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针对目前我国各个啤酒生产企业普遍使用的啤酒瓶验瓶机所存在的主要问题,研究和借鉴国内外同类设备解决由于瓶口歪、瓶子本身发生倾斜等原因造成误剔除的技术基础上,提出以五维位置光电传感器为基础,利用电子技术和计算机软件技术来补偿这一角度误差,消除此类情况下对检测结果的影响,实现降低误剔除率的方法。  相似文献   

Chocolate compound was produced using ball mill refiner, and the effect of agitator shaft speed and refining time on the physical quality parameters (particle size, colour and steady‐state rheology) of compound chocolate was determined using response surface methodology. The shaft speed and refining time range were selected between 40–60 r.p.m. and 10–30 min, respectively. Determination coefficient of the models established for particle size, Newtonian viscosity and colour parameters (brightness, chroma and hue angle) were found to be very close to unity. Increasing shaft speed and time induced a reduction in particle size and an increase in viscosity of the samples. Temperature sweep test was also performed, and the obtained data were successfully fitted to Arrhenius equation to calculate the corresponding parameters representing temperature dependency of the compounds. The results highlighted that the establishment of such models can provide essential information in terms of optimisation of production processes regarding usage purpose of the compound chocolate.  相似文献   

实验中以新鲜马奶作为原料,通过单因素实验探讨了发酵温度、发酵时间、乳酸菌和酵母菌接种量及接种比例等发酵条件对马奶酒抑菌效果的影响,并进一步通过响应面分析对马奶酒抑菌效果的最佳发酵条件进行优化。结果表明,马奶酒最佳抑菌效果出现在发酵温度33℃、发酵时间89 h、接种比例为5.6%∶2.4%。在此条件下,马奶酒抑菌圈直径理论值为17.794 mm,实验验证值17.70 mm,相对误差为0.53%,说明响应面优化后得到的马奶酒抑菌效果真实可靠。   相似文献   

To characterize cream or ointment bases for cosmetic or pharmaceutical purposes with regard to their effect on permeant penetration through intact healthy skin, the measurement of the pharmacodynamic response of a suitable model drug incorporated in these bases has been shown to be a promising approach. In general, it may be distinguished between thermodynamic vehicle effects owing to different permeant escaping tendencies from the vehicles and penetration-enhancing vehicle effects resulting from a change of the stratum corneum structure, which manifests itself in an increase of the permeant diffusion coefficient and/or its solubility in this barrier. As the latency time of onset of a pharmacodynamic effect, usually used as reciprocal value, represents a suitable response parameter under certain circumstances, this study was done to further evaluate this parameter with regard to the determination of relative bioavailability and penetration enhancement data obtained from simulated dose- and activity-response curves assuming infinite dose conditions, i.e. zero order penetration kinetics and considering varying lag times of drug penetration. The results indicate that bioavailability and enhancement factors may be determined accurately from the horizontal distance between dose- or activity-response curves of a standard and a test preparation as long as the curves are parallel to each other, as it is the case with uniform lag times of permeant penetration. Non-parallel curves observed with varying lag times indicate an influence of the vehicles on the permeant diffusion coefficient in the barrier. Enhancement factors from these curves may be obtained after determination of the lag times from the plateau region of the curves, subsequent subtraction of these values from the measured latency time data, and finally plotting of the reciprocal data as a function of the drug activity. Enhancement factors then correspond to the inverse logarithm of the horizontal distances between the resulting parallel curves.  相似文献   

为提高折边装置的折入效率,分析折入孔位置对折边装置流场的影响,建立纯气动毛边折入装置三维模型。通过改变折入孔位置,对其折入气流流场进行定常流动的数值模拟,对比有限元数值模拟和实测结果,分析了折入孔的设计位置对该装置折入效果的影响。得到较优的结构参数:上下两折入孔组间距为3 mm,各折入孔组中两折入孔间距为3 mm,上下两折入孔组与Y型导纱口底部间距为7.5 mm。结果表明:折入孔位置的改变主要影响几股平行射流间相互引射的作用,合理的结构参数能使射流间的局部旋涡区减小,保证射流的稳定性,从而影响纬纱末端折入梭口的效果。  相似文献   

