its relationship with grain yield for wheat (Triticum spp.) grown in the United States. The specific objective was to determine if differences in straw yield and harvest index (HI) exist between and within regions and/or wheat classes. Using on-going variety performance trials in eight states, a total of 255 varietal trial entriess from five classes of wheat were surveyed for above-ground biomass. Averaged over all wheat classes and regions the HI was 0.45. Soft red winter wheat in Kentucky had, on average, the highest HI and lowest straw yield among regions and wheat classes. Soft white winter wheat under irrigation in the Pacific Northwest produced the highest straw yield. Hard red winter wheat in the southern plain states of Texas and Oklahoma had, on average, the lowest HI. Differences in the amount of precipitation and cultivars were the major contributors to the variation detected within wheat classes. The amount of wheat straw available as cellulosic feedstock in a state or wheat class can be estimated using the grain yield estimates provided by the National Agricultural Statistics Service and the class specific HI.  相似文献   

Simultaneous saccharification and acetone–ethanol–butanol (ABE) fermentation was conducted in order to reduce the number of steps involved in the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into butanol. Enzymatic saccharification of pretreated oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) by cellulase produced 31.58 g/l of fermentable sugar. This saccharification was conducted at conditions similar to the conditions required for ABE fermentation. The simultaneous process by Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 produced 4.45 g/l of ABE with butanol concentration of 2.75 g/l. The butanol yield of 0.11 g/g and ABE yield of 0.18 g/g were obtained from this simultaneous process as compared to the two-step process (0.10 g/g of butanol yield and 0.14 g/g of ABE yield). In addition, the simultaneous process also produced higher cumulative hydrogen (282.42 ml) than to the two-step process (222.02 ml) after 96 h of fermentation time. This study suggested that the simultaneous process has the potential to be implemented for the integrated production of butanol and hydrogen from lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

Cellulosic ethanol made from cellulosic biomass is a promising alternative to petroleum-based transportation fuels. Enzymatic hydrolysis is a crucial step in cellulosic ethanol production. In order to better understand the mechanisms of enzymatic hydrolysis, relationships between cellulosic biomass particle size and enzymatic hydrolysis sugar yield have been studied extensively. However, the literature contains inconsistent reports. This paper presents an analysis of the inconsistent reports on the relationships in the literature. It discusses the differences in the reported experiments from five perspectives (biomass category, particle size definition, sugar yield definition, biomass treatment procedure, and particle size level). It also proposes future research activities that can provide further understanding of the relationships.  相似文献   

Absorption heat transformer (AHT) and flash evaporator (FE) are used to reduce the heat consumption of CO2 capture processes and an AHT–FE-aided capture system is proposed. Analyses are carried out to verify the effectiveness in reducing heat consumption. Compared with the base CO2 capture system of 3000 t/d CO2 capture capacity from a 660 MW coal-fired power unit, the AHT–FE-aided capture system reduces the heat consumption from 3.873 GJ/tCO2 to 3.772 GJ/tCO2, and the corresponding energy saving is 2.62%. The economic analysis shows that the annual profit would be 2.94 million RMB Yuan. The payback period of the AHT–FE-aided capture system is approximately 2.4 years. Therefore, the AHT–FE-aided capture system is both economically and technically feasible for improving the CO2 capture energy performance.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the breakeven price for switchgrass (SG) (Panicum virgatum L.), a mix of big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) and Indiangrass (BBIG) (Sorghastrum nutans L. Nash), and a combination of SG and BBIG (SG/BBIG) produced under three harvest treatments. Two-harvest treatments included a forage harvest at early boot (EB) and at early seedhead (ESH) plus a biomass harvest at fall dormancy (FD). The third harvest treatment was a single biomass harvest at FD. Mixed models were used to determine if there were differences in yield, crude protein, and nutrient removal for each of the native warm-season grass (NWSG) treatments at each harvest. The EB plus FD harvest system would be preferred over the ESH plus FD harvest system for all NWSG treatments. BBIG was the only NWSG treatment with a breakeven price for biomass that decreased with an EB harvest. For all three NWSG treatments, a producer would be better off harvesting once a year for biomass than twice for forage and biomass. The cost of harvesting and replacing the nutrients for the forage harvest was greater than the revenue received from selling the forage.  相似文献   

