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The purpose of the present work was to develop a tool for the assessment of the Food Safety and Quality Management Systems (FSQMSs) applied in 75 (68% participation rate) micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of the fresh-cut produce sector. Initially, a diagnostic quantitative questionnaire was constructed. The design and the implementation of this questionnaire were influenced by the SMEs business environment. The most common certified FSQMS was according to ISO 22000:2005 (N = 54). Twenty-eight SMEs had primary production in their process. Using factor analysis with the principal components method, six factors (PCF) were extracted that explained 67% of the total information of the FSQMSs performance. The six factors were ‘shelf life validation’, ‘prerequisites’, ‘product labeling’, ‘sanitation facilities’, ‘packaging’ and ‘deviation control’. The quartiles of the PCF scores may be used as cut-offs for a simple SMEs classification (poor, moderate, good and excellent). The proposed tool and overall methodology can be used by an SME to provide the ‘Best Practice Score’ for the FSQMSs. It will also be an input in management review for deciding opportunities of FSQMS improvement.  相似文献   

As the drilling environment became more challenging nowadays, managing equivalent circulating density (ECD) is a key factor to minimize non-productive time (NPT) due to many drilling obstacles such as stuck pipe, formation fracturing, and lost circulation. The goal of this work was to predict ECD prior to drilling by using artificial neural network (ANN). Once ECD is recognized, the crucial drilling variables impact ECD can be modified to control ECD within the acceptable ranges. Data from over 2000 wells collected worldwide were used in this study to create an ANN to predict ECD prior to drilling. Into training, validation, and testing sets, the data were splitted. 70% of the data utilized for training, the other part used for validation and testing to avoid overfitting and create a generalized network that can perform well on new data. Based on the mean square of error (MSE), a decision was made to have one hidden layer with twelve neurons, this scenario was selected since it gave the lowest MSE among other scenarios. Multiple training functions were tested to train the network, Bayesian regularization (BR) algorithm was chosen from the other algorithms since it had the lowest MSE and the highest R-squared. After optimizing the weights and biases, the results revealed that the created network has the ability to estimate ECD with an overall R-squared of 0.982, which is very high. This result gives an indication that the created network can predict ECD prior to drilling globally within a very small margin of error. Due to the availability of large historical data sets in the petroleum industry, the ANN can be used to make better future decisions to minimize NPT and the cost of drilling.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the amount of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables from South America. A total of 724 samples of 46 different fruits and vegetables from eight South American countries were collected in 2007. In 19% of the samples no residues were found, 72% of samples contained pesticide residues at or below MRL, and 8.4% of samples contained pesticide residues above MRL. Thiabendazole, imazalil and chlorpyrifos were the pesticide most frequently found. Thirty-seven pesticides were found with frequencies higher that 1% in the samples. The results emphasize the need for continuous monitoring of pesticide residues, especially in imported fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

In February 2014, the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission adopted rules to directly regulate methane and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions from oil and gas sources.  相似文献   

Currently distributed generation (DG) solar power is more expensive than fossil fuel sources. Nevertheless, its use has been mandated through renewable portfolio standards (RPS) programs at many utilities; other portions of RPS programs mandate large utility-scale ground mount solar fields. This article considers the technical and economic drivers and barriers to large-scale implementation of distributed photovoltaics (PV), and presents some suggestions of how the viability of DG solar power can be accelerated. Combined with current developments and trajectories, these cost-reduction strategies have the potential to reduce solar costs to be competitive with coal and possibly natural gas over the next 5–10 years.  相似文献   