以麦麸为原料,采用盐酸提取麦麸中植酸。在单因素实验的基础上,选择提取时间、提取温度、酸浸液浓度和料液比为自变量,植酸含量为指标,通过响应面法优化植酸提取的工艺条件,建立了植酸提取的二次多项式数学模型,并得到最佳工艺条件。采用牛津杯法研究了其对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和沙门氏菌的抑菌谱及最小抑菌浓度;探讨了不同浓度、金属阳离子及浓度、温度和有机溶剂对其抑菌效果的影响。结果表明:麦麸中植酸提取的最佳工艺条件为:提取时间2.2h,提取温度40℃,酸浸液浓度1.2mol/L,料液比1∶22(g/m L)。经验证在最佳提取工艺下,植酸的含量为1.215%。植酸提取液对四种细菌均有较好的抑制效果,最小抑菌浓度依次为2.17、2.89、3.61、3.61μg/m L;随着植酸提取液浓度增大,抑菌效果增强;分别与100、200、300mmol/L的氯化钠、氯化钾、氯化镁、氯化钙溶液混合,抑菌效果减弱;与10%(v/v)乙醇、丙二醇、丙三醇等有机溶剂混合后,其抑菌效果明显下降;经0、65、121℃处理后的植酸提取液的抑菌效果无明显变化。   相似文献   

以4种常见面料为研究对象,采用相同的工艺参数,制作了直滚边、滚边环和滚边圆,并对所制滚边进行主观评价,定性研究了底布种类、滚条材料、滚条丝缕角度和滚条长度对滚边效果的影响。得出以下结论:滚条丝缕角度和滚条长度对滚边效果有显著影响,45°丝缕时的滚边效果最好;结构疏松的滚条比结构紧密的滚条滚边效果好;滚条越短,滚边效果越好;底布对滚边效果也有一定的影响,但是没有滚条材料对滚边效果的影响大.  相似文献   

The response surface methodology was employed to study the acid extraction of pectin from sweet potato residues. The effects of extraction temperature, extraction time, solution pH and liquid/solid ratio on yield and galacturonic acid content of pectin were investigated. Experimental data were fitted to quadratic polynomial models and analysed using appropriate statistical methods. The determined optimum conditions were extraction temperature 93 °C, extraction time 2.2 h, solution pH 1.7 and liquid/solid ratio (v/w) 30:1. Under these conditions, the experimental extraction yield and galacturonic acid content of pectin were 5.09% and 70.03% (w/w), which were in good agreement with predicted values, 5.08% and 69.40%, respectively. In addition, sweet potato pectin exhibited remarkable antiproliferation effects on human colon cancer cells HT‐29 and human breast cancer cells Bcap‐37 by 46.64% and 42.64% at 1.00 mg mL?1 separately, indicating that it could potentially be used as a natural supplement in functional foods.  相似文献   

The components of seven matrices in the analysis of 11 pesticides by GC-ECD were analysed. The matrix effect was calculated based on the changing of chromatographic response of the analyte in the presence of co-extractives of the matrices in the organic phase obtained by solid–liquid and liquid–liquid extraction with partition at low temperature (ESL-PBT and ELL-PBT), in relation to the response of it in the pure solvent. It was used the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in evaluating the results obtained for the percentages of the matrix effect. The tomato, grape and pineapple matrices caused greater matrix effect and were grouped. The other matrices such as apple, water and potato caused small matrix effect. For most pesticides the soil matrix caused negative matrix effect. The influence of pH of the samples on the matrix effect was also evaluated showing not to have a direct effect on the phenomenon.  相似文献   