In this paper a novel model based on a geographic information system (GIS) is presented for the assessment of sustainable crop residue potentials. The approach is applied to analyse the amount and the spatial distribution (1 km × 1 km grid cells) of cereal straw, root crop and oil plant residues for five European regions, considering spatially differentiated environmental sustainability issues, i.e. organic carbon content in topsoil, soil erodibility, and protected areas. The maximum sustainable residue potential varies strongly between the regions and residue types. In the scenarios Basis and Restrict, it accounts for 45–59% and 24–48% of the theoretical potential respectively without considering competing uses. Among the crop residues, cereal straw shows the highest energy potential in all regions under investigation. In terms of wet mass it accounts for 3.7 Mio. twet/a in North Rhine-Westphalia, 1.6 Mio. twet/a in Île-the-France, 1.2 Mio. twet/a in Wallonia, 0.9 Mio. twet/a in West Midlands, and 0.3 Mio. twet/a in South Netherlands (scenario Basis). Our survey shows that spatially differentiated potential estimations and the inclusion of crop residues other than cereal straw are urgently needed to improve the present rough estimations for crop residues which can be used in a sustainable way. The rather high spatial resolution of our analyses particularly allows for the support of regional stakeholders and prospective investors when it comes to questions of regional availability of biomass resources, transport distances to biomass conversion plants, and identification of suitable plant sites and sizes, respectively.  相似文献   

β-caryophyllene is a common sesquiterpene compound currently being studied as a promising precursor for the production of high-density fuels. Acute demand for high-density fuels has provided the impetus to pursue biosynthetic methods to produce β-caryophyllene from reproducible sources. In this study, we produced β-caryophyllene by assembling a biosynthetic pathway in an engineered Escherichia coli strain of which phosphoglucose isomerase gene has been deleted. The 1- deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP) or heterologous mevalonate (MVA) pathways were employed. Meanwhile, geranyl diphosphate synthase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and β-caryophyllene synthase genes were co-overexpressed in the above strain. The final genetically modified strain, YJM59, produced 220 ± 6 mg/L of β-caryophyllene in flask culture. We also evaluated the use of fed-batch fermentation for the production of β-caryophyllene. After induction for 60 h, the YJM59 strain produced β-caryophyllene at a concentration of 1520 mg/L. The volumetric production fermented in the aerobic fed-batch was 0.34 mg/(L·h·OD600) and the conversion efficiency of glucose to β-caryophyllene (gram to gram) was 1.69%. Our results are the first successful attempt to produce β-caryophyllene using E. coli BL21(DE3), and provide a new strategy that is green and sustainable for the production of β-caryophyllene.  相似文献   

An experimental study of engine combustion, performance and emission characteristics using diesel–ethanol blends along with investigation of tribological effects of ethanol on engine oil was done in present work using 1-butanol as emulsifier. Thorough observations of diesel–ethanol miscibility resulted that 25% v/v ethanol is miscible with diesel using only 3% v/v emulsifier. Tribological effects of ethanol on engine oil were investigated by analyzing the engine oil samples through FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy). Overall experimentation re-evaluated the potential of ethanol in reduction of NOx, Soot and in-cylinder temperature with slight penalty for HC, CO and BSEC prominently at low load. All fuels produced more NO but lesser NO2 at higher load satisfying Zeldovich mechanism. A comparative trade-off analysis was done in between NHC, Soot and BSEC to reflect the performance and emission characteristics at a time. Trade-off study revealed D78E20B02 (78% diesel 20% ethanol 2% butanol) as optimal blend among all fuels used in present work. FT-IR analysis depicted negligible variation in the compounds in engine oil samples for the specified operational period. Statistical analysis showed larger Coefficient of variation for D78E20B02 blend due to higher absorbance of a particular compound.  相似文献   

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