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Each year, corrosion of concrete results in billions of dollars' worth in damage. Cinnamaldehyde, a bioactive agent, can mitigate the corrosion of metals and potentially protect rebar within concrete. However, it cannot be incorporated into concrete during mixing since it negatively effects the hydration reaction between cement and water. To avoid these undesirable effects while keeping anti-corrosive properties in a cementitious mixture, an innovative approach through the use of Lightweight Aggregate (LWA) was taken. The experimental cinnamaldehyde-LWA mortar showed reduced compressive strength, heat evolution, and rebar pullout bond stress, but promising results regarding chloride threshold level and sorptivity.  相似文献   

The combined effect of inelastic buckling and chloride induced corrosion damage on low-cycle high amplitude fatigue life of embedded reinforcing bars in concrete is investigated experimentally. A total of forty-eight low-cycle fatigue tests on corroded reinforcing bars varied in percentage mass loss, strain amplitudes and buckling lengths are conducted. The failure modes and crack propagation are investigated by fractography of fracture surfaces using scanning electron microscope. The results show that the inelastic buckling, percentage mass loss and nonuniform corrosion pattern are the main parameters affecting the low-cycle fatigue life of reinforcing bars. It was found that the fatigue life of corroded reinforcing bars combined with inelastic buckling has a significant path dependency. The results show that in some cases the number of cycles to failure of corroded bars under constant amplitude fatigue test is increased.  相似文献   

Reinforced concrete prisms with varying surface conditions (sealed, partially sealed, and unsealed) and curing environments (in air and submerged in water) were used to vary the oxygen concentration in laboratory experiments. The experiment results (current rate and half-cell potential) of these tests were used to establish the time-dependent influence of oxygen concentration on passive film formation and corrosion of the reinforcement steel embedded in concrete under various defined conditions. It was found that the adequate availability of free oxygen during the initial curing stage is crucial for the proper formation of the passive layer. This suggests ways to improve passive layer development, and thus the durability of reinforced concrete structures, through the use of curing procedures that control both moisture and oxygen availability.  相似文献   

The influence of phosphate as a corrosion inhibitor on the corrosion behavior of as-received and pre-rusted reinforcing steels in mortar specimens was investigated after 360 days exposure in 3.5% NaCl solution. This involved the use of electrochemical techniques for studying the steel surface reactions and microscopic observations of the steel–mortar interface. The electrochemical methods, including electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and measurements of corrosion potential (Ecorr) and linear polarization resistance (LPR), were employed to evaluate the corrosion tendency and general corrosion rate of steel. In addition, the pitting corrosion resistance of steel was also determined by cyclic polarization (CP) measurements. The results indicate that different from nitrite, which is generally accepted as an anodic inhibitor, phosphate may be a cathodic inhibitor according to its reduced corrosion rate and more negative Ecorr at the same dosage as nitrite in mortar specimens. The study also reveals that the inhibiting efficiency of phosphate against general corrosion of both as-received and pre-rusted specimens is lower than 10%, which is inferior to nitrite in some respects. However, as indicated by cyclic polarization measurements, the presence of phosphate provides slightly higher pitting corrosion resistance in comparison to nitrite. Furthermore, it suggests that the corrosion inhibition mechanism of phosphate in mortars mainly depends on a dual effect occurring at the steel–mortar interface. Furthermore, it is confirmed that phosphate has little effect on the long-term mechanical properties of mortars.  相似文献   

In the 2001 completely revised version of DIN 1045‐1 for the first time an explicit proof against fatigue, more a fatigue analysis, have been published. A limit on the fatigue strength at two million cycles, as it was formerly common in civil engineering, is no longer in use. The influence of corrosion on the fatigue behaviour has been investigated insufficiently. It is thus not satisfyingly clarified. To fill this gap of knowledge, a research program was launched, in which fatigue tests at steel samples with a diameter of 16 mm were performed under going corrosion. The fatigue behaviour of the reinforcing steel was determined for four different corrosive media. The aim of the investiagtions was to show that the SN lines, which are the result of the fatigue tests, have exposure caused very different patterns. On the other hand it is examined, whether crack initiation and crack growth of the steel specimen can be recorded separately from each other. Therefore, different testing methods for crack detection were used. They differ especially with respect to their methodology. The article briefly describes the use of the testing methods for crack detection, explains the fatigue tests with the different corrosive liquids and discusses the test results.  相似文献   