A new sensitive, selective and accurate method to determine 17 quinolone and 14 β-lactam antibiotic residues in raw cow milk samples has been validated. The method is based on the extraction of the antibiotics by ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) followed by a clean-up step using a dispersive solid-phase extraction (d-SPE) sorbent. Experimental designs have been used for extraction and clean-up optimization. The extraction solvent selected was a mixture of acetonitrile/methanol/McIlvaine buffer solution (60:25:15; v/v/v) at pH 6. A volume of 15 mL of this extraction solvent was added to freeze-dried milk samples and the mixtures were sonicated during 20 min at 70% amplitude. The extracts were further cleaned-up with PSA (primary-secondary amine) sorbent and analysed by UHPLC-ESI(+)-MS/MS. Cincophen and piperacillin were used as surrogates for quinolones and β-lactams, respectively. The method was validated according to European Directive 2002/657/EC and FDA guideline. Recovery rates ranged from 96.0% to 104.5%. The limits of quantification of the method ranged from 0.3 to 2.0 ng g−1, while inter- and intra-day variability was under 7.1% in all cases. The method was applied to the determination of selected antibiotics in 28 raw cow milk samples. A percentage of 28% of the samples were positive in any of the studied antibiotics, however, only 11% were considered non-compliant with the current European Union legislation (Commission Regulation 37/2010).  相似文献   

Despite the high value of decapod crustaceans, relatively little research has focused on assessing the transparency in the marketing of these species. This study represents the first comprehensive evaluation of the quality of labelling, and the extent of mislabelling, of decapod crustacean products on the South African market. Data collected through surveys of supermarkets and seafood shops in three provinces (KwaZulu-Natal [KZN], Western Cape [WC] and Gauteng [GP]), indicated that the large majority of domestically available crustacean products were imported, but that 18% of these failed to comply with locally applicable country of origin labelling regulations. Voluntary information relating to the scientific name, production method (wild caught or farmed), and capture method of the species was supplied more frequently in supermarkets than in seafood shops, more frequently in the WC and GP than in KZN, and more frequently on shrimp products than on crab and lobster products. DNA sequencing of 77 products collected from the surveyed outlets revealed that 24 (31%) were misrepresented in some way. Species misrepresentations were most pronounced for shrimps, with Litopenaeus vannamei and Pleoticus muelleri being confirmed as the most common substitute species. One shrimp product was found to contain at least three different species, none of which matched the declared species, whereas a product labelled as crab turned out to be a member of the phylum Mollusca rather than the subphylum Crustacea. Overall, these findings demonstrate that the misrepresentation of crustaceans is commonplace on the South African market, signalling the need for a revision of the current seafood labelling and traceability legislation, as well as monitoring and enforcement efforts.  相似文献   

Addressing public concern about natural gas development requires substantially more effort from companies.  相似文献   

Alumina-supported metal nanocatalysts were prepared via the microwave method, by loading nano Ni particles (at 1, 3 and 5 wt%) or nano Pt particles (at 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 wt%). Structural and adsorption features of the nano catalysts were revealed through XRD, DSC-DTA, TEM, H2-chemisorption and N2-physisorption. N2-adsorption–desorption isotherms of type IV were related typically to mesoporous materials with H2 class of hysteresis loops characterizing ink bottle type of pores. The well dispersed nano-sized metal particles were evidenced in the studied catalytic systems, exhibiting marked thermal stability up to 800 °C. The catalytic performances of different catalyst samples were assessed during cyclohexane, normal hexane and ethanol conversions, using the micro-catalytic pulse technique at different operating conditions. The 5% Ni–γ–Al2O3 sample was found to be the most active in dehydration of ethanol to produce ethylene, as well as in n-hexane cracking. However, the 1% Ni–Al2O3 sample showed the highest dehydrogenation activity for selective production of benzene from cyclohexane. On the other hand, the 0.9% Pt–γ–Al2O3 sample exhibited the highest activity in the dehydration of ethanol and in the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane. The 0.3% Pt–γ–Al2O3 sample was the most active in the dehydrocyclization of normal hexane, as compared to the other catalyst samples under study.  相似文献   

