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Steve Schell 《Solar Energy》2011,85(4):614-619
Central receiver concentrating solar power plants offer significant performance advantages over line-focus systems. However, the high cost of the heliostat field remains a barrier to the widespread adoption of such plants. eSolar has approached the problem of heliostat field cost by emphasizing small size, low cost, easy installation, and high-volume manufacturing of heliostat field components.During 2008 and 2009, eSolar designed, constructed, and began operation of its demonstration facility, which comprises two towers each with heliostat subfields to the north and the south. These heliostat fields are composed of large numbers of small heliostats, creating an arrangement unlike other central receiver plants. This paper describes the design, construction, startup, and testing of these heliostat fields, showing that they perform well and represent a viable alternative to more traditional fields of large heliostats.  相似文献   

建立了球形、圆柱形、圆锥形和平顶圆锥形4种典型腔式吸热器与抛物面聚光器的三维模型,利用蒙特卡洛光线追踪法预测了4种典型腔式吸热器内部辐射能流的分布,其中球形吸热器内部的辐射能流分布均匀性最好,且辐射峰值最小,具有较好的光学性能。通过统计逸出腔口的反射光计算出这4种腔式吸热器的反射光损,其中球形吸热器的反射光损最小。在聚光器反射率为0.9,腔体内壁吸收率为0.9时,球形吸热器反射光损仅为0.66%,聚光器/球形吸热器的光学效率为88.9%。  相似文献   


A linear Fresnel collector design with an operation temperature of 300°C or above typically requires a solar flux concentration ratio of at least 20 on the surfaces of the receiver assembly. For the commercial linear Fresnel collector design in this work, the receiver assembly includes a secondary reflector and an evacuated receiver tube. The high‐concentration solar flux may impose additional operating‐temperature requirements on the secondary reflector and receiver tube. Thus, a careful heat‐transfer analysis is necessary to understand the operating temperature of the receiver assembly component surfaces under design and off‐design conditions to guide appropriate material selections. In this work, a numerical heat‐transfer analysis is performed to calculate the temperature distribution of the surfaces of the secondary reflector and receiver glass envelope for a commercial collector design. Operating conditions examined in the heat‐transfer analysis include various wind speeds and solar concentration ratios. The results indicate a surface temperature higher than 100°C on the secondary reflector surface, which suggests that a more advanced secondary reflector material is needed. The established heat‐transfer model can be used for optimization of the other types of linear Fresnel collectors.  相似文献   

In this paper, operating temperatures of linear solar concentrators for optimum power output have been calculated considering the operating temperature, emissivity of absorber and wind velocity dependence of the heat loss factor. Results are presented graphically and discussed.  相似文献   

Two different approaches for designing a linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrator (LFRSC) with a flat horizontal absorber are described. The performance characteristics of both the designs are studied in detail. The distribution of local concentration ratio on the surface of the absorber, for each design, is investigated using the ray trace technique. Results of some typical numerical calculations are presented graphically and discussed.  相似文献   

The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) of the recently announced National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) by the Government of India aims to promote the development and use of solar energy for power generation and other uses with the ultimate objective of making solar competitive with fossil-based energy options. The plan includes specific goals to (a) create an enabling policy framework for the deployment of 20,000 MW of solar power by 2022; (b) create favourable conditions for solar manufacturing capability, particularly solar thermal for indigenous production and market leadership; (c) promote programmes for off grid applications, reaching 1000 MW by 2017 and 2000 MW by 2022, (d) achieve 15 million m2 solar thermal collector area by 2017 and 20 million by 2022, and (e) deploy 20 million solar lighting systems for rural areas by 2022. The installed capacity of grid interactive solar power projects were 6 MW until October 2009 that is far below from their respective potential.  相似文献   

The outlet temperature, corresponding thermal efficiency and the stagnation temperature available with a linear solar concentrator using a tubular absorber have been calculated, taking into account the temperature dependence of the heat-loss coefficient. The results of some typical numerical calculations are presented graphically and discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a comprehensive numerical model was developed by coupling Monte Carlo Ray Tracing (MCRT) and Finite Volume Method (FVM) for simulating the energy conversion process in the linear Fresnel reflector (LFR) with a Trapezoidal Cavity Receiver (TCR). Based on the model, firstly, the optical performance of a typical LFR was studied, followed by analyzing its heat transfer characteristics and thermal performance at various conditions. Then, the effects of key parameters were investigated. Finally, a LFR prototype was simulated to illustrate the application of the model. The results indicate that the solar fluxes on the absorber tubes exhibit non-uniform characteristics which would result in the non-uniform temperatures. The annual optical efficiency of 60.1%–44.7% from the equator to N50° and the collector efficiency of 48.3%–72.0% for the superheating section at normal incidence can be achieved, respectively. Moreover, the heat transfer characteristic study reveals that the radiation loss from the tubes is the dominant mode and contributes around 81%–87% at typical conditions. Parameter studies indicate that the energy absorbed by the glass which influences the heat loss obviously should be considered in the heat loss study of TCR. And the heat loss from the tubes increases rapidly with the coating emissivity, so the coating with low emissivity should be recommended for the TCR. In addition, the application in the realistic LFR indicates that the present model is an exercisable and useful tool for the LFR.  相似文献   