微生物的繁殖是导致袋装腌制蔬菜腐败变质的根本原因,为了延长食品的保存期和货架期,对防腐剂进行筛选和优化,研究了防腐剂对腌制大头菜中腐败微生物的抑制效果。以腌制大头菜中筛选得到的芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sp.)、枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus stubtilitus)、巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)、产硫芽孢杆菌(Bacillus boroniphilus)、球形赖氨酸芽孢杆菌(Lysinibacillus sphaericus)、近邹褶念珠菌(Candida pararugos)、酵母类念珠菌(Candida zemplinina)为研究对象,考察了苯甲酸钠、脱氢乙酸钠、山梨酸钾、亚硫酸钠、乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)对以上腐败菌的抑制作用。在此基础上,探讨了防腐剂复配对大头菜中腐败菌的抑制效果。结果表明,苯甲酸钠、脱氢乙酸钠、EDTA对腌制大头菜中腐败菌有明显的抑制作用。响应面优化得到复合防腐剂最佳配方为苯甲酸钠0.5 g/L,脱氢乙酸钠0.2 g/L,EDTA0.2 g/L。在该复配条件下对于实验中抗性较强的菌株Bacillus sp.、Lysinibacillus sphaericus有良好的抑制效果,抑制率都在99%以上。   相似文献   

响应面法优化南瓜多糖的提取工艺及其降糖作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验目的:优化水溶性南瓜多糖(Pumpkin Polysaccharide,PP)提取的最佳工艺条件,并验证所提取的南瓜多糖的降血糖效果。实验方法:实验依次采用加热浸提、有机溶剂分步萃取等工艺技术手段,利用响应面分析法(RSA),通过响应面的等值线分析来寻求浸提的最优工艺参数;并结合动物实验,分别设置南瓜多糖实验组、空白对照组及阴性对照组,实验当天南瓜多糖实验组小鼠腹腔注入南瓜多糖500mg/kg,其余两组小鼠分别腹腔注射生理盐水0.5mL,测试各组小鼠给药前、给药7h及11h时的血糖值。实验结果:提取工艺的最佳参数为:温度55℃、料液比1:30、提取时间130min,在此条件下,南瓜多糖的得率为5.32%,所获得的南瓜多糖具有明显的降血糖效果(P<0.001)。结论:通过响应面法优选的工艺条件适合南瓜多糖的提取。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown significant differences between the moisturizing effects and skin tolerances of virgin and refined vegetable oils when incorporated in cosmetic emulsions. They have also shown significantly greater and longer lasting moisturizing potential for a cosmetic emulsion containing virgin vegetable oils when compared with refined oils in the same emulsion. Results were obtained with sweet almond and hazelnut oils. Hazelnut oil has now been analysed to show the effect of refining. The phospholipid content of the oil decreased from 286 ppm in virgin oil to traces in refined oil.
These oils were added at 10% to a cosmetic emulsion applied twice a day for 28 days to the skin of 56 volunteers and the changes in moisturizing effect measured by means of the capacitance method (corneometer CM 240 Khazaka). Measurements were made under conditions of controlled temperature and humidity on the first day of application and repeated after 21 and 28 days of treatment. A significant increase in the moisturizing effect of the emulsion containing virgin hazelnut oil was found and this was itself significantly greater than the emulsion containing refined oil. Both emulsions had a greater moisturizing effect when compared with the control emulsion and the untreated skin.
Phospholipids were isolated by dialysis from virgin oil and added to the refined oil (234 ppm). The moisturizing effect obtained with the emulsion containing the enriched refined oil was shown to be the same as that obtained with the virgin oil emulsion.  相似文献   

