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Harvest of forest biomass for energy production may lead to a significant export of nutrients from the forest. Ash spreading and recycling of nutrients from wood chip combustion to the forest has come into focus as a means for counteracting the nutrient export. This study was carried out to examine the retention of various elements in the different ash fractions and utilise the nutrient recovery to evaluate the fertiliser quality of the examined ash. The mass and element flux of wood chips, bottom ash, cyclone fly ash and condensation sludge at Ebeltoft central heating plant was studied over a four day period in spring 2005. On average, 19 ton wood chips (dry weight) were combusted each day. The combustion of the wood chips produced 0.70% ash and sludge (dry weight). The ash and sludge dry matter was distributed as 81% fly ash, 16% bottom and residual grate ash and 3% sludge solid phase. Substantial amounts of nutrients were retained in the fly ash (P, Ca, Mg, Mn and Cu have a recovery higher than 60% and K, S and Fe have a recovery higher than 30%). The recovery of elements in the bottom ash was smaller. The added recovery of the usable fractions of ashes (both fly ash and bottom ash) exceeded 75% for the nutrients P, Ca, Mn and Mg. Both these ash fractions should be considered for fertilisation.  相似文献   

The leafless above-ground biomass production of planted silver birch (Betula pendula), downy birch (Betula pubescens), grey alder (Alnus incana), indigenous willows (Salix triandra and Salix phylicifolia) and an alder-willow mixture growing on a cut-away peatland area in Central Finland was investigated during a period of 18 (willows) or 19 (birches and alders) years. Biannual fertilization of the birches (0, NPK) and alders (0, PK) and annual fertilization of the willows (NPK1, NPK2) were continued for 10 years. S. phylicifolia had the highest yield (123 t ha−1). The yield of the fertilized downy and silver birch was 112 t ha−1 and 108 t ha−1 respectively, and that of fertilized grey alder 85 t ha−1, and alder S. triandra mixture 93 t ha−1. The mean annual increment of willow was highest at the age of 10 years (S. phylicifolia 7.9 t ha−1 a−1; S. triandra 5.6 t ha−1 a−1). NPK-fertilization increased the 19-year biomass production of downy and silver birch by 14 and 29 t ha−1 respectively and PK fertilization that of alders by 25 t ha−1. The alder plantations bound more N, P, K, Ca and Mg per unit leafless biomass produced after 10–11 growing seasons than the silver birch and downy birch plantations. The silver birch used more N, K and Ca, but similar amounts of P and Mg per unit leafless biomass produced than the downy birch. S. triandra used more N, P, K and Mg per unit biomass produced than S. phylicifolia and both birch species.  相似文献   

Although perennial grasses show considerable potential as candidates for lignocellulosic bioenergy production, these crops exhibit considerable variation in regional adaptability and yield. Giant miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus Greef & Deuter), Miscanthus sinensis Anderss. ‘Gracillimus’ and MH2006, plume grass (Saccharum arundinaceum Retz.), ravenna grass (Saccharum ravennae (L.) L.), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L. ‘Alamo’), and giant reed (Arundo donax L.) field plots were established in 2008, treated with four nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates (0, 34, 67, 134 kg ha−1 y−1), and harvested annually in winter from 2008 to 2011. Giant reed, ‘Gracillimus’, switchgrass, MH2006, giant miscanthus and ravenna grass at the Mountain site produced mean dry matter yields of 22.8, 21.3, 20.9, 19.3, 18.4, and 10.0 Mg ha−1 y−1, respectively (averaged over the last two years). Dry matter yields at the Coastal site for giant reed, giant miscanthus, switchgrass, ravenna grass, and ‘Gracillimus’ were 27.4, 20.8, 20.1, 14.3, and 9.4 Mg ha−1 y−1, respectively (averaged over the last two years). Increasing N rates up to 134 kg N ha−1 did not have a consistent significant effect on biomass production. High yields coupled with high mortality for plume grass at both sites indicates its potential as a bioenergy crop and need for continued improvement. Overall, the perennial grasses in this study had low nutrient removal, although giant reed and plume grass often removed significantly more N, P, K and S compared with Miscanthus spp. and switchgrass. Our results indicate that giant reed, giant miscanthus, and switchgrass are productive bioenergy crops across geographic regions of North Carolina.  相似文献   