Spray drying is commonly used to manufacture food and dairy powders at industrial scale. Bioactive peptides, as hydrolysis products from various food proteins, are gaining interest due to their biological functionality including immunomodulation, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. This article reviews several bioactive peptides/hydrolysates from different food sources, focusing on their processing and final powder characteristics. Additionally, we propose a strategy for encapsulation of food peptide/hydrolysate via spray drying. The identification of suitable drying parameters and/or formulation could help overcome the limitations associated with the current processing of food peptides.  相似文献   

本文通过对大量的单组份有机化合物和无机化合物的筛选,选出了肉桂醛这种缓蚀效果较好的化合物作为缓蚀剂,对其进行热力学研究,并分别绘制出不同温度下肉桂醛的吸附等温曲线,肉桂醛在金属铝表面的吸附符合Langmuir吸附规律,分析不同温度下对于肉桂醛缓蚀性能的作用,分别获得了吸附系数、焓变、熵变和自由能变的热力学参数。通过实验得出肉桂醛缓蚀剂的吸附过程是熵值减少的放热过程,随着温度的升高自由能逐渐变大,同时缓蚀率也随之降低。  相似文献   

In this research, the properties of lightweight geopolymer concrete containing aggregate from recycle lightweight block were studied. The recycle block was crushed and classified as fine, medium and coarse aggregates. The compressive strength and density with various liquid alkaline/ash ratios, sodium silicate/NaOH ratios, NaOH concentrations, aggregate/ash ratios and curing temperatures were tested. In addition, porosity, water absorption, and modulus of elasticity were determined. Results showed that the lightweight geopolymer blocks with satisfactory strength and density could be made. The 28-day compressive strength of 1.0–16.0 MPa, density of 860–1400 kg/m3, water absorption of 10–31% and porosity of 12–34%, and modulus of elasticity of 2.9–9.9 GPa were obtained. It can be used as lightweight geopolymer concrete for wall and partition.  相似文献   

Recently, substantial interest has developed in using fine lightweight aggregate for internal curing in concrete. Mixture proportion development for these mixtures requires the specific gravity, water absorption, and water desorption characteristics of the aggregate. This paper presents results from a recent study in which the properties of commercially available expanded shale, clay and slate lightweight aggregates (LWA’s) were measured. This research measured the time-dependent water absorption response for the lightweight aggregate. The results indicate that a wide range of 24 h water absorption values exist for commonly used fine lightweight aggregates (e.g., absorption between 6% and 31%). Desorption was measured and it was found that between 85% and 98% of the 24 h absorbed water is released at humidities greater than 93%. These properties can be normalized so that they can be efficiently used in proportioning concrete for internal curing. Normalized plots of absorption and desorption demonstrate benefits for a single function that describes a large class of expanded shale, clay, and slate aggregate for use in internal curing.  相似文献   

The use of carbon fiber wastes (FC) as a component to manufacture lightweight aggregates (LWAs) for concrete has been studied. Amounts of 0, 2.5, 5 and 10% (w/w) of powdered FC were added into a mineral matrix composed by 90% of granite-marble sludge (COR) plus 10% of sepiolite rejection (SEP). The mixtures were milled, kneaded with water, extruded, shaped into pellets, oven-dried and finally fired at 1100, 1125 and 1150 °C for 4, 8 and 16 min in a rotary kiln. The main technological properties of the sintered aggregates were measured. The addition of FC promoted bloating and the formation of an internal structure in which both pores and unburnt carbon fibers were present. Improvements in lightness and mechanical properties were also observed. This is the first time that carbon fibers have been embedded within aggregates, opening the way to the development of a new type of LWAs for concrete.  相似文献   

