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Understanding of power losses and turbulence increase due to wind turbine wake interactions in large offshore wind farms is crucial to optimizing wind farm design. Power losses and turbulence increase due to wakes are quantified based on observations from Middelgrunden and state‐of‐the‐art models. Observed power losses due solely to wakes are approximately 10% on average. These are relatively high for a single line of wind turbines due in part to the close spacing of the wind farm. The wind farm model Wind Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) is shown to capture wake losses despite operating beyond its specifications for turbine spacing. The paper describes two methods of estimating turbulence intensity: one based on the mean and standard deviation (SD) of wind speed from the nacelle anemometer, the other from mean power output and its SD. Observations from the nacelle anemometer indicate turbulence intensity which is around 9% higher in absolute terms than those derived from the power measurements. For comparison, turbulence intensity is also derived from wind speed and SD from a meteorological mast at the same site prior to wind farm construction. Despite differences in the measurement height and period, overall agreement is better between the turbulence intensity derived from power measurements and the meteorological mast than with those derived from data from the nacelle anemometers. The turbulence in wind farm model indicates turbulence increase of the order 20% in absolute terms for flow directly along the row which is in good agreement with the observations. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we conduct a series of large‐eddy simulations (LESs) to study the impact of different incoming turbulent boundary layer flows over large wind farms, with a particular focus on the overall efficiency of electricity production and the evolution of the turbine wake structure. Five representative turbine placements in the large wind farm are considered, including an aligned layout and four staggered layouts with lateral or vertical offset arrangements. Four incoming flow conditions are used and arranged from the LESs of the ABL flow over homogeneous flat surfaces with four different aerodynamic roughness lengths (i.e., z0 = 0.5, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.0001 m), where the hub‐height turbulence intensity levels are about 11.1%, 8.9%, 6.8%, and 4.9%, respectively. The simulation results indicate that an enhancement in the inflow turbulence level can effectively increase the power generation efficiency in the large wind farms, with about 23.3% increment on the overall farm power production and up to about 32.0% increment on the downstream turbine power production. Under the same inflow condition, the change of the turbine‐array layouts can increase power outputs within the first 10 turbine rows, which has a maximum increment of about 26.5% under the inflow condition with low turbulence. By comparison, the increase of the inflow turbulence intensity facilitates faster wake recovery that raises the power generation efficiency of large wind farms than the adjustment of the turbine placing layouts.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a rapid development of the wind farms in Japan. It becomes very important to investigate the wind turbine arrangement in wind farm, in order that the wake of one wind turbine does not to interfere with the flow in other wind turbines. In such a case, in order to achieve the highest possible efficiency from the wind, and to install as many as possible wind turbines within a limited area, it becomes a necessity to study the mutual interference of the wake developed by wind turbines. However, there is no report related to the effect of the turbulence intensity of the external flow on the wake behind a wind turbine generated in the wind tunnel. In this paper, the measurement results of the averaged wind profile and turbulence intensity profile in the wake in the wind tunnel are shown when the turbulence intensity of the external wind was changed. The wind tunnel experiment is performed with 500mm-diameter two-bladed horizontal axis wind turbine and the wind velocity in wake is measured by an I-type hot wire probe. As a result, it is clarified that high turbulence intensities enable to the entrainment of the main flow and the wake and to recover quickly the velocity in the wake.  相似文献   