Fourteen clones of willow (Salix spp.) were characterised in terms of growth, nitrogen and water-use efficiency under different irrigation and fertilisation treatments. Cuttings of willow clones, some commercially introduced and others new material, were pot-grown outdoors in Central Sweden under four experimental treatments in a full-factorial design. The experiment covered the period from bud-break until leaf abscission and the experimental conditions included two irrigation and two fertilisation regimes. The growth of the clones was evaluated in terms of relative growth rate and total biomass production of whole plants and shoots. Nitrogen (N) economy was studied by means of N productivity, N accumulation and N losses by leaf abscission. Water economy was analysed with respect to intrinsic water-use efficiency (foliar carbon isotope ratio; δ13C) and the capacity of leaves to retain water (relative water content). Significant differences between clones were found in nearly all parameters measured and the clones varied in the responses to the experimental treatments (clone × factor interaction effects). Thus, clone ranking often changed depending on the experimental treatment. The results are discussed with respect to clone selection for different willow applications such as biomass production and phytoremediation, and willow growth performance under different water and nutrient availabilities. The growth-physiological characterisation of young willows in the short term (several months) is regarded as a suitable approach for pre-selection of promising clones prior to extensive field evaluation.  相似文献   

This investigation studied the effect of an increased biomass production as a result of fertilization and an elevated Cd concentration in the topsoil on concentration and amount of Cd in two clones of Salix (81090 and 78183). The experiment was conducted over a three year period using 200-dm3 lysimeters filled with clay soil. A liquid fertilizer containing all essential macro- and micronutrients in balanced proportions by weight was applied at two rates according to growth. The lower rate corresponded to 0, 20 and 20 kg N ha−1 during years 1, 2 and 3, respectively, while the higher rate was 30, 60 and 60 kg N ha−1 for the same period. The Cd levels in the topsoil were an initial content of 0.3 mg Cd (kg dw soil)−1 and 0.6 mg Cd (kg dw soil)−1 after addition of CdSO4.

Biomass production increased significantly due to fertilization. In general, this increase in biomass resulted in a higher Cd amount in the stem. However, the magnitude was small and only statistically significant in some cases, mainly because increased biomass also resulted in a lowered Cd concentration due to an effect of biological dilution. Addition of Cd to the topsoil resulted in higher Cd concentrations and total Cd amounts (concentration×biomass) in the Salix plants. In most cases the increase in total stem Cd amount was 40–80% of the increase in soil Cd concentration, although a directly proportional increase was observed occasionally. Clone 81090 had higher concentrations and total amounts of Cd in the stems than clone 78183, while clone 78183 produced more stem biomass. The leaves had the highest Cd concentrations, but the total amounts of Cd were largest in the stems.  相似文献   

This investigation deals with the biomass production of coppiced mixed birch and willow stands growing on a peat cut-away area at Aitoneva, Kihniö (62°12′N, 23°18′E), Finland. The 16-year-old stands were harvested and left to coppice for 14 years, fertilization experiment (control, PK and wood ash fertilization) with three replications was established after the clear cutting. The mother stands before clear cutting (11,000 stems per hectare on average) were dominated by silver birch (69% of the stem number). After clear cutting the number of stems rose 7-fold to 75 500 stems ha−1. Now the stands were dominated by Betula pubescens with 46% out of the total stem number, the share of B. pendula being only 25% and with Salix spp 29%. At the age of 14 years self-thinning had decreased the stem number to 12,800 stems ha−1. The leafless biomass production of the coppiced stands on the control plots was lower than that of the seed originated mother stands had been during the previous rotation. However, with fertilization the 14-year-old coppiced stands reached the same total production as the 16-year-old mother stands had reached. The foliar phosphorus concentrations showed a severe phosphorus deficiency on the controls. Fertilization increased biomass of the stands considerably. After 14 growing seasons the above-ground leafless dry-mass of the fertilized stands was 61.8 (PK-fertilization) and 61.4 t ha−1 (Ash) and that of the control stands 37.6 t ha−1. A single PK fertilizer application had increased the standing biomass by 24 t ha−1 (64%). Even though fertilization increased biomass production it did not increase nutrient concentrations of wood and bark, but rather decreased them. Fertilization decreased the nitrogen concentrations of leafless above-ground biomass.  相似文献   