A novel process is proposed for the utilization of lignite combustion solid residues in the production of inflammable lightweight aggregates (LWA). The process consists of two stages, pelletization and sintering, and carbon contained in BA was used as the process fuel. The main residues bottom ash (BA) and fly ash (FA) from Megalopolis power plant were characterized, mixed in different proportions and treated through pelletization and sintering process. Sintering benefits from combustion of BA carbon content and the product is a hardened porous cake. The energy required for achievement of high temperatures, in the range of 1250 °C, was offered by carbon combustion and CO2 evolution is responsible for porous structure formation. Selected physical properties of sintered material relevant to use as lightweight aggregates were determined, including bulk density, porosity and water absorption. Bulk density varies from 0.83 to 0.91 g/cm3, porosity varies from 60% to 64% and water absorption varies from 66% to 80%. LWA formed is used for the production of lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC). Thermal conductivity coefficient varies from 0.25 to 0.37 W/mK (lower than maximum limit 0.43 W/mK) and compressive strength varies from 19 to 23 MPa (higher than minimum limit 17 MPa). The results indicate that sintering of lignite combustion residues is an efficient method of utilization of carbon containing BA and production of LWA for structural and insulating purposes. Carbon content of BA is a key factor in LWA production. Finally, this research work comprises the first proposed application for utilization of BA in Greece.  相似文献   

Interest in developing bio-based self-healing cement-based materials has gained broader attention in the concrete community. One of challenges in developing bio-based self-healing cement-based materials is that cell death or insufficient metabolic activity might occur when the cells are inoculated to the cement paste. This paper investigates the use of internal nutrient reservoirs via pre-wetted lightweight fine expanded shale aggregates to improve cell viability in mortar. Incorporation of internal nutrient reservoirs resulted in an increase in the vegetative cells remaining without any substantial loss in strength. These results pave the way to develop a self-healing and self-curing concrete with an extended service life.  相似文献   

In an attempt to improve the properties, lightweight aggregates were produced from clay with the addition of Na2CO3, SiO2, Fe2O3, and Fe in quantities between 2 and 10 wt% and examined with respect to strength, density and expansion behavior. The additives were mixed into dry clay powder, water was added and pellets were formed by hand and fired at 1120 °C in a chamber furnace. Particle densities of the products ranged from 0.31 to 0.57 g/cm3, porosities from 78% to 89% and the solid strength from 0.54 to 1.58 MPa. The addition of Na2CO3 proved to decrease the viscosity of the glass phase at the surface of the pellets but resulted in a reduced expansion, irregular shape and pellets sticking together. SiO2 addition did not give any major change in properties. The addition of Fe2O3 increased the pore size in the center of the pellets, however with insignificant change in strength and density. Adding 5 wt% metallic iron powder led to LWA pellets with increased porosity, reduced density, larger pores and low mechanical strength and could be a useful additive in applications where low density is more important than strength.  相似文献   

介绍了双组分造纸助留增强剂的配方、制备方法、产品性能和应用情况。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the flow properties of lightweight self-consolidating concrete (LWSCC) which utilizes a new test relating aggregate flow to concrete flow. Three types of LWSCC were tested containing differing proportions of lightweight and normal weight, coarse and fine aggregates, as well as a normal weight self-consolidating concrete (NWSCC) as a control. The flow properties of the aggregate mixes used in the LWSCC and NWSCC specimens were tested using a V-funnel. The concrete flow properties were also tested for comparison, as were the compressive and tensile strengths of the various mixtures. A relationship between the aggregate frictional resistance and the traditional concrete flowability tests—i.e., slump flow, J-ring, and T500—was demonstrated. Compressive strengths were greater in LWSCC mixes that contained smaller sized coarse and normal weight aggregates. Finally, a design procedure is introduced that utilizes the aggregate frictional resistance, paste flow properties, and aggregate void ratio to predict the plastic properties of the concrete.  相似文献   