A novel control approach is proposed to optimize the fatigue distribution of wind turbines in a large‐scale offshore wind farm on the basis of an intelligent agent theory. In this approach, each wind turbine is considered to be an intelligent agent. The turbine at the farm boundary communicates with its neighbouring downwind turbines and organizes them adaptively into a wind delivery group along the wind direction. The agent attributes and the event structure are designed on the basis of the intelligent agent theory by using the unified modelling language. The control strategy of the intelligent agent is studied using topology models. The reference power of an individual wind turbine from the wind farm controller is re‐dispatched to balance the turbine fatigue in the power dispatch intervals. In the fatigue optimization, the goal function is to minimize the standard deviation of the fatigue coefficient for every wind turbine. The optimization is constrained such that the average fatigue for every turbine is smaller than what would be achieved by conventional dispatch and such that the total power loss of the wind farm is restricted to a few percent of the total power. This intelligent agent control approach is verified through the simulation of wind data from the Horns Rev offshore wind farm. The results illustrate that intelligent agent control is a feasible way to optimize fatigue distribution in wind farms, which may reduce the maintenance frequency and extend the service life of large‐scale wind farms. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The use of state estimation techniques offers a means of inferring rotor effective wind speed from standard measurements of wind turbines. Typical wind speed estimators rely upon a pre-computed quasi-steady aerodynamic mapping, which describes the relationship between pitch angle and tip-speed ratio and the power coefficient. In practice, the static mapping does not capture the influence of turbine structural dynamics and atmospheric turbulence, inevitably resulting in poor performance of the wind speed estimation. In addition, the turbine aerodynamic properties might not be easily accessible. Thus, this paper presents a rotor effective wind speed estimation method that obviates the requirement for prior knowledge of turbine power coefficients. Specifically, the proposed method exploits a simple actuator disc model, where the aerodynamic power and thrust coefficients can be characterized in terms of axial induction factors. Based on this insight and standard turbine measurements, real-time estimation of rotor effective wind speed and axial induction factors can then be achieved using a simplified turbine drive-train model and an extended Kalman filter. In addition, the actuator disc model can be updated easily over time by calibrating solely two correction factors. Thus, the proposed algorithm presents an alternative for estimating the rotor effective wind speed, which is valuable for numerous applications, for example, LiDAR-assisted control and coherence studies.  相似文献   

Lie Xu  Bjarne R. Andersen 《风能》2006,9(4):371-382
This article describes the use of high‐voltage DC (HVDC) transmission systems for connection of large offshore wind farms using doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) to the main grid. HVDC systems based on voltage source converters (VSC transmission) and on line‐commutated converters (LCC HVDC) are discussed. The article describes proposed system configurations, operating principles and controls for the two technologies. PSCAD/EMTDC simulations are presented to demonstrate the robust performance of the proposed systems during variation of generation and onshore AC fault conditions. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Valentin Chabaud 《风能》2024,27(2):111-130
Turbulent wind fields are known to be a major driver for structural loads and power fluctuations on offshore wind turbines. At the single-turbine scale, there exist well-established design standards based on wind spectra and coherence functions calibrated from years of measurements, which are used to generate multiple 10-min wind field realisations known as synthetic turbulence boxes, themselves used as input to turbine-scale aero-hydro-servo elastic codes. These methods are however not directly applicable at farm scale. When analysing the dynamics of large offshore wind farms, measurements reveal the importance of large, low-frequency turbulent vortices for power fluctuations and hence for wind farm control and grid integration. Also, farm-scale wind fields are needed as input to farm-scale aero-servo-elastic codes for the modelling of wake dynamics, affecting structural loads. These new concerns motivate an upgrade in the original turbine-scale wind field representation: (1) spectral models need to be based on farm-scale measurements, (2) the frozen-turbulence assumption merging temporal and along-wind coherence must be lifted, (3) simplifications are needed to reduce the number of degrees of freedom as the domain becomes excessively large. This paper suggests models and algorithms for aggregated farm-wide corrrelated synthetic turbulence generation—lumping the wind field into space-averaged quantities—adapted to the aero-hydro-servo elastic modelling of large offshore wind farms. Starting from the work of Sørensen et al. in the early 2000s for grid integration purposes, methods for structural load modelling (through wake meandering and high-resolution wind field reconstruction) are introduced. Implementation and efficiency matters involving mathematical subtleties are then presented. Finally, numerical experiments are carried out to (1) verify the approach and implementation against a state-of-the-art point-based—as opposite to aggregated—synthetic turbulence generation code and (2) illustrate the benefit of turbulence aggregation for the modelling of large offshore wind farms.  相似文献   