The effect of conventional continuous freezer parameters [mix flow (L/h), overrun (%), drawing temperature (°C), cylinder pressure (kPa), and dasher speed (rpm)] on the hardness of ice cream under varying measured temperatures (−5, −10, and −15°C) was investigated systematically using response surface methodology (central composite face-centered design), and the relationships were expressed as statistical models. The range (maximum and minimum values) of each freezer parameter was set according to the actual capability of the conventional freezer and applicability to the manufacturing process. Hardness was measured using a penetrometer. These models showed that overrun and drawing temperature had significant effects on hardness. The models can be used to optimize freezer conditions to make ice cream of the least possible hardness under the highest overrun (120%) and a drawing temperature of approximately −5.5°C (slightly warmer than the lowest drawing temperature of −6.5°C) within the range of this study. With reference to the structural elements of the ice cream, we suggest that the volume of overrun and ice crystal content, ice crystal size, and fat globule destabilization affect the hardness of ice cream. In addition, the combination of a simple instrumental parameter and response surface methodology allows us to show the relation between freezer conditions and one of the most important properties—hardness—visually and quantitatively on the practical level.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to determine the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination degree of a traditionally smoked cheese: Herreño cheese, which comes from one of the Canary Islands. Its PAH profile is thoroughly studied by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in SIM mode, and compared with that of an unsmoked cheese. Furthermore, a parameter not previously studied is evaluated, namely the influence of the position of the individual cheeses in the smokehouse on their PAH contamination level. Heavy PAH, among which are included most of the carcinogens, are very scarce and their concentrations low. In fact, benz[a]anthracene, together with chrysene+triphenylene, are the only heavy PAH detected in all of the smoked samples studied. The concentration of benzo[a]pyrene, detected only in 1 of the samples, is below the limit established in Spain for the rind of smoked cheese. In contrast, high concentrations of light PAH have been found, especially of naphthalene and its alkyl derivatives, whose effect on human health is not yet well established. The results derived from the analysis of the PAH profile suggest the potential usefulness of certain ratios between some pairs of PAH (phenanthrene/anthracene, naphthalene/acenaphthylene) to provide information on the PAH contamination source. Furthermore, differences have been found, depending on the position of the cheeses in the smokehouse, those placed in the path followed by the smoke being more contaminated. Therefore, the findings of this study could help in improving the design of smokehouses, to decrease the PAH contamination degree of smoked cheese.  相似文献   

复配抗氧化剂对低能量类可可脂抗氧化作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Schaal烘箱加速氧化法,以过氧化值为评价指标,研究了二丁基羟基甲苯、植酸、维生素E三种抗氧化剂对低能量类可可脂的抗氧化效果。采用响应曲面法优化并确定了复配抗氧化剂的最优配方,结果表明:复配抗氧化剂的最优组成比例为BHT0.11‰,PA0.11‰,VE0.13‰,复配抗氧化剂各组分间具有显著的协同增效作用。通过比较最优复配抗氧化剂与单一抗氧化剂对低能量类可可脂的抗氧化效果,得出其抗氧化活性明显优于单一抗氧化剂。  相似文献   

A systematic analysis was carried out by using response surface methodology to create a quantitative model of the synergistic effects of conditions in a continuous freezer [mix flow rate (L/h), overrun (%), cylinder pressure (kPa), drawing temperature (°C), and dasher speed (rpm)] on the principal constituent parameters of ice cream [rate of fat destabilization (%), mean air cell diameter (μm), and mean ice crystal diameter (μm)]. A central composite face-centered design was used for this study. Thirty-one combinations of the 5 above-mentioned freezer conditions were designed (including replicates at the center point), and ice cream samples were manufactured and examined in a continuous freezer under the selected conditions. The responses were the 3 variables given above. A quadratic model was constructed, with the freezer conditions as the independent variables and the ice cream characteristics as the dependent variables. The coefficients of determination (R2) were greater than 0.9 for all 3 responses, but Q2, the index used here for the capability of the model for predicting future observed values of the responses, was negative for both the mean ice crystal diameter and the mean air cell diameter. Therefore, pruned models were constructed by removing terms that had contributed little to the prediction in the original model and by refitting the regression model. It was demonstrated that these pruned models provided good fits to the data in terms of R2, Q2, and ANOVA. The effects of freezer conditions were expressed quantitatively in terms of the 3 responses. The drawing temperature (°C) was found to have a greater effect on ice cream characteristics than any of the other factors.  相似文献   

目的:优化抑制荧光假单胞菌的复合乳酸菌组合。方法:应用牛津杯琼脂扩散法筛选对荧光假单胞菌具有协同抑制作用的复合乳酸菌,通过响应面法进行优化。结果:从11组复合乳酸菌中筛选获得Lactobacillus plantarum DY4-2、Lb.sakei YP4-5和Lb.sakei LY1-6组合的抑菌作用最强,对荧光假单胞菌的抑菌直径为25.29 mm,比DY4-2、YP4-5和LY1-6单菌株分别高出2.93、4.80和5.35 mm。利用Box-Behnken进行三因素三水平的实验设计,以抑菌直径为响应值进行分析,优化最佳条件为:菌株DY4-2、YP4-5和LY1-6复合比2∶3∶1、培养温度25℃、培养时间为48 h,优化的抑菌直径为25.84 mm。结论:乳酸菌复合可有效增加菌株间的协同作用,增加对荧光假单胞菌的抑菌活性,为研发高效控制水产品腐败菌乳酸菌生物制剂提供理论依据。   相似文献   