In 2006, CNPC has cumulatively fulfilled more than 20 billion dollars of electric purchase (e-purchase), 1/4 of the gross material purchase of the company and 108% of the purchasing target of tile whole year. The purchase in exploration and development, oil refining and chemicals is fidfilled well. CNPC now owns mere than 3,100 internet-suppliers and has supplied more than 200,000 material products of close to 60 categories so far. Among them, 501 suppliers use e-purchase systems to supply more than 170,000 type Ⅰ material products of 13 big categories. 76 middle categories, and 313 small categories, while 2,598 use e-market systems to supply 30,000 type Ⅱ material products of 59 big categories and 1,800 mid-small categories. The statistics show that the e-purchase of CNPC takes up 1/4 of the total material procurement of the company and the secondary e-procurement occupies more than 50% of the total. CNPC therefore comes out at the top of the major petroleum cornpanies in China and also remains at high level in the world.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at evaluating the growth of Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, and Listeria spp. and studying the efficacy of Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) irradiation, acidic electrolyzed (AEW) and neutral electrolyzed (NEW) waters in the reduction of these bacteria on ‘Rocha’ pear. Fresh-cut pieces were inoculated and incubated at 4–20 °C for 8 days. Inoculated pears were treated with UV-C (2.5–10 kJ/m2), AEW, NEW and sodium hypochlorite (SH) and microbiological and quality parameters were evaluated. The three bacteria, inoculated at 6.1–6.2 log cfu/g, grew on the pear at high growth rates at 12 and 20 °C reaching populations of 8.1–8.6 log cfu/g, in 24 h. At 8 °C the microorganisms increased their populations by at least 1 log cfu/g in three days. At 4 °C adaptation phases of less than 24 h for Listeria spp. were measured before exponential growth occurred and the enterobacteria did not grow despite having survived for 8 days. AEW and NEW caused microbial reductions similar to SH, of approximately 1 log cfu/g, while the best UV-C dose (7.5 kJ/m2) of at least 2.4 log cfu/g. Fresh-cut pears were a good substrate for foodborne bacteria emphasizing the importance of preventing contaminations and cross contaminations. The UV-C was more effective than the chemical decontaminations, as it provided superior microbial reductions without greatly affecting the quality of pears.  相似文献   

Although the Fukushima nuclear accident (FNA) in 2011 led to strong public anxiety about radioactive contamination of foods, the most appropriate way to communicate this risk has been poorly researched. We sought to design, develop, evaluate, and optimize an effective risk communication (RC) tool for food consumers after the FNA. To design this tool, a classical systematic qualitative research framework that consisted of formative evaluation, development of a pilot RC tool, and outcome evaluation was applied. The formative evaluation consisted of focus group interview (FGI) with food consumers: its aim was to identify the major risk messages. Due to the low knowledge base of the food consumers and the absence of a credible existing information source, a pilot RC tool was developed. An educational book was selected as the most effective RC vehicle. The FGI results were reflected in the content of the book, which was presented in a ‘frequently asked questions and answers’ format. To ensure ready comprehensibility of the book, the scientific words were paraphrased and visual aids were employed. To ensure credibility of the RC, evidence supporting its statements was provided and it was made clear that the RC was a collaborative message from multiple risk communicators (consumer organizations, government bodies, and academia). Outcome evaluation with a consumer survey showed that the RC tool effectively increased the knowledge base of food consumers and relieved their anxieties. This study suggests that in the event of another nuclear accident, food safety RCs should meet the following key requirements: 1) the RC should send a clear message that reassures food consumers that the fatal risk is well controlled, which will reduce public fear and outrage; 2) the RC should improve the knowledge base of food consumers about food safety by providing appropriate education; and 3) the RC should be produced via multi-institutional cooperation so that the credibility of risk communicators is rebuilt. Our results may help the planning of an effective radiological RC strategy for food consumers, thereby preventing misunderstandings and relieving food consumers of unnecessarily severe anxiety.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the applicability of Quillaja saponaria extract (QSE) and Nα-lauroyl-l-arginine ethyl ester (LAE) as antimicrobial wash water additives in fresh-cut lettuce processing. Antibacterial activities of LAE and QSE against selected strains of the foodborne pathogens Salmonella enterica, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Listeria monocytogenes were examined in vitro. Minimum inhibitory concentrations determined by broth microdilution assay demonstrated that LAE exhibited a strong antimicrobial activity with MICs between 4 and 32 μg/mL against all tested strains, whereas QSE showed a weaker antimicrobial activity with MICs >512 μg/mL. On a pilot-plant scale, the effects of warm water washing at 45 °C for 120 s with and without 40 mg/L QSE or 100 mg/L LAE as well as cold water washing at 4 °C for 120 s with QSE or LAE, respectively, of shredded endive (Cichorium endivia L.) were investigated regarding microbiological and sensory quality as well as physiological properties. Samples were analyzed for headspace O2 and CO2 levels, phenylalanine-ammonia-lyase activity and contents of nitrite and nitrate during nine days of cold storage at 4 °C. By analogy to its antimicrobial effect against the foodborne pathogens in vitro, LAE allowed up to 4 log10 cfu/mL reduction of the microbial load in the washing water of the pilot plant, and might therefore reduce cross-contamination while saving water. The addition of LAE to warm washing water impaired sensory properties of fresh-cut endive during storage, which was predicted by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging analyses. QSE treatment combined with warm water washing best retained sensory appearance throughout our study, being possibly suitable for the production of premium products.  相似文献   