Accurately quantifying wind turbine wakes is a key aspect of wind farm economics in large wind farms. This paper introduces a new simulation post‐processing method to address the wind direction uncertainty present in the measurements of the Horns Rev offshore wind farm. This new technique replaces the traditional simulations performed with the 10 min average wind direction by a weighted average of several simulations covering a wide span of directions. The weights are based on a normal distribution to account for the uncertainty from the yaw misalignment of the reference turbine, the spatial variability of the wind direction inside the wind farm and the variability of the wind direction within the averaging period. The results show that the technique corrects the predictions of the models when the simulations and data are averaged over narrow wind direction sectors. In addition, the agreement of the shape of the power deficit in a single wake situation is improved. The robustness of the method is verified using the Jensen model, the Larsen model and Fuga, which are three different engineering wake models. The results indicate that the discrepancies between the traditional numerical simulations and power production data for narrow wind direction sectors are not caused by an inherent inaccuracy of the current wake models, but rather by the large wind direction uncertainty included in the dataset. The technique can potentially improve wind farm control algorithms and layout optimization because both applications require accurate wake predictions for narrow wind direction sectors. © 2013 The Authors. Wind Energy published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dynamic models of wind farms with fixed speed wind turbines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increasing wind power penetration on power systems requires the development of adequate wind farms models for representing the dynamic behaviour of wind farms on power systems. The behaviour of a wind farm can be represented by a detailed model including the modelling of all wind turbines and the wind farm electrical network. But this detailed model presents a high order model if a wind farm with high number of wind turbines is modelled and therefore the simulation time is long. The development of equivalent wind farm models enables the model order and the computation time to be reduced when the impact of wind farms on power systems is studied. In this paper, equivalent models of wind farms with fixed speed wind turbines are proposed by aggregating wind turbines into an equivalent wind turbine that operates on an equivalent wind farm electrical network. Two equivalent wind turbines have been developed: one for aggregated wind turbines with similar winds, and another for aggregated wind turbines under any incoming wind, even with different incoming winds.The proposed equivalent models provide high accuracy for representing the dynamic response of wind farm on power system simulations with an important reduction of model order and simulation time compare to that of the complete wind farm modelled by the detailed model.  相似文献   

The optimization of wind farms with respect to spatial layout is addressed experimentally. Wake effects within wind turbine farms are well known to be deleterious in terms of power generation and structural loading, which is corroborated in this study. Computational models are the predominant tools in the prediction of turbine‐induced flow fields. However, for wind farms comprising hundreds of turbines, reliability of the obtained numerical data becomes a growing concern with potentially costly consequences. This study pursues a systematic complementary theoretical, experimental and numerical study of variations in generated power with turbine layout of an 80 turbine large wind farm. Wake effects within offshore wind turbine arrays are emulated using porous discs mounted on a flat plate in a wind tunnel. The adopted approach to reproduce experimentally individual turbine wake characteristics is presented, and drag measurements are argued to correctly capture the variation in power generation with turbine layout. Experimental data are juxtaposed with power predictions using ANSYS WindModeller simulation suite. Although comparison with available wind farm power output data has been limited, it is demonstrated nonetheless that this approach has potential for the validation of numerical models of power loss due to wake effects or even to make a direct physical prediction. The approach has even indicated useful data for the improvement of the physics within numerical models. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper will describe the possibilities of coordinated control and management for different wind farm concepts to guarantee that operational set points of active and reactive power, specified by the Spanish transmission system operator (TSO), are reached. This coordinated control has been designed and implemented by a hierarchical and robust control structured from a central control level to each wind farm control board and finally to an individual wind turbine level. This article will demonstrate that both technologies, fixed and variable speed based wind farms can contribute to power and voltage control. In particular, this paper will deal with the use of under-load tap changing transformers in the point of common coupling of the wind farm with the grid, and the reactive power compensation by means of convectional mechanical switched capacitors enhancing the integration of the fixed speed wind farms in the power system.  相似文献   