We studied the suppressive effect of poly-gamma-glutamate (PGA) on the SOS response of Salmonella typhimurium induced by several direct [furylframide, AF-2; N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, MNNG; and 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide, 4NQO] and indirect [3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido-(4,3-b) indole, Trp-P-2; 2-amino-3-methylimidazo (4,5-f) quinoline, IQ; and 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo (4,5-f) quinoxaline, MeIQx] mutagens. PGA preparations with average molecular masses of 50, 2000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 kDa from Bacillus subtilis (chungkookjang) were used. When we used PGA Na salt with a molecular mass of 4000 kDa, the suppression rate increased with increasing PGA concentration; 3% PGA showed 80-90% suppression irrespective of the type of chemical mutagen. PGA preparations with molecular masses of 50 kDa and more than 6000 kDa were less effective. Glutamate and acidic polymers such as carboxymethylcellulose and xanthan gum showed lower suppressive effects than PGA. PGA proved to have high antimutagenic activity.  相似文献   

Hydroxytyrosol-rich olive mill wastewater (HROMW) and hydroxytyrosol-rich composition (HRC) were prepared from olive mill wastewater using hydrolysis and post-hydrolysis purification processes. The HROMW and HRC showed powerful bactericidal and fungicidal activities against phytopathogens, and their minimal inhibition concentrations for fungi and bacteria were 7.18–57.4 mg l−1 and 7.18–14.4 mg l−1, respectively. After 5 min of contact time, the disinfectant properties of the HROMW and HRC added at concentrations of 1.25% (dw/v) allowed for a reduction in bacterial viability by greater than 5 log units. However, a higher concentration of 1.5–3% (dw/v) or a longer contact time of 30 min were needed to achieve values for fungal viability reduction that were higher than the 4 log units recommended by EN 1275 [EN 1275 (1997a). Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Basic fungicidial activity. Test method and requirements (phase 1)]. HROMW and HRC were less effective with the most ubiquitous fungi, Fusarium spp., which needed 10% dw/v. The addition of HRC at 10% (dw/v) showed that the composition was a potent exogenous enhancer of growth that stimulated the seedling vigour of tomato and muskmelon, according to the conventional agronomic parameters for seed vigour. Compared to the control, the germination percentage, shoot weight, shoot height, and root length were all significantly enhanced in the HRC-treated seed plants. HRC was found to have effective disinfectant properties against seed-borne diseases. In treated seeds, the composition had significant effects on the control of damping-off disease groups at the pre-germination stage. HRC was also equally effective in the control of root rot diseases caused by Fusarium sambucinum and Alternaria solani as well as of wilts and even bacterial seed-borne pathogens. HROMW was also found to be as effective as HRC in terms of its efficacy against the three seed-borne diseases mentioned above.  相似文献   

Phenol and fibre‐rich flour obtained by air‐drying and grinding of lettuce waste was partially substituted (26, 53, 170 and 575 g kg?1) to wheat flour to produce functional bread. The addition of flour progressively decreased dough leavening capacity while increased bread moisture and firmness. Lettuce waste flour significantly increased the polyphenolic content (up to 3.4 g GAE kg?1) of bread samples and enhanced their antioxidant activity by 200%. Bread containing 170 and 575 g kg?1 of lettuce waste flour presented sensory properties and consumer acceptability comparable to those of commercial wholemeal bread with similar rye bran content. Bread containing at least 170 g kg?1 of lettuce waste flour could be associated to nutritional claims related to its enhanced fibre content (>30 g kg?1). Data obtained by conjoint analysis demonstrate the possibility of increasing consumer preference for lettuce waste flour bread by proper nutritional (fibre content) and sustainability (lettuce waste valorisation) claims.  相似文献   

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