Maintaining the long-term productivity of short-rotation coppice plantations is very important to ensure the large-scale deployment of biomass as a renewable energy source. In Quebec (Canada), willow short rotation coppice has been studied since the early ‘90s, thereby allowing long-term analysis of the dynamic performance of several species and hybrids as well as management practices. In this study, we report on the long-term productivity of two trials maintained in southern Quebec and carried out to compare a) growth and biomass yield of willow Salix viminalis (cultivar 5027) grown for 15 years under fertilized and unfertilized conditions and b) growth of different willow cultivars over three successive rotations (10 years). The first trial showed that after four rotations, sludge-fertilized S. viminalis 5027 produced significantly more biomass, 19.2 odt ha−1 yr−1, whereas unfertilized plots yielded 13.8 odt ha−1 yr−1. The second trial showed that among the wide variety of commercial willow cultivars available, SX64 and SX61 along with some indigenous species (i.e. S25, S365, S546) were the most suitable for short-rotation forestry in southern Quebec.  相似文献   

The conventional, commercial method of planting Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) willow is the use of a willow planter which delivers 20 cm hardwood cuttings vertically into the soil. On well prepared sites an establishment rate in excess of 90% is normal. Recently there has been interest in developing alternative planting protocols with the imminent launch of a ‘lay-flat planter’ which lays lengths of willow end to end at a depth of 8–10 cm. Small experimental plots were established in 2000 using two Salix spp. genotypes, ‘Olof’ and ‘V7534’ and three planting methods: conventional ‘cuttings’ (20 cm lengths planted vertically), ‘lay-flat’ rods (2–3 m lengths planted horizontally) and ‘billets’ (10 cm lengths planted horizontally). Two three-year harvests were taken in 2003/04 and 2006/07 when establishment, growth pattern and yield were assessed. While there were significant differences between the two genotypes, both responded in a similar way to the different planting protocols. Generally growth from billets was less than from either cuttings or lay-flat rods. The lay-flat system required almost three times more propagating material than either the cuttings or billets. Consequently for the system to be commercially viable significant savings must be made elsewhere, possibly through preparation of planting material, ground preparation or reducing planting costs.  相似文献   

Land application of organic wastes to short rotation woody crops (SRWC) can reduce the environmental impacts associated with waste disposal and enhance the productivity of biomass production systems. Understanding the potential impacts of organic amendments however, requires the examination of changes in soil characteristics and plant productivity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of paper sludge and dairy manure on biomass production of shrub willow (Salix dasyclados SV1) and to determine the impacts of these amendments on soil chemical properties. Treatments included urea, dairy manure and paper sludge separately and in combination, and a control. These materials were applied in the summer of 2005 to two fields of SV1 at different stages of growth: An old field with one year old shoots on a 10 year old root system and a young field which was beginning regrowth after being coppiced at the end of its first growing season. Foliar nutrient concentrations and soil chemical properties were analyzed at the end of the second growing season after treatment application to determine plant response to the fertilization regimes and to determine the effects of fertilization on soil characteristics. Fertilization did not increase biomass production in either field. However, application of the N-poor paper sludge did not reduce yield either. In general, fertilization did not influence soil or foliar chemistry, although there were some exceptions. The lack of response observed in this study is probably related to the nutrient status of the site or losses of applied nutrients.  相似文献   