Installation of a wind farm exposes several problems such as site selection, placement of wind turbines in the site, and designing of cable infrastructure within the farm. The latter problem, called cable layout design, is the determination of cable connections among turbines and one or more transmitters such that energies generated by turbines will be sent through the cable routes, and eventually gathered at the transmitter(s). This problem is especially important for offshore wind farms where the featured and expensive cables are used. The main objective of the present study is to address the cable layout design problem of offshore wind farms to reduce cable costs in the design using optimization-based approaches. The problem, firstly, is modelled as a mixed integer linear program (MIP) under a set of real-life constraints such as different cable and transmitter types and non-crossing connections between the turbines. Then, a novel mathematical model, which is a modification of the MIP model by imposing several heuristic rules, is proposed to solve the layout problem of large offshore wind farms. Experiments on a set of small- and moderate-sized test instances reveal that the heuristic model, MIP_H, reduces the computer time nearly 55% compared to that of MIP model while the average cable costs generated by the models are close to each other. MIP_H, besides its efficiency, provides more cost-effective layouts compared to MIP model for large-sized real-life examples. Additionally, a comparative study on MIP_H and existing methods in the literature shows that MIP_H is able to solve all instances of the real-life examples providing less cable costs in average.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to put forward a methodology in order to evaluate the Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) of a Floating Offshore Wind Farm (FOWF). In this paper CBS is evaluated linked to Life-Cycle Cost System (LCS) and taking into account each of the phases of the FOWF life cycle. In this sense, six phases will be defined: definition, design, manufacturing, installation, exploitation and dismantling. Each and every one of these costs can be subdivided into different sub-costs in order to obtain the key variables that run the life-cycle cost. In addition, three different floating platforms will be considered: semisubmersible, Tensioned Leg Platform (TLP) and spar. Several types of results will be analysed according to each type of floating platform considered: the percentage of the costs, the value of the cost of each phase of the life-cycle and the value of the total cost in each point of the coast. The results obtained allow us to become conscious of what the most important costs are and minimize them, which is one of the most important contributions nowadays. It will be useful to improve the competitiveness of floating wind farms in the future.  相似文献   

The spurt of growth in the wind energy industry has led to the development of many new technologies to study this energy resource and improve the efficiency of wind turbines. One of the key factors in wind farm characterization is the prediction of power output of the wind farm that is a strong function of the turbulence in the wind speed and direction. A new formulation for calculating the expected power from a wind turbine in the presence of wind shear, turbulence, directional shear and direction fluctuations is presented. It is observed that wind shear, directional shear and direction fluctuations reduce the power producing capability, while turbulent intensity increases it. However, there is a complicated superposition of these effects that alters the characteristics of the power estimate that indicates the need for the new formulation. Data from two field experiments is used to estimate the wind power using the new formulation, and results are compared to previous formulations. Comparison of the estimates of available power from the new formulation is not compared to actual power outputs and will be a subject of future work. © 2015 The Authors. Wind Energy published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在对风电场进行风资源评估时,常采用气象站与测风塔的相关关系,将现场测风数据订正为一套反映风电场长期平均水平的代表性数据进行风资源分析,而对代表年风速订正是否合理是影响风资源评估误差的重要因素。文章以内蒙古地区某风电场风资源分析为例,探讨采用常规方法和改进方法对代表年风速的订正所产生的误差情况,结果表明,通过改进方法进行修正得到的代表年平均风速的变化规律与气象站多年的变化规律一致,此方法弥补了常规方法中的一些不确定因素对代表年修正结果的影响,减小了误差范围。  相似文献   

A modeling framework is proposed and validated to simulate turbine wakes and associated power losses in wind farms. It combines the large-eddy simulation (LES) technique with blade element theory and a turbine-model-specific relationship between shaft torque and rotational speed. In the LES, the turbulent subgrid-scale stresses are parameterized with a tuning-free Lagrangian scale-dependent dynamic model. The turbine-induced forces and turbine-generated power are modeled using a recently developed actuator-disk model with rotation (ADM-R), which adopts blade element theory to calculate the lift and drag forces (that produce thrust, rotor shaft torque and power) based on the local simulated flow and the blade characteristics. In order to predict simultaneously the turbine angular velocity and the turbine-induced forces (and thus the power output), a new iterative dynamic procedure is developed to couple the ADM-R turbine model with a relationship between shaft torque and rotational speed. This relationship, which is unique for a given turbine model and independent of the inflow condition, is derived from simulations of a stand-alone wind turbine in conditions for which the thrust coefficient can be validated. Comparison with observed power data from the Horns Rev wind farm shows that better power predictions are obtained with the dynamic ADM-R than with the standard ADM, which assumes a uniform thrust distribution and ignores the torque effect on the turbine wakes and rotor power. The results are also compared with the power predictions obtained using two commercial wind-farm design tools (WindSim and WAsP). These models are found to underestimate the power output compared with the results from the proposed LES framework.  相似文献   

