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The objective of this study was to investigate the rheological, thermal and microstructural properties of whey protein isolate (WPI)‐hydroxypropylated cassava starch (HPCS) gels and WPI‐cross‐linked cassava starch (CLCS) gels at different pH values (5.75, 7.00 and 9.00). The rheological results showed that the WPI‐modified starch gels had greater storage modulus (G?) values than the WPI‐native cassava starch gels at pH 5.75 and 7.00. Differential scanning calorimetry curves suggested that the phase transition order of the WPI and modified starch changed as the pH increased. Scanning electron microscopy images showed that the addition of HPCS and CLCS contributed to the formation of a compact microstructure at pH 5.75 and 7.00. A comprehensive analysis showed that the gelling properties of the WPI‐modified starch were affected by the difference between the WPI denaturation temperature and modified starch gelatinisation temperature and by the granular properties of the modified starch during gelatinisation. These results may contribute to the application of WPI‐modified starch mixtures in food preparation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of Maillard reaction products (MRP) prepared by heating whey protein isolate (WPI) and reducing sugars (glucose and galactose) to 95 °C for different lengths of time (0–6 h). The results revealed that the colour, intermediate products, browning intensity and the antioxidant activities of the MRP increased as the reaction time increased (< 0.05), whereas the pH value and free amino group content decreased (< 0.05). Sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the covalently linked conjugates of WPI and sugars were formed. The results indicate that the Maillard reaction could improve the antioxidant capacity of WPI.  相似文献   

During lactation, goat milk contains colostrum, transitional milk, mature milk, and end milk. The protein present in goat milk during different lactation periods has different characteristics. This study aimed to characterize the protein profile of goat milk samples obtained at different lactation stages and to identify changes in the physicochemical and functional properties of whey protein and casein from goat milk collected at 1, 3, 15, 100, and 200 d after calving. The results demonstrated that the lactation period had a great influence on the physicochemical and functional properties of goat milk whey protein and casein, especially the protein properties of colostrum on the first day after delivery. The denaturation temperature, hydrophobicity, and turbidity of whey protein were significantly higher on the first day postpartum than at other lactation periods. Correspondingly, the colostrum whey protein also had better functional properties, such as emulsification, oil holding capacity, and foaming properties on the first day postpartum than at other lactation periods. For casein, the turbidity, particle size, water holding capacity, and foaming properties on the first day after delivery were significantly higher than those at other lactation periods, whereas the denaturation temperature, oil holding capacity, and emulsification followed the opposite trend. For both whey protein and casein, the 2 indicators of emulsifying properties, namely, emulsifying activity index and the emulsion stability, also followed an opposite trend relative to lactation stage, whereas the changes in foaming capacity with the lactation period were completely consistent with the change of foaming stability. These findings could provide useful information for the use of goat milk whey protein and casein obtained during different lactation stages in the dairy industry.  相似文献   

研究了淀粉比例及木薯淀粉改性方式对乳清分离蛋白(WPI)与淀粉混合凝胶的影响。结果显示:当淀粉比例低于50%时,淀粉与WPI产生了协同效性,改善了混合凝胶储能模量;淀粉的羟丙基改性与交联改性均提高了混合凝胶G’;微观结构观察结果显示:淀粉膨胀颗粒被包裹在蛋白凝胶网络中,强化了凝胶结构;羟丙基淀粉在蛋白凝胶网络中较原淀粉更加破碎;而交联淀粉保留了较多完整的颗粒结构;WPI-交联淀粉混合凝胶呈现出完整淀粉颗粒周围附着蛋白胶粒的微观结构,强化了网络结构。  相似文献   

探究乳清蛋白在碱性蛋白酶限制性水解下功能性质变化。以乳清蛋白的溶解性,乳化性、乳化稳定性,起泡性、起泡稳定性为考察指标,确定乳清蛋白的等电点及分析不同水解度下乳清蛋白功能性质在p H调控下的变化。结果表明:乳清蛋白的等电点为4.8。乳清蛋白进行限制性酶解后功能性质有了很大提高,其中溶解性在DH14、p H10下达到最大值,较原蛋白提高了14.55%;起泡性在DH14、p H4下达到最大值,较原蛋白提高了107.5%;起泡稳定性在DH4、p H4下达到最大值,比原蛋白提高了8.66%;乳化性在DH14、p H12下达到最大值,比原蛋白提高了56.1%;乳化稳定性DH4、p H12下达到最大值,比原蛋白提高了50.42%。   相似文献   