对生物质直接燃烧过程中的灰熔融粘结问题进行了总结,分析了生物质直接燃烧过程中生物质灰分熔融粘结的预测方法、解决途径,为生物质灰熔融粘结问题的进一步解决提供技术参考。  相似文献   

In this study, torrefaction of sunflower seed cake and hydrogen production from torrefied sunflower seed cake via steam gasification were investigated. Torrefaction experiments were performed at 250, 300 and 350 °C for different times (10–30 min). Torrefaction at 300 °C for 30 min was selected to be optimum condition, considering the mass yield and energy densification ratio. Steam gasification of lignite, raw- and torrefied biomass, and their blends at different ratios were conducted at downdraft fixed bed reactor. For comparison, gasification experiments with pyrochar obtained at 500 °C were also performed. The maximum hydrogen yield of 100 mol/kg fuel was obtained steam gasification of pyrochar. The hydrogen yields of 84 and 75 mol/kg fuel were obtained from lignite and torrefied biomass, respectively. Remarkable synergic effect exhibited in co-gasification of lignite with raw biomass or torrefied biomass at a blending ratio of 1:1. In co-gasification, the highest hydrogen yield of 110 mol/kg fuel was obtained from torrefied biomass-lignite (1:1) blend, while a hydrogen yield from pyrochar-lignite (1:1) blend was 98 mol/kg. The overall results showed that in co-gasification of lignite with biomass, the yields of hydrogen depend on the volatiles content of raw biomass/torrefied biomass, besides alkaline earth metals (AAEMs) content.  相似文献   

The effects of high silicon-aluminum coal ashes (Shajuzi coal ash (SJZA) and Pingshuo coal ash (PSA)) on the sintering and fusion behaviors of a potassium-rich biomass ash (cotton stalk ash (CSA)) were investigated by a horizontal tube furnace and an ash fusion temperature (AFT) analyzer. X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) techniques were applied to analyze the mineral transformations and thermal behaviors of the ash samples. As the coal ash mass ratio varied from 0 to 50%, the sintering degree of CSA/SJZA and CSA/PSA mixtures gradually mitigated. The AFTs of the two groups of mixtures all presented parabolic with respect to coal ash ratio. The potassium content in CSA was very high (K2O, 39.55%), and K-containing minerals mainly existed as low melting point (MP) matters, i.e., sylvite (KCl), arcanite (K2SO4), potassium carbonate (K2CO3), and fairchildite (K2Ca(CO3)2). The mitigation of sintering degree was ascribed to a decrease in KCl content with increasing coal ash ratio. When the coal ash ratio was less than 20%, the decrease in AFT was due to the consumption of alkaline earth metal oxide and the formation of K silicate. The conversions of low MP K salts to high MP K–Al silicates (kalsite (KAlSiO4) and nepheline (KNa3Al4Si4O16)) and the formations of other high MP minerals increased the AFTs after adding 20% coal ash. The thermogravimetric analysis showed that the endothermic peak of KCl evaporation weakened to disappear and the exothermic peaks of some reactions enhanced with rising coal ash ratio.  相似文献   

文章利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)、X射线荧光衍射仪(XRD)、灰熔融特性分析仪对4种生物质(海草、梨木、榛子壳、稻秆)灰与神木烟煤灰的混合灰的熔融特性进行了研究。研究发现:水生生物质(海草)灰的掺混使混合灰的熔融特性温度先升高再降低;两种木本生物质(梨木和榛子壳)灰的掺混使混合灰的熔融特性温度逐渐升高;草本生物质(稻秆)灰的掺混对混合灰熔融特性温度的影响与水生生物质灰类似。由XRF分析可知:Na2O和CaO对于混合灰的熔融特性温度有更明显的影响,随着混合灰中Na2O含量的逐渐增加,混合灰的熔融特性温度逐渐下降;随着混合灰中CaO含量的逐渐增加,混合灰的熔融特性温度逐渐上升。由XRD结果可知:水生生物质灰在高温下容易形成熔点较低的碱金属硅酸盐,使混合灰的熔点降低;木本生物质灰中的CaCO3含量较高,能够提高混合灰的熔点;草本生物质灰与水生生物质灰类似,含有的低熔点碱金属硅铝酸盐使混合灰的熔点降低。  相似文献   