In this paper all provinces of South Africa with a good potential for the implementation of large-scale concentrating solar power plants are identified using geographic information systems. The areas are assumed suitable if they get sufficient sunshine, are close enough to transmission lines, are flat enough, their respective vegetation is not under threat and they have a suitable land use profile. Various maps are created showing the solar resource, the slope, areas with “least threatened” vegetation, proximity to transmission lines and areas suitable for the installation of large concentrating solar power plants. Assuming the installation of parabolic trough plants, it is found that the identified suitable areas could accommodate plants with a nominal capacity of 510.3 GW in the Northern Cape, 25.3 GW in the Free State, 10.5 GW in the Western Cape and 1.6 GW in the Eastern Cape, which gives a total potential nominal capacity of 547.6 GW for the whole country.  相似文献   

在能量平衡方程的基础上,以《家用太阳热水器热性能试验方法》(GB/T12915—1991)为依据,对两种有渐开线反光板且吸热体形状不同的热管真空管和一种无反光板的热管真空管进行了对比实验。结果表明,渐开线反光板可大幅度提高热管真空管热水器的日平均效率,加反光板且吸热体为圆柱形的集热器能够达到更好的效果。  相似文献   

The effect on the cost of electricity from concentrating solar power (CSP) plants of the solar multiple, the capacity factor and the storage capacity is studied. The interplay among these factors can be used to search for a minimal-cost objective that can serve as a technical criterion to guide in the design of economic incentives for CSP plants. The probability-density function of irradiation is used in conjunction with screening models to evaluate the performance characteristics and costs of concentrating solar power plants. Two technologies have been analyzed in this study: parabolic-trough and tower plants. The results provide information to define the optimal operational range as a function of the desired objective. Thus, it is possible to derive a technical criterion for the design of CSP plants which optimizes the solar electricity produced and its generation cost. The methodology is applied to Spain, and the analysis of the results shows that a solar energy production of 37 kWh/m2/year for tower plants and 66 kWh/m2/year for parabolic-trough ones define the approximate optimal working conditions for the mean DNI in Spain.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate a potential application of concentrating solar power (CSP) systems for producing electricity in the tropical environment of Thailand. An 8-year period (1995–2002) of satellite data was used to generate the direct normal irradiation map of the country. The map reveals that the areas which receive the highest irradiation are mainly in the Northeast and the Central regions of the country, with the yearly sum of direct normal irradiation in the range of 1350–1400 kW h/m2 year. The location of Ubon Ratchathani (15.25 °N, 104.87 °E) situated in the Northeast was selected as a target area for investigating the potential application of CSP systems. The performance of three 10 MW CSP systems, namely the parabolic trough, the tower and the dish/Stirling engine systems was investigated. A software named TRNSYS together with the solar thermal electric components (STEC) subroutines were used to simulate the systems. The yearly production of electricity from these systems was estimated and used for the economic evaluation of the systems. It was found that the parabolic trough system afforded the lowest levelized electricity cost of 0.30 USD/kW h. Based on the technical and economic considerations, this system has a sufficient potential for producing electricity in this region.  相似文献   