The bond behavior of lightweight self-consolidating concrete (LWSCC) must be understood in order to use this type of high performance concrete in structural members. The objective of this research program is to assess the bond behavior of reinforcing steel bars embedded in LWSCC members. Three different classes of LWSCC mixtures were developed with two different types of lightweight aggregates. In addition, one normal weight SCC (NWSCC) was developed and used as a control mixture. A total of twenty four pullout tests were conducted on deformed reinforcing bars with an embedded length of either 100 or 200 mm and the load-slip responses, failure modes and bond strengths of LWSCC and NWSCC were compared. Based on the results of this study, the bond strength of deformed bars for LWSCCs are found to be less (between 16 and 38%) as compared with NWSCC. Under the conditions of equivalent workability properties and compressive strength, bond slip properties were shown to be significantly influenced by the type of lightweight aggregate used. In this study, the use of expanded shale in the production of LWSCC significantly enhanced the pullout strength when compared with lightweight slag aggregate.  相似文献   

The paper presents and evaluates the results of a coordinated testing of prefabricated, lightly reinforced walls of lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure. The coordinated testing covers all wall productions in Denmark and will therefore provide a representative assessment of the quality actually produced. Existing and new formulas for the capacity are evaluated by comparison to the test results and a new model with a good correlation with the test results is presented.  相似文献   

五种船体结构钢在流动海水中的腐蚀行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究了5种船体结构钢在0~7.0m/s的海水中的腐蚀行为。结果表明,海水的流动对船体钢的腐蚀具有很大影响,1.5m/s的流速就会使腐蚀率产生数量级的增大,3.02m/s的流速就会导致显著的冲击腐蚀。无镍铬钢主要表现为迎水侧边的质量耗损,含镍铬钢主要表现为流线形沟纹和马蹄形坑。  相似文献   

This work is based on a dual approach of experiments and micromechanical modeling in order to characterize the failure behaviors of lightweight aggregate concretes (LWAC). Many classes of LWAC were tested, based on five families of lightweight aggregates (LWA) and three types of mortar matrices: normal, high performance (HP) and very high performance (VHP). Micromechanical modeling is based on an iterative homogenization approach and associated localization: local stress distributions during the uniaxial compression tests can be predicted in LWAC’s components and at their interface. Experimental compressive strengths were measured on manufactured 16 × 32 cm cylindrical specimens. The confrontations between micromechanical modeling and experiments were used to identify LWA’s failure strengths which are difficult to measure, and to quantify the inaccuracies related to conventional methods. These corrected values of LWA’s failure strength were introduced into a failure criterion modeling: associated predictions of LWAC’s compressive strength are in good agreement with the experimental measurements.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of heat treatment on oil palm shell (OPS) coarse aggregates are evaluated for high strength lightweight concrete (HSLWC). OPS coarse aggregates are subjected to heat treatment at two temperature settings (60 and 150 °C) and duration of heat treatment (0.5 and 1 h). The reduction in density is found to be within the range of HSLWC when heat-treated OPS aggregates are added into the oil palm shell concrete (OPSC). The results reveal that workability of the OPSC increases with an increase in temperature and duration of heat treatment of the OPS aggregates. It is found that the maximum achievable 28-days and 90-days compressive strength is 49 and 52 MPa, respectively. Furthermore, the ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) is examined and the results showed that a good condition is achieved for the OPS HSLWC at the age of 3 days. The average modulus of elasticity (i.e. (E) value), is found to be 15.9 GPa for all mixes, which is higher than that reported in previous studies and is within the range of normal weight concrete. Hence, the findings of this study are of primary importance as they reveal that the selection of a suitable temperature and duration of heat treatment for OPS aggregates can be used as a new eco-friendly alternative method to enhance HSLWC.  相似文献   

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