Sweetpotato starch is high‐yielding, but has limited development and uses. In this study, physicochemical properties of sweetpotato starch from 11 representative genotypes with diverse geographic origins in China were characterized and showed wide variations. Apparent amylose contents measured by iodine binding ranged from 23.3 to 26.5%, by gel permeation chromatography after debranching from 17.5 to 23.9%, and true amylose content by concanavalin A binding from 15.9 to 22.5%. In vitro digestibility varied from 29.5 to 41.2%. Swelling power and water solubility index were highly correlated (r2 = 0.88). Gelatinization peak temperature and enthalpy ranged from 75.4 to 79.7°C, and 7.6 to 13.6 J/g, respectively. Pasting peak and cold paste viscosities varied from 268 to 469 RVU, and 170 to 284 RVU. Amylose contents were highly correlated to digestibility, pasting, and thermal parameters.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the in vitro immunomodulatory effect of milk whey through enzymatic hydrolysis, microbial fermentation and two‐stage hydrolytic reactions (enzymatic and microbial reactions) by analysing cytokine profiles. Results indicated that the milk whey sample fermented by Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens M1 and two‐stage hydrolytic reactions (hydrolysed by Alcalase and then fermented by L. kefiranofaciens M1) could significantly induce the production of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)‐α and IL‐12 compared with the milk whey control and enzymatic treatments. Further characterisation of the immunomodulatory factor by membrane filtration and mutanolysin hydrolysation, the stimulatory activity for IL‐12 and TNF‐α production was found to be reduced and to be correlated positively with the cell wall components in L. kefiranofaciens M1. In addition, Th2‐polarised splenocytes revealed that L. kefiranofaciens M1 had both IL‐12 inducing and IL‐4 repressing activities. These results suggested that L. kefiranofaciens M1 could direct the Th1/Th2 balance toward Th1.  相似文献   


为探究极小颗粒淀粉的交联变性反应特性及不同取代度产物的理化性质,本研究以籽粒苋淀粉(Amaranth starch,AS)为原料,三偏磷酸钠作为变性剂,采用糯玉米淀粉(Waxy corn starch,WCS)作为对照,探究了温度(45、50、55 ℃)、pH(9.0、10.0、11.0)和膨胀抑制剂Na2SO4浓度(5%、10%、15%)对两种淀粉交联反应进程和效率的影响,并对比了不同取代度(Degree of substitution,DS)的变性产物的理化性质。结果表明,与WCS相比,温度对AS交联反应的影响较小,单纯升高温度难以提高交联反应效率;相反,pH与Na2SO4浓度对AS和WCS的交联变性反应均起促进作用,pH越高(10.0~11.0)、Na2SO4浓度越高(5%~15%),交联反应速率就越快。低取代度交联AS(DS 0.1×10−3~0.8×10−3)糊化后黏度大于50 cP,具有稳定的增稠作用;高取代度交联AS(DS≥0.8×10−3)糊化后黏度在50 cP以下,增稠能力弱,具有类似脂肪的外观和质地。研究表明,反应pH和膨胀抑制剂Na2SO4的浓度是调节籽粒苋淀粉反应速率的有效手段,且交联籽粒苋淀粉的增稠能力较弱,但黏度稳定性好、抗剪切能力强,在作为脂肪替代物应用方面具有潜在价值。


以籽粒苋为原料,研究籽粒苋淀粉的理化性质,并与籽粒苋全粉进行比较。结果表明籽粒苋全粉颗粒大小不一,形状不规则,表面不光滑,而籽粒苋淀粉颗粒形状规则,表面光滑,排列有序。籽粒苋全粉和淀粉的糊化特性曲线相差不大,糊化度较低,糊化温度范围分别为66.3~80.0℃和65.5~80.0℃。籽粒苋全粉和籽粒苋淀粉均表现为典型的A型晶体结构,但籽粒苋淀粉较籽粒苋全粉结构更加紧密,具有较高的结晶度。  相似文献   

马铃薯抗性淀粉理化性质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以马铃薯原淀粉为对照,研究了纤维素酶-压热法制备的马铃薯抗性淀粉的理化性质。结果表明,马铃薯原淀粉颗粒呈椭球形,表面光滑;而抗性淀粉的颗粒状结构消失,形成了连续的致密结构,表面不再光滑。红外光谱分析表明,抗性淀粉分子中未出现新的基团,只较原淀粉形成了更多的氢键。马铃薯原淀粉的分子晶型为A型,整体结晶度为22.82%;抗性淀粉的分子晶型为B型,整体结晶度为29.64%。马铃薯抗性淀粉的溶解度、透明度远远低于原淀粉;膨润度、持水性优于原淀粉。抗性淀粉的沉降速度较快,沉降性比原淀粉强。原淀粉糊化温度为65.8 ℃,峰值黏度可达到10 770 mPa·s;而抗性淀粉其糊化温度高于95 ℃。  相似文献   