An experimental model of a solar hybrid system including photovoltaic (PV) module, concentrating Fresnel lens, thermoelectric generator (TEG), and running water heat extracting unit was created and studied. The PV module used was of c‐Si and TEG of Bi2Te3; the Fresnel lens (solar concentrator) and TEG share an optical train, whereas PV module was illuminated separately with non‐concentrated light. Heat extracting unit operated in thermo siphon mode. In climatic conditions of Mexico (Queretaro, 20o of North latitude, summer time), the Fresnel lens accepted 120 W of solar radiation power, and the system generated 7.0 W of electric power and 30 W of thermal one. The discussion is made of the possible characteristics of a hypothetical hybrid system where all its elements share the same optical train. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A concentrating solar power system is presented which uses hillside mounted heliostats to direct sunlight into a volumetric absorption molten salt receiver with integral storage. The concentrated sunlight penetrates and is absorbed by molten salt in the receiver through a depth of 4-5 m, making the system insensitive to the passage of clouds. The receiver volume also acts as the thermal storage volume eliminating the need for secondary hot and cold salt storage tanks. A small aperture and refractory-lined domed roof reduce losses to the environment and reflect thermal radiation back into the pond. Hot salt is pumped from the top of the tank through a steam generator and then returned to the bottom of the tank. An insulated barrier plate is positioned within the tank to provide a physical and thermal barrier between the thermally stratified layers, maintaining hot and cold salt volumes required for continuous operation. As a result, high temperature thermal energy can be provided 24/7 or at any desired time.The amount of storage required depends on local needs and economic conditions. About 2500 m3 of nitrate salt is needed to operate a 4 MWe steam turbine 24/7 (7 h sunshine, 17 h storage), and with modest heliostat field oversizing to accumulate energy, the system could operate for an additional 24 h (1 cloudy day). Alternatively, this same storage volume can supply a 50 MWe turbine for 3.25 h without additional solar input. Cosine effect losses associated with hillside heliostats beaming light downwards to the receiver are offset by the elimination of a tower and separate hot and cold storage tanks and their associated pumping systems. Reduced system complexity also reduces variable costs. Using the NREL Solar Advisor program, the system is estimated to realize cost-competitive levelized production costs of electricity.  相似文献   

Concentrating solar power (CSP) has the potential to become a leading sustainable energy technology for the European electricity system. In order to reach a substantial share in the energy mix, European investment in CSP appears most profitable in North Africa, where solar potential is significantly higher than in southern Europe. As well as sufficient solar irradiance, however, the majority of today's CSP plants also require a considerable amount of water, primarily for cooling purposes. In this paper we examine water usage associated with CSP in North Africa, and the cost penalties associated with technologies that could reduce those needs. We inspect four representative sites to compare the ecological and economical drawbacks from conventional and alternative cooling systems, depending on the local environment, and including an outlook with climate change to the mid-century. Scaling our results up to a regional level indicates that the use of wet cooling technologies would likely be unsustainable. Dry cooling systems, as well as sourcing of alternative water supplies, would allow for sustainable operation. Their cost penalty would be minor compared to the variance in CSP costs due to different average solar irradiance values.  相似文献   

In the solar tower power plant, the receiver is one of the main components of efficient concentrating solar collector systems. In the design of the receiver, the heat flux distribution in the cavity should be considered first. In this study, a numerical simulation using the Monte Carlo Method has been conducted on the heat flux distribution in the cavity receiver, which consists of six lateral faces and floor and roof planes, with an aperture of 2.0 m×2.0 m on the front face. The mathematics and physical models of a single solar ray’s launching, reflection, and absorption were proposed. By tracing every solar ray, the distribution of heat flux density in the cavity receiver was obtained. The numerical results show that the solar flux distribution on the absorbing panels is similar to that of CESA-I’s. When the reradiation from walls was considered, the detailed heat flux distributions were issued, in which 49.10% of the total incident energy was absorbed by the central panels, 47.02% by the side panels, and 3.88% was overflowed from the aperture. Regarding the peak heat flux, the value of up to 1196.406 kW/m2 was obtained in the center of absorbing panels. These results provide necessary data for the structure design of cavity receiver and the local thermal stress analysis for boiling and superheated panels.  相似文献   

Several energy scenario studies consider concentrated solar power (CSP) plants as an important technology option to reduce the world’s CO2 emissions to a level required for not letting the global average temperature exceed a threshold of 2–2.4 °C. A global ramp up of CSP technologies offers great economic opportunities for technology providers as CSP technologies include highly specialised components. This paper analyses possible value creation effects resulting from a global deployment of CSP until 2050 as projected in scenarios of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and Greenpeace International. The analysis focuses on the economic opportunities of German technology providers since companies such as Schott Solar, Flabeg or Solar Millennium are among the leading suppliers of CSP technologies on the global market.  相似文献   

The term integrated solar combined-cycle (ISCC) has been used to define the combination of solar thermal energy into a natural gas combined-cycle (NGCC) power plant. Based on a detailed thermodynamic cycle model for a reference ISCC plant, the impact of solar addition is thoroughly evaluated for a wide range of input parameters such as solar thermal input and ambient temperature. It is shown that solar hybridization into an NGCC plant may give rise to a substantial benefit from a thermodynamic point of view. The work here also indicates that a significant solar contribution may be achieved in an ISCC plant, thus implying substantial fuel savings and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

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