Di Haifeng 《中国油气》2005,12(2):52-54
E-commerce is known as the most advanced business mode, being the new point for global economic growth in 21 century. Comparing to the traditional purchase mode, E-commerce is available for reducing the purchasing cost and improving the working efficiency, thus lifting the whole benefit for the company through centralized purchasing. On entering the new era, the two giant oil companies in China, PetroChina and Sinopec have actively launched E-commerce one after the other in order to realize …  相似文献   

Analysis of Environment for Development of Oil Refining Business in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This articles focuses on analysis of the changing trend relating to crude supply and petroleum products demand inside China, while introducing the preliminary progress resulted from restructuring of China's refining industry and dynamics of competition among Chinese refining enterprises. This article has made a preliminary judgment and analysis on the situation facing China's refining industry and may serve as a reference to refiners intending to develop refining business inside China.  相似文献   

The proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR), the synchronous fluorescence spectrometry (SFS) and the ruthenium ions catalyzed oxidation (RICO) method were used to determine the chemical structure of polyaromatic nucleus in Oman residue fractions. The results of 1H-NMR analyses showed that the average numbers of aromatic rings in the aromatics, resins and asphaltenes units were 3.2, 5.6 and 8.2, respectively. SFS was used to investigate the distribution of aromatic rings in residue fractions, the main distribution range of aromatic rings in aromatics, resins and asphaltenes were 3 4 rings, 3--5 rings and more than 5 rings, respectively. The aromatic network in residue fractions was oxidized to produce numerous carboxylic acids. The types and content of benzenepolycarboxylic acids, such as phthalic acid, benzenetricarboxylic acids, benzenetetracarboxylic acids, benzenepentacarboxylic acid and benzenehexacarboxylic acid disclosed the condensed types of aromatic nuclei in the core. The biphenyl fraction (BIPH), the cata-condensed fraction (CATA), the peri-condensed fraction (PERI) and the condensed index (BCI) were calculated based on the benzenepolycarboxylic acids formed. The results implied that there was less biphenyl type structures in all residue fractions. The aromatics fraction was almost composed of the cata-condensed type system, and the asphaltenes fraction was wholly composed of the peri-condensed type system, while in the resins fraction co-existed the two types, herein the peri-con- densed type was predominant over the cata-condensed type. Based on the analytical results obtained in the study, the components --aromatics, resins and asphaltenes -- were given the likely structural models.  相似文献   

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