以玉米淀粉、木薯淀粉和马铃薯淀粉为对照,分析了凉薯淀粉的颗粒形貌及大小、溶解度、膨胀度和糊化特性等理化性质。结果表明:凉薯淀粉颗粒形状多为不规则多边形,少数为圆形,粒径范围为3~11μm,平均粒径为8μm,小于其他三种淀粉;溶解度和膨胀度比木薯淀粉和玉米淀粉高,比马铃薯淀粉低,且随温度升高,溶解度和膨胀度显著增大;糊化温度为80℃,高于其他三种淀粉,峰值黏度小于木薯、马铃薯淀粉,高于玉米淀粉,糊化热稳定性比其他三种淀粉强,回生能力比玉米、马铃薯淀粉强,比木薯淀粉弱;透明度较低,易凝沉,表观黏度较小,表现出剪切稀释现象,冻融稳定性较差;凝胶硬度、咀嚼性、黏聚性、黏附性远低于马铃薯、木薯淀粉,高于玉米淀粉,且凝胶弹性最低。  相似文献   

Tropical root crops, of which the sweet potato is an important representative, constitute an under exploited resource of developing countries. They can be used as food for both human and animal consumption and their starch is a source of industrial raw material. This review will consider recent reports on sweet potatoes, the physicochemical properties of their starches in comparison with other starches, and the possible causes of variation in these characteristics.  相似文献   

蜡质马铃薯淀粉是一种全新的商业化淀粉,本文首次对该淀粉的理化性质进行了研究。结果表明蜡质马铃薯淀粉的直链淀粉的含量极低(0.96%),低于蜡质玉米淀粉的直链淀粉的含量(3.79%);蛋白质及脂肪含量也低于普通马铃薯淀粉的蛋白质及脂肪含量。蜡质马铃薯淀粉的x射线衍射图谱属B型,其淀粉颗粒的大小和型态与普通马铃薯的淀粉无明显差异,但其小颗粒淀粉的比例较普通马铃薯的淀粉高。蜡质马铃薯淀粉的胀润度及淀粉糊的透明度均高于普通马铃薯的淀粉,远远高于木薯淀粉及蜡质玉米淀粉。虽然蜡质马铃薯淀粉的成糊温度与普通马铃薯淀粉及木薯淀粉的无明显差异,在水溶液中其淀粉糊的最高黏度也低于普通马铃薯淀粉,但在酸性及盐环境中蜡质马铃薯淀粉的最高黏度却大大高于普通马铃薯淀粉。由于其特殊的功能性质,可为食品领域内诸多产品的生产、开发提供新的选择,由于其高支链的特性,耐酸性、耐盐性能好、较低的糊化温度及高度的透明度,可生产出透明度极高、冻融稳定性好的高质量汤料、酱料及果酱类产品。由于其增稠稳定性能好,可替代烘焙奶油中胶体成分,带来成本的节约的可能性。由于其可提供高膨胀性能的特性,可为休闲膨化食品带来松脆的口感、光滑的外观、高度膨化的效果。  相似文献   

The viscoelastic properties of corn starch (CS) gels were more dependent on heating temperature, while the properties of whey protein isolate (WPI) gels were more dependent on pH. Thus heating temperature (75, 85, 95 °C) and pH (5, 7, 9) were varied to obtain a series of mixed gels with interesting viscoelastic properties. WPI gels showed extensive stress relaxation (SR) indicative of a highly transient network structure, while CS gels relaxed very little in 2000 s. Based on SR results, it appeared that CS/WPI mixed gels with 25 and 50% CS formed compatible network structures at 15% total solids only at pH 9. This supposition was supported by SEM microstructures obtained for dehydrated gels and a synergistic increase in the large‐strain fracture stress for these gels. Some synergy was also found for mixed gels at 30% total solids at pH 9, while at pH 7 the mixed gels seemed to contain separate additive WPI and CS networks unlike the case for pH 7 at 15% total solids. In both cases (15 and 30% total solids) the degree of elasticity of the mixed gels decreased as the WPI content increased. Mixed gels (CS:WPI = 0.5) at pH 9 showed increased fracture stress and fracture strain relative to the same gels at pH 7. This suggests that a unique chemical compatibility exists at pH 9 and results in gels that combine the elasticity of CS and the internal stress dissipation of WPI. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