This study compared first- and second-rotation biomass and nutrient equations between successive loblolly pine plantations on an Upper Coastal Plain Site in Alabama. Nutrient concentration relationships with crown position were explored in order to evaluate their significance for biomass studies determinations. Trees were destructively sampled from across the diameter distribution of the stand for each rotation. Tissues were separated into foliage, branch, stemwood, and stembark and analyzed for nutrient concentration and dry weight. Distance from the top of the tree was recorded for all tissues of the selected second-rotation trees and plotted against nutrient concentrations. Regression equations for individual tree tissue biomass and nutrient content were fit for each rotation and compared. Analyses of nutrient concentration relationships with crown position indicated that mobile nutrient (N, P, K, Mg, S, and Zn) concentrations of stemwood, bark, and branches decreased with distance from the top of the tree and height of the live crown. Foliar nutrient concentrations and non-mobile nutrients (Ca and B) for other tissues showed no patterns with tree height. Stemwood biomass regression equations were equivalent after two rotations. However, biomass and nutrient content regression equations for foliage, branches, and bark differed between rotations. Major differences between rotations were in stemwood N and P, and foliage, branch and bark B concentrations, which suggested reduced availability of these nutrients in the second-rotation stand.  相似文献   

根据生物质灰渣在不同领域进行资源化利用时粒径R的特征差异,通过磁选与筛分串联使用的方式对生物质电厂发电作业产生的生物质灰渣进行分选。将生物质灰渣原料分选成1号(R > 5 mm)、2号(R为2~5 mm)、3号(R为1~2 mm)、4号(R为0.5~1 mm)、5号(R为0.25~0.5 mm)和6号(R < 0.25 mm)等6种粒径规格,各规格生物质灰渣质量分数分别为26.3%、17.5%、17.6%、19.7%、14.3%、3.8%。1、2号生物质灰渣因其粒径较大,一般多作为填埋路基、建筑等原料;3、4和5号生物质灰渣特性研究结果以及现有将其应用于水处理方面的相关研究成果为将该规格生物质灰渣作为水处理的一种新型功能性材料提供了依据;6号生物质灰渣因其粒径小以及富含Fe、P等营养元素,故一般可作为复合化肥的原料应用于农业生产。  相似文献   

Understanding the growth of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) under varying management regimes and weather conditions will aid producers in making sound decisions on the utilization of this crop. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of harvest frequencies on white clover forage biomass potential, theoretical ethanol yield, crude protein (CP) concentration, and in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM). Frequency of forage removal (treatment), year, and treatment × year interactions significantly affected forage quantity and quality. This 4-year study indicated that forage dry matter (DM) yield, theoretical ethanol yield, CP concentration, and IVDOM with four harvests (15 May, 1 and 15 June, and 1 July) or two harvests (15 May, and 15 June) were consistently better than the other one, two, or three harvest systems. Four harvests yielded on average 2380 ± 80 kg ha−1 (a theoretical ethanol yield of 570 ± 20 L ha−1) with 540 kg ha−1 of CP and 1780 kg ha−1 of digestible DM. Forage removed with two harvests (15 May and 15 June) yielded on average 2200 ± 80 kg ha−1 (a theoretical ethanol yield of 530 ± 20 L ha−1) with 490 kg ha−1 of CP and 1640 kg ha−1 of digestible DM. A two harvest system would reduce harvest costs over that of a four harvest system and would allow for two haying or grazing rotations (each with 28–30 day rest) before a decline of white clover DM production in mid-summer.  相似文献   

使用灰熔点法,分析Al2O3、高岭土、CaO对稻草、麦秸秆与河砂及煤灰混合物的熔融性质的影响,研究结果表明灰熔点法在预测添加剂对生物质灰分与床料熔融粘结改善方面具有较强的适用性。煤灰与两种生物质混合物的灰熔点要高于河砂与两种生物质灰分混合物的灰熔点,麦秸秆与床料混合后的灰熔点要高于相同奈件下稻草与床料混合后的灰熔点,三种添加剂对提高生物质灰与煤灰、河砂混合物的灰熔点结果从高到低依次是Al2O3,高岭土,CaO。  相似文献   