A dynamic model for the wind flow in wind farms is developed in this paper. The model is based on the spatial discretization of the linearized Navier–Stokes equation combined with the vortex cylinder theory. The spatial discretization of the model is performed using the finite difference method, which provides the state‐space form of the dynamic wind farm model. The model provides an approximation of the behavior of the flow in the wind farm and obtains the wind speed in the vicinity of each wind turbine. Afterwards, the model is validated using measurement data of Energy research Center of the Netherlands’ Wind turbine Test site in Wieringermeer in the Netherlands and by employing the outcomes of two other wind flow models. The end goal of this work is to present the wind farm flow model by ordinary differential equations, to be applied in wind farm control algorithms along with load and power optimizations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the turbulence intensity of seven different sites in the coastal region of South Africa. The study is based on 12 months, 10-minute average wind speed measurement. The turbulence intensity is calculated using mean wind speed and the standard deviation method. Some of the key results show that generalised extreme value distribution gives the best fit to the turbulence intensity in the entire sites. The annual shape parameter of the distribution ranges from 0.11 at site WM06 to 0.3 at site WM05. The scale parameter varies from 3.55 at site WM04 to 6.06 at site WM02, while the location parameters span between 7.07 at site WM04 and 10.65 at site WM01. The annual turbulence intensity varies from 9.6% at site WM04 to 15.9% at site WM03. The result also reveals that sites with higher turbulence intensity have lower wind power potential and hence are less attractive for wind power application.  相似文献   

Operations and maintenance (O&M) of floating offshore wind farms (FOWFs) poses various challenges in terms of greater distances from the shore, harsher weather conditions, and restricted mobility options. Robotic systems have the potential to automate some parts of the O&M leading to continuous feature-rich data acquisition, operational efficiency, along with health and safety improvements. There remains a gap in assessing the techno-economic feasibility of robotics in the FOWF sector. This paper investigates the costs and benefits of incorporating robotics into the O&M of a FOWF. A bottom-up cost model is used to estimate the costs for a proposed multi-robot platform (MRP). The MRP houses unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to conduct the inspection of specific FOWF components. Emphasis is laid on the most conducive O&M activities for robotization and the associated technical and cost aspects. The simulation is conducted in Windfarm Operations and Maintenance cost-Benefit Analysis Tool (WOMBAT), where the metrics of incurred operational expenditure (OPEX) and the inspection time are calculated and compared with those of a baseline case consisting of crew transfer vessels, rope-access technicians, and divers. Results show that the MRP can reduce the inspection time incurred, but this reduction has dependency on the efficacy of the robotic system and the associated parameterization e.g., cost elements and the inspection rates. Conversely, the increased MRP day rate results in a higher annualized OPEX. Residual risk is calculated to assess the net benefit of incorporating the MRP. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis is conducted to find the key parameters influencing the OPEX and the inspection time variation. A key output of this work is a robust and realistic framework which can be used for the cost-benefit assessment of future MRP systems for specific FOWF activities.  相似文献   

With the increasing demand for wind energy, it is important to be able to understand and predict the available wind resources. To that end, the present wind tunnel study addresses the flow in the induction and entrance region of wind farms through particle image velocimetry, with focus on differences between actuator disks and two-bladed rotating wind turbine models. Both staggered and aligned farm layouts are examined for three different incoming wind directions. For each layout, 69 disks or turbines are used, and the field of view ranges from 12 rotor diameters upstream of the farms to 8 diameters downstream of the first row. The results show that the induction, or blockage effect, is higher for the disks, even though the thrust (or drag) coefficient is the same. In contrast, the wake is stronger downstream of the turbines. The orientation and layout of the farm do not have a major impact on the results. Modal decomposition of the flow shows that the flow structure similarity between the disk and turbines improves downstream of the second row of wake generating objects, indicating that the substitution of wind turbines by actuator disks is more appropriate for wind farms than for the investigation of single wakes.  相似文献   

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