不同酶切方式对乳清蛋白疏水性和乳化性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同的蛋白酶对乳清蛋白进行水解,考察了肽键断裂方式对乳清蛋白肽疏水性和乳化性的影响,以及乳清蛋白不同酶解产物的疏水性和乳化性的关系。结果表明:不同蛋白酶作用于乳清蛋白得到的水解产物疏水性不同,6种蛋白酶解液的疏水性均随水解度的增大而降低,其中以胰凝乳蛋白酶酶解液的疏水性下降的最慢。研究还发现,乳化性随着水解度增加而先升高后下降,以双酶复合酶解液最差。不同蛋白酶水解液的乳化性指数随疏水性指数的降低而升高,乳化性指数与疏水性氨基酸质量分数成正相关。  相似文献   

A protein dispersion blend of β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin was heat-denatured at pH 7.5, hydrolyzed by α-chymotrypsin and then acidified with glucono-δ-lactone to form gels at room temperature. Heat treatment induced the formation of whey protein polymers with high concentration of reactive thiol groups (37 μmol/g). The reactive thiol group concentration was reduced by half after 40 min enzymatic hydrolysis. It was further reduced after enzyme thermal deactivation. During acidification, the first sign of aggregation for hydrolyzed polymers occurred earlier than for non hydrolyzed polymers. Increasing the hydrolysis duration up to 30 min resulted in more turbid gels characterized by an open microstructure. Elastic and viscous moduli were both reduced, while the relaxation coefficient and the stress decay rate constants were increased by increasing the hydrolysis duration. After one week storage at 5 °C, the hardness of gels made from hydrolyzed polymers increased by more than 50%. The effect of polymer hydrolysis on acid-induced gelation is discussed in relation to the availability and reactivity of thiol groups during gel formation and storage.  相似文献   

Whey protein hydrolysates were generated at different total solids (TS) levels (50-300 g/l) using the commercially available proteolytic preparation Debitrase HYW20, while enzyme to substrate ratio, pH and temperature were maintained constant. Hydrolysis proceeded at a faster rate at lower TS reaching a degree of hydrolysis (DH) of 16.6% at 300 g TS/l, compared with a DH of 22.7% at 50 g TS/l after 6 h hydrolysis. The slower breakdown of intact whey proteins at high TS was quantified by gel-permeation HPLC. Reversed-phase (RP) HPLC of hydrolysate samples of equivalent DH (approximately 15%) generated at different TS levels indicated that certain hydrophobic peptide peaks were present at higher levels in hydrolysates generated at low TS. Sensory evaluation showed that hydrolysates with equivalent DH values were significantly (P < 0.0005) less bitter when generated at 300 g TS/l (mean bitterness score = 25.4%) than hydrolysates generated at 50 g TS/l (mean bitterness score = 39.9%). A specific hydrophobic peptide peak present at higher concentrations in hydrolysates generated at low TS was isolated and identified as beta-lactoglobulin f(43-57), a fragment having the physical and chemical characteristics of a bitter peptide.  相似文献   

为研究豌豆蛋白质酶解前后功能特性变化,利用Alcasase2.4L碱性蛋白酶对其限制性酶解,对酶解水解度动态变化、蛋白质回收率及酶解产物功能特性等方面进行研究。试验结果表明,Alcasase2.4L碱性蛋白酶能够有效酶解豌豆蛋白,蛋白质回收率可达84%,与豌豆原蛋白相比,在pH 2~12范围内,不同水解度的酶解产物溶解性均有明显改善,最高可达95%左右。5%水解度的酶解产物乳化性、乳化稳定性、起泡性和泡沫稳定性相比豌豆蛋白均较好,但随着酶解的进一步进行,其乳化和起泡特性均呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

The possibility of using mid-infrared spectroscopy for prediction of hydrolysis of whey protein was explored. Two different protein concentrations (5% and 8%) were trypsinated at different enzyme-to-substrate ratios (1:100 and 1:200) and followed over time (0–8 h). Degree of hydrolysis was determined by use of a fluorescamine assay, whereas size exclusion chromatography (SEC) was used to quantify the loss of intact protein. The results show spectral changes as hydrolysis proceeded over time. Increased absorbance intensities in the region from 1588 to 1540 cm−1 as well as increased absorbance intensities around 1400 cm−1 were observed with increasing hydrolysis. These changes were assigned to formation of primary amines as well as an increase in carboxyl groups as hydrolysis proceeded. As the level of free amino terminals correlates with spectral changes, infrared spectroscopy is a promising tool for prediction of degree of hydrolysis of whey proteins.  相似文献   

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