Switchgrass produces high amounts of biomass that can be used for solid biofuel production. In this study, the dry biomass yield vs. N–P–K nutrient uptake relations as well as the N-mineralization and the N-fertilization recovery fraction for switchgrass (cv. Alamo) were determined under field conditions for three N-fertilization (0, 80 and 160 kg ha−1) and for two irrigation (0 and 250 mm) levels, in two soils in central Greece with rather different moisture status over the period 2009–2012. It was found that dry biomass yield on the aquic soil may reach 27–30 t ha−1 using supplemental irrigation, and remain at high levels (19–24 t ha−1) without irrigation. In the xeric soil, however, lower biomass yields of 14–15 t ha−1 may be produced with supplemental irrigation. The average N-concentration varies between 0.23% in stems and 1.10% in leaves, showing the very low needs in N. P-content varies between 0.16% in leaves and 0.03% in stems, whereas K-content fluctuates between 0.67% and 0.78%. Linear biomass yield-nutrient uptake relationships were found with high R2, pointing to nutrient use efficiencies of 240 and 160 kg kg−1, for N and K respectively. The base N-uptake ranged 70–84 kg ha−1 in the aquic to 60 kg ha−1 or less in the xeric soil. N-recovery fraction was about 30% in the aquic soil and lower in the xeric. Therefore, switchgrass is very promising for biomass production and its introduction in land use systems (especially in aquic soils of similar environments) should be seriously taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The cultivation of bioenergy crops (BECs) represents a significant land-use change in agri-environments, but their deployment has raised important issues globally regarding possible impacts on biodiversity. Few studies however, have systematically examined the effect of commercial scale bioenergy plantations on biodiversity in agri-ecosystems. In this study we investigate how the abundance and diversity of two key components of farmland biodiversity (ground flora and winged invertebrates) varied between mature willow Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) and two alternative land-use options (arable crops and set-aside land). Although the abundance of winged invertebrates was similar across all land-uses, taxonomic composition varied markedly. Hymenoptera and large Hemiptera (>5 mm) were more abundant in willow SRC than in arable or set-aside. Similarly although plant species richness was greater in set-aside, our data show that willow SRC supports a different plant community to the other land-uses, being dominated by competitive perennial species such as Elytrigia repens and Urtica dioica. Our results suggest that under current management practices a mixed farming system incorporating willow SRC can benefit native farm-scale biodiversity. In particular the reduced disturbance in willow SRC allows the persistence of perennial plant species, potentially providing a stable refuge and food sources for invertebrates. In addition, increased Hymenoptera abundance in willow SRC could potentially have concomitant effects on ecosystem processes, as many members of this Order are important pollinators of crop plants or otherwise fulfil an important beneficial role as predators or parasites of crop pests.  相似文献   

The diversity in the chemical composition of lignocellulosic feedstocks can affect the conversion technologies employed for hydrogen production. Gasification and co–gasification activities of lignocellulosic biomass, biomass hydrolysate, and coal were evaluated for hydrogen rich gas production. The hydrolysates of biomass materials showed the best performance for gasification. The results indicated that biomass hydrolysates obtained from lignocellulosic biomass were more sensitive to degradation and therefore, produced more hydrogen and gaseous products than that of lignocellulosic biomass. The effects of feed (kenaf and sorghum hydrolysate), flow rate (0.3–2.0 mL/min) and temperature (700–900 °C) on hydrogen production and gasification yields were investigated. It was observed that 0.5 mL/min the optimum feed flow rate for the maximum total gas and hydrogen production. Synergism effects were observed for co–gasification of coal/biomass and coal/biomass hydrolysate. In all co–gasification processes, the main component of the gas mixture was hydrogen (≥70%).  相似文献   

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